Chapter 146: Three unique skills

Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng competed in internal strength with music.

The jade flute is just like a spring song and a boudoir whispering. The iron zither is like the cry of an ape in the barren mountain, or the cry of an owl in the deep forest.

One is sentimental and melodious, while the other is extremely tragic and tragic. One is high and the other is low, one is advancing and another is retreating, and they do not give in to each other.

Suddenly, a burst of flute sound floated over, the tune was passionate, sharp as a sword, and it suppressed the blue sea tide's song and Ouyang Feng's clang song at the same time.

The two of them were shocked. Xun Sheng looked up and saw Yan Bugui standing on the top of the tree opposite, with his clothes and belt flowing freely.

He is a close friend with the Four Friends of Jiangnan. Huang Zhonggong, the owner of the big village, is proficient in the 'Seven-stringed Invisible Sword', which is also a very powerful musical skill. When he stayed at Gushan Meizhuang, he learned some tips from Huang Zhonggong on how to play music with internal force.

Seeing Yan Bugui being so arrogant, Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng were not to be outdone and immediately changed their tune.

The sound of the jade flute rises loudly, like a ten thousand-mile torrent, surging and surging. The sound of the iron clang is like the sound of bells and drums, and thousands of horses galloping.

Yan Bugui refused to give up an inch, secretly urging Gu Zhenqi, and suddenly the flute played loudly, as if seven or eight cave flutes were playing music at the same time, like an iron horse with an iron sword, which stirred up the energy in the intestines.

Although the two men in the pavilion attacked fiercely, they could not suppress him in the end.


Suddenly a long roar rolled from the sea, the sound was like thunder from the sky, causing the three people to slow down their tune.

Yan Bugui knew that it was Hong Qigong who had arrived. From the corner of his eye, he saw Huang Rong's face looking happy outside the pavilion. It was obvious that she had invited the old beggar here.

Hong Qigong's Kung Fu was famous for its fierceness, and it was also fully displayed in the roar at this moment, like a divine dragon coming out of the sea, forcefully inserting itself into the battle.

Yan Bugui's tune continued to rise, vowing to compete with the three of them.

Dongxie, Xidu, and Beibei were each frightened, especially Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong.

Both of them had fought against Yan Bugui before, but they didn't expect that his skills would improve in just two months!

Although Ouyang Feng had never met Yan Bugui, he had heard Ouyang Ke mention such a prominent figure after arriving in the Central Plains.

It's just that Ouyang Ke said that this person is good at swordsmanship and Qinggong, and his internal strength seems to be at the level of the Quanzhen Seventh Son. But now it seems that the other party's internal strength is probably even stronger than his own.

'It seems that Huashan Sword Theory has another strong opponent! '

The time for sword debate in Huashan is approaching, and the three masters have similar thoughts.

They deliberately wanted to test the depth of Yan Bugui, and Yuxiao, Tiezheng and Xiaosheng converged at one place in an instant.

Huang Yaoshi stood up and stepped outside the pavilion. He stepped on the Bagua azimuth under his feet and blew as he walked.

The head of Ouyang Feng's head was like a steamer, with wisps of hot air rising straight up. He played the kite with both hands, and the sleeves of his hands sometimes swelled with wind, and sometimes they made gusts of wind sound.

Both of them had clearly tried their best.

Hong Qigong's roar never stopped, and his breath seemed to be inexhaustible.

The whistling sound suddenly rises and falls, sometimes like a tiger roaring and a lion roaring, sometimes like a horse neighing and a cow croaking, or like a long wind shaking the forest, or like a light rain wetting flowers, all of which are extremely versatile.

Faced with the siege of three people, Yan Bugui suddenly changed the melody to a softer tune and blew out a burst of peaceful, clear and tranquil music that was pleasant to the ear. He used the method of using softness to overcome hardness.

No matter how stormy you are, I will remain unmoved.

The whistling sound increased from far away to nearer. Hong Qigong had already arrived on the island, and the sound also increased greatly.

But no matter how the three of them improved their internal strength, they could never cover up the sound of Yan Bugui's flute.


As soon as the figure flashed, Hong Qigong rushed out of the peach forest. He exhausted all his true energy and his whistle stopped abruptly.


Ouyang Feng was still about to fight, but unexpectedly the iron zither in his hand could no longer withstand his internal strength, and suddenly the string broke. He had no choice but to give up and stare at Yan Bugui with a gloomy look.


Huang Yaoshi's jade flute made a slight noise, and cracks appeared.

He had quick eyesight and quick hands, and before the jade flute broke, he quietly put the jade flute into the sleeve of his robe.

Yan Bugui put down the purple bamboo flute and took a long breath to calm down his slightly red face.

It is really not an easy task to fight against three major masters at the same time.

"Three of you, I accept the concession." Yan Bugui flew down outside the sword-testing pavilion with his hands behind his back.

Hong Qigong looked him up and down, as if he didn't know him, and said in a loud voice: "Little monster, you are really a monster!"

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "If I didn't have a few tricks in my hand, I would be in trouble today."

Ouyang Feng walked out of the sword-testing pavilion with a smile on his face, and said in his sonorous voice that sounded like metal friction: "There are talented people in every generation. Brother Yan is a name I have admired for a long time."

Hong Qigong reminded: "Little monster, the old poisonous man always talks sweetly and is full of swords. You'd better listen to what he says."

Yan Bugui nodded and replied calmly: "Xidu Ouyang Feng, Yan is also like thunder."

"Brother Yan, little sister is polite." Huang Rong came to him happily, looked back and said, "Where is my brother Jing?"

"Rong'er! I'm here." Guo Jing ran out of the peach forest.

Yang Kang and Mu Nianci followed behind. The former was sweating profusely. He had suffered a lot under the internal strength competition between the four masters just now.

If you have no desires, you will be strong! When it comes to Taoist internal strength cultivation, Yang Kang is really far behind Guo Jing.

Huang Rong smiled happily and greeted Guo Jing.

"Brother Seven, Brother Feng, Brother Yan." Huang Yaoshi bowed his hands to the three of them: "You guys have come from afar, let's sit down inside and chat."

Four people entered the hall.

"Little prince, long time no see. How are you?" Ouyang Ke tapped the iron folding fan in his right hand on the palm of his left hand and came to Yang Kang with a smile.

Yang Kang said in a deep voice: "My surname is Yang, I am Han Chinese, I am no longer a little prince."

"Ha!" Ouyang Ke chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm: "By the way, I have something to tell you.

My uncle had already met the prince before coming to Peach Blossom Island and helped him get rid of the poison of the Three Corpses Brain Pill.

I'm afraid you may have made the wrong decision this time, but it doesn't matter. The prince asked me to tell you that if you regret it one day, just go back and find him.

The door of Prince Zhao's Mansion is open to you at any time. "

Yang Kang said calmly: "Master Ouyang, you should take care of yourself first."

Ouyang Feng detoxified Wanyan Honglie without authorization, and his master Xiang certainly would not let it go.

"Rong'er, please bring some of your wise nephews in with you." Huang Yaoshi's voice suddenly came out from the hall.

The five people entered the hall and sat down next to their elders.

Huang Yaoshi ordered his mute servant to bring refreshments, and then asked: "Seventh brother, we haven't seen each other in Huashan for more than 20 years. Today, you are here. What do you want to do?"

Hong Qigong said: "I'm here to ask you for something."

"We have been friends for decades. The seventh brother has a destiny. How dare I disobey it?" Huang Yaoshi has always admired Hong Qigong for his integrity and chivalry. He also knew that even if he had big things to do, he would still have people from the Beggar Clan to help him take care of them. When he heard that he wanted something from him, he couldn't help but feel very happy.

Hong Qigong said: "Don't agree too quickly, I'm afraid this matter won't be easy to handle."

Huang Yaoshi said with a smile: "If it were an easy thing to do, the seventh brother wouldn't even think of the younger brother."

Hong Qigong clapped his hands and said with a smile: "They are indeed good brothers! So you agree?"

Huang Yaoshi said: "It's settled! Get out of the fire, get out of the water!"

"Brother Yao, wait a minute." Ouyang Feng interrupted: "I think we should ask Seventh Brother first what the matter is?"

Hong Qigong smiled and said: "Old poisonous man, this is none of your business, just drink the wedding wine with your empty stomach."

Ouyang Feng said in surprise: "Drinking wedding wine?"

"That's right." Hong Qigong patted Guo Jing on the shoulder and said, "The old beggar came to Peach Blossom Island specifically to propose marriage to my apprentice."

Guo Jing was surprised and happy.

Huang Rong smiled sweetly at him and asked Qi Gong for help before she had time to tell him.

Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew and Huang Yaoshi were both surprised.

Ouyang Feng said: "Seventh brother, I'm afraid you still don't know. Brother Yao's daughter has already been betrothed to nephew She. Today we are coming to Peach Blossom Island to perform the wedding ceremony."

Hong Qigong looked at Huang Yaoshi: "Brother Yao, is there such a thing?"

Huang Yaoshi nodded and said, "Yes, Seventh Brother, you are really embarrassing me."

"What's so embarrassing about this?" Yan Bugui said, "The most important thing about marriage is that both parties are happy. Rong'er can marry whoever she likes. It couldn't be simpler."

"That's wrong." Ouyang Feng said: "Since ancient times, marriage matters have been decided by the elders. How can it be such a child's play?"

"Exactly, what Brother Feng said makes sense." Huang Yaoshi didn't like Guo Jing's stupidity, and his heart had already turned towards Ouyang Ke.

Yan Bugui muttered: "The children of Jianghu do not stick to trivial matters. Are the etiquette and laws just for us?"

People say that Medicine Master Dongxiehuang is deviant and outspoken, but now it seems that he has just lived up to his reputation. "

"..." Huang Yaoshi's face froze, and said, "Are the etiquette just for us?" 'It was something he always talked about, but now that it was said from someone else's mouth, he didn't know how to refute it.

Hong Qigong echoed: "Brother Yan is right. Besides, the nephew of Old Poison is not worthy of a beautiful daughter like Brother Yao."

Huang Yaoshi did not answer, but changed the subject and asked: "Brother Yan, you have been on the island for a while, Huang still doesn't know where you are talking about this?"

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "I heard that there was a toad that wanted to eat swan meat. I was afraid that my sister would be wronged, so I came here to support her."

He knew that Huang Laoxie didn't want to see Guo Jing. If he said that he was here to help Guo Jing, with Huang Laoxie's weird temper, it would probably be counterproductive.

Ouyang Feng snorted coldly: "So, I came here specifically to embarrass our surnamed Ouyang?"

"Then it depends on whether you are sensible or not. Otherwise, we will just settle the account of the Three Corpses Brain Pill." Yan Bugui patted the Hidden Edge Box next to him, and the atmosphere in the hall instantly fell into a state of tension. middle.

(End of this chapter)

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