Chapter 151 Exchange Conditions

After successfully killing Wanyan Honglie, Yan Bugui and his party went straight to the Iron Palm Gang.

It's noon this day.

The five of them arrived in Taoyuan County and were not far from their destination.

Suddenly, the sky changed drastically and dark clouds covered the sun.

Seeing that heavy rain was coming, they found a nearby rice shop to take shelter.

The shopkeeper of Mipu, whose surname is Yang, is an old man with gray hair and no beard under his chin.

Yan Bugui took out a piece of silver and gave it to him: "Old man, could you please prepare some food for me?"

"Easy to say." Shopkeeper Yang smiled and looked very humble. After collecting the money, he turned around and walked to the back hall.

Soon, a waiter brought the food.

Shopkeeper Yang asked someone to set up a table for them in the corner of the shop, and said apologetically: "The conditions are simple, please don't be offended."

"It doesn't matter." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "In this weather, I am satisfied if I don't get soaked in the rain."


Suddenly there was a loud thunder, followed by the sound of crackling raindrops, and it rained heavily in an instant.

After shopkeeper Yang left, Yan Bugui whispered: "Be careful, this shopkeeper is not an ordinary person."

Huang Rong smiled and said: "Brother, are you too cautious? Judging from his figure and steps, he doesn't know how to do martial arts at all."

"It's indeed a bit strange." Yang Kang thought deeply: "He looks like he is sixty-five rather than seventy. He doesn't have a beard, and his voice is slightly shrill. He seems a bit like a eunuch in the palace."

"No way." Guo Jing said in surprise: "Can this deserted village shop have anything to do with the palace?"

Yan Bugui warned: "The situation is unclear at the moment, so you should all be alert."

Mu Nianci stopped using her chopsticks: "There won't be anything wrong with these meals, right?"

"Don't worry about this." Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "I checked it and it's fine. Just eat your food."

Huang Rong joked: "Brother, can't you pinch and calculate? Why doesn't it work today?"

"Otherwise, the secret is unpredictable." Yan Bugui spread his hands and recalled it in his mind for a while, but did not think of any relevant clues.

There was thunder outside and heavy rain, which blocked their voices from being heard by the waiter at the counter.

The summer rain comes and goes quickly, and the sky clears up more than half an hour after the meal.

Yan Bugui went to shopkeeper Yang and said, "Old man, please accept your hospitality. I have something important to attend to, so I will take my leave."

"Take care, sir." Shopkeeper Yang cupped his hands and watched as Wu and the others rode away.

The five people were speeding along for hundreds of miles. When passing through a forest, they suddenly saw three wheelbarrows.

One cart of grain and vegetables, one cart of chicken, duck, oil and salt, and one cart of firewood and charcoal.

"What a coincidence?" Yan Bugui saw the same mark from Shopkeeper Yang's rice shop on the rice bag containing the grain.

Three guys were pushing the cart deeper into the woods.

Yang Kang said in astonishment: "This store is really capable. It can actually do business in such a deep mountain and old forest!"

Just as he was speaking, the three guys turned a corner and suddenly disappeared.

Huang Rong recalled their previous route and frowned slightly: "There is something strange in this forest. There seems to be a strange Five Elements technique in it."

Hearing this, a flash of lightning flashed across Yan Bugui's mind: "I know what's going on. Rong'erqin will lead the way. Let's go in too."

Everyone didn't know why.

Huang Rong, driven by curiosity, had already taken the lead into the woods.

The four of them, Yan Bugui, followed closely behind. The path along the way was indeed as winding and unpredictable as Peach Blossom Island.

Fortunately, Huang Rong was there, and they and the three rice shop guys came to a black swamp.

There are two huts in the middle of the swamp, one square and one round.

Guo Jing couldn't help scratching his head and asked with confusion on his face: "How can someone live in a place like this?"

The three guys who heard the sound were shocked when they saw them. Just when they were about to ask, Yan Bugui shouted loudly to the hut: "Liu Ying, I have news about Zhou Botong here, please come out and see him soon."

The sound was mixed with internal force and spread over the mire like a bell.

The four young people looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine Yan Bugui was selling in his gourd? Whoosh!

A figure suddenly emerged from the square hut, stepping on the wooden piles in the mire and running towards the shore.

The person who came was wearing coarse linen clothes and had a very strange appearance. He was already in his forties and had a head full of white hair. With her eyes as the boundary, her forehead is covered with wrinkles, but her cheeks are as skin-like as cream, making her look like she is twenty years old.

Although her appearance is not as good as that of Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, she is still very beautiful and quite handsome.

"Who spoke just now?" Liu Ying jumped up and landed on the shore, her eyes scanning everyone one by one with eager eyes.

Yan Bugui waved his hand: "It's me."

"Who are you, and why do you know my name?" Liu Ying was secretly suspicious. Everyone who knew her here called her Ying Gu, and no one knew her real name.

Yan Bugui said: "Not only do I know your name, I also know who the murderer of your son is."

"Impossible!" Yinggu was furious: "My son died twenty years ago, how old are you?" She shouted sharply: "Say! Who are you? Who sent you here?"

"I'm afraid no one in the world who can command my master has been born yet." Yang Kang said proudly: "Open your eyes and see clearly. What is in front of you is defeating Beibei with force, defeating Dongxie with sword, and killing with palm." The best master in the world of Xi Du Ouyang Feng, the hero Yan Bugui Yan."

"Hahaha..." Yinggu looked up to the sky and laughed: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? Just him, a young boy with yellow hair?"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask them." Yang Kang pointed at Guo Jing and Huang Rong: "My eldest brother is a disciple of Bei Bei, and my eldest sister-in-law is Dongxie's daughter. It's true."

Yinggu sneered and said, "Is that what you said?"

Yang Kang said: "The master of Peach Blossom Island has unparalleled magic skills. If he didn't lead the way, how could we get here through the formation in the woods? Brother, please show this senior the skill of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms." ."

Guo Jing saw that Yinggu seemed to be closely related to Zhou Botong, so he immediately retreated to the edge of the forest and used the "Kanglong Yougui" wave to break a tree as thick as a teapot.

Yang Kang asked: "How?"

Yinggu couldn't help but look sideways and thought to herself: "His profound skills at such a young age really seem to have come from the hands of a famous master."

I have lived in seclusion here for more than ten years, practicing diligently, and unintentionally realized the wonderful truth of superior martial arts. I thought I was invincible in the world, and I would soon go out to the forest to avenge myself and save others.

But now it seems that this young man's martial arts skills are no longer inferior to mine, let alone that big devil Huang Laoxie. What should I do? '

Yan Bugui said: "Aren't you working hard on the magic here just to go to Peach Blossom Island to save Zhou Botong? He has now been let go by Huang Laoxie."

Yinggu looked shocked: "Do you really know?"

Yan Bugui said leisurely: "With four machines, the mandarin ducks want to fly together, but the poor old man turns gray first. The spring waves are green and the grass is deep in the cold dawn, and each other is bathed in red clothes. Can you believe it now?"

Yinggu's eyes widened in disbelief. This was the poem embroidered on the brocade handkerchief that she and Zhou Botong had pledged their love to each other. Only she and Nandi Duan Zhixing in the world knew about it.

"I believe it." Yinggu nodded repeatedly and urged: "Tell me quickly, how is Zhou Botong doing now?"

"He has returned to Zhongnan Mountain." Yan Bugui secretly said it was a pity. If I had known that I would pass by here, I should have brought the old naughty boy with me. It would be a wonderful scene.

"Great, great!" Yinggu cried with joy.

Guo Jing asked curiously: "Brother Yan, what is the relationship between this senior and Brother Zhou?"

Yan Bugui said: "She is the old naughty boy's wife. After all, you have to call her sister-in-law."

"What?!" The four young people were all shocked.

Guo Jing quickly bowed his hands and said, "Little brother pays homage to sister-in-law."

When Yinggu heard him call him that, she blushed like a little girl shyly: "Who are you?"

Guo Jing said: "Brother Zhou and I are brothers who worship each other."

"It seems like it was something he did." Yinggu knew Zhou Botong's character well and had no doubts at all.

Thinking of the old naughty boy, she couldn't help but think of her miserable son.

"Master Yan, I have offended you just now. Please forgive me. Master Yan, please tell me the murderer who killed my child. Yinggu is grateful for her great virtue and will never forget it for the rest of her life." After Yinggu finished speaking, she knelt down with a plop. In front of Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui quickly helped her up: "How polite."

Yinggu subconsciously used her kung fu to resist, but to her surprise, all her strength was of no use. She couldn't help but believe what Yang Kang had just said.

Yan Bugui said: "As long as you agree to one condition, I will not only tell you who the murderer is, but I will also help you take revenge."

"What conditions?"

"I want the specific location where Emperor Duan of the Southern Emperor lives in seclusion."

(End of this chapter)

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