Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 197 Mingyu’s Divine Skill

Chapter 197 Mingyu’s Divine Skill
"I have to go back and take a look." Lianxing turned around and went out.

Yan Bugui stopped her: "With Yao Yue's current skills, you will die if you go back."

"No." Lianxing said: "No matter what, I am still her sister, and my sister will not be so cruel."

"Then I'll accompany you." Yan Bugui couldn't imagine how crazy Yao Yue would be when more than ten years of waiting came to nothing and there was no hope of revenge.

"I'll go too." Hua Wuque thought of Yao Yue who had escaped from trouble not long ago, and he was so cold that he no longer looked like a human being. Now that Lianxing is going back to Yihua Palace, he really can't worry about it.

Of course Xiao Yu'er is worried about Hua Wuque, and Tie Xinlan is also worried about Xiao Yu'er.


Five horses rushed out of the Valley of the Wicked and headed straight for the Central Plains.

Xuanyuan Sanguang can no longer leave the Valley of Evil for the rest of his life.

Yan Nantian and Wan Chunliu saw that Yan Bugui was with them and the safety of their three children was not in danger, so they stayed in the valley.

"Ah!" He Lu's eyes blurred in surprise, and at the same time a bone-chilling coldness came from the top of his head. He instantly lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and died on the spot.

The scenery of Xiuyu Valley is beautiful.

Yan Bugui was surprised. He was not even aware of the opponent's movement speed.

Yao Yue took back her right palm, her face clouded with dark clouds, and she said bitterly: "There is no second palace lord in Yihua Palace."

Looking at Yao Yue with a cold expression, Lian Xing couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart: "Sister..."

The ninth level of Mingyu's magical power is indeed extraordinary!

"It's a pity that it's too beautiful." Xiao Yu'er curled her lips and said: "There is no trace of human life. Living in a place like this, no wonder the people in Yihua Palace are so inhumane."

"Don't call me sister!" Yaoyue said sternly: "From the day you betrayed me, you are no longer my sister."

As she spoke, the ground beneath her feet began to slowly rise, supporting her body to gradually rise.

Once activated, the true energy will not evaporate outwards, but will converge inward. Whatever touched her was drawn to her like a magnet.

"At least there aren't as many intrigues and intrigues as there are in the Valley of the Wicked." Hua Wuque has lived here since he was a child, and his affection for this place cannot be extinguished.

"Hmph! You still have the nerve to come back." Yao Yue appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

She glanced at Yan Bugui, Xiao Yu'er, Hua Wuque and others: "As well as you, there is no way you can leave alive today."

He Lu quickly came to Yao Yue's residence: "Qi Palace Master, the Second Palace Master is back."

Lian Xing said: "Men and outsiders are not allowed to enter Yihua Palace. You should wait for me here so as not to anger my sister."

When Mingyu Kung Fu reaches the ninth level, the true energy will form a vortex in the body.


Yan Bugui looked around and sighed: "Outside the Four Seasons Flower Field, this is a good place to refine the 'Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills'!"

Hundreds of flowers bloom in the valley, just like a paradise on earth, a fairyland on earth.

Move to the Flower Palace.

A white figure suddenly flew out of the hall.

Not long ago, Yaoyue was defeated by Yan Nantian in the Valley of Evil, and was trapped in a stone prison and chained.

She was arrogant and arrogant, how could she endure such a shame and humiliation, but her inner strength was blocked so that she could not cut off her meridians on her own.

She simply refused to eat or drink and wanted to take her own life by going on a hunger strike.

After three days of this, her body became weaker and her mind became dizzy. Jiang Feng, Yue Slave, and all love and hatred were all forgotten.

In a trance, she unexpectedly entered the mysterious realm of "extreme tranquility, no thoughts and no thoughts".

The ninth level of Mingyu's magical power was created from this, allowing her to break free from her prison!

Yan Bugui knew in his heart that Yao Yue had reached this state and that his true energy was constantly growing and would even be used more and more. Even if Lian Xing's hands and feet were intact, he would have no chance of winning, so he immediately stepped forward.

Lianxing blocked him with his cross-arm: "Leave it to me."

Yan Bugui frowned and said, "But you..."

"Trust me." Lianxing smiled faintly, stepped forward and stood still.

Yaoyue's pupils shrank and she exclaimed, "Your hands and feet?"

Lianxing smiled lightly and said, "Everything has been cured." "No wonder you have the courage to come back." Yao Yue's eyes suddenly passed Lianxing and fell on Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui felt something, and when she met Yao Yue's eyes, she actually saw anger and resentment in her eyes.

'What is this crazy woman so angry about? Is it because I cured Lianxing's disability? '

Yaoyue sneered and said, "If you think you can resist me like this, you are totally wrong."

"I didn't want to resist you, but you were too extreme." As soon as Lianxing finished speaking, a mound formed under his feet like Yaoyue's.

"Huh?" Yan Bugui's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lian Xing has surprisingly reached the ninth level of Ming Yu Gong!
If there were traces of Yao Yue's success, Lian Xing himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

About half a month ago, she unknowingly had a breakthrough while practicing as usual, as if it came naturally without any warning.

Yaoyue's eyes changed again, jealousy mixed with resentment.

Their sisters' Ming Yu Gong stagnated at the eighth level because they encountered Jiang Feng and could no longer concentrate on their efforts and advance bravely.

Their feelings for Jiang Feng made them like pearls covered in dust.

Now that Lian Xing has made a breakthrough, he has obviously gotten rid of the troubles of this relationship. Not only has his martial arts improved, but he has also cured his body which has been disabled for half his life.

All good things have happened to Lianxing, but she still has to endure the pain and torture caused by hatred.

The more Yao Yue thought about it, the more unwilling she became. As resentment filled her heart, her beautiful face became extremely ferocious.

She couldn't bear it any longer and attacked Lian Xing brazenly.

Lian Xing moved accordingly, and the two of them performed extremely light skills at the same time, and their figures suddenly intertwined in the middle of the two mounds.

They are equally talented, have learned the same internal skills, and practiced the same martial arts.

Lianxing's hands and feet recovered, his strength was no longer limited, and he was already on the same level as Yaoyue.

The two quickly passed forty or fifty moves, fighting each other, but neither could do anything to the other.

Yan Bugui crossed his arms and smiled with interest: "Now they are really beaten."

They are all at the ninth level of Ming Yu Gong, and the possibility of exhaustion of their true energy is extremely slim. The outcome depends on which of the two sisters has better physical strength.

Yao Yue also understood this truth. Suddenly a cold light flashed in her right hand, and a dark green dagger measuring one foot and seven inches appeared.

"Blue blood shines brightly!" Xiao Yu'er said with emotion: "It is said that since ancient times, when forging all divine weapons, the blood of living people must be sacrificed to make the sword, and some people even sacrifice their lives for the sword.

Therefore, starting from Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, the history of every sword must have a sad and touching story! "

Tie Xinlan asked curiously: "Do you also have this sword?"

Xiao Yu'er nodded: "Not only does it exist, it is also very exciting. When forging this sword, it is not enough to use the blood of one person to sacrifice the sword, and it is no use that the wife and children of the sword maker died one after another.

The swordsmith was so angry that he jumped into the furnace and finally let the fire turn green. After burning for another two days, a passing Taoist cast the sword.

It is said that after the sword came out of the furnace, it caused the heaven and earth to change color, causing lightning and thunder. The Taoist was startled, knocked down by the thunder, and happened to fall on the sword, becoming the sword's first victim after its birth. "

Xiao Yu'er smiled: "But these are all legends and not credible. Now that all those people are dead, who told this story?"

No one knows whether this story is true or false, but most things that are legendary have something extraordinary about them.

The same is true for the blue blood shining on the picture!
Yao Yue held the sword in her hand and quickly gained the upper hand. Sen Han's sword edge forced Lian Xing to restrain her hands and retreat while fighting.

"Lianxing, take the sword." Yan Bugui opened the hidden box, pulled out the Boqing sword and threw it into the battle circle.

The sound of rushing wind reached her ears. Lianxing pulled away and quickly grabbed her right hand from the air. The Boqing Sword immediately flew into her palm automatically.

After practicing the ninth level of Ming Yu Gong, relying on the absorption power of the vortex of true energy, you can control the crane and capture the dragon with every move you make.

Lian Xing's long sword was swung out, but the sword technique used was not that of Yihua Palace.


As the blades clashed, sparks flew everywhere. Lianxing relied on the length of the weapon to level the situation again.

"Eh!" Xiao Yu'er said in surprise: "Uncle Yan, the swordsmanship that Master Lianxing seems to be using is yours?"

When he was in Diling Palace, he had seen Yan Bugui practicing swordsmanship, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt.

Yan Bugui thought: "She probably learned it from my apprentice when she was recuperating at my house."

(End of this chapter)

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