Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 123 Wanyankang climbs along the pole

Chapter 123 Wanyankang climbs along the pole

At noon, the two of them passed by a hill.

The mountain road was bumpy, Wanyankang's pace became slower and slower, his breathing became heavier, and his physical strength and vitality were gradually exhausted.

It was February now, the weather was still cold, but he was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

"Master, let's take a rest. I can hardly lift my feet." Wan Yankang has been arrogant since he was a child. He feels that the hard work in this short half day is more than the previous eighteen years combined.

"Your body is too weak." Yan Bugui tightened the reins of Hei Feng with a pout and shook his head, reluctantly saying, "Then take a rest."

Wanyan Kangdeng breathed a sigh of relief. He saw a big stone on the side of the road and sat on it regardless of the dust on it.

"Don't sit still and do your exercises." Yan Bugui lay on the horse and kicked Erlang's legs leisurely.

"Master, I just sat down." Wanyankang was about to cry but had no tears. He secretly wondered whether he had worshiped the wrong master. Is this a practice or an exile?

"I don't understand anything." Yan Bugui said: "Listen up, I will teach you the first lesson now. Relaxing and taking a rest immediately when you are exhausted is not good for your health. You have to learn to conquer fatigue. It’s the secret to quickly improving your skills.”

"Why have I never heard of such a saying?" Wanyankang was surprised.

Both Mei Chaofeng and Qiu Chuji taught him that martial arts training relies on hard work accumulated over time and there is no shortcut.

Yan Bugui casually turned the purple bamboo flute between his fingers and said calmly: "The ancients said that one sentence is true and thousands of books are false. My words are true. If you don't believe it, that's up to you."

"I'll give it a try." Wanyankang began to sit cross-legged and meditate with hesitation.

A moment passes.

Yan Bugui suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the direction he came from.

Not long after, I saw a good-looking girl in red, about seventeen or eighteen years old, riding a horse.

"Apprentice, someone is looking for you."

"Who?" Wan Yankang opened his eyes, followed Yan Bugui's gaze, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Sister Nianci! Why is she here?"

Wanyankang's expression suddenly changed and he immediately stood up to greet him.

Seeing that he was struggling, Mu Nianci quickly dismounted and supported him: "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Wanyankang said anxiously: "Didn't you follow my mother and the others to Zhongnan Mountain? Are they in danger?"

Mu Nianci shook his head and said, "Don't worry, my foster mother and the others are very good."

Wanyankang felt relieved and immediately asked doubtfully: "Then why did you come here alone?"

Yan Bugui sighed: "Silly boy, there's no need to ask, I'm obviously here to find you."

Hearing this, Mu Nianci couldn't help but blush, and said shyly: "That day you won the martial arts competition to find a bride. You and I are already engaged. I will go wherever you go..."

Her voice became softer and softer, and her face became redder and redder.

Looking at her shy and beautiful face, Wan Yankang was overjoyed, and all the fatigue on his body was instantly wiped away.

Wanyankang took Mu Nianci's hand and said affectionately: "Sister, I am wrongly loved by you. I swear that I will treat you well and never let you down."

"Yes." Mu Nianci nodded gently, with a smile on his face.

The two led the horses and came to Yan Bugui hand in hand.

Wanyan Kang said: "Master, I want to take Nian Ci with me on the journey. I hope you will agree."

Yan Bugui asked: "She's already here, can I still drive her away?"

Mu Nianci was grateful: "Thank you, senior."

"Now that we've decided, let's set off." Yan Bugui patted Black Wind and signaled it to continue moving forward.

"Ah?" Wanyankang was startled, and his face suddenly turned bitter: "Goodbye, Master, I haven't had enough rest."

"Really?" Yan Bugui teased, "Why didn't I see that you looked tired?"

Mu Nianci asked in confusion: "Akang, what's wrong with you? Why don't you ride a horse?"

"Let's talk as we walk." Seeing Yan Bugui walking further and further away, Wanyankang knew that if he didn't catch up quickly, the distance would become longer later and the chase would only become more tiring. The dazzling day is coming to an end.

Because Wan Yankang delayed their trip, the three of them barely made it to the next town before dark.

After finding the best local inn to stay, Wanyankang took off the box and lay on the bed like mud.

Yan Bugui kicked his ass neither lightly nor hard: "Get up, why did you forget what I taught you this morning so quickly?"

Wanyankang said with a sad face: "Master, please spare me, I really can't hold on any longer."

"Okay." Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly: "Then when you are compared with Guo Jing, don't come to me to cry."

"..." Wanyankang remained silent, then gritted his teeth and climbed up, starting to sit cross-legged and meditate.

He already knew about the eighteen-year agreement between Qiu Chuji and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan. Although Qiu Chuji admitted defeat, the man's pride prevented him from accepting that he lost to that stupid boy Guo Jing.

Mu Nianci couldn't help laughing as she watched from the side, feeling that Yang Kang seemed to be more likeable than before.

After Wanyankang finished practicing, the three of them gathered in Yan Bugui's room to have dinner.

Halfway through eating, looking at the chicken feet on the plate, Wan Yankang rolled his eyes and asked anxiously: "Master, yesterday you said that Mei Chaofeng's Nine Yin White Bone Claws were not practiced correctly. I have learned from her before. This skill also includes the Heart-Destroying Palm, will there be any sequelae?"

Yan Bugui looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Boy, are you trying to trick me? If you want to learn the Nine Yin Manual, just tell me directly and don't beat around the bush with me."

Wanyan Kang smiled coquettishly: "You saw it."

Yan Bugui clicked his tongue: "Speaking of it, you are really capable. You can actually let Mei Chaofeng teach you the skills of pressing the bottom of the box."

Wanyan Kangdao: "When I was a child, I went to the garden to collect bird eggs, and I happened to see Master Mei practicing the white python whip. She was responsible for sweeping the floor in the backyard of the palace at that time. I was not afraid of her, so I pestered her to teach me.

Perhaps because Wanyan Honglie saved her in Mongolia, she did not reject me and taught me three moves first, which I quickly learned.

She praised me for being smart, and I also praised her for being a monk. Everyone likes to hear good things, and in the end she passed on all her skills to me, but she made me swear not to reveal them.

But the day before yesterday, she showed up at the palace, and everyone already knew that we were master and disciple, so it didn't matter. "

Yan Bugui suddenly said: "I see. Don't worry, I won't let you kowtow in vain."

Wanyankang's hand holding the chopsticks trembled: "Are you willing to teach me?"

"Mei Chaofeng is willing to part with it, so what can I be reluctant to part with." Yan Bugui took out the purple gourd given by Dan Qingsheng and took a sip of the four-steamed and four-brewed wine: "I didn't get much from the Nine Yin Manual, but there is something in it. It’s the right time for you to learn how to lay the foundation for this chapter.”

"Thank you, Master." Wanyankang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Mu Nianci put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands: "Then I'll get out of the way first."

"No need." Yan Bugui said, "You should also learn together, so as not to let this bad boy bully you in the future."

Mu Nianci's mouth opened slightly, she was speechless in surprise, her face was full of disbelief.

Wan Yankang kicked her under the table and reminded: "Sister, don't be stunned, hurry up and meet the master."

Mu Nianci suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly stood up and knelt down to worship: "Disciple, I bow to the master."

After kowtowing eight times, she officially became Yan Bugui's fifth disciple.

"Your kid is quite good at climbing along the pole." Yan Bugui rolled his eyes at Wan Yankang, stretched out his hand to help Mu Nianci up and said, "Girl, if this kid dares to bully you in the future, just tell the master, and I will see that the master won't interrupt. His legs."

Mu Nianci smiled and shook his head: "He won't, I believe him."

Later, Yan Bugui taught the two people the "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones".

Wan Yankang is indeed smart. He only listened to it three or four times and already knew it by heart.

"Master, now that we have internal strength, when will you teach us swordsmanship? The move you used to block the arrow in Zhongdu City that day was simply amazing!"

"I'm not Mei Chaofeng, there's no point in flattering me." Yan Bugui said angrily: "Our martial arts puts Qi training first, let's wait until you lay the foundation first."

Nothing happened all night.

The next morning, the three of them washed up, had breakfast, and continued to Lin'an.

(End of this chapter)

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