Chapter 113 Contradictions

After meeting Qu Feiyan, Yan Bugui left Luoyang overnight and rushed to Hangzhou.

If Ren Yingying receives news of Ren Woxing's death, West Lake Meizhuang is the most likely place she will go.

They rushed to Meizhuang at full speed, and it was still Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei who opened the door.

"Master Yan?" Ding Jian said in surprise: "You came just in time. The four village owners have been talking to you these days."

Yan Bugui was welcomed in and met the Four Friends of Jiangnan.

The four of them congratulated first and then thanked them.

After the greetings, Yan Bugui asked: "Is there anything unusual inside and outside Meizhuang lately?"

Huang Zhonggong shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it. Why did Brother Yan ask this question?"

Yan Bugui said in a deep voice: "I suspect that Ren Yingying may have discovered that Ren Woxing is dead."

Upon hearing this, Dan Qingsheng immediately called Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei for questioning. Both of them said that they had not noticed any abnormalities recently.

Yan Bugui was still worried, so he came to the graves of Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian.

Upon closer inspection, he found signs of being tampered with in the soil on the grave, and immediately went back to get a shovel to dig out their coffins.


The lid of Ren Woxing's coffin was knocked open, and it was already empty inside.

The same goes for Xiang Wentian.

Yan Bugui threw away the shovel and patted the dust on his hands: "She has indeed been here!"

The four friends from the south of the Yangtze River looked at each other in astonishment.

Yan Bugui secretly pondered Ren Yingying's movements.

The Sun Moon God Sect has now changed her surname to Lin. Her name as a holy aunt has been invalidated. She has no one to rely on in the sect. Going to Heimu Cliff is undoubtedly asking for death.

There is no point in going back to Luoyang.

"Take care, everyone. Young Master Yan will accompany you." Yan Bugui said goodbye to his four friends from the south of the Yangtze River on the spot and hurried back to Huashan.

Now that Ren Yingying has discovered this place, she probably knows who her father-killing enemy is, so she will most likely go to Huashan now to wait for an opportunity to avenge her father's murder.

Jade Girl Peak.

Before Yan Bugui stepped into the mountain gate, he saw Yue Lingshan coming out from inside.

"Master, you are finally back."

Yan Bugui asked: "You specially waited for me here, is there something wrong?"

Yue Lingshan looked worried: "My father is angry because Junior Brother Lin became the leader of the Demon Cult. You must be careful when you see him later."

"Relax." Yan Bugui smiled and said, "I will explain it to your father. It's not a big deal."

While the two of them were talking, they were already in a state of confusion.

Yue Buqun's face was gloomy, while Linghu Chong and others stood aside like quails, not daring to take a breath.

Seeing Yan Bugui enter the door, Yue Buqun snorted coldly: "Junior brother, you are too messy this time! Is it your idea for Lin Ping to become the leader of the Demon Cult?"

"Yes." Yan Bugui nodded and sat down nonchalantly.

"Then have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this to Huashan?"

"It's nothing more than some people making irresponsible remarks and asking Ping to completely take charge of the academic affairs. I have my own way to solve this matter."

"That's easy for you to say! Huashan's hard-earned reputation has now been completely ruined by you."

"Then do you know what consequences it will bring to the entire world if Pingzhi does not become the leader?"

"Dongfang Sheng is dead, and the Demon Cult tree has fallen and scattered. This is a huge happy event. What other consequences could there be."

"Then do you know how many followers the Devil's Cult has? I don't know. Let me tell you, there are more than 30,000 followers in all states and provinces.

The Demonic Cult has always been evil and lawless. Once this group of people loses restraint, it will inevitably cause turmoil, which will not only endanger the martial arts world but also harm ordinary people. Do you still think this is a happy event? "

"..." Yue Buqun's expression froze and he was speechless when asked, not knowing how to refute.

"Think about it for yourself, hum!" Yan Bugui stood up coldly, leaving Yue Buqun, whose face was pale and pale, and walked away.

After going out, he did not leave Youbuweixuan, but came to the bedroom of Yue Buqun and his wife.

"Sister, I'm back."

Ning Zhong looked at him with a smile and said with emotion: "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, the little kid who was running around behind me has become the best martial arts master in the world." "No matter what happens, I will still be your junior brother. How about you, did you feel any discomfort during my absence?"

"It's good." Ning Zhongze said helplessly: "It's not the first time for me. I know what to do, so you don't have to worry so much."

Yan Bugui stretched out his hand and said: "The first three months of pregnancy are the key. Be careful not to make a big mistake. Come, let me take your pulse."

"Your medical skills are not in vain." Ning Zhongze suddenly asked in a low voice: "How long will you two continue to quarrel? It really makes my head hurt hearing this."

"It's almost time. We just found some clues this time. Please bear with me." Yan Bugui withdrew the hand that checked her pulse: "Okay, the pulse is very stable, please continue to take care of her."

"I'll just say you're too worried."

"My sister, at your age, you are considered to be of advanced maternal age in medical terms. You two are really interesting, both of you are over fifty, and you still have the idea of ​​having a child with old age.

Don't blame me for scolding him, senior brother is just selfish and doesn't consider your body at all. "

"It was an accident, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about you. You are now number one in the world, and the Huashan Sect is already the number one among the five mountains. This is a major event in your life..."

"Stop it, do you know why your junior brother can win? It's because I am single and have no other focus on practicing.

If, like Dongfang Sheng and Yang Lianting, you find someone to indulge in wine and sex, you won't be able to see me today. "

"Hmph~ You always say that."

That night!

Beijing, Dongchang.

"Lord Governor, the latest news from Huashan is that Yan Bugui had a big quarrel with Yue Buqun as soon as he returned to the mountain. It was all as you expected."

"The day when they will fight should not be far away. It would be a missed opportunity. It seems that it is necessary for me, the governor, to go to Huashan in person."

More than half a month passed like this.

Yan Bugui and Yue Buqun would quarrel every now and then.

There are various reasons, but they all seem to be the same thing, that is, the two of them dislike each other.

On this day, another piece of news came from the world.

Lin Pingzhi, the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, announced to the martial arts world that he canonized Qu Feiyan, the granddaughter of Qu Yang, the former elder of the God Sect, as a holy girl of the God Sect. All members of the God Sect see the saint as if they were seeing the leader.

Righteous Hall.

Everyone from the Huashan Sect gathered together after hearing the rumors.

Yue Buqun glared at Yan Bugui with a serious face and said sternly: "Listen to the good things your good disciple has done. Seeing the saint is like seeing the leader. What does he want to do? Is this also your instruction?"

"It is true that I called Feifei to help Pingzhi. I don't know about the saint. But this is normal. There must be a suitable identity so that Feifei can assist Pingzhi."

"With such self-assertion, I think he no longer remembers who he is. If this continues, sooner or later there will be another Dongfang Sheng."

"Yue Buqun! Don't think that just because you are the leader, you can talk nonsense. Pingzhi is my disciple, and I know best who he is."

"Haha~ Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. What good can he learn from hanging with a demon sect witch? Besides, the leader of the demon sect is so majestic. Now that he has great power, does he still care about the identity of a mere disciple of Huashan? ?

It's not that I'm talking nonsense, it's that you haven't realized the seriousness of this matter.

Just because you were bold and reckless in doing things, you made Lin Pingzhi become the leader of the Demon Cult. From now on, things will be troubled in the martial arts world. "

"Bah! Why would you want to accuse me? I think you are worried that without the Demon Cult in the martial arts world, you, the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, will be useless and useless from now on, right?"

"Bastard!" Yue Buqun was furious. He raised his hand and smashed the table next to him into pieces. He blew his beard and glared in anger: "You think you are the best in martial arts, so why don't you put me, the leader, in front of you?" It’s in your eyes, right?”

Yan Bugui also shouted: "Bullshit! I think you have become the leader of this bullshit alliance, and you don't recognize who you are."

The noise between the two of them got louder and louder!

Yue Lingshan jumped to her feet anxiously and quickly advised: "Dad, Master, please stop arguing..."

"Shut up!" Yue Buqun yelled, "You have no right to speak out here."

Linghu Chong and others, who originally wanted to speak, were suddenly frightened and gave up the idea.

"Yue Buqun, what do you want to do?" Yan Bugui said angrily: "First you slander my little disciple, and then you scold my big disciple, be careful I won't finish with you!"

"I can teach my daughter a lesson whenever she wants. Failure to teach strictly is a sign of laziness. Shan'er learned from you and is so unruly."

"What's the matter, do you mean you want to teach me a lesson too? I'm afraid you don't have the ability. Let me tell you, the Sunflower Book is nothing in my eyes."

"Shut up! You are stubborn and stubborn. Today I will teach you a lesson for Master." Yue Buqun was furious. He did not care about the gentleman's sword. He immediately used his right hand and waved his sleeve to Yue Lingshan's waist, turning blood. The divine sword immediately ejected from its sheath and was caught in his hand.

"I'm afraid you won't make it!" Yan Bugui's right hand turned into a claw, aiming at Lu Dayou's sword and grabbing it in the air. The nine-turn star-absorbing star Peiran started to rotate, and the long sword unsheathed with a clang, and flew straight into him. In the palm of your hand.

(End of this chapter)

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