Chapter 138 Confession

The next day.

Yan Bugui went to the dock to charter a luxurious ship and took the two of them to Jingzhou.

It's approaching noon.

The ship had already left Nanjing, and while Mu Nianci was practicing swordplay on the deck, Yang Kang knocked on Yan Bugui's cabin door.

"Master, it's me."

"come in."

Yang Kang pushed in the door with a worried look: "Sorry, I disturbed your rest."

Yan Bugui looked at him: "Looking at how unlucky you are, if you have any questions, just tell me."

Yang Kang hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and said with uneasy eyes: "Wanyan Honglie came to see me yesterday."

"He is not in Yanjing, so Guo Jing's trip will be in vain." After being surprised, Yan Bugui said in a deep voice: "He came to see you?"

Yang Kang nodded: "In addition, he also wants me to help him steal the antidote to the Three Corpses Brain Pill from you."

Yan Bugui muttered, "He is quite confident in the relationship between you."

Yang Kang said: "He learned from Liang Ziweng and Master Lingzhi that I became your disciple. He thought I became your disciple for the purpose of antidote."

"Ha~ He's quite thoughtful! So since you took the initiative to tell me this, are you not going to help him?" Yan Bugui glanced at the hidden blade box. This thing has been in his sight, and Yang Kang has not touched it. .

"I want to help him because I feel sorry for my parents."

"Then you should have told me last night."

"But I don't want to see him die in your hands, so I can only use this method to repay the kindness of raising him."

"That's it, nothing else?"


"Then just go ahead and do what you're supposed to do. I thought it was such a big deal."

"You...don't blame me?"

"No wonder. As long as you know what you're doing."

Yang Kang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Do you think I am ungrateful? After all, he has raised me for eighteen years, but I did nothing to save him."

"Silly apprentice." Yan Bugui sighed softly: "That's not how the accounts are calculated.

Although there is a saying that "generating kindness is worse than cultivating kindness", this only occurs when he has no grievances or enmities with you.

Wanyan Honglie caused your family to be separated for eighteen years. Let alone not saving him, even if you kill him, it is natural.

You will end up in this dilemma today, and he is the real culprit. "

"But he does love my mother very much and is very kind to me."

"Although I don't know much about the relationship between men and women, I also know that if you truly love someone, you won't be willing to make the other person sad. Think about how your mother lived in the palace? Was she happy one day?

He has been lying to your mother from the beginning. The deep affection based on deception is nonsense. No matter how nice it is, it is just self-impression.

Bullshit love, he is just greedy for you and covets your mother's beauty. "


"Let me put it another way, if someone first chops you and almost kills you, and then cares and takes care of you in every possible way, and also says that everything he does is for you, can you accept it?"

Yang Kang blurted out without thinking: "No."

"So." Yan Bugui shrugged: "There is nothing to worry about. I still say the same thing. You are magnanimous and repay your kindness by not taking the initiative to kill him."

"I understand, thank you Master for your guidance." Yang Kang clasped his fists and left. After walking out of Yan Bugui's cabin, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

Sure enough, only with a clear conscience can one hold his head high and behave like a human being!

If he really helped Wanyan Honglie steal the antidote, he would probably spend the rest of his days in fear.

at the same time.

In a hidden courtyard in Nanjing City.

Wanyan Honglie was restless in the room, looking eagerly at the door from time to time.

Suddenly, rapid footsteps were heard outside, and then Peng Lianhu was seen hurriedly coming.

"Master Peng, how are you? Is Kang'er here?"

"Uh..." Peng Lianhu paused, cupped his hands and said, "Return to the prince, the young prince has left Nanjing."

Wanyan Honglie's eyes trembled, and he slumped down on the chair with all his strength.

"How could this happen? Kang'er is really so heartless!"

Peng Lianhu advised: "Your Majesty, now that things are going on, you should be more open-minded. The young prince's heart is no longer with you."

"Could it be..." Wanyan Honglie suddenly thought that with Yang Kang's attitude, he might have already known the truth about the Niujiacun massacre.

Thinking of this, he knew that there was no possibility of recovery for Yang Kang. His face darkened and he looked even more dejected.

Ouyang Ke comforted him: "My lord, please cheer up. Although I didn't get the antidote this time, your poison may not be cured." Wanyan Honglie remained silent.

Hou Tonghai said: "Master Ouyang, you have been busy for two months, and you haven't even seen the antidote. Can you do it?"

"Ashamed." Ouyang Ke said helplessly: "I really can't help it, but my uncle can certainly do it.

Uncle Jia, known as "Xi Du", is one of the four top martial arts masters today.

The art of using poison is so superb that no one in the world is better than him.

As soon as he arrived, the three corpse brain pills were fixed and solved. "

"Are you serious?" Wanyan Honglie became energetic.

The pain of corpse bugs drilling into his brain left a huge shadow on him. As a result, when he thought about Yan Bu's return, his whole body became terrified.

Now that Yan Bugui has left under his eyes, he doesn't even have the courage to catch up.

Ouyang Ke said: "I have already sent a letter to Baituo Mountain. I believe my uncle should be on the way already."

"Excellent!" Wanyan Honglie said: "For such an expert, I should personally welcome him."

the other side.

The boat of Yan Bugui and three others sailed up the Yangtze River and successfully arrived at Jiangling in a few days.

"Wait for me on the boat." Yan Bugui ordered, then led Heifeng off the boat and rode straight to the south of Jiangling City.

Going back several hundred years, Tianning Temple seems to have lost some vicissitudes of time, but it is still an abandoned temple with no one in it.

"This is a return visit to the old place." Yan Bugui rode into the temple and went straight to the Main Hall.

When he saw the huge Buddha statue on the lotus platform, Yan Bugui couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The Lianchengjue treasure seemed to appear in front of him again.

A moment.

Yan Bugui has returned to the big ship: "Boss of the ship, keep sailing."

Yang Kang came to his side and asked: "Master, where have you been?"

Yan Bugui put on an inscrutable expression and said, "Buddha said, don't say it. I will tell you when the time comes."

Yang Kang curled his lips, as if there were a hundred claws scratching his heart. But no matter how he asked, Yan Bugui would not tell him, which whetted his appetite.

Soon, the big ship arrived in Jingzhou.

The three of them disembarked from the boat and took the land route, riding towards Xiangyang.

Yan Bugui's target is clearly Dugu Qiubai's sword tomb.

This place is only said to be near Xiangyang City, but only Yang Guo knows the exact location.

The child's parents are right in front of them, but asking them to create Yang Guo right now is obviously unrealistic.

Fortunately, there is no sure path. Yan Bugui visited more than twenty surrounding hunters and finally got useful information from them.

In the deep mountains southwest of Xiangyang City, someone once saw a strange bird that was taller than a human.

Some people have also encountered a strange snake with a golden body and a single horn.

Yang Connor said dullly: "Master, it's a bird and a snake. What kind of mess are these?"

"This is your good fortune." Yan Bugui deliberately pretended to be a secret and led the two of them to the mountains southwest of Xiangyang City.

He vaguely remembered that where the Sword Tomb was, there was a cliff that looked like a screen.

Yan Bugui found a towering tree in the woods, climbed to the top of the tree, and looked around.

However, it was midsummer now, and the trees on the mountain were lush and leafy, completely blocking the surrounding mountains, and it was hard to see why for a while.

While thinking about it, Yan Bugui thought that the divine eagle was extremely intelligent and almost no different from human beings.

"Yang Kang, Nian Ci, you have your ears blocked tightly." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, seeing that they were ready, he immediately raised his head to the sky and roared with all his strength.


The sound wave was like a tide, spreading in all directions like an overwhelming mountain.

The whistling lasted for as long as a cup of tea, and suddenly a hoarse and desolate, majestic eagle call rose into the sky from the distant woods.

"Follow me." The whistling stopped suddenly. Yan Bugui spotted the location, immediately flew down from the tree, and rushed towards the direction of Diao Ming.

Traveled several miles.

In front of a valley lined with strange rocks, Yan Bugui was blocked by a huge creature.

Nearly ten feet tall, with a blood-red tumor on the top of his head, a mouth like a hook, short wings, thick lower limbs, and sparse yellow and black feathers, he is the divine eagle.

Looking at the many martial arts worlds, this Brother Diao is definitely a unique existence.

(End of this chapter)

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