The devil is coming

Chapter 914 Sigh of the Sword Master

Chapter 914 Sigh of the Sword Master
Zheng Lin continued to "gnash his teeth" at the stone gate, although the real appearance it presented was too fierce and fierce.
However, Zheng Fan, the biological father, understood what his son meant at this time.
There is an invisible bond between a biological father and his son. Even if your child cannot speak, you seem to be able to understand what he means.
Zheng Fan was not the only one who could clearly see and understand Zheng Lin's performance.
When the "ancestor worship" was over, Zheng Fan took the princesses and left with their children in their arms.
Walking at the end were Fan Li, A Ming and Xue San.
Third Master whispered:
"My Lord used to rely on us, and then I found a godfather to rely on, and then I found a godbrother to rely on. I always feel that when the children grow up, the Lord can continue to rely on the children.
In this life, I can rely on you to be clear and clear, oh, it’s really enviable. "
This is not sarcasm or ridicule, but comes from the sincerity.
This luck, this fate, is really contrary to the heavens.
But if you think about it carefully, maybe this is the most powerful thing about the Lord.
According to what the "exploding bird" Taoist priest said last time,
The Lord is a rootless person and is not tolerated by heaven and earth. When you are weak, accidents will easily happen and you will die early;
It's also a blessing that the Lord can always rely on the mountains, otherwise, relying solely on the demon kings themselves, they might not be able to support them in the past few years.
This is called having policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.
Fan Li nodded,
"Princess is lucky."
"Yes, you really can't learn how to have a good life." The third master twisted his neck, silently took out a military thorn from his arms, and asked, "You said, when we catch auspicious times, our godson Is it possible to choose me as the military thorn?"
Catching luck is just a ritual, a process, with some beautiful meaning;
But for Zheng Lin, it's not just that simple.
As soon as he was born, not only His Highness the Crown Prince, but also so many Uncle Demon King had been waiting for him for a long time.
Whether it is future ambitions or ambitions, or hobbies and interests during the growth process, it cannot be said that they have been arranged, but at least they are already in the stage of hot shooting.
"Why not a pharmacist?" A Ming asked.
The image of gnomes always fits well with the big tank with green bubbles, and this is indeed the case.
"So, I tempered several kinds of poison on the military thorn." The third master said, he put the general thorn to his lips and licked it with his tongue. This poison will not cause any wounds and does not enter the blood, so there will be no problem.
"What are you preparing?" Xue San asked A Ming, "Fine wine or human blood?"
"Wine." A Ming replied.
"Then you are really low-key." Third Master commented.
A Ming glanced at Xue San and said: "I don't believe that the Lord and Siniang will agree to let me put human blood on the table. For the same reason, I don't believe that your poisoned military thorn can be put on it."
The third master quickly came to his senses: "Fuck, you're being reckless."
"Ali, what are you preparing?" A Ming asked.
"Not prepared." Fan Li said.
Fan Li scratched his head.
"Because it's late."
The palace of Prince Pingxi was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, making it look like daytime.
For Wangfu, who always likes to be quiet, it is really rare to have such a lively scene.
Under the royal palace, except for Gongsun Zhi and Gong Wang, who were newly appointed to Nanguan of Xueguan Town, almost all the other senior generals gathered in Fengxin City to report on their duties.
I dare to do this because I have the confidence.
If the snow customs are not broken, there will be no problems in the snowfield;
As long as Zhennanguan Fancheng is still in its hands, the Chu State will not be able to take advantage of it;
To the west,
Unless Ji Laoliu was beheaded three times in a row and had to fill a vat of lard in one breath, it would never be possible to cut the vassalage at this time. To put it bluntly, if he really wanted to do this, he would have to rely on the blind man and The intelligence and human network that Siniang had built early on could not be hidden here.
That's why Prince Pingxi's Mansion was able to create such a scene where heroes from all walks of life gathered in Juyi Hall.
Of course, this is also the comfortable pattern that has been achieved in the past two years of fighting in the north and south.
The dinner begins,
The military generals sat together, and the civil servants under the palace also sat together. Everyone ate and drank without disturbing the river.
At this time, the civil and military separation system had already taken shape. King Pingxi himself relied on the military and political affairs to seize the family. But then, the palace used the standard household system as the main body and supplemented it with other systems, which can be said to have greatly weakened the various systems. Lu Da will have local governance power.
In short, the road I walked was blocked after I finished walking, leaving people behind with no way to go.
The generals did not dare to hate their own princes, so they could only avoid dealing with these civil servants. However, the boss of the civil servants in the palace was Mr. Bei, and these warriors did not dare to make too many mistakes, so they just ignored each other.
When the prince himself attended, people from both parties gathered together to welcome him.
"All sit, all sit."
The prince appeased everyone to sit down, then held a glass of wine and toasted to each table. Basically everyone on the table drank it in one go, but he just touched his lips.
But no one was dissatisfied, and no one tried to persuade him to drink.
After the ceremony was over, Chen Daole took out scrolls, which were not imperial edicts, but were also yellow, and began to review the achievements that everyone had made in the construction and development of Eastern Shanxi under the leadership of Prince Pingxi in the past year;
These are mostly related to local governance and are the domain of civil servants;
Then came the reward.
The royal palace will increase welfare benefits. In terms of official positions, the palace has the right to appoint local officials, but it needs to go through a process and go to Yanjing to have it stamped.
He Chunlai, like Chen Daole, took out the scroll and began to review the military achievements of the past year.
This aspect is actually quite embarrassing. The most glorious victory in the past year was not won by the direct troops of Jindong.
Therefore, the results stated are somewhat disappointing.
For example, if you attack the unsubmissive savage tribe, can you call it a fucking attack?
The government and army only need to send out a few representatives, and the savage tribes like Hailan tribe can personally overthrow that tribe;
For example, the confrontation on the border of Chu State, is that called a confrontation?
Dozens of sentry riders were gnawing at each other there...
The only thing that can be put on the table is Fan Cheng's record.
After Gou Moli stabilized the situation in Fan City in the early stage, he began to take the initiative to expand his influence. Although there were no large-scale battles, there were frequent small victories.
The Savage King who swept through most of the Jin Dynasty back then is now thriving on the stage in Fan City;
But unfortunately, he is still in Fan City and has not come back.
Compared with the actual improvement of various data from the civilian officials, the more the generals listened to these summaries, the more depressed they felt.
Only Brother Ke Yandong, who was invited as an exception, was drinking and eating in a good manner;
In addition, even Jin Shuke, who was usually the most calm, put down his chopsticks at this time, looking a little solemn.
But the prince himself was sitting there, looking at everyone, and no one dared to complain.
He Chunlai also began to read about the military awards. Compared with the large number of promotions from the civilian officials, the military commanders seemed to be much more humble. Basically, they were mainly gold and silver goods, and the quantity was not large.
The generals whose names were read stood up and knelt down one by one to receive their rewards, but they all felt a little wilted.
However, the dull scene did not last long.
The prince stood up from his chair,
"Do you feel...less?"
For a time,
The generals immediately gave a collective shiver, and they all left their seats and knelt down, saying in unison;
"The last will not dare!"
"The last will not dare!"
The generals all knelt down, and the civil servants on the other side also stood up, but they did not kneel down together.
The prince walked slowly,
In the originally noisy banquet hall, the only sound at the moment was the scraping of the soles of the boots of the prince and the brick surface.
"It stands to reason that I should say some words to boost morale at this time to appease you, so that everyone can finish the meal with high morale.
Then, we go to see Gu's son together and catch Ji.
But Piangu lost the interest. "
At this time,
Brother Ke Yandong said:
"Your Majesty, we are guilty."
Immediately, all the surrounding generals shouted:
"I am guilty."
"No, you are not guilty. You are not guilty. You are alone in your heart and feel a little unhappy.
The day before yesterday, I went to the mountain to pray for blessings.
While toasting on the mountain, Gu thought of the brothers who had stood beside him and fought for him.
It's okay for the brothers who died in the Jin Dynasty. We can help them collect their bones.
But what about the brothers who died on Chu land and on dry land?
You can give rewards here, you can have wine here;
where are they?
Have their bones been eaten up by wild dogs and vultures long ago?
If they don’t have blood food to offer, will they go hungry?Will it freeze?
Compared to them,
Is it too much happiness? "
The generals knelt there and no one spoke.
“The days are getting better and better, and our situation in Jindong will only take a big step forward year by year.
We will have strong troops and horses,
We will have plenty of food and grass,
We will meet the common people like a sea,
There will be, there will definitely be.
I don’t intend to take you to collect the bones of those who died in foreign countries and bring them back;
I want their sleeping place to become our own place, so that those brothers who sleep outside can sleep at home.
I'm so angry,
They all put on a stinky face, who the hell are they going to show it to! "
The prince was angry,
After this roar, many generals could clearly be seen trembling.
This is not a pretense, because King Pingxi himself does not like to deal with secular affairs on weekdays, so he is really not that familiar with the civil servants, so the civil servants are afraid of him.
But in the army, the prince's prestige is visible to the naked eye. These people all fought with the prince in the early years.
They respected King Pingxi from the bottom of their hearts.
"If you feel aggrieved, I will allow you to take off your armor and return to the fields right now;
If you think it is delaying you, I can guarantee that you will go to Yandi to get the same official position!
I feel like I'm alone here and favor one thing over another,
speak out,
I will personally take the reward and make up for it for you.
Get out of here as far as you can!
Are you afraid that there will be no more wars to fight in the future?
Are you afraid that you will not make any achievements in the future?
Qian Chu was not destroyed, and many small countries still refused to accept the king's rule. These achievements clearly exist there!
Wait two or three years.
Can’t wait?
Do I have to be here, on this day, to tell you these truths?
I don’t even understand this truth,
This brain,
You are not worthy to stay under me and work under me. I am afraid that one day I will be killed by you, a pig-brained person like you! "
The prince was speaking angrily alone,
There were about two hundred people present, both civil and military, and they were all very quiet.
"I told you not to continue to cry in sorrow for me."
The generals who were kneeling on the ground were a little stunned, and then they tried to distort their expressions as much as possible. They didn't know what the sad expression was, so they looked particularly weird.
"Ha ha……"
"Ha ha……"
"I can't hear you."
"Ha ha ha ha!!!!!"
"Ha ha ha ha!!!!!"
The generals all laughed.
The prince also laughed together.
The prince glanced at the group of civil servants.
In an instant, the civil servants who were glanced at felt a chill down their backs, and then they didn’t know who was leading the way, or in other words, the ones with the weakest resistance, they knelt down directly, along with all the others. The people knelt down together.
Laughter echoed in the huge palace courtyard.
Not far away, members of the royal family were sitting alone at a table.
Tiantian and Ji Chuanye stood at the fence and looked at the scene over there.
"My father can't even let his ministers do this." Ji Chuanye said.
The emperor's authority was not lacking in his father. The emperor paved the way for his father, but it was impossible for his father's ministers to be so submissive in front of his father.
You are so submissive that if you ask them to laugh, they will laugh collectively.
In Ji Chuanye's mind, some of the principles in books taught by his masters when he was in the palace began to emerge, such as: The king regards his ministers as enemies and bandits, and the ministers also regard the king as enemies and bandits.
But Ji Chuanye knew very well that the scene in front of him was not like this.
Those people who are made to laugh by their godfather’s words will not hate their godfather or feel that he has humiliated them.
Although Ji Chuanye did not personally ask them this question who were laughing at this time, the prince felt that the answer should be this.
Are these people more shameless than the emperor's ministers?
Tiantian pursed his lips. He wanted to explain this to his brother, but Tiantian found that he couldn't explain it.
At this time,
The blind man walked up behind the two of them,
open the way;
"His Majesty the Emperor inherited the team from the late emperor, and even has a longer team and ancestral system.
And the prince,
It is a follower who is completely created and selected by himself.
One is the storekeeper who took over the position, and the other is the owner who started the business. They are different. "
Basically, the founding monarchs of most dynasties did not follow the rules very much. They could be said to have monopolized the power and manipulated the subordinates at will. After passing down the generations, the emperor began to talk about the rules and the ministers began to shout "To Jun Yao and Shun" is not the result of everyone evolving into aristocrats over several generations, but the essence is caused by the shrinkage and decline of imperial power.
Ji Chuanye nodded thoughtfully and then bowed to the blind man.
The blind man didn't think there was any taboo in telling the prince these things.
The prince had seen a lot of this taboo scene in Jindong.
Besides, Jin Dong, the court, and the emperor were all tacitly aware of some matters.
The banquet is still going on,
A hall in the back house has also been decorated long ago.
In the center of the hall is a large round table, covered with a festive red cloth. There is a steamer-like being covering the red cloth. Inside are pre-arranged things for catching luck, such as books, seals, rulers, etc.
But catching a lucky star is a big deal after all.
So some careful people will come here to take a look and check.
The third master came first, and he put a tricolor lotus that had its venom removed into it.
"Hey, this thing is colorful and colorful. Children should like it."
When the third master left,
I saw A Ming coming over.
The two nodded to each other in silence, moving away from each other.
A Ming placed a glass of cocktail made by himself, which was bright in color.
When A Ming came out, he met Liang Cheng who walked in.
A Ming immediately asked: "Aren't you kneeling in front and laughing?"
"After laughing, the banquet is coming to an end. It will be too late if you don't come." Liang Cheng said.
A Ming noticed what Liang Cheng was holding,
Liang Cheng didn't shy away from it. He picked it up and found a set of humanoid armor. This thing was not really meant for children to wear, but more like a toy.
"What is this? An iron version of Barbie?"
"I typed it out while I was in the army, so I can give it to my children as a toy," Liang Cheng said.
Liang Cheng shook his head and stopped arguing with A Ming. After entering, he opened the "steamer drawer" and put his belongings in.
When Liang Cheng came out, he met Fan Li.
"Huh? Listen to them, don't you keep things away?" Liang Cheng asked.
Fan Li laughed awkwardly and took out a huge piece of naan from his back.
"So big, a starving ghost reincarnated?"
Fan Li scratched his head and said, "Only older children might like it."
Liang Cheng didn't waste any time and left directly.
Let everyone let go of what they should. It’s fair competition anyway.
However, when Fan Li walked to the "steamer", he opened the large naan in his hand that was half a man's height, took out a sword with an extremely clear color and put it in it.
As for the naan, Fan Li walked out while eating it.
Walk to the corner of another yard,
A pretty figure jumped down from the wall and onto Fan Li's shoulder.
Fan Li reached out to catch him and slapped him on the butt. The girl took advantage of his familiar strength and sat on his shoulder.
His hands wrapped around Fan Li's neck very familiarly,
He lightly kicked Fan Li's chest with his toes.
"Stolen it?"
"Put it in?"
"That's good, oh, but I really don't know why my master didn't come in person. Could it be because the master had deposited the Baili Sword in the palace and was too embarrassed to go and get it back?"
Fan Li shook his head and said:
"He wants face."
In the small courtyard next to the palace.
The sword master stood at the base of the wall,
The duck that was reluctant to return to the henhouse stood at the feet of the sword master.
There is no doubt that Sword Maid is a disciple of the Sword Master, but Sword Maid's earliest master was Yuan Zhenxing.
The sword master is willing to teach the sword maid everything, but in the sword maid's heart, the first master will always be the second sword of the Qian Kingdom.
People who practice swordsmanship have a kind of harshness and pursuit of perfection in their hearts.
Therefore, the Sword Master originally wanted to accept Tiantian as his disciple, with the body of a spiritual boy, so that he could learn everything with half the effort.
But Tiantian refused.
If you refuse, just refuse. The sword master has already looked away.
I can only say that it is a bit regretful. After all, it is difficult to find the body of a spiritual boy. I should be satisfied to have a sword maid by my side who can inherit my mantle.
Then Prince Pingxi, who had been teased by him about his children, really achieved what is called "30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi".
Now, not only have a new son and daughter been born, but they are all spiritual children!
The fire phoenix spirit body, even among the Da Chu royal family, is enough to make the royal family go crazy with surprise. The smaller baby boy does not seem to be a spirit body, but the seal can be hidden from others, how can it be hidden from the sword master? ?
What kind of monster is a child who will be sealed as soon as he is born?
The sword master couldn't help but look into the courtyard.
Liu Dahu is practicing swordsmanship.
The younger son was sitting on his crib, playing with a wooden knife. His older brother was practicing there, and he was dancing with him.
Among the toys on the crib, there were a total of seven small wooden swords, but there was only one wooden sword.
The sword master walked over,
He reached out and picked up his son,
The son is very close to his father and takes the initiative to open his arms to receive his father's hug.
Calmly, the sword master put away the wooden sword;
After holding the baby for a while,
The Juggernaut placed the child back in the crib.
The son is sitting there,
His eyes wandered over the seven small wooden swords with various exquisite shapes in front of him, and then he wandered over them a second time;
At last,
The son's eyes twitched:
"woo woo woo woo……"
The sword master had no choice but to put the small wooden sword back.
The son stopped crying immediately, grabbed the small wooden sword, and continued to dance with his brother who was practicing the real sword there.
The sword master turned around,
He let out a very melancholy sigh:
Also at night.
(End of this chapter)

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