The devil is coming

Chapter 940 Running away from home

Chapter 940 Running away from home
A caravan from Yandi left Fengxin City early in the morning, carrying loads of goods, and finally stopped after traveling westward for a whole day.
According to the regulations of the royal palace, all caravans traveling to the east of Jin Dynasty must not only have their identities checked when entering the country, but also need to check the goods and collect taxes when entering and leaving. At the same time, when camping outside, they must choose the nearest post station, that is, Baozhai Point, even if it rains heavily. In extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, although temporary camping is allowed, someone must be notified to the nearby fortress, otherwise they will be treated as spies.
The caravan manager personally went to the fort to register with the garrison captain, and his men also started to set up tents and prepare for dinner.
The merchant team hates Jindong because they must abide by various rules here;
The merchant team also likes Jindong very much because everyone here needs to abide by the rules;
As for the guys in these caravans, their most comfortable days are when they are in the border of Shanxi Province. They rest at night and sleep without worrying about safety issues. But when they leave the border of Shanxi Province, they have to take turns to sleep at night. I won’t feel really at ease.
"Lao Lu, I'm looking for you."
"Oh, alright."
At this time,
The lid of a box on a carriage next to it was pushed open. A little girl peeked out furtively and then took out the box. Immediately afterwards, another little boy with a red mole on his forehead also came out of the box. Turned out.
The little girl looks very cute, as delicate as a porcelain doll, and carries a long cloth bag on her back, which is not very coordinated with her figure;
The young man's face looked a little more arrogant, and there was not much greenness in his body, but instead gave people a bit of coldness.
"Brother, come and eat."
The little girl jumped out of the carriage. There was a small pot of food cooking on the campfire. She stirred it with a spoon and filled a bowl with potatoes and roasted meat.
"Brother, here, you are hungry, eat quickly."
The little girl gave the first bowl to her brother.
The young man seemed a little helpless and took the bowl and chopsticks.
The little girl immediately filled herself another bowl and sat down. She was really hungry and started eating right away.
The young man looked at his sister who was devouring the food, shook his head helplessly, turned sideways, and half-crouched.
His back was left to his sister, and he was facing the direction of possible visitors. Even when eating, he would not look at the bowl in his hand.
The two of them hadn't eaten long before the person who had cooked dinner here came back.
The little girl puffed her mouth and looked at the unfinished food in the bowl with a look of reluctance.
The young man was holding bowls and chopsticks, with his sleeves pulled up on one side, revealing a machine launcher tied to his wrist. When Old Lu just turned around and came in, a silver needle shot out and hit Old Lu on the back of his neck. At this position, Lao Lu felt like the world was spinning, rolled his eyes, and fainted.
The young man supported Lao Lu's body with one hand, and then sat him down on the ground. Then he walked to the bonfire, picked up the spoon, and gave his sister another spoonful.
The little girl smiled at her brother and continued to eat.
The young man returned to the position where Lao Lu turned before and continued to stare at the situation outside.
Finally, the little girl was full and felt a little sleepy.
"Brother, let's go back and sleep."
The young man remained silent.
The little girl climbed back into the carriage and got into the box.
The young man washed his bowl and chopsticks with the water in Lao Lu's water bag, placed the little girl's bowl and chopsticks next to Lao Lu, and poured the remaining water in the water bag into his waist. In the water bag, he untied the bottle of wine at Lao Lu's waist, pulled out the stopper and smelled it;
This is Erguotou produced in Fengxin City...
The young man frowned;
He had been taught that when drinking, it was better to drink less than to drink too much. It was better to use inferior wine to make up for the loss than to endure the sensitivity of one's tongue all the time. Wine was like life and could not be compromised.
The young man sprinkled some of the wine in Lao Lu's wine bottle on Lao Lu's neck, soaking his clothes. Then he placed the wine bottle in Lao Lu's arms and pressed the wine bottle with one hand.
After doing this, the young man returned to the carriage box.
The little girl who had eaten and drank enough had fallen asleep with her head on the long cloth bag.
The boy placed the water bag next to the little girl and leaned against another corner.
The young man looked helplessly at his sister who was about to take him away from home but was sleeping so soundly at the moment. He was a little confused, why did he agree to follow her out?
She said she would take him to see the free world outside.
And he,
Maybe you are really worried that your sister, who is very tall except for her sweet smile, will be eaten by wild dogs outside?
The young man closed his eyes,
Let out a sigh:
Lao Lu remained in a coma until the next morning. The pain in his stomach due to hunger made him mistake it for gastrointestinal discomfort after a hangover. Looking at the wine bottle in his hand and the smell of alcohol exuding from his body, he felt helpless:
"I drank too much last night."
The caravan began to move on.
The little girl and boy in the box basically hide in the box during the day, and only come out to eat at night.
The young man has gradually understood this caravan. After all, he can't just point at an old Lu Huohuo. Silver needles have a strong anesthetic effect, but if he keeps staring at one person and shooting that person, he may not be able to withstand it a few times.
Therefore, almost every night, someone is drawn into the "drunken fragment" lottery.
at last,
The caravan arrived at Wangjiang River.
The little girl and the boy left the caravan and sneaked into a dock under the cover of night.
The scale of Jindong's external trade is getting bigger year by year, and the docks along the Wangjiang River are basically in the day-night stage, so even at night, they are still brightly lit;
The laborers were busy moving the goods, the tax officials were busy counting the accounts, and in the distance in the middle of the river, there was a warship of the Dayan Navy parked there on guard;
Along the coast, there are also many cavalry patrols to severely crack down on smuggling.
When the boy and the girl sneaked into the pier, they also saw a bunch of heads hanging on the flagpole at the highest point of the pier, in addition to Dayan's black dragon flag and the Wangfu's double-headed eagle flag;
That was a smuggling team that was caught nearby. In eastern Shanxi, smuggling is a serious crime and will basically be punished with death.
The two chose a small cargo ship that had been loaded with goods. This ship should not leave until tomorrow. After the goods were loaded, the Lifus began to load the next ship's goods, so there was no one on the ship for the time being.
The little girl sat on the deck, holding her stomach. She was hungry again.
The boy placed a bag in front of the two of them, which contained non-perishable food collected a few days ago. He also pulled out the plug of the water bag and placed it with the little girl.
"Hehe, brother is so smart. Come on, sister is a good one."
The little girl took the initiative to hug the boy. Even though the boy resisted this intimate gesture, he still received a kiss on his face from his sister.
After kissing,
The little girl started to eat,
The boy kept wiping his face.
After eating, the little girl remembered and asked:
"Ah, brother, is this ship going to Chu or the other side?"
"If you want to go to the other side of Chu State, you don't need to load the ship overnight. You can just take a pontoon bridge during the day or transport it directly to the other side in a big ship."
"Oh, that's it, so as long as we continue to stay on this ship, we can go directly south along the Wangjiang River to the Chu Kingdom, and then we can meet my uncle.
I remember that this was what my father drew on the sand table in the mortgage room. "
Zheng Lin shook his head,
"You still have to cross Uncle Gou's territory."
"Ah, then do you think dad has sent someone to ask Uncle Gou to wait there to intercept us?"
When Zheng Lin heard this question, he looked at a dark place on the shore. He actually saw nothing, but he didn't think that the dark place was really empty.
If nothing else,
A certain godfather should be watching them right now.
Li Daddy is not good at lurking, and he is big;
Father Liang was leading troops in the military camp and had no time to come over and play house with the children;
Father went out on inspection and took Sister Magic Pill with him;
Mom and Blind Dad have to take care of Fengxin City's accounts. They are obviously much busier this year than in previous years.
Counting and counting,
That is, one of Ming's father or third father was watching them from the shadows, but did not make a sound to disturb them, watching them hide here XZ;
Of course, just to be on the safe side... maybe one of Ming Daddy and Third Daddy will be paired with the Master next to him.
"Brother, we are so awesome. We have already become a monk so far, and the moon outside is so full."
Zheng Lin pointed at the long strip of cloth held in his sister's arms.
"If you take it with you, your father's people will easily find it."
"No, Long Yuan is a good boy. I have whispered to him. He will hide his breath carefully."
This was not perfunctory. Since his sister said so, Zheng Lin believed it. After all, his sister and Long Yuan had been inseparable as long as he could remember.
Sometimes, Long Yuan could carry his sister to fly, but not for long, because his sister could not give Long Yuan enough sword energy at that time, so Long Yuan could only rely on the energy of heaven and earth he absorbed to store energy. , flying for a short while becomes boring;
I remember one time my sister insisted that Long Yuan take her to fly with her, but they fell off after flying to the roof.
When he fell to the ground, he was still holding his sister;
He was not afraid of falling, but he was worried that his sister would be hit. It was not that he was in pain, but that his appearance would be ruined.
My father has always been very fond of his sister. Once he sees her disfigured, he will definitely think that something happened to him because of his naughty and innocent play with his innocent sister, and then beat him to death;
As for mother, not only will she not come to help, but according to past experience, there is a high probability that mother will join dad in a mixed male-female fight.
My sister has always been the image of a good girl who is obedient and well-behaved.
Come to yourself,
It's just the opposite.
"When we get to uncle's place, we can eat a lot of delicious food every day and don't have to go to class." Da Niu hugged Long Yuan and murmured, "Uncle will be very happy to see us."
My uncle would send people to bring a lot of delicious and fun things every year during the holidays. For a child, a distant uncle is definitely a dreamlike and beautiful existence.
Zheng Lin said;
"Uncle, you will be happy when you see my sister."
The eldest girl corrected her: "Uncle will definitely be happier when he sees that you, my brother, are here too."
Zheng Lin nodded,
"Yes, I will be so happy that I go crazy."
The two children stayed in the cabin all night. Early the next morning, the cargo ship left the dock and started sailing south.
Next, there is a long life on the river, boring, boring, dirty air and cramped space.
Fortunately, both children could endure what ordinary people cannot endure, and they still persisted.
When the sailors on the ship explained that they would arrive at Hengfeng Water Village and Fancheng in two days, at night, Da Niu suddenly took Zheng Lin's hand and came to the deck with him.
"Brother, we have to get off the boat." Da Niu said.
"it is good."
Da Niu and Zheng Lin went into the water together. Da Niu held Long Yuan in the water and floated to the shore, while Zheng Lin swam by himself.
After the two came to the shore, they found a rocky beach and stopped.
Zheng Lin found a lot of haystacks and dead branches, while Da Niu found a stone and threw it at Long Yuan;
"Bang! Bang!"
After two impacts, sparks were released from the impact, igniting the haystack and setting the dead branches on fire.
The two children began to take off their clothes and bake.
"Brother, are you hungry?"
After coming out of Fengxin City, "eating" every day has become a top priority.
"Brother, would you like my sister to grill fish for you?"
"it is good."
Zheng Lin said okay, stood up, walked to the river, jumped into the river again, and after a while, he caught two fish and came ashore.
Da Niu used Long Yuan to start scraping the fish scales, and the sword, which was as sharp as iron as mud, was very useful at this time;
After scraping, Da Niu used Long Yuan to skewer the two fishes, then put them on the fire rack and started grilling them.
Zheng Lin silently sorted out the clothes they had dried before, first put away his sister's clothes and put them on her body.
It doesn't matter if it's his own. He's not afraid of the cold and has never been sick since he was a child.
The fish is grilled,
The two children started eating fish.
While eating the big girl, he said: "It tastes so bad, brother, sister, I'm sorry for you."
This grilled fish is really unpalatable because the inside has not been cleaned and there is no seasoning.
"Dad always brings a lot of bottles and cans to every barbecue. I used to think they were a burden, but now I miss those bottles and cans so much." Da Niu continued.
After the two children finished eating the unpleasant grilled fish, they lay there leaning against each other and looked at the stars.
"Brother, do you regret going out with your sister?"
Zheng Lin shook his head and said, "No."
"Brother, you are so kind." The girl stretched out her hand to touch her brother's head.
Zheng Lin turned his head and wanted to avoid it, but the older girl insisted on touching her. After a long stalemate, he finally grabbed his brother's hair with satisfaction.
"My brother is the best."
Zheng Lin lay there and said nothing.
"Brother, let's go back." Da Niu suddenly said.
"Why?" Zheng Lin was a little puzzled. After suffering so much and suffering so much, he finally got here. He thought that his sister had forgotten the next way, and reminded him, "Follow the Mengshan Mountain." If we walk along the west side and head south, we can bypass Uncle Gou's Fan City and reach the Chu Kingdom."
The older girl pouted and said, "I don't want to go find my uncle anymore."
It was difficult for Zheng Lin to understand the brain circuit of his sister.
It has to be said that Zheng Lin is still very naive at this age. When he grows up, he will probably find that the brain circuit of every beautiful woman seems to be so difficult to understand.
"I used to think that my uncle was far away, so I just missed him. Now that my uncle is very close, I don't think about him that much anymore."
The big girl suddenly started crying "woo woo woo",
"Brother, I miss my father and my mother."
Zheng Lin looked at his sister who suddenly started crying, feeling a little helpless;
The big girl reached out and tugged Zheng Lin's hand.
Zheng Lin didn’t respond;
The big girl stretched out her hand and pulled again.
Zheng Lin still didn't respond.
The big girl pinched Zheng Lin's arm while crying. Even though Zheng Lin had strong muscles and bones since childhood, he still grinned in pain when the girl pinched the soft flesh with skillful force.
He could only reach out and hug his sister.
The elder sister reached out and patted her younger brother on the back:
"If my brother doesn't cry, my sister is here. If my brother doesn't cry, my sister is here."
"..." Zheng Lin.
one night without words;
The next morning,
Both children woke up one after another.
Da Niu looked at the extinguished fire, then looked at the river in front of her, and said;
"Brother, sister thinks you don't want to eat grilled fish anymore."
"Yes, I don't want to eat it."
"Brother, sister thinks you should want to eat, for example, egg fried rice."
"Yes, I want to eat egg fried rice."
The big girl said happily: "Look, sister, how accurate my guess is."
"Yes, sister is awesome."
"Then I'll take Long Yuan to dig out bird eggs!"
"Okay, I'm going to plant rice now."
"That's it!"
Da Niu hugged Long Yuan and headed to the cliff valley ahead.
Zheng Lin scratched his head, but did not actually plant rice. After the big girl's figure disappeared from his eyes, Zheng Lin shouted to the surroundings three times:
“Egg Fried Rice!”
“Egg Fried Rice!”
“Egg Fried Rice!”
finished shouting,
Zheng Lin ran after the big girl.
There are many bird nests in the valley, and the big girl has Long Yuan in her hands. Even if those diligent birds place their nests in very steep locations, they still cannot avoid the poison of fate.
Zheng Lin, on the other hand, was hiding nearby, watching his sister "committing evil" hard.
He doesn’t feel relieved if he doesn’t look at it,
I'm worried that my stupid eldest sister will fall to death for no apparent reason.
It would be difficult for an ordinary child to fall to death, because after all, only a few wealthy families have high lofts. But my sister is different. Long Yuan can fly, so the chance of her falling to death is very high.
as predicted,
The accident happened anyway,
The greedy girl fell down.
Zheng Lin rushed out immediately, but during the fall, Long Yuan caught the big girl again and delivered it safely to Zheng Lin's hands. However, the bag of eggs that was originally hanging on Long Yuan was smashed to pieces.
The big girl started to cry,
"Brother, I can't eat fried rice anymore. Have you finished planting rice?"
Zheng Lin looked at the pile of smashed eggs, mourned for the mother birds, and nodded;
"It should be planted."
"Then my sister will make fried rice for you. There are no eggs. By the way, what should I do with the oil? The fried rice won't taste good without oil, and it will become crispy rice."
"Don't worry, I also planted rapeseed flowers."
"Brother, you are still thoughtful."
Zheng Lin accompanied his sister, who still had tears in her eyes, back to the rocky beach where they stayed last night. Next to the extinguished fire, there was a pile of neatly stacked firewood and a pot with bowls and spoons in it.
Next to it, there was a bag of rice and stacked eggs.
As if to explain the origin of these eggs, an old hen was tied next to them.
The big girl ran over very excitedly.
Zheng Lin also walked over,
I found that in addition to these, there were some small cloth bags next to them, which contained a series of side dishes and condiments such as onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, chili powder, corn kernels.
After seeing this,
Zheng Lin finally realized who had been following and protecting them in the shadows.
It's not a godfather, it's not a master, or it's just them who are not pure.
Because only that person will deliberately bring so many spices with him when he goes out, and has such a delicate pursuit of exquisite life.
In the words of my father,
It's called... things are pressing.
There is another name,
dear father.
(End of this chapter)

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