Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 227 Shaolin bows his head

Chapter 227 Shaolin bows his head
"Hiss—" Yan Bugui took a breath of cold air.

Although You Tanzhi's logic sounds a bit outrageous at first, it seems to be okay if you think about it carefully.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he could only pat his apprentice on the shoulder.

"You little beast, I'll kill you!" Murong Fu's eyes were blood red, and he was as crazy as a mad animal. Clenching his right fist tightly, nails piercing the palm, he swung out a blood-soaked Vajra fist with all his strength, hitting You Tanzhi's chest with a fierce punch.

"Hmph!" Yan Bugui's face darkened, his eyes slightly condensed, he stood in front of You Tanzhi, and used his right hand to destroy luck, the 'Shi Potian Jing Hunyuan Palm' to meet him.

Fists and palms exchanged, real strength clashed, and air flow burst out. People within a seven-foot radius were immediately forced to retreat.

"Ah ah~" Murong Fu felt eight completely different powerful forces penetrate into his body, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he stamped his right foot on the ground, frantically boosting his internal energy.

However, those eight internal energies were like a dragon emerging from the sea and a fierce tiger descending from the mountain, forcefully breaking through his internal defense. The meridians along his arms rushed straight to his heart like broken bamboo.

Murong Fu had been hit by Xiao Feng's Dragon Subduing Palm earlier, and was unable to do anything due to the injury.

With a "stab" sound, the sleeve of his right arm was torn apart inch by inch by the overflowing energy during the resistance.

Before today, he had always been very confused.

He was grateful that Yan Bugui had been so kind to him, but he really didn't want to be like this.

"My inner strength!?" Murong Fu wanted to use his energy to heal his injuries, but unexpectedly the true energy in his body was scattered and he couldn't raise it even after several attempts.

The wind from the palm hits the face like a sharp blade, biting the bones and causing chills.

With a groan, he couldn't help but stumble back, his face became more ferocious, and his exposed arms were covered with bruises and bruises, but he gritted his teeth and did not scream.

With Murong Fu's previous skills, if he takes revenge in the future, You Tanzhi will have no chance of survival.

"Amitabha!" The Shaolin monks, led by the sweeping monk, lowered their heads one after another, as if they couldn't bear Murong Fu's heart.

By killing him now, You Tanzhi feels that he has given an explanation to the spirits of his father and uncle in heaven.

Murong Fu was caught off guard, and the meridians in his right arm were overwhelmed, and a cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out.

Yan Bugui stepped forward, stretched out the index finger of his right hand, gathered the true spiral energy, and used the 'Armor-breaking Peak Seven Rotating Finger' to point on the Qi sea of ​​Murong Fu's Dantian.

"There's no need to try, your martial arts is useless." Yan Bugui had no intention of being so cruel to him, but You Tanzhi suddenly killed Murong Bo.

"Pfft--" Murong Fu suddenly felt a pain in his stomach that was like a twist. He held his stomach and vomited blood. The pain caused veins on his forehead to bulge.

When there was no time to spare, Murong Fu used his "Dou Zhuan Xing Shi", reluctantly transferred the internal energy of "Shi Potian Jing Hunyuan Palm" from his right arm to his left arm, and took advantage of the situation to strike Yan Bugui's face with one palm.

"You, pfft..." Murong Fu was so angry that he spurted out another mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, and fainted to the ground.

You Tanzhi was in a daze, with mixed feelings in his heart, and at the same time he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But if he was asked to give up revenge completely, he would not be willing to do so.

The bloody feud between his father and uncle was always etched in his heart. But the enemy Xiao Feng is the master's friend.

Yan Bugui greeted him with his left palm. At the same time, he used the "Na Zi Jue" to use his palm power for his own use, and then passed it back from his right hand that was touching his fist.

Fortunately, the sky is the limit!
Murong Bo appeared, this man was the culprit of everything.

The zhenqi bursting through his body and the severe pain in his meridians finally allowed him to regain some consciousness from his anger.

You TanZhi knew that if he insisted on seeking revenge against Xiao Feng, Yan Bugui would definitely be in trouble.

"It's gone, it's all gone..." Jiumozhi had tears in his eyes. It was hard for him to accept that decades of hard work had vanished into nothing. He was like a walking corpse, muttering to himself as he walked into the woods.

Duan Yu hesitated and said: "Brother Yan, you are an elder of the Xiaoyao Sect. In your opinion, how should this monk be dealt with?"

Yan Bugui said: "You have absorbed all his inner strength, and you have recovered the small Wuxiang Kung he secretly learned. You can make the rest yourself."

Duan Yu nodded: "Then let him go. He has no martial arts skills anyway, so there is no need to worry about him harming others again."

The side effects of Jiumozhi's forced practice of Shaolin's seventy-two stunts are not yet obvious.

Without the painful experience of backlash and suffering, it might take him some time to wake up.

Duan Yu looked at Xiao Feng again and asked: "Brother, Murong is your enemy. How should you deal with Murong Fuqian?"

Xiao Feng sighed and looked at the sweeping monk: "That master is right. When will the injustice be repaid.

The old thief Murong is dead and my mother's revenge has been avenged. Let this end here. There is no need to do more killings.

Besides, A'Zhu grew up in Murong's family. If I killed Murong Fu, she would definitely be sad. "

"The same goes for Yu Yan." Duan Yu said: "She has a deep love for Mr. Murong. If Mr. Murong dies, she will probably die of heartbreak."

Duan Yu said: "Speaking of which, Yuyan and A'Zhu are half-sisters."

Xiao Feng said in surprise: "In that case, wouldn't they..." Duan Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, they are all my sisters. For their sake, let's let Master Murong go."

Yan Bugui said: "Murong's rebellion will definitely affect Mantuo Villa.

To be on the safe side, you'd better take precautions early. "

Duan Yu nodded and said, "I'll tell dad later to take them all to Dali."

"That's very good." Yan Bugui stretched out and said, "The fight today was a good one. Now that the matter is done, let's go and go down the mountain to find a place to drink."

Hearing this, Xiao Feng and Duan Yu both looked happy.

"Wait a minute!" Master Xuanji said: "The three benefactors want to leave, and I will never dare to force them to stay. But this old benefactor, Xiao, secretly learned my Shaolin skills, but he cannot leave."

Xiao Yuanshan sneered: "If you want to keep me, it depends on your ability."

Master Xuanji and others could not help but look solemn.

Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts skills were outstanding, and in the whole temple, this old monk sweeping the floor was probably the only one who could subdue him.

But the old monk had just been defeated by Yan Bugui. Today, it seems as difficult as climbing to the sky to keep Xiao Yuanshan.

After thinking about it, Master Xuanji couldn't help but feel sad because he had no good solution.

Shaolin has been powerful in the world for hundreds of years, but when he comes here, he can't even deal with a thief who steals things.

"Old donor Xiao, I have a word of advice." The sweeping monk said: "The martial arts of our school are passed down from the ancestor Bodhidharma. Buddhist disciples learn martial arts to strengthen their bodies and protect the law and subdue demons. When practicing any martial arts, you should always keep your mind in mind. Keep the thoughts of compassion and kindness. If you do not base yourself on Buddhism, you will definitely hurt yourself when practicing martial arts."

Xiao Yuanshan was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but touch his abdomen.

He recently felt constant pain in the "Liangmen point" and "Taiyi point" in his abdomen. The "Guanyuan point" in the lower abdomen has been numb for many years, and the affected area has expanded from the size of a finger to the size of a tea cup.

Xiao Feng looked at Xiao Yuanshan, who had an unusual expression, and his expression changed slightly: "Dad, is what the master said true?"

Xiao Yuanshan nodded, but said indifferently: "Dad has lived to this age, and it is inevitable that he will suffer from some illnesses. I can see you grow up, and I will have no regrets even if my father dies immediately."

"Since the holy monk knows the root cause of my father's illness, I hope he will be mercifully rescued." Xiao Feng said as he was about to kneel down, but was suddenly grabbed by Yan Bugui.

"Brother, don't worry. Your Majesty is just an imbalance of yin and yang in your true energy. It's not as evil as he said."

Yan Bugui is quite experienced in this aspect.

Xiao Yuanshan's situation was similar to Lin Pingzhi's symptoms when he was plotted against by people from the Songshan Sect and had multiple channels of alien energy in his body.

"Zixia Shengong" can cure it.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm offended." Yan Bugui raised his hand and pressed the back of Xiao Yuanshan's heart with the palm of his hand. The longevity energy penetrated into his body, using the spiral energy to attract the internal force generated by different Shaolin stunts, and then followed the route of "Zixia Magic" run.

Xiao Yuanshan was shaken and his face turned red quickly, as if bleeding.

Wisps of white smoke steamed from above his head.

After a while, Xiao Yuanshan touched the three acupuncture points on his abdomen again, and all the lesions had disappeared.

"Gang Leader Yan has such powerful internal skills!" Xiao Yuanshan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Alas -" the sweeping monk sighed: "Old donor Xiao, please do as you please."

As soon as his words came out, Xuanji and others already understood that there was nothing they could do, and their faces were full of helplessness.

The dust has settled.

The martial arts heroes descended from Shaoshi Mountain in a mighty manner.

Three days later.

Yan Bugui returned the dog-beating stick and the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon to the Beggar Gang.

Xiao Feng took A'Zhu and went to the outside of the Great Wall with Xiao Yuanshan.

Duan Yu's family returned to Dali with Murong Fu, who had lost all his martial arts skills.

You TanZhi embarked on the road back to Juxian Village alone.

Yan Bugui looked at Lian Xing: "It's time for us to leave."

Lian Xing nodded: "Where to go?"

Yan Bugui was shining brightly in front of him and had already opened the space tunnel: "I hope this is a place where martial arts can be further improved."

(End of this chapter)

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