Chapter 162 Eliminating Evil

Yan Bugui picked up the Hidden Edge Box again and walked out of the tavern, only to find that the lights in the houses on both sides of the street had been extinguished.

Darkness surrounded him from all directions, with only the light from the tavern shining through, shining on Yan Bugui, making him look particularly conspicuous.

"Two of the five evil villains in the Valley of Evil have already died. Are the remaining three just dumb turtles?" Yan Bugui gathered his energy and used the method of 'sound transmission from thousands of miles' learned from Master Yideng to complete this sentence. The words were sent far away.

Compared with the one-yang finger, this is just a small trick, and its effectiveness depends entirely on the user's internal strength and cultivation level, and there is not much preciousness about it.

After waiting for a moment, there was no movement.

Seeing that the provocation method was useless, Yan Bugui simply pulled up the reins of Hei Feng and continued walking along the bluestone road to the depths of the Valley of the Wicked.

In a room in the distance, Du Sha and Li Dazui looked at each other.

Li Dazui gasped and said: "This is a monster that came out of nowhere, it has such terrifying internal power!"

"Boss Du, what do you think we should do?" Yin Jiuyou's intermittent voice sounded from the darkness.

"Just wait and see what happens, and see what he wants to do." Du Sha was able to become the boss of the top ten villains because of his martial arts.

The people who came up with the idea and successfully plotted against Yan Nantian happened to be Haha'er and Tu Jiaojiao. Now that these two think tanks were dead, Du Sha couldn't think of any suitable solution for a while.

On the bluestone road.

Yan Bugui walked very slowly, his nose twitching from time to time, carefully searching for the smell he needed - the smell of medicine.

Yan Nantian was saved from the five evil men by the miracle doctor Wan Chunliu. If you want to find him, you must first find Wan Chunliu's residence.

"I should have known I could have survived." Yan Bugui couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that he had struck too hard just now.

Fortunately, his luck was still good, and he found Wan Chunliu's home in just one cup of tea.

Yan Bugui felt that this might be his retribution for saving Yang Kang or Li Mochou.

When he arrived at the door of Wan Chunliu's house, he was not in a hurry to go in. He was worried about leaving Hei Feng outside alone.

"I'm here to save Yan Nantian. If you don't come out, I will take him away." Yan Bugui activated Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission again.

The words fell, one breath, two breaths, three breaths!

"Your surname is Yan. Are you Yan Nantian's son or relative?" As a cold voice sounded, a cold-looking man slowly walked out of the darkness.

The person who came was a thin man with a frosty complexion. He was dressed in white clothes and wore a dark red glove on his left hand. On his right hand was a big silver iron hook. He was none other than the 'Blood Hand' Du Sha, the leader of the top ten villains.

"Five hundred years ago, we were just one family." Yan Bugui gathered his ears, secretly paying attention to the movements around him, and said calmly: "Are you just blaming yourself? What about Li Dazui, who steals pork, and Yin Laojiu, who is impotent? "

Li Dazui ate the first person out of curiosity, and the rest was just to scare people. Not only did he not eat human heads, he didn't even like to eat other human parts.

So he would occasionally sneak out of the Valley of the Wicked to eat pork, which was what people should eat.

Yin Jiuyou couldn't do it himself, so he loved to peek at other people having sex.

Li Dazui, who was suddenly exposed, breathed heavily in surprise, revealing his position.

"Oops!" Li Dazui was shocked, but in the blink of an eye, Yan Bugui had already passed a distance of more than twenty feet and appeared in front of him.


Li Dazui's eyes were blurred, and he arrived at the door of Wan Chunliu's house in a daze. Yan Bugui held the back of his neck in his hand, and he could faintly feel an extremely powerful energy on his fingertips, ready to go.

As long as he made the slightest movement, his cervical vertebra would be crushed. The infamous 'bone scraper' was in his hand, but it was completely useless.

Du Sha stood opposite, his eyes narrowed when he saw this situation, and his heart gradually sank.

He didn't see Yan Bugui's movements at all. Yin Jiuyou, who is known as the best in the world of Qinggong, may not have such Qinggong.

"Alas~" Li Dazui sighed deeply, and the bone scraper fell to the ground with a clang.

He had never felt so desperate in his life, not even when he found out his wife had cuckolded him.

Li Dazui lamented: "I originally thought that the top ten villains should kill each other and die.

I feel that God created ten of us just for us to fight fire with fire and kill each other. Otherwise, it would be enough if He created one, so why create ten.

I didn't expect it. It seems that it is a natural cycle and retribution is not good. Master Yan, your martial arts skills are no longer inferior to those of Yan Nantian. You are the one specially sent by God to deal with us. "

Yan Bugui said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such awareness!"

"You can take my life at any time." Li Dazui said: "I only ask you one thing. I want to see my daughter one last time. There is something I must tell her, otherwise I will not die in peace."

"I refuse..." Yan Bugui didn't say the word "Jue", but a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind him, and the bone-chilling cold air made his hair stand on end.

As the name suggests, Yin Jiuyou is really like a fierce ghost crawling out of Jiuyou. He quietly bullied Yan Bugui and used his famous stunt "Jiuyou Soul Searching Hand" to hack Yan Bugui straight into the heart.

At the same time, Du Sha also took action. His body rose up, his white clothes fluttering, and he rushed toward Yan Bugui. His left hand grabbed the throat first, and the iron hook of his right followed closely and aimed at the chest.

Bloody hands chasing souls!

Du Sha shocked the world with his "bloody hands" just because he wore a pair of gloves made of gold tempered with the blood of hundreds of poisons on his palms.

This glove is covered with thorns. As long as a trace of skin is scratched on someone's body, that person will never live for more than half an hour. The blood will seal his throat, it is extremely poisonous!


Yan Bugui used his free left hand to use the iron palm magic skill to greet him.

When Du Sha saw this, he suddenly remembered what happened fourteen years ago. At that time, Yan Nantian also took his bloody hand forcefully, but ended up breaking his right hand with one move.

However, this is the only chance to defeat Yan Bugui, and he must not give up.

Yin Jiuyou's "Yinfeng Soul Searching Hand" is cunning and vicious, specializing in destroying people's internal organs and meridians, and it is especially capable of restraining the golden bell and other magical body-protecting skills.

Coupled with his extremely poisonous 'bloody hand' attack, you can win with one blow.

"Ah~" Yin Jiuyou suddenly screamed, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, hitting the wall outside Wan Chunliu's house.

He never expected that although he hit Yan Bugui, he would trigger the opponent's body-protecting Qi.

It was a huge internal force that he had never seen before, and it instantly bounced him away.

"Ahem..." Yin Jiuyou's internal organs were shattered, and all the meridians and bones in his body were severed. After spitting out a mouthful of blood with minced flesh, the half-man and half-ghost finally turned into a dead ghost.

Du Sha was horrified. His already pale face was now whiter than a corpse that had been dead for three days.

He never ran away from the enemy in his life, which was why he lost his right hand in Yan Nantian's hands.

Of course he won't run away today.


The bloody hand and the 'iron palm' collided with the sound of gold and iron.

Du Sha felt his left arm shake violently, and a majestic palm force came from the opponent's hand, passed through the bloody gloves, passed through the left palm through the meridians of the arm, and rushed straight to the heart.

"Poof -" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the bones of Du Sha's left arm were broken, falling limply, and his whole body stood in place like a piece of wood.

"very good!"

Yan Bugui wondered: "What's good?"

"Death to a supreme master like you, I, Du Sha, will finally have no regrets in this life."

With a plop, Du Sha closed his eyes and fell to the ground dead.

"You are the only one left." Yan Bugui looked at Li Dazui: "I refuse your request."

"That's right." Li Dazui said with a sad smile: "If you are the one who loses today, we will definitely not let you go."

Yan Bugui said: "But if I see Tie Pinggu, I will tell her that her mother was killed by you because she committed adultery."

"Thank you." Li Dazui didn't want to ask him how he knew about this, so he closed his eyes and waited for death.


Yan Bugui's five fingers were full of power, and Li Dazui's spine was broken at the sound.

Now that the five great evildoers are dead, the remaining evildoers are nothing to worry about.

Most of those are homeless dogs who have done bad things and were driven to desperation.


The door of Wan Chunliu's house slowly opened. He looked at Yan Bugui carefully with vigilant eyes and asked, "Are you really here to save the hero Yan?"

Yan Bugui took a moment to calm down and said, "It's more real than real gold!"

Wan Chunliu looked at the three corpses on the ground, remained silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Come in."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?"

"In this Valley of Evil, if you can't tell the difference between truth and lies, then it would be better to find a place to kill yourself. Besides, I have no choice."

"Ha, you are quite reasonable." Yan Bugui followed him into the room and was taken to the back room by him.

I saw a tall but erect man, lying upright on the bed, as thin as a mummy.

(End of this chapter)

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