The devil is coming

Chapter 938 Worship

Chapter 938 Worship
"So, is it really a hole in my head?"
Ji Chengjue asked while looking in the mirror and touching the gauze bandaged on his head.
"This hole seems to be much smaller than I imagined." Ji Chengjue turned to look at Zheng Fan, and gestured with the mouth of a bowl with his hands, "I thought it would be like eating a monkey brain, just cut it open. A big hole."
Zheng Fan wanted to ask, how dare you agree to do this "surgery" if you think you have to make such a big hole?
But when I think of it, Ji Chengjue will definitely answer: Because I trust you.
In order to prevent this disgusting dialogue from appearing,
Zheng Fan changed his words;
"Just make a small opening. By the way, the tumor is kept for you. Do you want to see it?"
Zheng Fan walked to the cabinet next to him and picked up a sarcoma that was placed in a glass bottle and soaked in potion by Xue San.
"This thing was taken out of my head?"
"Looking at it makes me want to puke."
"What you eat will replenish your health. You can add it to your dishes to replenish your brain."
The emperor first held his chest and retched, then felt a little dizzy and his head hurt, so he gently held his head again.
Fortunately, nothing happened, just a normal postoperative reaction.
This operation was very successful. As for the wound on the emperor's head, Siniang also sutured it;
There is no other effect except that the area will turn into a small bald spot after the hair grows back.
"Zheng, I just woke up, can you stop being so disgusting?"
Zheng Fan held the glass bottle and looked at it carefully.
"I think it's quite collectible."
"I'll give it to you. Keep it safe for me."
"Then I'll take it and feed it to the dog."
"You put it down!"
The emperor finally put the bottle away.
Then, the emperor began to try to go out by himself and was exposed to the sun. For a moment, he felt a little dazed.
He didn't tell Zheng Fan what horrible nightmares he fell into every day during the days when he was in coma, because now that people are awake, dreams, whether they are good dreams or nightmares, are meaningless.
"Can I live for a long time?" the emperor asked.
"If you don't choke to death when you eat, you won't choke to death on drinking water."
"Mr. Zheng, have you been so sweet-tongued since you were a child?"
"I am telling the truth."
"You can live to adulthood, you really have to thank so many people, and that's true."
"Are you hungry?"
"A bit."
"I just passed on the meal."
"This is the first nice thing I heard after I woke up."
"I take back what I just said, Zheng, you are a beast!"
The emperor looked at the porridge, eggs, milk and a small portion of meat floss in front of him and shouted almost madly.
"You're still weak, so you need to eat something light. Besides, isn't it good to eat something with eggs and meat?"
As Zheng Fan spoke, he picked up his chopsticks and picked up the various dishes that were placed in front of him.
"Then you can't eat the same thing with me?"
"I don't have any holes in my brain."
"What about sharing the joys and sorrows between brothers?"
"Do you know what tastes the best when you eat it? It tastes the best when you eat when someone around you envy you. What's more, now that the person envying me in front of me is the emperor, it tastes even better.
In addition, in my opinion, sharing joys and sorrows between brothers means that you bear the bitterness, and I taste the sweetness for you.
Eat quickly,
Don't let it get cold for a while. "
The emperor was really hungry and started eating.
After both of them had finished eating, Si Niang came in to clear away the dishes.
A Ming pushed a wheelchair.
"I don't need this." The emperor said. Although there was a hole in his head, he felt that there was no other problem with his body except for being a little weak.
"I think you feel better now that you are in a wheelchair."
"Why don't I feel this way?"
"Because you are sitting on it, and I am pushing it."
"Haha." The emperor sneered, "If we had done it differently, I would have felt it too."
"Sit or not?"
"You have to sit, but there is no need to sit now. I don't want to go out yet. Since I became emperor, even the Eastern Tour half a year ago, to be honest, it was not fun. I was as tired as a dead dog. I think Take this opportunity to rest.”
"Ready to fish?" Zheng Fan asked directly.
The emperor's dragon body was not well. No, in the eyes of the outside world, the emperor who had appointed a regent had finally settled his affairs. He entered the backyard saying he was recuperating, but in fact he was waiting for death;
In this case, some people will be ready to take action.
"If you hadn't been made regent, and if you were not in the capital, you could have played this trick, but who told you to be here now?
The first thing you should do when a new official takes office is that you are a soldier. No one except a fool would be so blind;
Even if some idiots with no eyesight jump out, the reason why I keep them is because of necessity. Catching them still feels like a waste of bait. "
"Is it really just for a break?"
"How long will you rest?"
"Look, just call Wei Zhonghe and Lu Bing in and I'll meet them."
Xie really wanted to take a break, but Ji Chengjue didn't intend to take a break and become the Supreme Emperor.
"Then I'll go out for a walk." Zheng Fan said.
"You won't accompany me?"
"I'm going to take a look at the Tian family's ancestral grave."
Zheng Fan was about to leave, but stopped and said;
"You really don't need me to do anything?"
The emperor smiled and said;
"Father, I won't use Tian Wujing as a sword. Besides, you, Zheng Fan, don't like to be used as a sword."
"Besides, there are some cats and dogs that don't require your intervention. I'll just deal with them this time."
"You still said you didn't plan to go fishing?"
"The fish are at the bottom of the water, so you have to catch them; cats and dogs are meowing from the rafters, which is annoying.
Go ahead. "
King Pingxi, oh no, the regent rode Pixiu and took Tiantian, accompanied by the sword master and a group of royal guards, out of the back garden and headed towards the Tian family's old house.
At this time,
The eyes of almost the entire Yanjing City were gathered in this back garden;
In a broader sense, if the lag in message transmission caused by extending the geographical scope is taken into account, it can be said that the eyes of all the Xia are now focused on this garden designed and built by Ganren.
News of the Regent's departure,
It was like a stone smashing into the straight lake surface, causing ripples layer by layer, causing a series of chain reactions.
And shortly after Zheng Fan left,
Wei Zhonghe, Zhang Banban and Lu Bing, who had been guarding the perimeter of the back garden, knelt down in front of the emperor.
The emperor was not in a wheelchair but in a chair.
Except for having his hair shaved off, he looks pretty good.
Wei Zhonghe, Zhang Banban and Lu Bing all had tears in their eyes at this moment.
"Okay, collect your tears. This time I have come back from the gate of hell. It's okay. God's will prevented me from having a holiday, but I just took it back again.
It's interesting, it's really interesting. "
"Your Majesty is in good health, but..."
"Okay, shut up."
The emperor seemed not to want to talk too much at this time and said directly:
"Since I'm fine, let's close the Internet cafe this time. Lu Bing, how's the situation?"
"Your's peaceful, mainly in Pingxi...the regent is here."
If you really want to hunt down rabbits, it is most convenient if the surnamed Zheng is not around. As soon as the emperor becomes "weakened", monsters, ghosts, snakes and the like can't help but jump out;
But the problem is that if the man named Zheng is not here, let alone who will "treat" him, even the emperor himself will not rest assured that he will do so.
Up and down the Great Yan, the Pingxi Palace cannot be moved;
The Zhenbei Palace has long been dismantled;
My father, Real Madrid, has passed the door;
In the two years since the New Deal was implemented, all the overt and covert resistance has been eliminated.
It stands to reason that being an emperor to this point is already a monopoly of power. If the original regent of Chu and the officials of Qian had been in such a situation in their early years, they would have laughed out of their dreams.
Can be biased,
Ji Chengjue was still not satisfied.
What he wants is not only for this bureaucracy to listen to him, but also to make it... pleasing to his eyes, and to knead it into the shape he likes.
One year has passed.
There are less than four years to go;
This has nothing to do with whether he has been "treated" well, because according to his and Zheng's plan, the plan to start the war in "five years" will not change.
At that time, I and Zheng were still in their prime and had enough energy and time to take care of the entire Zhuxia.
For this goal,
He has to prepare for the best situation he can.
The emperor took a sip of tea and
"If they are good, just encourage them. Anyway, there is no need to blame them if they want to. You can do as much as you can."
Lu Bing immediately said;
"Yes, I understand!"
Eunuch Wei and Zhang Banban both breathed a sigh of relief at this time;
The implication of the emperor's words was that he was going to open a big prison and use all kinds of trumped-up charges to govern the entire officialdom again.
And Lu Bing, who now controls two fanzi yamen, is the best sword;
But not everyone can become King Pingxi. Some knives will end up badly after being used...
The emperor looked at Wei Zhonghe,
"Go and find out what books the prince is reading these days."
After a night of bloodshed in the Tian family, it was Zheng Fan who was left to collect the bodies.
The conditions at that time were very crude, and the construction of the tomb was actually very sloppy.
After all, Zheng Fan at that time did not have the conditions to carry out the project of identifying corpses one by one and erecting monuments. Except for some important Tian family members who had their own inscriptions, the rest were directly buried and erected in graves. Bag.
The abandoned Tian family's old house and the desolate ancestral graves have become a forbidden place.
The imperial court had a dedicated team of old eunuchs to maintain the place;
When Tian Wujing was around, no one dared to slack off;
After Tian Wujing's absence, Zheng Fan rose up, and naturally no one dared to slack off. After all, everyone knew that King Pingxi was the one who inherited the mantle of King Jingnan.
When Zheng Fan came here with Tiantian,
The personal guards under his command came forward and presented red envelopes, wine and meat as a reward to these old eunuchs. This was also etiquette;
The old eunuchs hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Zheng Fan, then silently retreated.
Zheng Fan held Tiantian's hand and walked among them.
The sword master followed.
"Dad brought you here because although you are his son, your surname is Tian after all. No matter what, you have to come here to see me. Goodbye."
"Yes, the child knows."
“In the past few years, my father has always told you that your biological father is a very majestic being, a being that your father and I admire, and he is also the military god of Dayan;
But today, you can see another side of your biological father.
Those buried here are all your clansmen, but they actually have nothing to do with you. When you were just born, your Uncle Yu carried you to me;
You have never met them, and you have never had a meal or a bowl of water from them. As long as you recognize them as your relatives, there is no need to be overly sad. "
"Yes, my child understands."
"Your father is the hero of this country. Without your father, Dayan would not be in the current situation. If Dayan can one day unify all the Xia, then it will start from here.
Folks say that your real father is an executioner, a devil who is disowned by his relatives. This is true.
I can understand what your biological father did back then, and I admire it, but I don’t want you to become like him in the future. This is also what your biological father means. He is very tired and he is also suffering.
So he hopes you can live a more comfortable and happy life. "
"This is your grandpa and grandma's tombstone."
Tiantian was about to kneel down, but was pulled back by Zheng Fan.
"There's no rush. I'll introduce you first. Later, you can take the incense candles, paper money, and bow to them one by one."
"Yes, Dad."
"This is the tombstone of your great-uncle. It was your great-uncle who taught your father the art of foreign art. Your father only knows a little bit about it."
Zheng Fan held Tiantian’s hand,
Went to another location.
Here, there are two obviously new tombstones;
One is a tomb with two caves buried together, and the other is more majestic, with a stone sculpture of Pixiu placed in front.
"This is your mother's tombstone."
"Your mother was born in the Yinjia Guard of the Qian Kingdom. Many people in the Fanzi Yamen were recruited since childhood and brainwashed... Do you know what brainwashing means, right?"
"I know, Master Bei has taught me."
"Okay, so your mother has been living in that environment since she was a child, and then her identity was changed and she was sent to the Yan Kingdom and joined the Yan Kingdom's secret espionage department.
You have to understand your mother's pain at that time.
It's very complicated here, and your father and I don't understand some specific things. Your father even thinks that maybe Qian Guo is not very clear about it either.
But one thing, your father, I can confirm that your mother loves you and your father.
She cut open her own belly, gave birth to you, and then handed you over to Uncle Yu, the most trustworthy person at the time. She did everything she could at the time.
Your mother died, she had to die, because it was her fate and her sorrow, but she tried her best to make her death less...not so harmful to your biological father.
But ultimately,
Your mother died because of your biological father.
Do you know why dad and I never give face to the emperor?
You know me, dad, even though the emperor and I have always been brothers, I still hold on to the military power and territory, and I will never be a submissive minister?
Because if your biological father could have had the feeling that your father and I gave him back then,
Zhao Jiulang, the former Prime Minister of Dayan, did not dare to fuel the situation back then.
Because he is determined,
Your biological father will not rebel,
That's why they dare to... push even further. "
"Dad, was it Zhao Jiulang who killed my mother?"
"It was him, but it was not just him. In essence, it was your own father who killed you."
"My biological father..."
"However, your father and I have already killed Zhao Jiulang. I wiped his neck with a knife against the dawn and asked him to slowly bleed. When the sun rises, the others will be gone."
"Thank you dad."
"This is what dad should do. Your mother's tomb was originally in Litian City. Your dad and I ordered it to be moved here. There is an empty space next to it for your biological father.
This is the destination sworn by your biological father. One day, he will return here to apologize.
This is all you know.
Dad brought you here, firstly, to let you see the graves of your tribe, and secondly, to tell you that your own father has done so much for this country.
day by day,
You don't have to do anything anymore.
If you have the ability, if you have the strength, protect your family and don't let the people you cherish be threatened.
The greatest pain in the world is that you still can't protect your family even though you are capable. "
"Yes, dad, I understand that when the kid grows up, no one is allowed to hurt you, dad, nor are you allowed to hurt your eldest wife or two sisters, nor are you allowed to hurt your sister and brother;
Who dares to hurt them...
Do not,
Who dares to think of hurting them?
Tiantian silently clenched his fists,
"The children will not let them go, never."
Zheng Fan reached out and touched Tiantian's head. Although Tiantian was only a boy now, he was already an eighth-level martial artist. You can imagine how powerful this child would be in the future.
"Speaking openly, whoever dares to harm my family will be killed first."
Tiantian nodded heavily, with a flash of blood in his eyes.
"My child, remember your father's teachings and will always keep them in your heart. If anyone touches my family, I will kill their entire family."
It’s not that Zheng Fan is cruel and insists on teaching his children this;
This is the original intention of Tian Wujing to keep his child by his side, because this is his character Zheng Fan. I would rather let the world down than let the world let me down!
He Zheng Fan,
Just live selfishly and comfortably in this life!
Zheng Fan bent down,
He took a bundle of incense and paper money and held it in his hand.
"Go ahead, offer incense to your nominal clansmen, kowtow, and perform your duty."
Every day I picked up incense candles and paper money and began to worship at the graves one by one.
Zheng Fan walked to another new tomb;
This tombstone is quite grand.
There is a brave statue in front of it, with a letter... The tomb of Weibo Guo Fusheng, the Great Yanhu.
It was Zheng Fan who placed Li Fusheng's tomb here. Li Fusheng's real surname was Guo. He changed his surname to Li after being adopted as an adopted son by the Marquis of Zhenbei. He has no ancestral grave.
Zheng Fan buried him here for convenience. With Li Fusheng's temper, if he knew that he would be neighbors with King Jingnan in the future, he would probably kick the lid of the coffin in excitement.
Zheng Fan sat down in front of the tombstone.
“Brother, I don’t know when I will come to see you next time.
Alas, who told you that your brain is not working well? You were surrounded and died in the battle. It's so embarrassing that you were thrown into grandma's house.
In a few years, when I really start to launch a war, you won't have the chance to witness it. Do you think it's a pity or not? Are you stupid? "
If there is any excess,
Zheng Fan didn’t bother to talk anymore;
Because of Li Fusheng's death and the mutilation of his body, when he was in Liang, he ordered the massacre of the capital of Liang.
The relationship between men and children requires less talk and more action.
Zheng Fan leaned against Li Fusheng's tombstone and took out the iron box he carried with him;
The afternoon wind blew through this cemetery, making the grass and trees rustle;
Outside, the Prince Regent smoked;
Inside, Li Fusheng smoked incense;
(End of this chapter)

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