Chapter 105 Questioning

Three to five days later.

With Yan Bugui's help, Yue Buqun's internal injuries have recovered.

But for the sake of stability, he still insisted on going into seclusion at Shangsi Guoya for a period of time to ensure that he would be sure of victory when facing Zuo Lengchan.

All affairs of the Huashan Sect were handed over to Yan Bugui.

During this period, he widely circulated hero posts and invited honorable and upright people in the world.

A little over a month later, the time for the Five Sacred Mountains Conference arrived, and masters from all over the world were invited.

The disciples of Huashan Sect were so busy that they kept leading guests to Chaoyang Peak.

When Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin, more than a thousand people came to congratulate him, and there were only a lot more heroes present at today's event.

During this month, Yan Bugui spent money to hire a large number of masons and built a large number of houses and monasteries on Chaoyang Peak to entertain guests.

Although time is a bit tight, money can make all the difference. The most important thing the Huashan Sect lacks now is money.

There are five Taishi chairs under the five stone pillars of the 'Cactus'. Each chair is covered with brocade, divided into five colors from left to right: red, white, yellow, green and black, with a mountain peak embroidered on each brocade.

There is already a monk, a layman, and a white-haired beggar sitting in the guest seats at the bottom. They are the Jinding master of the Emei sect, Qiankun Yijian Zhenshanzi of the Kunlun sect, and Jie Feng, the leader of the Beggar Clan.

Yue Buqun and Yan Bugui, two frontmen of the Huashan Sect, were chatting with the three of them.

"Master, uncle, all the masters from Mount Tai, Nanyue Hengshan, and Beiyue Hengshan have arrived." Linghu Chong's voice came from afar.

Tianmen Taoist Master, Mr. Mo Da, and two masters, Dingxian and Dingyi, each came hand in hand with their disciples.

The two of them apologized and hurriedly greeted him.

Mo Da looked around and asked, "Isn't the left leader here yet?"

"The alliance leader respects his identity, so he naturally wants to make his final appearance." Yan Bugui cupped his fists and said, "Senior Brother Mo, I haven't apologized for what happened to Senior Brother Lu, so I still hope to see Haihan."

"It doesn't matter." Mo Dahun waved his hand nonchalantly: "Junior Brother Lu doesn't know right from wrong and helps the tyrants to do evil. It's deserving of being taught a lesson. Junior Brother Yan doesn't have to worry about it."

"Senior brother, it's fine if you don't take offense." Yan Bugui nodded, wondering how on earth this man named Lu got around. Even the Hengshan Sect's own people didn't want to see him.

Tianmen Taoist said with a serious face: "Can what Senior Brother Yue said in his letter be taken seriously? Did the Zuo Alliance Leader really do such an unjust thing?"

"The evidence is conclusive." Yue Buqun said seriously: "When Zuo Lengchan arrives, we will know the truth."

"Amitabha, it's a sin, it's a sin." Master Dingxian clasped his hands together: "The left leader is the leader of the alliance. His martial arts are so high that few people in the world can match him. Now he has lost his fame just for a moment of greed. Why bother!"

"The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "If everyone had such a big mind and wisdom as you, Master, there wouldn't be so many things in the martial arts world."

Yue Buqun led everyone to the cactus: "Junior brother's words make sense. Please take your seats first."

"Master, the master uncle." Lin Pingzhi came quickly: "Shaolin Master Fang Zheng and Wudang Chongxu Taoist Master lead their disciples, and they are almost at the top of the mountain."

Before he finished speaking, the heads of the three sects who had just sat down, as well as Jin Dingshangren, Zhen Shanzi, and Jie Feng, stood up one after another, and followed Yue Buqun and Yan Bugui to greet him.

The weight of Shaolin, Wudang, Taishan and Beidou is fully demonstrated at this moment.

After a while, a monk and two old men came side by side.

"Thank you for the help of two eminent sages who took the time to come. Yue Buqun didn't come far away to greet you. I hope you will forgive me."

"Amitabha." Master Fang Zheng, with a beard as thick as snow and a peaceful smile on his face, leaned forward and said, "Mr. Yue's words are serious."

Taoist Master Chongxu's eyes fell on Yan Bugui, he bowed with a smile and said: "I have heard about Brother Yan for a long time, and we finally meet today. I am polite."

"I don't dare." Yan Bugui couldn't help but be surprised, how could this old Taoist priest be so polite.

Master Fang Zheng laughed: "It seems that Brother Yan is a noble man who forgets things. More than ten years ago, you killed Gongsun Wulong in Qixia Town. That man once broke into Wudang Mountain and injured Taoist Chongxu and many others. Wudang disciple."

"Exactly." Taoist Master Chongxu said: "Master Yan will eliminate this villain, and everyone in Wudang will be impressed."

Yan Bugui suddenly said: "It happened to be a meeting at that time, so it's not worth mentioning."

The two sides exchanged pleasantries again.

Seeing the Shaolin Abbot and Wudang Master arriving in person, the heroes present could not help but start talking.

"The scene today is really big!"

"It's really interesting! It is well known that Songshan is the leader of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, but now Huashan is hosting the Five Mountains Conference. If the leader's position cannot be guaranteed, he will have to be replaced today." "You don't know, there is a lot of mystery in this. , it is said that more than a month ago, the Huashan Sect was attacked by a large number of masters at the Fuwei Escort Agency, do you think who did it?"

"Is it the Songshan sect?"

"This is what you said, it has nothing to do with me."

"You are afraid of an egg. If this matter is taken seriously, Zuo Lengchan will not only lose his position as leader of the alliance today, but he will also have to stay in Huashan with his life."

"Looking at this close-knit attitude, I wonder who will be the leader of the alliance in the end?"

"There's no need to ask. In terms of martial arts and reputation, besides the Huashan sect, who else can they have? Otherwise, what are they planning to do today?"

Similar sounds kept ringing in the crowd.

"The left leader of Songshan Sect has arrived!"

As Liang Fa's voice suddenly sounded, Zuo Lengchan led five or six white-haired old men and dozens of disciples including his top disciples Shi Dengda and Di Xiu to climb Chaoyang Peak.

"Thank you for waiting for a long time, Zuo is rude." Zuo Lengchan came under the cactus and bowed to all the celebrities in the martial arts world.

Yue Buqun smiled and said: "It would be great if Master Zuo can come."

"Senior Brother Yue is joking." Zuo Lengchan said with a smile but not a smile: "Today is the grand gathering of the Five Mountains, and brothers are the leaders of the alliance, so there is no reason not to come."

Yue Buqun turned his eyes to Master Fang Zheng and Taoist Chongxu: "I would like to ask you two to be witnesses for today's meeting."

Master Fangzheng clasped his palms together and said slowly: "It is my honor to be able to do my little bit for all my martial arts colleagues."

Chongxu nodded: "It's the same for me, Mr. Yue, there's no need to be polite."

Yue Buqun stepped forward and faced everyone and said loudly: "Everyone! The Five Sacred Sword Sects are in the same spirit. Everyone in the world knows that we have been like a family for more than a hundred years..."

The mountain wind was rustling at the top of Chaoyang Peak, and the martial arts heroes present were still talking among themselves. But as soon as he spoke, all the sounds were suppressed, and the sound spread for miles.

Regardless of distance, every word was clearly sent to everyone's ears.

Everyone couldn't help but be secretly surprised and admired in their hearts: 'Master Yue has such pure internal strength! I have long heard that Huashan Zixia's magical power is extremely mysterious, and today I saw it and it was indeed well-deserved. ’

Yue Buqun continued: "However, something heartbreaking happened recently."

He slowly looked at Zuo Lengchan and said sternly: "Master Zuo, in front of the heroes of the world, Yue opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

More than a month ago, an elder of your Songshan sect and ten eunuchs including Ding Mian and Lu Bai seriously injured my Huashan disciple Lin Pingzhi and almost killed him. They also took advantage of my junior brother to heal him and led dozens of archers. Attacked the Fuwei Escort Agency at night with the intention of robbing the Lin family of evil sword manuals.

Such sinister behavior is really disgusting, please ask the left leader to give an explanation to Yue. "

There was an uproar inside and outside the venue.

It was just hearsay before, and everyone still had doubts. Now that they heard Yue Buqun say it himself, it was obvious that it was true, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

Before Zuo Lengchan went up the mountain, he had repeatedly sent his disciples to investigate and confirmed that the Huashan Sect had no evidence. He was determined to refute.

He had already thought of his words.

There was no evidence to prove it, so even if he said that Ding Mian and others were there to protect the Lin family and prevent the Demon Cult from snatching the anti-evil sword manual.

If things go well, they might be able to bite Yue Buqun back, saying that he murdered and framed his comrades in order to compete for the position of leader of the Five Sacred Alliance.

Yue Buqun stared at Zuo Lengchan, as if he had read through his mind. When he saw that he was about to speak, he said first, "Yue knows that it is difficult to convince the public with his one-sided words. Junior brother, please bring the witness."

Hearing this, Zuo Lengchan's expression suddenly changed.

A hint of ridicule flashed in Yue Buqun's eyes.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no room for you to refute.

Zuo Lengchan, you are dead!

Then, under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Yan Bugui brought an old woman with a pockmarked face to the center of the venue.

Someone with a good memory recognized this old woman as having brought him tea just now.

(End of this chapter)

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