Chapter 225 Qi-breaking style

"Master, you are good at cultivation! Yan is going to do something real, so please be careful." Yan Bugui pointed his right hand like a sword, and the long life was flowing, turning into a tangible sword energy about two feet long, carrying Qing Zhan The light of Zhan is dazzling.

Facing the sweeping monk's superb martial arts, there is not much difference between the tangible and intangible sword energy.

"The donor's methods are even more eye-opening to me!" The sweeping monk looked at the sword energy between his fingers, and Gujing Wubo couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face.

Yan Bugui stopped talking to him, his ice heart was like a mirror, and he activated his longevity to the extreme.

"Broken!" Yan Bugui suddenly burst out with spring thunder, and with a flash of green light in his hand, he came three feet in front of the sweeping monk and slashed down with his sword.

This sword is extremely mysterious, and it is the Qi-breaking style of Dugu's Nine Swords. Since Yan Bugui completed his studies, this trick has appeared in the world for the first time.

The so-called divine knowledge comes from one mind, and the 'Qi-Breaking Style' relies on the experience, vision and foundation of the person who performs the move.

The white beard under the sweeping monk's chin moved automatically in the absence of wind. The strong wind surged in front of him and turned into an invisible wall of air again.

The sword energy was like a blue lightning bolt, instantly splitting the air wall in half like tearing paper.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one swords slashed out in a series, moving like clouds and flowing water, with unparalleled speed.

"What a move, the Wuxiang Jie Finger!" Yan Bugui had already bullied the sweeping monk and slashed his right hand with a backhand sword.

As soon as the other party appeared, he followed him closely like a shadow.

The distance between the two is only a few feet, and it can be reached in the blink of an eye.

No one could see what the sweeping monk was doing, and he suddenly disappeared at the door of the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, like a wisp of smoke, silently.

Yan does not return, but instead advances, and uses the 'Breaking Knife Style' to respond to the situation and attack quickly.

The cold sword energy exuded a bone-piercing edge, and cold stars burst out as Yan Bugui's fingers trembled slightly, covering more than a dozen acupuncture points on the opponent's chest.

This is where the flaw in his luck lies.

The sweeping monk then changed his moves: He held his fingers and flicked the fingers of his right hand to block the sword energy through the air with a feminine force.

But Yan Bugui's perception at this moment was greatly enhanced by the true energy, and the position of the sweeping monk was naturally reflected in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Bugui was shocked to feel three strong winds shooting towards his chest, already one foot in front of him.

He flicked his left robe sleeve and used his 'Flowing Clouds and Flying Sleeves' to wipe out these three invisible and formless energies.

The force of the fist is strong and fierce, and it is no less powerful than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Let him attack immediately.

The sweeping monk no longer dodges his right fist and unhurriedly throws it forward. What he uses is the Diamond Boxing Technique, one of the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin.

The moment he stood firm, the green light flashed before his eyes again, and Yan Bugui stabbed straight at him with his sword.

The sweeping monk suddenly slid back three feet, raised his right hand into a sword, and used the 'Burning Wood Sword Technique'.

The strength of the fist and the energy of the sword clashed, and Yan Bugui's sword seemed to hit a boulder launched by a trebuchet.

Yan Bugui's sword force changed suddenly, and he slashed horizontally with the 'Breaking Palm Style'. The sword split the fist with a "swish", and then stabbed the "Neiguan point" two inches above the sweeping monk's right wrist.

In an instant, sword energy swept over him, mixed with a scalding heat wave.

If it weren't for his keen perception, he would have been hit at this moment. Although it was useless, he was defeated in terms of the move.

The Qi wall was the condensed power of the sweeping monk's whole body. It was suddenly broken, and his skinny figure couldn't help but fall back.

bang bang bang...

The energy of the swords was tit for tat, and with the continuous roar of energy clashing, Yan Bugui once again approached the sweeping monk and got close to him.

A metallic sound of "clang" sounded, and the sweeping monk actually shook Yan Bugui's sword energy with his flesh palm.

The sword energy condenses the sword light, which is tangible and qualitative. In terms of sharpness, even though it is not as sharp as a magical weapon such as the Boqing Sword, it is far better than ordinary swords.

Yan Bugui was secretly surprised. This old monk's body was definitely not as thin and dry as it looked. Could it be that he had also practiced the golden bell shield or the indestructible body magic skill?

Without time to think about it, the sword fight became more and more intense, with eighty-one moves followed by eighty-one moves in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

Jiumozhi's cry of pain suddenly sounded not far away. But it was Duan Yu's invisible sword energy that defeated the flame sword's sword energy.

Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword is known as the best in the world, and it's not for nothing.

In addition, he practiced diligently in Lingjiu Palace for two months and obtained the true inheritance of Xiaoyao Sect.

With the exquisiteness of Tianshan's plum-breaking hand, he has unknowingly taken the swordsmanship of the Six Meridians Divine Sword to a higher level.

Jiumozhi's right palm was scratched by the sword energy and was dripping with blood. He looked at Duan Yu in disbelief. The brat who was at his mercy at the beginning has become so powerful in martial arts!

Duan Yu was not a bloodthirsty person. When he saw that he was injured, he stopped and asked: "Jiumozhi, where did you learn the Xiao Wuxiang Kung Fu?"

Jiumozhi's face was dim and uncertain, and he suddenly sighed: "Now that things have happened, the young monk has nothing to hide.

I discovered the secret of this little formless skill from the Langhuan Jade Cave in Mantuo Villa. "

"That's it." Duan Yu said with a look of surprise on his face.

The owner of Mantuo Villa, Li Qingluo, is the daughter of Li Qiushui.

The Little Wuxiang Kung Fu is Li Qiu Shui's unique skill, so it makes sense that Mantuo Villa has the secret book of this martial art.

"Young Master Duan is now the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, so the secret monk will be returned to his original owner." Jiumozhi took out a blue booklet from his arms and handed it to Duan Yu.

"Thank you, Master." When Duan Yu reached out to take it, Jiumozhi suddenly placed a palm on his chest.

The sudden change made Duan Yu unable to dodge, and he was suddenly frightened and secretly shouted: 'Oops! My life is at an end! '

"Go to hell, you brat!" A sneer appeared on Jiumozhi's face. Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his true energy was out of control and pouring into Duan Yu's body crazily.

By coincidence, his palm landed on Duan Yu's "Tanzhong point".

This is the sea of ​​​​energy where Beiming Shen Gong stores its power. Using his power to attack here is tantamount to throwing himself into a trap and actively giving his inner power to Duan Yu to absorb.

The stronger Beiming's Zhenqi cultivation is, the faster he can absorb the inner energy of others.

Jiumozhi went to Tianlong Temple to obtain the sword manual of the Six Meridians Divine Sword. When he first met Duan Yu, he was sucked into the inner force.

But at that time, he easily broke away due to his luck.

At present, Duan Yu has absorbed the internal energy of countless people, and the power of Beiming Divine Art is no longer comparable to the same.

Jiumozhi's hands seemed to be smeared with glue and stuck to Duan Yu's body. The true energy in his body was like a river bursting its embankment, flowing thousands of miles away, and he couldn't help but turn pale in horror.

After a while, he lost all his power.

"Ah——" Jiumozhi screamed, and his whole body collapsed to the ground like mud.

Duan Yu was still frightened and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Master!" Murong Bo heard his friend's scream and caught a glimpse of Jiumozhi's tragic face from the corner of his eye. He was so shocked that he couldn't help but think.

Xiao Yuanshan had been unable to fight for a long time, but now that he had an opportunity, he immediately used Prajna Palm to take advantage of the gap.

Both of them are on par with each other in terms of martial arts and internal strength, and if they are slightly negligent, they will be doomed.

Murong Bo's figure was shaken violently, and Xiao Yuanshan hit him heavily on the chest, causing his internal organs to shift.

"Pfft--" Murong Bo flew out upside down, blood spurting out from his mouth, and he fell to the ground xunzhang away.

"Dad!" Murong Fu was shocked and angry, his eyes were about to burst, and he was eager to get out and rescue him.

However, under Xiao Feng's majestic palm, it was difficult to escape for a while, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Get out of my way!" Murong Fu used his full strength and fired both palms, trying to force Xiao Feng away.

Xiao Feng used the "Walking on Frost and Ice" stance, with both fists and palms coming out at the same time, a combination of hardness and softness, and he directly connected with Murong Fu's Sumeru Mountain Palm.

The two astonishingly powerful forces collided with each other. Both of them felt their arms shake violently and fell backwards at the same time.

Xiao Yuanshan knew that Murong Fu's martial arts were far superior to his father's, so he immediately abandoned Murong Bo, ducked behind Murong Fu, and struck directly at the back of his heart with a 'Big Skanda Pestle'.

Murong Fu was half guarding against Xiao Feng, and half was worried about his father. He was caught off guard and was suddenly attacked.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Murong Fu threw his body forward and at the same time, his body-protecting Qi also knocked Xiao Yuanshan away.

However, in the battle between masters, there is no room for loss.

Xiao Feng showed no mercy at the time of his great enmity. He struck Murong Fu in the chest with a palm like "See the Dragon in the Field".

With a "click", Murong Fu's sternum was broken, and his whole body fell next to Murong Bo like a kite with broken strings.

At this moment, rapid footsteps came from the woods.

Master Xuanji led the eminent monks of the Xuan generation and dozens of stick-wielding monks came galloping over.

(End of this chapter)

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