The devil is coming

Chapter 907 The fourth mother gives birth

Chapter 907 The fourth mother gives birth
All drowned.
Nian Yao took a deep breath,
A smile appeared on his face,
"That's because they are not lucky enough to be able to enter the capital and see the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor of Dayan."
"Perhaps this is because things in the world are unpredictable. You should express your condolences."
"Yes, the slave understands."
The emperor is gone,
Eunuch Wei followed him.
The senior manager sat back, silently picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and continued eating, but he ate less food and drank more wine.
The emperor who returned to the imperial study took a cup of tea from Eunuch Wei and took two sips.
Outside, Eunuch Huang has been waiting for a long time;
But the emperor did not rush to call him in.
Wei Zhonghe stood respectfully beside him. The longer he served the new emperor, the more Eunuch Wei felt like he had gone back to the past.
in fact,
Everyone in the inner palace was a little surprised.
The saying that one emperor and one court minister is actually not so straightforward for foreign ministers, and they have to pay attention to transition and tolerance, but for internal ministers, it is an incomparable reality.
After all, foreign ministers have to pay attention to their appearance. Internal ministers, as domestic slaves, actually have many differences between master and servant.
But Eunuch Wei, even if he is retained during the transition period for the new king, it has been too long, right?
Eunuch Zhang who came out of the dormitory was sent out to do errands;
In fact, only Wei Zhonghe knew in his heart that he, his servant, and His Majesty were becoming more and more compatible.
The new king sat on the dragon chair. He used to be Xiao's father, but now, he often feels in a trance, as if the late emperor has not passed away yet and is still sitting there reviewing the papers.
As for me, as a slave who had served the late emperor for most of his life, when he cooperated with the new emperor, he became more and more familiar with each other and became accustomed to each other.
Now that you are used to it, there is no need to replace it.
However, Eunuch Wei was not so complacent that he was "still favored";
Since ancient times, the status of internal servants has always been when the emperor is weak or soft-tempered and easy to fool, but his two masters are both very discerning masters. Those who are slaves can only be slaves. Pour a glass You also have to be careful with water.
The emperor put down the book in his hand,
He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows;
Wei Zhonghe immediately took out the "Awakening Dew" and sent it to the emperor.
The emperor looked at the Xingshen Dew produced in Jindong and saw that it was useless, but smiled.
"Your Majesty, why are you laughing?"
The emperor is lonely, but the emperor is also a human being, and the emperor also needs to talk, and the servants around you know clearly when the emperor wants to talk, you have to go up and say something.
"I'm just laughing. The man named Zheng actually handed over Nian Yao's wife and children. This guy has never changed. He has always been so petty.
To be honest, my queen and concubine are not as difficult to take care of as him.
at least,
They dare not show shame to me,
But this person named Zheng dares.
And not once, twice or three times. When he took the opportunity, he felt uncomfortable and didn't bother to listen to my explanation, so he just threw a rag in my face to greet me. "
Eunuch Wei followed the emperor's tone and smiled:
"This shows that Prince Pingxi really regards you as his closest person."
"Closer than my wife?"
"Uh..." Eunuch Wei.
Although this trend has always existed in Jin region,
But in Dayan's palace, Eunuch Wei did not dare to go in that direction to make fun of him.
In Dayan,
You make fun of the Emperor and Prince Pingxi. These two most stalwart beings in the Yan Dynasty are the opposite of Long Yang. They are really old people eating arsenic.
There are some words that the emperor himself can say, well, Prince Pingxi can say, but if an outsider says even a few words, it is still a dead word.
The emperor shook his head,
"The literati in the Qian Kingdom like to talk about the relationship between the emperor and his ministers. The emperor is the emperor, the ministers are the ministers and concubines, and the ministers and concubines serve the emperor;
Haha, this sounds a bit gross, but it can be regarded as pointing out the essence of the relationship between monarch and minister.
But here I am,
Especially me and Zheng Fan,
I always feel like who is the one in the house? "
"He was fighting outside, and I was raising food and fodder for him at home. After he finished the war, when he came back, he would lie down in his palace and do the limelight thing at his whim. He would do whatever he needed. A lot of energy-consuming and wasteful things are all left to me to take care of?
Straight bitch,
In the heart of that person named Zheng, I am afraid that I have been regarded as the aunt who manages the house from a long time ago. "
Eunuch Wei's face was expressionless and he didn't even dare to add modal particles.
"Eunuch Wei."
"The slave is here."
"I once asked you what level the Phoenix Nest Guards would receive if they were to pick someone up in the capital. Your answer to me was that it is possible for those below the third level, but there is no chance for those above the third level.
The fact that Nian Yao is still alive in my Dayan Palace is not a secret in itself.
So, you say Nian Yao’s family members are in Yingdu, what kind of caregivers are they? "
"Your Majesty, this servant was shocked when he learned the news."
"This is not to mention that our Secret Spy Department is outside and is far less established than the Silver Armored Guards and Fengchao Internal Guards. Well, of course, I understand the reason for this situation. In the early years, our Secret Spy Department was because of With the weakening of imperial power and the numerous local clans, it was only during the reign of Emperor Father that the Secret Intelligence Service completely let go of its fists. Just like doing business, if you want to expand this stall in the early stage, you must have a step-by-step approach. the process of.
Wei Zhonghe began to sweat on his forehead and immediately knelt down.
"My servant is not strict with me, and I am guilty!"
"Tsk..." The emperor sighed, "Wei Zhonghe, I haven't finished speaking yet. You need to get up first."
Eunuch Wei stood up again.
There is no way, Qin Se is too harmonious. Some processes are not omitted intentionally, but because they know it well, they naturally forget about it.
"So, I can understand that the Secret Service is currently inferior to the Silver Armored Guards and the Phoenix Nest Guards. I am not an eager master.
But what I cannot allow is,
I was sold out stupidly, and I was still happily counting money.
What is even more unacceptable is that
You even complacently wrote a note here to ask for credit from me! "
Eunuch Wei knelt down again,
Said again:
"My servant is not strict with me, and I am guilty!"
"Wei Zhonghe, don't blame Zheng Zhezi for saying that the Secret Intelligence Department is not good, nor do you blame him for excluding the Secret Intelligence Department from Eastern Jin Dynasty. What can you do to me if these losers do such a thing? Reasons and excuses for saying that?”
"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."
"Nian Yao's people are all here with me. What's the point of keeping this orphan and widower around? Why don't you just be a favor and send it over? Anyway, Chu State will not lose.
Well, if the loss reaches the point where it is impossible to lose again, it can indeed be called no loss. "
Speaking of which,
The emperor lowered his head slightly,
Looking at Wei Zhonghe kneeling there,
asked in a low voice:
"Eunuch Wei."
"The slave is here."
"Did you give the order to rescue Nian Yao's wife and children?"
"I don't dare, Your Majesty. I'm wronged. I don't dare!"
The emperor looked at Wei Zhonghe and said nothing.
After Wei Zhonghe finished shouting his injustice, he began to say:
"But slave, slave did find out. It was the people below who figured out the holy will and decided on their own. After slave found out, he didn't stop it."
"To figure out the holy will?"
The emperor chewed on these four words,
With a glint in his eyes,
"They deserve it too!"
"I was just playing with Nian Yao. What's wrong? I just thought that I wanted to help the former Chu State general to fight with Prince Ping Xi?
Nian Yao, who was a serious general of Chu at that time, was defeated by Zheng Fan and fell from power;
Can Nian Yao stand up again without Luan Zi?
Has he achieved enlightenment?
Was he enlightened?
Did he become immortal and ascend?
If this is the case, then it would be really easy to become a famous general. You just need to give yourself a knife. Or, wouldn't there be many famous generals in the palace of every country?
How stupid do they think I am?
To support an outsider, a defeated general, an eunuch,
A Chu man,
Come and compete with me, Prince Pingxi of Dayan!
After all, is this damn person praising Nian Yao?
Still insulted his surname Zheng! "
The emperor's anger was very strong,
Eunuch Wei knelt down;
The maids and eunuchs outside had already knelt down.
"The man from Chu State asked you to send Nian Yao's wife and children here just to see a joke, but the joke turned out to be true for him.
What pisses me off the most is,
That man surnamed Zheng knew that I couldn't be so stupid.
But he still handed the person over in a grand manner;
If he wanted to kill him, he could have done it in Eastern Jin;
Do not,
He won’t kill;
One is too lazy to kill;
The second is that he is lazy,
He just threw it to me,
Let me get my hands dirty! "
The emperor slapped the imperial desk.
"Wei Zhonghe, please let him go as an errand of the Secret Intelligence Department and hand it over to Lu Bing. I will give him three years. I want to see the results and tell him that I want him to issue a military order and show it to me!"
"Your Majesty..." Wei Zhonghe raised his head and looked at the emperor with some horror. He was a domestic slave and should not have offended his master. But Lu Bing already had a power in his hands. If he handed over the Secret Service to him, the emperor's eyes would Aren’t all ears controlled by Lu Bing alone?
The emperor drooped his eyelids and said,
"I just want to tell everyone in the world that I have broken the pot a long time ago. The method of checks and balances is bullshit. I have no intention of playing such a clever trick."
"Your Majesty is wise, I obey your order, I will immediately notify Lu Bing to hand over."
"Are you still blocking the cabinet issue?"
the emperor asked.
"Your Majesty, the response given by the ministers in the cabinet is that it may cause panic."
Basic reforms have been carried out, whether economic or political, but the emperor has more than that.
During the years when he was a prince, what he thought most about was how to further enrich the country and strengthen the army based on his father's legacy.
Neither the land of Yan nor the land of Jin could match the richness of the Qian Kingdom, but as long as the imperial court could muster more power at hand, it would be enough to overwhelm the behemoth of the Qian Kingdom, which had a vast land and abundant resources.
But when the reform reaches a deeper level, it will inevitably touch the interests of some people, and these people generally hold high positions and have extremely strong influence.
say nothing else,
In the years since Ma stepped on the family, whether in the court or locally, the shadow of the restoration of the power of the family has already existed.
Moreover, because of his father's violent actions, he directly wiped out all the major local forces in the country, causing some random grass to grow again.
Not only that,
It is time to clean up the win-win strategies implemented in the past to appease Jindi. There is no reason why the nobles in Yandi have been destroyed. The gentlemen in Jindi can continue to live a leisurely life on the "maintaining stability" book. ;
If you make a fuss, you deserve to be spanked. If you don't make a fuss, you'll get candy. This is wrong. The reason why I gave you candy to comfort you before was because I couldn't spare my hand to spank you.
After the destruction of the barbarian royal court, Dayan's forces began to penetrate deep into Beifeng County, and on the edge of the desert, they began to carry out the strategy of reforming the land and returning it to the people.
The first is to rely on the influence of Dayan and the forces that still exist in Zhenbei Houfu to reclassify and identify the desert tribes. At least, these barbarian tribes close to Dayan should be bathed in the glory of Dayan's benevolence. ;
At the same time, barbarian tribes began to absorb and migrate to the interior.
But this time, it’s not sent to Shandong. After all, the journey is far away...
After all, his eldest brother was the son-in-law of a barbarian tribe, so he sent him to Nanwang City to increase his strength.
The reform of the old order in Beifeng County must also be carried out. The originally complicated local forces must be cleared this time. To the west of Dayan, the original strategic fortress will be built into a Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall.
These are all grand and strategic plans, but every plan may cause turmoil, and too radical reforms will often trigger extremely strong backlash;
But for the emperor, what he wanted was that after five years, Dayan would have the strength to launch a war to destroy at least one country;
Instead of caring for the carrion and hoping that it will get better on its own, it is better to simply pick it out in one go and it will grow better in five years.
"Those senior ministers in the cabinet often manage a big country like cooking small dishes. They are afraid that if I am too enterprising, there will be chaos in the country, haha."
The emperor carelessly put his arms on the dragon chair behind him,
"Before, it was just hazy, but after sitting on this dragon chair, I can truly feel the essence of power. Wei Zhonghe, do you understand?"
" can this slave know this?"
"No, you know, you know."
"Your Majesty... I don't understand, I really don't understand, Your Majesty!"
"Do your godsons and grandsons dare not listen to you?"
"Your Majesty, this slave deserves to die. I will go back and reprimand them now. How dare you use the name of a slave..."
"Okay, okay, it's your custom to accept adopted sons and grandsons. I don't care about it. What I mean is, tell me, do they dare not listen to your ancestor?"
"They... don't dare to reply to His Majesty."
"Yes, they don't dare, because whoever doesn't listen to you, Wei Zhonghe, can order that blind thing to be killed with a stick."
When he heard the words "kill with a stick", Eunuch Wei's shoulders shook involuntarily.
"There are people in this world who are not afraid of death, I know that, but no one is born with the intention of dying.
It's the same as being an emperor,
It's the same thing.
Among the officials in the Qian Kingdom, this one is actually quite good. His father also said that he is one of the few officials in the Qian Kingdom who can get on the stage in the past few generations.
We outsiders can understand the problems of Qianguo. It makes no sense that the official himself is a fool, but he can only take his time, like a gourmet, cooking small delicacies one bite at a time. Grind slowly, think carefully about every step you take, and to put it bluntly, you have to look at the opinions of all parties in whatever you do, beg grandpa, sue grandma, tsk tsk.
But here we are,
My father, no need;
Because my father has two kings, the north and the south;
No need,
Because I have King Pingxi.
Send a message to the cabinet,
Those strategies that I have, hurry up and push them forward.
By the time,
If there is a disturbance in the local area, I will ask King Pingxi to go to the local area to quell the chaos;
If something goes wrong in the capital,
I will open the gate of the capital on my own,
Please ask King Pingxi to come to the capital to help me clear your side! "
The emperor smiled happily.
After laughing,
The emperor waved his hand,
"Let him in."
Eunuch Huang came in.
"Your Majesty, this servant has been ordered to bring Prince Fu's family to express gratitude."
"Okay, no need to thank you for your kindness. Since the person named Zheng has already said hello, the canonization ceremony is fine. Let the family clean up. It's better for you to escort him and send him to the new place."
"The slave obeys the order."
Eunuch Huang went down.
The emperor shook his head,
"Wei Zhonghe, have you visited?"
"Ah, I wonder what your Majesty wants?"
"That's the Princess Fu Wang."
"Replying to Your Majesty, when Prince Fu's family was being escorted into the capital, my servant went to greet them outside the city gate according to Your Majesty's order, so I saw them.
If your Majesty wants to see you, just summon him.
If Your Majesty finds it inconvenient, you can ask the Queen to summon you by decree. "
"That's all, it's not convenient for me to summon you. After all, it's the woman named Zheng who has been booked.
However, I would like to ask you, how does Princess Fu Wang look like? "
"Your Majesty, it's hard for you to be a slave. How can a slave know whether a woman is good-looking or not?"
The emperor glanced meaningfully at Wei Zhonghe;
Wei Zhonghe lowered his head and said immediately:
"The beauty of the country is heavenly, the beauty of the country is heavenly fragrance."
The emperor played with the jade ring in his hand,
"Zheng is living a really carefree life these days.
brute. "
In the backyard of the Prince's Mansion in Fengxin City, the Prince who had just finished practicing his sword sneezed three times in a row.
"Damn it, who is thinking about me?"
"My lord, we can't say for sure. The girls in Fengxin City are all thinking about your lord."
"If you don't know how to shoot, don't shoot hard. Your flattery makes people sound weird. Didn't the blind man just come back? You should learn from it."
"..." Xue San.
At this time, Keshi hurriedly came to report: "Your Majesty, the eldest lady asked me to tell you that the eldest lady feels that she will give birth in an hour."
"Oh, let's go right away."
Keshi added, "The eldest lady also said that she would ask the prince to take a bath before going. She was afraid that she would be smelled by the sweat during the delivery."
"Uh..." Zheng Fan could only nod, "Okay."
My daughter-in-law is so capable that she can even achieve such an accurate pre-delivery date. She even made requirements for the layout of the delivery room and the placement of flower pots.
I saw the Lord went up to take a bath.
Xue San reached out and patted Fan Li's knee beside him.
"Ali, do you think this baby is a boy or a girl?"
"The blind man didn't come back for the first pregnancy; for this time, he came back in a hurry."
Xue San didn't react for a moment.
Opening his mouth, he thought about it for a while before finally realizing it;
What do blind people like to do most?
You can tell by looking at how the blind man raised Tiantian, but after all, Tiantian has some unfair reputation.
Under the premise that the Lord does not clearly understand the intention of rebellion, the blind man's hope can only be placed on the next generation.
And only men, men are the objects of public desire.
Therefore, when the blind man gave birth to his first child, he did not come back. He stayed at Nanmenguan and continued to socialize.
As a result, this time, I had to rush back after a long journey, and returned unexpectedly this morning and on a starry night.
This is definitely not because the blind man has any different feelings towards Siniang and this child. The demon kings are very concerned about this child, and they also value Siniang's child. This goes without saying;
But it doesn’t mean that you have to rush back to witness its birth. It will be the same in the future.
In addition, the blind man has a lot of troubles and a life that pays attention to plot. He is only stronger than his own master. Why must he rush back to the dusty land?
He was sure that this baby was a boy!
Others cannot be sure,
But he can!
Xue San cursed:
"Damn it, it's a shame that we were thinking about what names boys and girls should be named respectively a while ago;
I also asked a few of my people to help me think of a few.
As a result, I forgot,
In fact, I always have a B-ultrasound machine at home. "
(End of this chapter)

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