Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 136 Small victory over Dongxie

Chapter 136 Small victory over Dongxie


As his mind turned, Huang Yaoshi suddenly felt a huge suction coming from Yan Bugui's palm, followed by a tightening of his left wrist, which was firmly grasped.

"It's not good!" Huang Yaoshi hurriedly exerted his lifelong cultivation strength on his arm, and quickly turned his wrist to buck Yan Bugui's pulse gate.

Yan Bugui used his left arm to stimulate the Gu Helix Zhenjin. Two strong internal forces collided with each other. The powerful Qi Jin counterattacked and instantly broke apart their hands.

The purple bamboo flute and jade flute also separated.

Huang Yaoshi asked in surprise: "Dragon capturer?"

Yan Bugui casually turned the purple bamboo flute between his fingers: "This is my unique skill of absorbing stars at nine turns, do you still want to use it?"

"Fight! We must decide the winner today." Huang Yaoshi has not met an opponent for a long time and is now very interested.

Moreover, the Huashan sword debate is about to take place, and such a powerful enemy appears out of thin air. Of course, we must take this opportunity to explore the opponent's background, so as not to suffer a loss when the time comes.

"I will stay with you until the end." Yan Bugui also rarely meets an opponent in chess, so he is not willing to give up easily.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly waved the sleeve of his left hand horizontally, shooting out dozens of jade bee needles.

At first sight of the dots of golden light in front of his eyes, Huang Yaoshi took a step back and swung his left palm out from the air. With a "whoosh", he set off a violent wind-like palm force, blowing the Jade Bee Needles and scattering them in all directions.

"Splitting the air palm?" Yan Bugui followed the sword and swept out with majestic momentum with the "Jietian Yuntao" move.

"Not bad." Huang Yaoshi said in surprise: "You actually know the Quanzhen swordsmanship!" He pointed the jade flute in his hand and used the move 'Mountain Outside Qingyin'.

The two figures intersected quickly, and the bamboo flute and jade flute collided, making a sonorous sound like gold and iron.


Yan Bugui used the Seven Seven Forty-nine Quanzhen Sword Technique to challenge Huang Yaoshi's Jade Flute Sword Technique.

I only felt that the opponent's sword movement was subtle and mysterious, elegant and unrestrained, as if dancing, and extremely beautiful.

More than fifty moves were in the hands of the two men in a blink of an eye, and there was still no victory or defeat, but their interest became more and more high.

Yan Bugui displayed all the swordsmanship he had learned throughout his life, and a hearty feeling of joy arose spontaneously from the bottom of his heart, endlessly.

Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but admire in his heart.

This person's swordsmanship seems to have no end, and it can change as he pleases. The moves, which were obviously different in style, seemed to be one in his hands, completely natural.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, this boy is probably above the Chongyang Master from twenty-five years ago.

The same Quanzhen swordsmanship is obviously more exciting when used in his hands!

After fighting for more than a hundred moves, Huang Yaoshi took turns using all the sword techniques on Taohua Island, from the Yuxiao sword technique to the Luoying Divine Sword, and then to the Yuluo Jiyin sword, but he still could not force Yan Bugui out. A repetitive sword technique.

He suddenly inserted the jade flute into his waist, slapped his palms alternately, and his inner energy surged out like a cascading wave. He used the 'Blue Wave Palm Technique', an introductory Kung Fu from Peach Blossom Island.

At this point in the fierce battle, he has tried his best. If he continues, Yuxiao will not be able to withstand his inner strength.

On the other hand, Yan Bugui benefited from the "paper-cutting" technique in the Blood Knife Sutra, and his control of internal energy and physical strength has reached the pinnacle. Unless the Blood Knife ancestor is resurrected, few people in the world can match it.

Therefore, the purple bamboo flute was still as sharp as a sword in his hand. He raised his hand and slashed down with the "Wandering World" in Jade Girl's Sword Technique, and immediately tore apart the strong palm force coming from his face, with unparalleled sharpness, like tearing paper.

Huang Yaoshi's "Scattering Style" of the Luoying Divine Sword Palm followed closely.

The palm shadows are falling all over the sky, just like the wind blowing up the peach forest, blowing countless petals to cover the sky and the sun.

Yan Bugui did not dodge or evade, and with a wave of his hand, he made "borderless falling trees" fall in all directions.

In an instant, the shadow of the sword and the shadow of the palm intersected, and then disappeared in the eyes of everyone with shock and admiration.

But Huang Yaoshi's offensive did not stop, his palm skills never stopped, and his whirlwind leaf-sweeping legs followed closely behind.

The combination of palms and legs is one of his "Dongfeng stunts" that allows him to press against the bottom of the box.

There are six postures in total, each posture has six moves, and each move consists of six palms and six legs.

The wind in his palm was like a knife, and his legs were as strong as an axe. With a dazzling attack, Yan Bugui's upper and lower body were completely covered.

Yang Kang, Mu Nianci and Guo Jing couldn't help but sweat for Yan Bugui when they saw Huang Yaoshi's momentum.

Yan Bugui blocked the attack with his left and right, and took the first six moves forcefully. Before Huang Yaoshi could make his second move, he used the Dugu Nine Swords to strike first.

The flaw is in sight. The 'Broken Palm Posture' was chosen at random, and Huang Yaoshi was immediately forced to change his move midway.

Unexpectedly, Yan Bugui's sword followed him like a shadow, biting at his flaw, making him shrink back and unable to carry out subsequent attacks.

An indescribable feeling of frustration spread from the bottom of Huang Yaoshi's heart. The moment he broke through the "Dongfeng Special Skill", Yan Bugui stepped forward, gently picked up the purple bamboo flute, and passed by Huang Yaoshi.

Huang Yaoshi suddenly felt a strong pulling sensation on his face.

"I accept it, Island Master Huang." Yan Bugui stood outside Xunzhang and saw something like human skin hanging on the purple bamboo flute. It was the mask on Huang Yaoshi's face.

"In terms of swordsmanship, I am indeed inferior to you." Huang Yaoshi smiled faintly, which meant that I am not afraid of you compared to others.

He still has the "Qi Men Wu Zhuan" that he has newly realized in recent years but has not yet used it, and is planning to leave it to Huashan to compete with other masters in the sword debate.

"Today is just for fun. Let's meet Zhenzhang on the top of Mount Huashan. It's still cool." Yan Bugui threw the human skin mask back.

"Dad, why are you wearing this thing when you have nothing to do? You scared me." Huang Rong happily threw herself into Huang Yaoshi's arms.

"I'm too lazy to meet outsiders. Wear this to save trouble." Huang Yaoshi hugged his beloved daughter: "Have you had enough fun? I'll go home with dad later."

Huang Rong rolled her eyes: "I'm not busy with this. Let me introduce you first. This is Brother Yan Buguiyan of the Huashan Sect. He is Ronger's new friend."

Huang Yaoshi nodded: "You have good taste, and your martial arts appearance matches you."

Yan Bugui laughed dumbly and said in his heart: "I am not in the habit of an old cow eating young grass." '

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Huang Rong stamped her feet anxiously: "I and Brother Yan are just good friends."

Huang Yaoshi said: "That's a pity."

Huang Rong decisively changed the subject: "Let's not talk about this for now. Senior Brother Lu is still waiting for you."

"Yes." Huang Yaoshi pulled her back to the hall. When passing Mei Chaofeng, he raised his hand and tapped her Lingtai acupoint. Unexpectedly, it was not untied.

Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but be surprised. Even the most difficult technique in martial arts, the 'bone penetration acupuncture method', was not worth mentioning in front of him.

To know this acupuncture technique, only he and Xidu Ouyang Feng know how to do it, which shows how difficult it is.

"The acupuncture points I clicked are not so easy to understand." Yan Bugui used the ancient tomb method. With his skill, apart from himself, the only one in the world today who can solve it is Xiao Longnu's still-living master in the Tomb of the Living Dead.

With that said, Yan Bugui casually tapped Mei Chaofeng with the purple bamboo flute.

Huang Yaoshi snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Master, this disciple is not doing his job well, please punish me." Mei Chaofeng knelt down immediately when he was able to move.

Huang Yaoshi looked at Guo Jing with an unpleasant look on his face: "What, the old beggar's apprentice just bullies the minority?

It takes two people to deal with my blind apprentice. The old beggar never accepts apprentices, and his vision is indeed not very good. "

"Younger, you have to do it out of necessity. It's not intentional, but..." Guo Jing has always been stupid, and he didn't know how to explain it in a hurry.

"Island Master Huang has misunderstood." Yang Kang said, "Brother Guo is just trying to help me."

"Dad, forget it." Huang Rong was afraid that Huang Yaoshi would fight Yan Bugui again: "Yang Kang is Brother Yan's apprentice. Brother Yan has taken great care of Rong'er during this period and taught me a very good martial arts move.

For Ronger's sake, please let Yang Kang go. "

"You." Huang Yaoshi pinched Huang Rong's nose: "You know how to turn your elbows outward.

In this case, if Mei Chaofeng privately taught him the Nine Yin Manual, it would be considered a courtesy, so it would be even. "

Only then did everyone understand why Mei Chaofeng wanted to kill Yang Kang.

Huang Yaoshi looked at Yan Bugui with a calm expression and said, "It turns out that you learned the Nine Yin Manual from my disciple."

"Old guy, you took advantage of me, right?" Yan Bugui said angrily: "The Nine Yin Manual is not your Peach Blossom Island thing, you think you are the only one who has it."

"Then where did you learn it from?" Huang Yaoshi secretly thought to himself that the old naughty boy was trapped on Peach Blossom Island by me. The authentic copy of the Nine Yin Manual has always been on him, and there is absolutely no possibility of it being leaked.

"This has nothing to do with you." Yan Bugui didn't want to cause trouble to the Ancient Tomb Sect.

When Huang Yaoshi saw this, he stopped asking further questions. Then they took Mei Chaofeng, Lu Chengfeng and his son to the back hall to handle family matters.

By the way, Guo Jing was also called over. After a while, he walked out in despair.

Mu Nianci asked: "Brother Guo, where is Rong'er?"

Guo Jing said sadly: "I was taken away by Island Master Huang."

(End of this chapter)

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