Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 133 Are you interested in rebelling?

Chapter 133 Are you interested in rebelling?

"Third Prince, my subordinate has something unclear."


"This visit to the Song Dynasty is a big deal. If it can be accomplished, it will be a great achievement. It stands to reason that the Sixth Prince will compete with you as before. Why is there no movement at all this time?"

"Hahaha... That loser Lao Liu, the princess was snatched away in public, and the son she raised for eighteen years turned out to be a Song bastard.

This matter caused a storm in the city, greatly damaged the majesty of my royal family, and made my father furious. How can he still have the face to appear in front of my father now. "

"Then I would like to congratulate you, Your Majesty. Now that the Sixth Prince has lost His Majesty's favor, you will be the one to inherit the Kingdom of Jin in the future."

"Father, Emperor Long is in good health. It's too early to say anything about this." Although Wanyan Hongxi said this, there was a clear smile on his face.

The five people on the roof had a clear view.

What Wanyan Hongxi just said made Wanyankang look extremely ugly. His hands, which had been trained with the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, crushed a piece of tile to pieces.

Yan Bugui patted his shoulder to express comfort.

At this time, Wanyan Hongxi's voice came from the room again.

"Is there any news from the Mongolian mission?"

"We are still on the way. This matter will have to wait for the arrival of Commander Duan Tiande and Duan from the Song Kingdom to greet the prince. It will not be too late to start planning again. After all, this is still within the Song Kingdom, and it is inconvenient for our people to take action."

Guo Jing was shocked when he heard the name 'Duan Tiande'. Fortunately, Huang Rong stopped him, otherwise he would have rushed down by now.

Then, Wanyan Hongxi suddenly sighed, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a look of sadness.

It turned out that during this period, Daikin and Mongolia suffered major defeats in several battles.

Although the Jin soldiers were numerically superior, they were not as brave as the Mongolian cavalry. Most of the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun had been lost.

In order to expand the results of the war, Mongolia planned to form an alliance with the Song Dynasty and join forces to destroy the Jin Dynasty. Wanyan Hongxi came here to prevent this from happening, otherwise the Kingdom of Jin would be in danger.

The night is getting darker.

After Wanyan Hongxi took a rest, the five people left the mansion quietly.

Guo Jing was still excited: "This trip is indeed not in vain! As long as we follow the Jin Kingdom envoy, Duan Tiande can be easily captured. Brother Yang, the day of revenge is not far away."

Wanyankang remained sullen and silent.

Now, he suddenly realized that he had thought of things too simply.

Even if he finally decided to continue to be a golden man, I'm afraid it would be difficult to have everything he had before. Now it seemed that it didn't matter whether he could find Duan Tiande or not, he had no choice.

"Master, I know that you feel uncomfortable." Yan Bugui said, "I won't talk about the interests of the family and the country. You have already had your own ideas at your age, and I can't change them with just a few words.

So during this period I will only teach you martial arts and never talk about the big principles. But as the saying goes, mountains will fall if you rely on them, and you will grow old if you rely on everyone. It is best to rely on yourself.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing glory, wealth, fame and power. This is the yearning for a better life, and there are few people in the world who don’t like it.

If you like it, then go for it with your own hands. As long as you have the ability, it is not a bad idea to go to the palaces in Lin'an and Zhongdu to snatch the thrones of Zhao Gou and Wanyan Jing. After all, it is not like there is no one with the surname Yang in this world. "

As soon as he spoke, the four young people were all shocked and looked at him with disbelief.

Guo Jing was speechless and said: "Let's just pay back the Jin Kingdom. We are the people of the Song Dynasty. Isn't this a rebellion? How is this allowed?"

"What's wrong?" Yan Bugui said disapprovingly: "The king has no way, so what's the use of keeping it? Isn't it the Zhao family that took this country from others. Now that he can't keep it, then Don’t blame others for grabbing it.”

Guo Jing frowned: "No, it shouldn't be like this. My mother and my six masters have always told me that a man should guard the rivers and mountains like Grandpa Yue Feiyue, protect the land and the people, and serve the country with loyalty."

"Then Marshal Yue was killed by a foolish king and treacherous ministers." Yan Bugui said: "The court is foolish, even if you have a hundred loyal hearts, it will be useless. The Song Dynasty lost half of its country, causing the people in the north to be enslaved by foreign races, and also Isn't it just because of Zhao's incompetence?

It is better to expect them to restore the Han people than to expect a sow to climb a tree. If such people continue to be emperors, only the common people will suffer. "

Guo Jing opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

Yan Bugui continued: "Actually, the people don't care who becomes the emperor. As long as they can live and work in peace and contentment, he is a good emperor. Who cares what your surname is.

The Song Dynasty was weak not because the enemy was too strong, but because the leaders were too incompetent. If you want to save the Han people, you must solve the problem from the root. "

Wanyankang's energy perked up, and his eyes were filled with brilliance.

"It's easy to say." Huang Rong said: "Fighting with an army is not a vendetta. No matter how high your personal martial arts is, it cannot play a decisive role.

Not to mention the huge financial resources required to recruit troops and horses, even if you have troops and horses, you still need to know how to arrange troops, which is even more difficult than practicing martial arts. "That's true, but where there's a will, there's a way." "Yan Bugui secretly thought that there should be a Tianning Temple in this world. He should take the time to go to Jiangling to confirm.

Wanyan Kang remembered the "Wu Mu's Suicide Note" that Wanyan Honglie once mentioned.

This book records Yue Fei's life-long military skills. If he can study them, he will be invincible on the battlefield.

On the night of the great change in the Zhao Palace, Wanyan Honglie summoned Ouyang Ke and other five masters in order to try to obtain Wu Mu's suicide note for use in attacking the Song Dynasty.

Guo Jing fell into silence, his face and heart were extremely tangled.

He felt that what Yan Bugui said seemed to make sense, but it was contrary to the concepts he had learned and known since childhood. He didn't know who to believe for a while.

While talking, the five people had returned to the inn.

Yan Bugui stretched out: "It's getting late, let's go back and rest first."

Wan Yankang hasn't made a final decision yet, and it's not time to elaborate on this matter.

Nothing happened all night.

The next morning, after everyone got up and had breakfast, they decided to set off for the shore of Taihu Lake first.

If Jin Guoqin's envoy wants to go to Lin'an, he must pass there.

Taihu Lake covers an area of ​​36,000 hectares, and is dim and dim.

When the five people came to the lake, they saw the long sky and distant waves. Everything was blue. Seventy-two green peaks stood upright among the vast waves. The picturesque scenery made people intoxicated.

Huang Rong was very playful: "How about we take a tour on the lake before Wanyan Hongxi comes?"

"Just right." Yan Bugui nodded: "There is an old friend of yours on this lake. With his help, we can save a lot of trouble this time."

Huang Rong couldn't help but be startled: "Old friend?"

"You'll know when the time comes." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he took them to buy a large boat in a nearby fishing village, hired a boatman, and took their horses to the lake.

As we got further away from the shore, everyone looked around, seeing endless horizons. They really didn't know that the world was in the lake and the sea, and the lake and the sea were in the sky and the earth.

The sun sets in the west.

After having fun, their boat stopped at a bluestone pier, where they saw many pavilions and a large manor in front of them.

After leading the horses ashore, everyone looked at the plaque on the gate of the manor, which read three large gilt characters 'Guiyun Village'.

There were six strong men with single swords at their waists at the door, lined up on both sides. When they saw someone coming, one of them immediately came up to greet them.

"I don't know who my friend is. Could you please give me your name?"

Huang Rong thought of the old friend Yan Bugui said, so she stepped out and said loudly: "The shadows of peach blossoms are falling and the magic sword is flying, and the tide of the blue sea is playing the jade flute. Please inform the owner of your village and say my surname is Huang."

"Please wait a moment." The strong man hurried into the village.

Not long after, the sound of rapid footsteps and anxious urging came from the village.

"Hurry, hurry up."

A middle-aged man in his forties with a skinny face was carried out by four servants on a shoulder cart similar to a sliding pole.

The visitor saw Huang Rong at a glance, and his eyes and voice trembled at the same time: "But is it in front of my junior sister?"

Hearing his title, Huang Rong suddenly realized: "May I ask which senior brother you are, Qu, Lu, Wu, or Feng?"

The visitor was overjoyed, with tears streaming down his face unconsciously: "Brother Yu is Lu Chengfeng."

Huang Rong's face was also full of joy, she stepped forward and cupped her hands and said, "My little sister Huang Rong has met Senior Brother Lu."

"As expected, it's my junior sister, you and my master's wife look so alike." Lu Chengfeng sighed, then looked around, and asked with a bit of expectation in his tone: "Little junior sister, is the master here too? "

Huang Rong shook her head and said, "Dad is still on Peach Blossom Island. My little sister is here to ask for help from my senior brother."

Lu Chengfeng couldn't help being disappointed when he heard this, and immediately said with a smile: "That's what my junior sister asked for. Brother Yu is obligated to bring your friends to the village first."

(End of this chapter)

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