Chapter 2

Yan Bugui walked out with brisk steps, and as soon as he stepped out, he saw Yue Buqun coming towards him.

"Big Brother."

"Junior brother." Yue Buqun stopped and nodded calmly: "Come to see Master?"

Yan Bugui took out a thin blue-covered book and said excitedly: "Master said that I have almost mastered the basics and can start practicing internal skills."

He is really happy.

As a martial arts fan, he had no reason to be unhappy after getting the legendary internal skills.

"Yes, then congratulations to junior brother, remember to study hard and never let down master's expectations." Yue Buqun continued to walk to the Zhengqi Hall with a smile on his face.

Yan Bugui glanced at his back, then turned and left.

He had been a disciple for more than three years, and Yue Buqun seemed to have a gentle attitude towards him, but in fact he always showed a coldness, obviously because he cared about the fact that he was once a disciple of the Sword Sect.

Yan Bugui would feel very uncomfortable every time he saw him.

In fact, he was also prejudiced against Yue Buqun.

There was nothing I could do, Ying Bailuo's death was so unjust, even the eighth disciple who was his direct disciple could kill him, let alone him, a remnant of the Sword Sect.

But fortunately, Yue Buqun is now the future pillar of Huashan. He has been practicing internal skills under Lin Qingping's supervision three years ago, hoping to reach the standard of practicing Zixia Magical Skills as soon as possible and support the door of Huashan.

Therefore, there are not many opportunities for the two of them to be alone together.

Returning to his yard, Yan Bugui saw that the door to the room was open.

"Senior sister, what good things have you prepared?" He knew who was coming before even entering the door.

Ning Zhong sat at the table, smiled and patted the neatly folded cyan clothes on the table: "I made new clothes for you, come and try them out."

"Senior sister, I remember that you made this thing for me just three months ago, right?"

"Now is the time when you are growing up. One day at a time, there is no harm in being more prepared."

Yan Bugui picked up the shirt and looked at the fine and smooth stitches on it, and praised: "Senior sister's red needlework is getting more and more exquisite, thank you, senior sister."

Ning Zhong smiled and touched his head: "Why are you so polite to Senior Sister?"


"Hey~ Master is finally willing to teach you internal skills." Ning Zhongze suddenly saw the Huashan Mental Technique booklet in his junior brother's hand.

"Yes." Yan Bugui nodded and said: "Master asked me to memorize the mental method as soon as possible, and I will ask my senior sister for more guidance in the future."

Ning Zhongze said: "Master said that our Huashan sect's internal strength is different from other sects' internal strength, and it can improve one's strength even in sleep.

When your internal strength is accomplished, you will be able to do anything with your fists, feet or swordsmanship. "

"Wow~ It turns out that our martial arts in Huashan are so powerful!" Yan Bugui clapped his hands in surprise.

He didn't remember that the Huashan Mental Technique had such miraculous effects.

"But because of this, you have to be extra focused when practicing. If you are distracted even a little bit during the process, you will go crazy. Junior brother, you are still young and have no distracting thoughts. This is not difficult for you, but it is still difficult. Don’t be careless.”

"Don't worry, senior sister, I will be careful." Yan Bugui couldn't help but secretly moan in his heart.

He has nothing else on his mind!

If a child's mind is a piece of white paper, it has already turned into colorful black.

"Then I won't disturb you. I'll call you during dinner."

"Sister, walk slowly."

Looking at Ning Zhongze walking out of the room, Yan Bugui was filled with emotion.

In the past three years or so, his relationship with Ning Zhongze had become closer and closer under his deliberate hospitality. The other party took good care of him, just like half-siblings.

Master is also father.

Yan Bugui can now understand to some extent why Lin Pingzhi tied himself to Yue Lingshan.

After closing the door and putting the new clothes in the closet, Yan Bugui sat cross-legged on the bed and read the Huashan Mental Method.

“The sword of Huashan is extremely light and spiritual. First practice the sword spirit, and then practice the sword spirit.

Qi Shen Gide is determined, and sword skills are self-refining. How to maintain sword Qi? How is the sword god born?
  The way to practice qi is to focus on sincerity, concentration, and mind.

The spirit is concentrated in the Dantian, resting in the Purple Mansion, the body is as high as the sky and surpasses the mountains, the energy is as high as the sky and shakes the North Star..."

Yan Bugui suddenly said: "It's over, it's a bad dish!"

This sentence made an impression on him.

It was mentioned in the original book that on the way to attend Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Pen Washing Ceremony, Linghu Chong drank up the old beggar's monkey wine in one gulp using the internal skills taught by Yue Buqun.

The formula for the inner strength and mental method is exactly what Yan Bugui read just now, which means that in the future, the Huashan disciples headed by Linghu Chong will practice this Huashan mental method in front of them. According to this calculation, Yan Bugui will practice hard from now on until he is twenty-four or five years old, which will be equivalent to Linghu Chong's level before he suffered internal injuries. This still requires him to have Linghu Chong's outstanding qualifications.

Although that is already the top cultivation level among the younger generation, it seems that it can still torture the top four talents in Qingcheng, and even the first-class masters cannot touch it.

Thinking about the series of crises that the Huashan Sect would face in the future, the more Yan Bugui thought about it, the more he felt that his future was worrying, and he couldn't help but feel a little unmotivated.

The Huashan Mental Technique in my hand suddenly no longer smells good.

"If that's the case, why don't you make some woolen yarn? If you don't play with it anymore, it's broken. Let's do whatever you like." Yan Bugui said and threw away the Huashan Mental Technique in his hand, discarded it like a pair of old shoes, and fell down on the bed.

It’s really impossible to mix in this arena!
  Compared with other time travellers, he, Yan, is not good at all, and the standard gold finger has not been received yet.

Others came with all kinds of systems, artifacts, and portable grandfathers, but when they came to him, they only got a rejuvenation and a hellish start that almost cost them their lives.

Thinking of this, he had a lot of thoughts for a while, and the plot of Swordsman could not help but emerge in his mind.

"No, if you ruin it now, I'm afraid your death will be even worse."

Yan Bugui sat up suddenly. He suddenly remembered that outside Yaowang Temple, Linghu Chong fought against internal injuries and stabbed the eyes of fifteen masters with a sword when he had no internal strength.

But that's not the point.

The key point is that before Linghu Chong arrived, Liang Fa, the third disciple of Huashan, had his head chopped off by the enemy.

Yan Bugui suddenly realized that if he gave up now, he might be the one who loses his head in the future.

"Oh~~~ I'd better give it a try before talking." Yan Bugui sighed and picked up the Huashan Mental Technique again.

A mouse eats a cat's milk, and you have to change your own destiny.

It took him five days to memorize the mental formulas by heart, and Lin Qingping began to teach him various tips for practicing internal skills.

Three days later, Yan Bugui began to try to meditate and practice Qi under Lin Qingping's guidance.

This time, it turned out to be as unsatisfactory as he had expected.

When practicing internal skills, one should have no distracting thoughts, but as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind would be full of distracting thoughts, and his mind would be filled with all the messy things he had seen before.

For example, the young lady who teaches people how to dress is actually very careful. The young lady who teaches people how to cook is actually very careful. The young lady who teaches people how to perform bone-setting massage is actually very careful. The young lady who teaches people about fitness is actually very careful. There are all kinds of lordosis and long legs. of came in droves.

There were even people who squeezed blackheads, had their teeth cleaned, and had pedicures... There were so many people there that he couldn't calm down at all.

There has never been a moment when he despised his account on a certain video website that was already level [-] as much as he does now.

Amid countless sighs from his master, it took Yan Bugui more than a month to sense the signs of movement in the Qi machine.

According to Lin Qingping, the progress at this speed is indeed a bit slow. If you want to achieve success in the future, you will have to have great perseverance and perseverance and work hard.

The implication is that Yan Bugui's qualifications are not good enough and cannot be cultivated, so it will be difficult for him to make a difference in this life.

The night was quiet.

Yan Bugui sat cross-legged on the bed and continued to work hard.

Jian Wuji, who cut down trees and practiced swordplay until his hand broke off, proves that even if his qualifications are not good but his hard work can make up for his shortcomings, he may not be able to get ahead.

As for Guo Jing and Guo Daxia, is this guy really not qualified?

"Shen Ningzi Mansion, resting in Dantian..."

Yan Bugui silently recited the mantra in his heart, carefully nourishing the hard-won Qi in his Dantian. Under his careful care, this nascent Qi finally condensed and took shape.

Suddenly, a huge suction force came out of nowhere, causing his zhenqi to lose control instantly and rush out of his dantian.

Yan Bugui's whole body shook violently, and his eyes suddenly blurred.

When he regained his sight again, he was already in a void space filled with stars.

"What the hell? Could it be..." Something unexpected happened, but Yan Bugui was not surprised but overjoyed.

He has seen this situation too many times in books. The Golden Finger he has been waiting for for more than three years may finally be online today.

As for where this space came from, he had no idea of ​​delving into it.

He doesn't even care how he traveled through time. Does he still care about having this thing in his body?

The key is that it's useless to care, these are completely beyond his capabilities.

In surprise, a dazzling golden light appeared out of thin air in front of Yan Bugui.

The light surged and transformed into a text. It was clearly the Huashan Mental Technique he was practicing, but the number of words was more.

Yan Bugui looked carefully and found that the extra content was annotations on the mental formula, which was more than ten times more detailed than what Lin Qingping taught, and was easier to understand.

There are three other big characters next to it - to be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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