Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 236: Stealing Treasures from the Zen Monastery

Chapter 236: Stealing Treasures from the Zen Monastery
Yan Bugui had an idea, and with the help of the vortex of true energy in his dantian, he used the mental technique of 'plundering the world'.

The rotation of the vortex suddenly accelerated, and the majestic suction force reached up to the "Baihui" of Tianling and went down to the "Yongquan" on the soles of the feet. The speed of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth suddenly increased several times.

His skill also increased accordingly.

It's just that although the world is endless, the human body has its limits after all. Even if the Immortality Secret is magical, it cannot allow him to plunder the essence of heaven and earth endlessly.

After drinking the tea, the yin and yang energy gradually subsided.

"Huh——" Yan Bugui slowly opened his eyes and looked around, his expression was shocked.

Seeing that his expression was different, Lianxing asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Yan Bugui smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I just saw something different."

"What?" Lianxing couldn't help but be curious.

Yan Bugui stood up and took Lian Xing's hand: "I find you have become more beautiful."

In order to make things easier, he disguised himself again, rode on horseback and whipped his horse, and rushed to Luoyang day and night.

Lian Xing's pretty face blushed slightly: "I'm telling you something serious."

Yan Bugui vaguely remembered that Fang Lingzhong, the adopted son of Shuanglong, and Shang Yueling, the great-granddaughter of Song Que, the Heavenly Sword, had both learned their immortality secrets.

"After all, it's a treasure passed down from Huang Di's master, so it's certainly not something to be taken lightly. You'll know after you practice it."

The two of them went down the mountain together to report to Ning Zhongze that they were safe. After everyone had a meal together, Yan Bugui left Huashan that night.

"Can I practice too?"

Lian Xing asked: "Then do you want to go to that world?"

"It's serious." Yan Bugui said: "I found that my eyes are different. The sun is no longer dazzling, the sky and the earth have become clearer, and the colors are richer. So I can see your beautiful picture more clearly than before. Face."

"Go." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "I borrowed the Secret of Immortality from someone else and have to return it. The Yingui Sect also needs to settle the score with them. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get the Heavenly Demon Skill back to you. "

He was afraid that if he didn't go back, He Shibi would no longer have his share.

It feels like a short-sighted person suddenly wearing glasses. In addition to the eyes, other senses also become sharper.

The exit of the space-time tunnel opened at the place where Yan Bugui left last time.

The Secret of Immortality is like a huge treasure. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling dug out part of it, and I also dug out part of it. How much I can dig out depends on my ability and luck.

Lian Xing asked in confusion: "The Secret of Immortality is so miraculous, why do you still practice your old internal skills?"

Yan Bugui said with emotion: "Because I'm not sure if I've mastered it. After all, we don't recognize the words on it and don't know its true face. Maybe I just got a part of it."

Yan Bugui took a deep breath, breathed out his luck and checked himself: "Everything is fine."

Lian Xing smiled brightly: "Then wish us good luck."

"So fast?" Lian Xing just connected with his inner breath, knowing that his internal organs had been injured just now, and he would never be able to recover without ten days and a half of cultivation: "Is the Secret of Immortality really so magical?"

"That's enough now. The most difficult part of this martial arts is getting started. I'll study it further and integrate the longevity formula into my original internal strength. You have the foundation of Mingyu Divine Kung Fu, so you should have no problem practicing it."

As for how much this treasure actually contains, it is unknown. "

"By the way, how's your injury?" Lianxing took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his mouth.

On the way to Luoyang, Yan Bugui had already heard that two major events, one civil and one military, were going to happen in the city.

Wen is the world-famous most talented woman who will come to Manqing Courtyard to perform singing and dancing.

Wu Qu Ao, the top master outside the region second only to Bi Xuan, the Turkic martial lord, "Tie Le Fei Ying", is about to have a decisive battle with Fu Qian, the son of Tuyuhun King Fu Yun.

The time is one day later.

After Yan Bugui entered the city, he did not go to find Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, or Ba Fenghan.

I randomly found an inn to rest and didn't go out until dark.

The city is bustling with traffic and people. Martial arts people carrying weapons can be seen everywhere, obviously they are all here for the rare civil and military event tomorrow.

Yan Bugui quietly went to Nanshan.

Now everyone's attention is focused on Shang Xiufang, Qu Ao, and Fu Qian. This is an excellent opportunity to seize the Heshi Bi.

What Xu Ziling can do alone, Yan Bugui believes that his martial arts skills are superior to his, so of course it is no problem. On the top of the mountain is a magnificent temple - Jing Nian Zen Monastery - composed of hundreds of houses.

Now He's Bi is stored inside.

Yan Bugui followed Xu Ziling's method and went around the cliff at the back of the mountain and jumped up.

After practicing the Changsheng Art, his Qinggong improved even more. Wearing night clothes, he was like a black cloud, rising lightly to the top of the cliff.

A cliff dozens of feet high is coming in an instant.

Yan Bugui was like a ghost in the dark night, landing on the top of a Buddhist hall behind the temple as if he was in a deserted place.

The sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures seemed to come from an unknown distance and spread throughout the temple.

By the moonlight, he quickly found the Bronze Hall where He's Bi was stored.

It was a copper palace with a width of three feet and a depth of three feet and a height of half a foot. It not only required a lot of gold and copper, but also required truly skilled craftsmen to cast it.

Yan Bugui was speechless.

There is a raging war outside, and countless people are naked and hungry, but these monks have the money to build such a pure copper palace.

In addition, other Buddhist temples in the Zen Yuan are also very majestic and gorgeous.

The night wind is rustling, and the moon is in the sky.

After three crisp chime sounds, the chanting suddenly stopped.

The whole temple was completely silent, only the sound of insects chirping and chirping, gradually filling the space between the hilltop and the temple.


The two heavy copper doors in the Bronze Hall, which were one foot high, opened automatically without any wind, revealing the dark space inside.

Four burly, blue-robed monks who looked like half an iron tower came out and lined up on both sides of the gate of the Bronze Hall.

The four of them clasped their hands together, and then saw a tall and handsome monk in his forties leisurely emerging from the copper hall and standing at the top of the white stone steps leading up to the hall.

The yellow monk's robe stands out among the four, highlighting his extraordinary status.

Yan Bugui immediately lowered his body, held his breath and concentrated, and even looked away.

The yellow-robed monk is none other than Master Liao Kong, the Zen master of Jing Nian Zen Temple.

Apart from anything else, the fact that he can still look so young at the age of sixty or seventy years old shows that he has advanced cultivation. Even if he is not as good as the three great masters, it is not much different.

Although Yan Bugui's skill has made another breakthrough, he knows that there is still a gap between him and this state.

Fortunately, He's Bi is now emitting energy that is harmful to Buddhist martial arts, forcing Kong and the four Dharma Protectors out of the Tongdian. Otherwise, he would have no choice but to join forces with Kou, Xu, and Ba.

The door of the Copper Palace was closed, and the five people walked down the stone steps.

The sky disappeared from the distance.

The four Dharma Protectors sit cross-legged and meditate in the square opposite the Copper Hall, responsible for guarding the Copper Hall.

A moment passes.

Yan Bugui flew down from the Buddhist hall, ignoring the four diamonds, and came to the bronze hall with lightning speed, grabbed the ring on the bronze door, and used all his life-long skills to pull it out.

The Bronze Hall suddenly opened up.

"Bold thief!" The roars of the Four King Kongs sounded, followed by the rapid sound of clothes breaking in the wind.

But Yan Bugui had already broken into the Tongdian.

It feels like entering a large copper cover, or entering a covered copper bell.

The four walls are densely packed with more than 10,000 small bronze Buddha statues, all of which are exquisitely cast. They are set off between the copper cast railings and the beamless palace walls, creating a rich texture and creating a majestic, golden glow. Shining sacred atmosphere.

In the very center of the Bronze Hall, a pure white jade seal with shining light is placed on the copper table without any competition from the world.

The seal is engraved with the pattern of five dragons intersecting with each other. The craftsmanship is exquisite, but there is a corner missing and gold is added.

Surprisingly, it is He Shibi!
(End of this chapter)

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