Chapter 168 New Name

"Uncle Yan, how old are you?" Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but become curious when she saw him killing two people in a row with every move he made. The methods he used were unbelievable.

"Early thirty." Yan Bugui said in surprise: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xiao Yu'er was doubtful: "But you don't look much older than me. You are only in your twenties at most."

"Don't you know that if you practice your inner strength to a deep level, you can rejuvenate your youth?"

"Of course I know, but you are still so young and your martial arts has already reached its peak. Many people will never reach your current level in their lifetime."

"Other people don't know, but as long as you practice hard, you'll be fine."

"Practice is so boring." Xiao Yu'er pointed at his head and said with a smile, "To deal with the enemy, this is enough for me."

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Then I would like to ask you, smart little fish, how did you fall into the hands of that lazy snake before?"

"..." Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but be speechless.

"Uncle Yan is right, you kid is a little too smart and you are starting to become arrogant."

At this moment, footsteps came from the direction of the cave entrance.

Yan Bugui knew that he would not have a long memory if he had never suffered a loss, so he said helplessly: "Uncle Yan originally asked me to take care of you, but since you are so confident, I will not care about you if anything happens in the future."

Mainly because the carcasses of gray bats and owls are too eye-catching.

Xiao Yu'er smiled and said: "So, you seem to be somewhat famous."

Xiao Yu'er said disapprovingly: "It's so troublesome to do something that can be solved with wisdom."

The two of them looked back and saw a tall man in brocade clothes and a beard approaching, holding a torch high in his hand.

"Uncle Yan, do you know him?"

The visitor's face changed slightly, he paused in his steps, raised his right hand to protect his chest, and shouted: "Who are you?"

Zhao Quanhai sneered and said, "Really? Then a certain family will be all ears."

"Listen up." Xiao Yu'er cleared his throat and said loudly: "My uncle is like 'traveling to the three mountains, traveling to the five mountains, hating the sky without a handle, hating the earth without a ring, and conquering the seven, south, and north sixty-three provinces without any rivals. With his hands, he is the only swordsman in the martial arts world. He is the hero of Yan Bu Gui."

Xiao Yu'er saw that Yan Bugui always carried a sword box on his back. From the martial arts he had shown before, Xiao Yu'er had already guessed that he must also have amazing attainments in swordsmanship.

The visitor walked closer and saw two bodies on the ground at a glance.

Unexpectedly, when Xiao Yu'er said this long list of names, Zhao Quanhai was really frightened and was stunned.

Gray Bat and Owl are notorious in the world, and their martial arts are not weak. At this moment, they were killed. The big and small people in front of them were obviously not ordinary people.

Even though I was walking in this dank cave, my spirit was still overwhelming.

The big man in gilded clothes shouted: "A certain family is the head of the alliance of seventeen escort bureaus in the two rivers. Zhao Quanhai, who is said to be the one who shakes the mountains and rivers with his copper fist and iron palm, is a name that you must have heard of."

The big man in gilded clothes snorted coldly: "You don't even recognize a certain family, how can you still move around in the world?"

"I may not know as much about this world as you do."

Xiao Yu'er showed no stage fright and asked: "Who are you?"

Xiao Yu'er rolled his eyes: "Your name is quite long, and it sounds quite majestic, but it's far behind my uncle's name."

"Ahem!" Yan Bugui almost choked to death. This unlucky kid is really capable of talking nonsense.

Zhao Quanhai said nonchalantly: "How come a certain family has never heard of this person in the world?"

Xiao Yu'er said calmly: "My uncle has retired from the world for many years. It's normal that you haven't heard of him."

Zhao Quanhai blew his beard and glared: "He is clearly only in his twenties, brat, how dare you deceive someone!"

Xiao Yu'er smiled lightly and said, "Don't you hear that practicing inner strength to its peak can have the effect of rejuvenating one's youth?"

Zhao Quanhai was stunned again and stared at him, his heart already shaken.

Xiao Yu'er's eyes rolled wildly: "You have never heard of my uncle's name, but you must have heard of my uncle's name."


"Yan Nantian."

"What!" Zhao Quanhai said with emotion: "He is actually Yan Nantian's brother?!"

Xiao Yu'er asked: "Didn't you realize that their surname is Yan? How could there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"Stop messing around, let's go, I have something else to do." Yan Bugui couldn't bear to see Zhao Quanhai being fooled, so he grabbed the collar of Xiao Yu'er's neck, took a step forward with his right foot, and disappeared in front of Zhao Quanhai.

"So fast!" Zhao Quanhai rubbed his eyes vigorously. Seeing Yan Bugui's ghost-like Qinggong, he couldn't help but believe Xiao Yu'er's words.

It's just that this treasure was left by Yan Nantian. Now that his brothers are here, what's the matter with outsiders like them?

But Zhao Quanhai then thought about it, he had gone through so much trouble to find this place, and he was really unwilling to just turn around and go back. After thinking again and again, he gritted his teeth and immediately took big steps to catch up. Not long after, he saw a man and a woman falling to the ground on the road.

Zhao Quanhai knew these two people.

The man is Feng Tianyu, the Changbai Sword Sect's "Guanwai Divine Dragon Sword", and the woman is Liu Ruyu, the "Snowflake Sword". They are both famous masters in the world.

But now Feng Tianyu's sword was broken into two pieces, and Liu Ruyu's lancet only had the handle left.

"Ruyu, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Quanhai came to Liu Ruyu.

Liu Ruyu lost her voice and said: "Quan Hai, why are you here too?"

The two were actually old lovers many years ago.

Zhao Quanhai said: "Of course I came here for the treasure, why are you so lost here?"

A look of fear appeared on Liu Ruyu's face: "I was fighting with this man named Feng just now, and suddenly two young men, one big and one small, came and said that we were blocking the road and asked us to get out of the way.

We were fighting so hard that we couldn't care less about them. Unexpectedly, the older young man broke into our battle circle directly.

We didn't see clearly how he made the move, and all our weapons were broken in the blink of an eye. By the time we reacted, they were gone. "

"Alas~" Liu Ruyu sighed: "If he intends to kill people, how can we still be alive!"

Zhao Quanhai was shocked and murmured: "It's true, what he said is indeed true!"

Liu Ruyu frowned slightly: "What are you talking about?"

"So so, so so." Zhao Quanhai summarized Xiao Yu'er's words.

The two people's expressions suddenly changed.

Feng Tianyu let out a long sigh: "No wonder he has such skills. It turns out that he is the brother of Yan Nantian, the best sword in the world. This makes sense."

Liu Ruyu suddenly smiled: "Let's go quickly."

"Where are you going?" Feng Tianyu said calmly: "Even now, are you still thinking about the treasure?"

"You don't have to give up the treasure, but you can't help but look at the excitement." After Liu Ruyu finished speaking, she swung her waist lightly and used her body skills to fly towards the depths of the cave.

"Not bad." Zhao Sihai followed closely.

Feng Tianyu hesitated for a moment, then quickly caught up with him.

A few moments.

The three of them came to the end of the passage. Beyond that was a huge and deep cave with stalactites hanging down in all directions and a variety of colors.

Under the light of three torches, they saw five people attacking Yan Bugui at the same time.

They were all veterans of the martial arts world, and they recognized the identities of the five people who had taken action at a glance.

Master Huangji of Jiming Temple in Mount Wutai.

"One rebuke opens the mountain" layman Xiaoyun.

The king of the Eagle Claw Gate 'catches people like chickens'.

Sun Tiannan, the leader of the Tiannan Sword Sect, is the master of both swords and palms.

The current head of the Qiu Clan in eastern Zhejiang is Qiu Qingbo.

The martial arts skills of the five of them cannot be described as masters. No matter who sees them in the arena, they must secretly call them "old monsters".

However, these five old monsters have now encountered even more terrifying monsters.

Yan Bugui fired four moves in a row like lightning.

With a snap of his fingers, he took action with his magical power, and with a 'clang' sound, Qiu Qingbo, who was the first to attack, was thrown away with his gun and his men. Halfway through, the spear flew away due to the shock of the remaining energy.

Sun Tiannan then came forward with his sword, but Yan Bugui used a 'cloud hand' to direct the sword's edge towards Wang Yi's eagle claw that came from the side, forcing the two of them to retreat in a hurry.

Master Huangji and layman Xiaoyun came side by side, each took out their palms, and walked straight into the palace with their powerful palms.

Yan Bugui did not dodge or evade, with her left hand "Dragon Fighting in the Wild" and her right hand "Seeing a Dragon in the Field" to attack bravely.


The four palms exchanged, causing Master Huangji and Layman Xiaoyun's whole bodies to tremble. Before they were stunned, the two of them were blown away by a majestic palm force that was as strong as Yang and as domineering as fire.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Yan Bugui took action in sequence, but he knocked back the five opponents almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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