The devil is coming

Chapter 920: That knife!

Chapter 920 That knife!
The emperor and his prince crossed the river.
The team rested in Yupan City for two days;
The magistrate of Yupan City is Sun Liang, but the one who is really in charge is his brother Sun Ying.
The emperor abandoned his own imperial army and came over, and the prince would not let the emperor be miserable.
The Jinyi personal guards acted as the new imperial army, and all regulations were in accordance with the emperor's etiquette. King Pingxi himself did not go overboard and handed over the glory to the emperor.
Neither the emperor nor the prince are easy people to get along with;
But after the truth came out, the tacit understanding between them was as clear as a millimeter.
From Yupan City to the east,
It is a long stretch of deserted area.
The construction and development of Jindong is indeed in full swing, but comprehensive coverage is by no means such a simple matter. The trauma of the war is still clearly visible.
But when we continued further east and entered the peripheral reclamation area with Fengxin City as the core, the weather suddenly changed.
Everything in the military camp is in order, including irrigation canals and fort construction. It is obviously a rural field, but it has a delicate flavor.
in addition,
The route and arrangement of the caravan, the construction and zoning of workshops, the construction of military camps, and the orderliness of the new county all give people a sense of vitality.
This is the true face of Jindong today.
This place is soaked in the hard work of almost all demon kings, except for the magic pill.
Because in those two years, Mowan had been busy raising children.
But the other demon kings all made great efforts.
When we are about to enter Fengxin City one day,
The emperor made a request,
If you want to go to "Taishan", take a look first.
The mountain newly named by King Pingxi was also the first mountain that King Pingxi prayed for. Today, it ushered in the justifiable emperor of this land.
After these two experiences,
It is impossible not to become famous for this "Taishan".
And on this basis, enough stories and legends about it will inevitably be born.
The emperor's body was really a little weak;
This kind of weakness is a weakness on the surface. It is not visible at ordinary times, but when you really want to go hiking or mountain climbing, it becomes obvious all of a sudden.
When mountain climbing,
The emperor walked holding the prince's arm;
Queen He Sisi,
Then follow behind.
Behind them are Wei Zhonghe and Sword Master.
The Jinyi guards have already cleared the mountain, and the vigilance has been extended to the periphery to ensure absolute safety here.
Fortunately, this "Taishan" is not high.
After seeing the "Taishan" stone tablet erected by King Pingxi himself, it also means that we have reached the top of the mountain.
Three young men, Chen Xianba, Liu Dahu and Zheng Man, went up the mountain early and cooked the hot pot in the pavilion above, cut the vegetables and meat and put them on the plate.
As a personal guard of King Pingxi, there are really not many opportunities to go into battle in person, but if he is sent out, he may open a restaurant or something and he will not worry about running out of business.
The prince and the emperor took their seats,
The queen began to take charge of serving meat and dishes.
This way of eating hot pot is actually not new, but the way of eating the hot pot with butter red soup base and dipping it in sesame oil is indeed Ping Xiwang's original creation.
Not far away, another pot was boiling;
Eunuch Wei, Sword Master, and Chen Xianba sat together and cooked a pot.
After the emperor sat down, he wanted to take off his boots and loosen his feet, but he was kicked by the prince. He had no choice but to give up.
The queen covered her mouth and smiled. She knew that her husband was really relaxed when he was with King Pingxi.
The Queen served the dishes first, and then took the initiative to pour a glass of fruit wine for the Emperor and King Pingxi.
The emperor holds the wine glass,
Looking at the scenery outside the pavilion,
With emotion:
"Zheng Fan, you are amazing, really amazing. When I was in the capital, I just thought you would run this place, but I didn't expect it to be run in this way.
The literati of the Qian Kingdom like to tell their officials that they want to educate the world with poems, books and etiquette, so as to return to the era of ancient Xia Dynasty.
I used to think that it was a dream that those literati had boasted about from generation to generation, and they had deceived themselves generation after generation;
In your Shandong,
I saw it for real. "
The emperor's perspective on things was naturally different from that of ordinary people;
And this emperor is probably the best businessman in history.
Running a shop is definitely different from running a world, but there are actually some similarities.
The prince took a sip of wine. Since the queen was sitting opposite him, he could only turn slightly sideways to look at the scenery on the other side.
The emperor bit out these two words.
Zheng Fan turned to look at the emperor, smiled and nodded.
The emperor really understands.
The development and planning of Jindong has one fundamental purpose, and that is to enable the prince to fight better next time.
Building a household is for fighting, growing grain is for fighting, trading is for fighting, and workshops are for fighting;
The purpose of development is to cope with the next round of larger-scale wars, but by the way, the people, mainly refugees, have a prosperous life.
But it can also be circled back from the other direction. Jindong is in a strategic location. If it cannot keep out foreign enemies and cannot have sufficient war capabilities, once the war comes, the people can only become two-legged sheep again.
Zheng Fan fully understands this. The damage caused by war is the most direct and huge.
However, the emperor obviously had no intention of discussing the details with Zheng Fan. There were many excerpts about the development model of Eastern Jin Dynasty in the emperor's study room, and there were even some exchanges in the usual correspondence.
Although the emperor knew that the person he was communicating with might not be the one named Zheng.
"Since ancient times, Yantie Guanying is not uncommon, and Huangzhuang is not uncommon either. Your current momentum can indeed continue to rise steadily in the next few years.
But as the population of Eastern Jin Dynasty increases, the area that can truly be restored to life becomes larger and larger. Everything, no matter how big or small, depends entirely on the support of your palace's industry, which will have a restrictive effect. "
Zheng Fan nodded and said: "In a few years, when development reaches a certain level, some industries will be opened up for ordinary people to operate, but the premise is to ensure that the industries under the jurisdiction of the royal palace are the main body of Jindong, and the ordinary people's management , positioned as an effective supplement to the royal palace’s official camp.”
The emperor opened his mouth,
Some surprises;
Then he reached out and patted his forehead,
"I didn't expect that you actually understand."
A simple sentence, but the key elements of subject and positioning are explained. For an "expert" like the emperor, it can be said to be profound to a certain level.
The prince held the wine glass and smiled reservedly;
I don’t really understand, but I can memorize it.
"It's a pity that your set of things is only suitable for Shandong and cannot be promoted in other places."
"Yes, he took advantage of a clean slate."
"Yes, everyone knows that plowing the ground and planting crops again is actually the easiest and easiest thing to do. God damn it, managing a big country is like cooking small dishes, damn the tinkering with window paper.
We all know that making small fuss cannot solve the fundamental problem, but what can we do?
My reform has just entered the right track, and it is only through this eastward tour that I can really push it forward by coming to you to borrow a spring breeze. To be honest, it is a coincidence. "
"Too polite."
"But you also have problems here." The emperor said solemnly, "Your standard household system has indeed bridged the complex conflicts among your ethnic groups, and also ensured that you can have sufficient force and countermeasures during this period. The ability to accept and absorb from all directions.
But how long can the standard household system last?
If it had always been a place of four battles, that would be it.
Nowadays, the snowfield is temporarily out of control. After the Chu Kingdom is defeated in the future, once there are no strong enemies from all directions that can threaten you, your standard household system will immediately corrode itself.
Nowadays, these Yan people, Jin people, Chu people, barbarians, and barbarians can be loyal to you, follow you in the north and south, and are not afraid of death. However, once peace is restored, their next generation will
It will inevitably become a waste that only knows how to eat this iron crop!
Becoming a... heavy burden to your palace. "
Zheng Fan took another sip of wine. The military system of Pingxi Palace was modified from the Eight Banners System by himself and the blind man, and it was indeed suitable for the current environment and situation in eastern Shanxi.
Ji Laoliu's prophecy was actually very accurate, because in another time and space, after the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the Pass, the Eight Banners cavalry, which was once small in number but outstanding in combat power, soon became a group of wastes wandering around and fighting crickets. At the same time, , the Qing government had to bear a heavy financial burden for them every year.
The emperor looked at Zheng Fan,
"You think I'm wrong?"
"You really understand."
"Hehehe." The emperor smiled with satisfaction.
Zheng Fan said: "The law of a moment is adapted to the momentum of the moment. The momentum is like water. Water has no permanent shape, and the law has no permanent shape."
The emperor nodded and said, "I know what you mean, reform and innovation, right?"
Without waiting for the prince to speak again,
The emperor patted his thigh,
"But the problem arises again. The father of the imperial family stepped on the family and used the Zhenbei Army, led by Li Liangting. The Zhenbei Army was the army of Beifeng County and the Desert. Although the Li family was once known as the leader of the Yan family. Most of all, you and I both know that the Li family is not actually a powerful family.
It is precisely because of this army to suppress the north that it is possible for a horse to step on the throne.
Why did King Jingnan want to destroy his entire family? Why did his father not put the Jingnan army first when he stepped on the family?
Because at that time in the Yan Dynasty, the only people in the court, localities, and even the army who were not shackled by the clan were the Zhenbei Army.
Everyone knows that if Dayan wants to completely overthrow the barbarians and unify the Xia, it needs to centralize power, but the question is, whose power should be concentrated?
Use their knives to cut their own flesh?
Why is it difficult to reform laws?
Who can sit on a chair and turn it over at the same time?
Just like this situation in Jindong,
If one day, we really make it.
Your surname Zheng is still there. With the prestige of your surname Zheng, it is possible to change it again in the end.
Where is your son?
Can your son change?
These standard households support your son to succeed you on the throne. They are the ones who support your son to sit firmly on the throne. How can you cut their flesh again?
in the end,
Three years of new and three of old, another three of mending. "
Zheng Fan fell silent.
Many times, as an outsider in this world, there is always a kind of... aloofness.
I always feel that I have seen through everything and am above everything, but in fact, in every era, there are some people whose eyes can penetrate the limitations of the era and see higher and further.
For example, Ji Laoliu.
The emperor took a bite of the meat, took the veil from the queen's hand, and wiped his mouth:
“So, after I figured this out, I let go of everything.
I can't live forever,
There can be no true eternal law in this world.
The sun and moon change, the seasons pass,
In the end, as the saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. "
The emperor stretched out his hand and put it on the prince's shoulder.
"Our brothers' generation will first strive to unify all the Xia. The rest will be left to the younger generations to play by themselves."
This is the emperor analyzing his own thoughts;
These words are not suitable to be said in a letter. Only when spoken face to face can the sincerity be shown.
After all, this is also an agreement.
Fear and counter fear,
court and place,
All kinds of conflicts can be put aside and left to future generations.
the two of them,
Just have fun in this life.
As the emperor, it is really rare for him to reach this point.
Zheng Fan smiled and said,
"Ji Laoliu."
"Let me tell you something from my heart. From the beginning to the end, I, Zheng Fan, never feel that I owe you anything."
"You fart!
Don't think that I don't know what is buried under the coffin you brought with you when you went to war in the early years and your palace. "
The two first met in the desert. In front of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, the Shatuo Que stone knocked on the door. When they were surrounded, they broke out and rushed straight to the Sixth Prince's carriage. Zheng Fan "risked his life" to save him.
"I felt strange from the beginning, why, you are such a talented person, how can you have such a good life, and you can just save us?
It’s not that I’m deliberately investigating you. In the past few years, you have become deeply established and you no longer hide it. There are already a lot of rumors about the coffin under your palace.
Thinking back to the corpse of King Zuo Guli that he pretended to be dead and ran away, wouldn't it be right!
You didn't save me,
But I helped you from the beginning,
I also found a way to transfer you through the Ministry of War to the front line of the upcoming war at Cuiliu Castle in Yinlang County.
You don't owe me anything? "
"What does debt mean?" Zheng Fan asked.
"If I accept the debt, I owe it. If I deny it, I don't owe it."
The queen couldn't help laughing, stood up, and helped the two men refill their drinks.
"Sisi, listen, what Zheng said is so shameless!"
Zheng Fan stretched his waist and said:
"It's a business, I'll set you up, and you'll get in, and you'll hurt yourself. Besides, you funded me in the first place, just because I saved your life?"
"Is it because I want you to look good? Are you as good-looking as me?"
When the emperor asked this, he looked at the queen.
The queen spat at the emperor and ignored him.
The emperor was a little helpless. In his early years, the emperor had the handsome appearance of a young man, but in recent years, he had gained a lot of weight.
This man surnamed Zheng has been fighting, and his cultivation has been steadily improving, and the gap has suddenly appeared.
"I will accept two accounts. One is the promise I owe King Jingnan, and the other is that in Qian Kingdom, eight thousand robes will be used to cut off my heir for me."
"I understand, we have to attack Chu first." The emperor immediately grasped the point, "Fight Chu last."
at this time,
In this little pavilion,
The two men with the highest power status in Dayan,
Smile at each other.
Fengxin City has made sufficient preparations to welcome the arrival of Emperor Dayan.
And since ancient times,
The first step when welcoming distinguished guests is general cleaning.
Originally, there was a series of ostentation that needed to be presented to the emperor. On this point, the palace was not stingy.
Even the blind man who was committed to rebellion insisted on welcoming the emperor's arrival with grand etiquette. No matter what, the pattern could not be lost.
But the emperor sent someone to issue an imperial edict in advance, which meant that everything should be kept simple.
The person who delivered the imperial edict was Liu Dahu. After reading the imperial edict, Liu Dahu conveyed another oral message from the prince:
"He's not being sarcastic."
There is no more grand welcome ceremony.
But the soldiers and civilians in Fengxin City are still very... curious about His Majesty Emperor Dayan.
It's really not enthusiasm, but curiosity. It's just a curiosity.
After all, in the eyes of people here, their prince is the real "Emperor".
They wanted to see what the emperor was like, but he was so shy that he refused to make room for his own prince.
Fortunately, such thoughts are only kept in the bottom of my heart, and no one will shout them out in a big way.
And when I see the emperor's chariot,
The common people also knelt down and shouted long live the mountain.
Long live the emperor in one mouthful,
Long live the prince in one mouthful,
Shouting and shouting, I don’t know who is following whom.
The emperor and the prince were riding together in a large carriage specially made by the palace.
Listening to the mountains outside shouting long live,
The emperor smiled and said: "Well, Zheng Fan, I will give you a title of nine thousand years old. Rounding it off, it is also a long live Lord."
Ordinary people, if the emperor said this, would be so frightened that they would kneel on the ground.
This was obviously something he had done wrong and violated the emperor's taboo.
But King Pingxi just glanced at the emperor angrily,
He cursed:
At the emperor's request, the team did not enter Fengxin City directly, even though the queen already missed her son extremely.
The team turned a corner and first went to the Calabash Temple outside the city.
In the temple, in addition to the longevity tablets of gods and Buddhas and the prince's family, there are also some inscriptions commemorating the soldiers who died in the war. They are also here, enjoying incense and offerings.
The emperor came to worship them first.
After the worship service was completed, the emperor and the prince formally entered Fengxin City and entered the prince's palace.
After the two most distinguished guests left,
The young monk supported the old monk and sat by the wellhead in the temple. Because it was an impromptu trip, the Calabash Temple was very busy for a while. Both the master and the disciple were really tired at this time.
"Disciple, see the emperor."
"Disciple, maybe I've seen the prince a lot on weekdays. Although this is the first time I've met the emperor,...that's all."
When the master and apprentice were muttering,
The paper man who was huddled in the corner now floated out again,
He was also talking to himself:
"Isn't it obvious? Your prince is just one step away from the emperor by wearing a dragon robe. No, just draw an extra claw on the python robe and it will be done.
Two bald donkeys who have never seen the world! "
The little monk picked up half a bucket of water from the well mouth and poured it on the ground.
The paper man screamed and backed away, fearing that he would get wet.
The paper man is back in his corner again,
muttered to himself:
"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.
It's too bad, it's really too bad. Your whole life of cultivation is in vain. I also think that you should be the only one with the same name as me in the world. Who would have thought? You really don't even have the face.
Ha ha,
The knife that hides the master,
It ended up here. "
(End of this chapter)

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