Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 207 Pulling out teeth from the tiger’s mouth

Chapter 207 Pulling out teeth from the tiger’s mouth
The depths of the valley suddenly became brightly lit.

The red or yellow lights are dotted like fireflies flying in the summer night sky.

Under an old tree in the valley.

Boss Wu ordered his men to bring a black cloth bag to him. After opening the bag, an eight or nine-year-old girl was revealed from inside.

"This girl is my brother who I brought down from Piaomiao Peak. Unfortunately, she is mute and can't find anything useful to ask.

Brothers, I have had enough of these days of fear, and I believe you have too.

The old thief is seriously ill now, so this is a rare opportunity. Let's work together to defeat Piaomiao Peak today. We have made an alliance by blood, and we will share the blessings and share the misfortunes in the future. "

Mr. Wu secretly gathered his energy and said loudly: "Now please take out your weapons, and each of you will chop and stab the girl once.

Everyone's blade drank her blood, and from now on they are at odds with Piaomiao Peak. Even if you think half-heartedly, you won't be allowed to shrink back. "

After his words fell, the valley suddenly fell silent.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the valley immediately became as silent as cicadas, and everyone was in danger.

The leaves on the tree were suddenly blown off the branches and scattered in all directions at an extraordinary speed, aiming directly at the light.

The green wave fragrant dew knife landed in the air and plunged into the ground.

In a mixture of shock and anger, he unconsciously used his inner strength when speaking, and his voice shocked everyone.

The surrounding cave masters and island masters were all startled by the sudden change and looked around.

If the Tianshan Child Elder really arrived, based on what he just said, he would be the first to die. And he will die horribly.

A trembling voice said: "Mo, could it be that Mrs. Tong is here?"

The Tianshan Child Grandmother has accumulated so much power that no one wants to be the one who stands out.

Halfway through Wu Lao's sword, he was suddenly knocked out of his hand by an overwhelming force, causing the tiger's mouth to burst open.

When Boss Wu saw this, he couldn't help but cursed these cowards in his heart. But at this moment, he was already riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off. He turned back with a normal expression and pulled out a ghost-headed sword with a thick back and thin blade from his waist.

Thinking of this, Boss Wu showed a ruthless look on his face and shouted angrily: "Which turtle bastard is pretending to be a fool here, get out of here if you have the guts."

Boss Wu became worried and struck the girl with his knife.

Boss Wu swallowed his saliva, he was already sweating profusely, and his heart was in his throat.

The attention of everyone else in the valley was also drawn.

The branches and leaves of the old tree suddenly shook violently.

'wrong! That old thief is fierce and overbearing. If she had come, she would have shown up at this moment, and she would never act mysterious here. Not her! Definitely not her! '

Under a certain light, someone shouted: "You captured me, Boss Wu. This first stab should start with you."

The tragic light of the sword flashed across the girl's face, making her look panicked.

This is his famous weapon, the Midoruba Koro Sword.

Boss Wu immediately looked up.

Boss Wu looked at his bloody right hand and was shocked: "Who is it?"

Puff puff……

The lights in the valley went out almost simultaneously.

The moonlight was blocked by the mountain peaks, and the valley suddenly became dark.

At this moment, a blurry figure flashed past under the tree.

Wu LaoDa was caught off guard and the bag containing the girl disappeared from the spot.

"Not good!" Boss Wu turned around quickly and saw a vague afterimage, shooting towards the exit of the valley like an arrow from a string.

There was a loud uproar and curses in the valley. They lit the lights again and swarmed after them.

With their internal strength, they can barely see in the dark.

The girl must not be taken away, otherwise once the news is leaked and the Tianshan Child Elder knows that they are rebelling, the consequences will be disastrous. Death will be considered comfortable by then, but wanting to die is a huge luxury!
There are many masters of Qinggong among the thirty-six cave masters and the seventy-two island masters, but no matter how hard they try, the distance between them and the visitor is getting wider and wider.

On weekdays, the distance of several feet was just a step away, but now it was like a chasm.


Accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, a cold light suddenly flashed on the mountain on the north side, and six flying knives were shot at the visitor from the side.

The sword flashed, but in the end it was a step too slow, and Yan Bugui dodged it with his unparalleled speed.

The flying knife flew into the air and stuck on the ground. Yan Bugui was already three feet away.

A flash of blue light flashed out from the peak on the west side, and it shot down like lightning from a high position.

Yan Bugui gathered his eyes and saw that the enemy was an old man in green shirt who was in his fifties, with a handsome face and a long beard, holding a long sword.

That blue light was not a sword light, but a sword light condensed by internal force. It was about half a foot long and wavered on the tip of the sword.

Yan Bugui secretly thought that there was no other name for someone with such ability. This person should probably be the "Sword God" Zhuo Bufan.

In the blink of an eye, the sword light came to kill him.

Yan Bugui turned his hand and used the "Iron Palm Magic" to greet him.

In silence, the sword light disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan was horrified and shocked, shouting that it was impossible.

His sword was extremely sharp, just like a magic weapon. It could cut through gold and jade, and cut iron like mud. It had been tried and tested with success since it was trained, but today it actually failed.

Before he had time to think about it, the tip of his sword hit Yan Bugui's palm, and his right hand suddenly shook violently, as if it had stabbed a copper wall.

With a "click", the long sword broke, and Zhuo Bufan was thrown backward by the huge force, with blood spurting out from his mouth.

"Stop leaving!" At the same time as the sharp shouts rang out, a third person took advantage of the brief delay in Yan Bugui and Zhuo Bufan's fight to catch up. It was obvious that he had extraordinary dexterity.

This man was a middle-aged Taoist priest, and he swung the whisk at Yan Bugui's head.

'King Jiao' is unfair to Taoists!
The opponent's name appeared in Yan Bugui's mind, and the sword finger of his right hand activated the invisible sword energy to attack boldly.

The figures intertwined, and Yan Bugui passed in front of the Taoist Bing Ping. Without stopping for a moment, he rushed out of the valley and disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

"Ah——" The screams echoed throughout the night, echoing in the valley.

White threads scattered all over the sky, and the fly whisk was broken. At the same time, Taoist Bu Ping's right hand was also broken.

Everyone who was following this was trembling with fear and stopped in unison.

The lights came on again.

But Zhuo Bufan's face was pale, his mouth and chest were stained with blood, and he was slumped on the ground like mud.

Taoist Bu Ping's right palm was broken at the wrist. He was applying acupuncture points on himself to stop the bleeding. He was already covered in cold sweat from the pain.

"Which hero has the golden sore medicine that Pindao can use?"

The miserable situation of the two people made everyone even more horrified.

"I have it here." Boss Wu took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Taoist Buping: "I dare to ask, sir, can you see the face of the person coming?"

Taoist Bu Ping shook his head: "It was too dark and the opponent was too fast. I could only see that it was a man, but I couldn't see clearly what he looked like."

"Damn it!" Boss Wu said anxiously, "I didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would suddenly appear in the middle of the road. This will cause trouble!"

Sang Tugong, the master of the Biphosphorus Cave in western Sichuan, who was short and fat like a meat ball, sat on a large bronze cauldron and asked: "Boss Wu, I'm afraid that what happened today will be reported soon." In the ears of that old thief, what do you think we should do?"

The green light of the green wave fragrant knife in his hand reflected on Boss Wu's face, and he said gloomily: "Everyone knows how powerful the life and death talisman is. Now that the matter has come to this, I'm afraid we can only go to the dark side in one way. .”

Boss Wu named the eight cave owners and island owners in succession, including Sang Tugong, cupped his fists and said: "Please follow Wu to search for the whereabouts of the man and the girl just now.

The remaining brothers led their families and horses to Piaomiao Peak at full speed, waiting for our news and waiting for an opportunity to attack the mountain. "

These eight people were all the best in martial arts. Knowing that this matter was related to their lives, they agreed without saying a word and hurriedly left the valley with Boss Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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