Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 254 Treasure House Relics

Chapter 254 Treasure House Relics
"What a pity for such a great beauty!" Kou Zhong looked at the body of Hua Lingzi. This foreign girl from Tiele was really good-looking.

"Don't think I didn't see it." Ba Fenghan said: "When you drew the sword just now, you had no intention of showing mercy."

Kou Zhong carried Jing Zhongyue on his shoulders, raised his eyebrows and said, "Perhaps I have known Brother Yan for a long time, and he has also infected him with the good habit of destroying flowers with ruthless hands."

"Get lost!" Yan Bugui retrieved the Houde Sword and said angrily: "If you cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again with the spring breeze. You are afraid that they will cause trouble for you in the future, so don't make trouble with me."

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Kou Zhong couldn't help but rejoiced: "Fortunately, only Pi Shouxuan from the Yingui sect came. If the Zhu demon woman and the Wen demon woman also came, otherwise we might not be able to escape today."

"Zhu Yuyan is probably busy healing Hanhan's injuries." Yan Bugui said: "Although the Heavenly Demon Art is powerful, its ability to heal injuries is far inferior to the Immortality Art.

The internal injuries I caused, even if they have great internal strength, they will not be able to recover in less than ten days and a half. "

"It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. It's better for us to leave first." Xu Ziling ducked back to the carriage.

The crowd followed closely behind.

The groom whipped his horse and drove on to the next town.

Ba Fenghan looked away: "You three, it's time for me to say goodbye."

After Ba Fenghan took it, he looked at the title on the cover in surprise: "Yi Jin Jing! Shen and Foot Jing!"

Kou Zhong scratched his head: "But there are only two masks left by Senior Lu Miaozi. What should Brother Yan do?"

"I'm not interested in such a troublesome thing." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Besides, you are not satisfied with the secret of longevity."

Ba Fenghan sighed, and said with reluctance in his words: "We say goodbye today, I wonder if there will be another day to see each other again. The three brothers cherish it."

After saying that, he put on the human skin mask he got from Shuanglong, performed Qinggong and walked away.

Although the threshold for practicing the Yi Jin Jing is high, with Ba Fenghan's qualifications, he will definitely be able to absorb something beneficial to him from it.

Xu Ziling said: "Although the journey to Chang'an is not far, I think we should also wear masks."

"It's a parting gift. I hope it will give you a better chance of winning when you challenge Bi Xuan." Yan Bugui felt somewhat guilty for robbing him and Shi Bi of an opportunity, so he wrote these two secret books after he said he was leaving. .

Yan Bugui and others watched Song Shidao take Fu Junyu aboard the Song family's ship.

Xu Ziling nodded and said, "You know what's going on, so we can rest assured."

He took out a heavy baggage from his bag and handed it to Kou Zhong, smiling and saying: "There are at least fifty ingots worth one tael of gold in it. The saying that the three armies have not moved yet, food and grass go first, I, Ba Fenghan, are doing this to you. A little donation from Kou Huangguo will be enough."

Kou Zhong did not refuse and said happily: "There is no need to talk nonsense between us brothers. Anyway, I, Kou Zhong, understand it! Since you are leaving, you'd better put on your mask immediately to avoid being discovered. Your brother's enemies are no better than There are few of us.”

"Just changing my face is not enough." Ba Fenghan said: "I will change my clothes later, put away my weapons, and pretend to be an ordinary business traveler, so that I can really hide my identity from others."

Yan Bugui asked: "Brother Ba, don't you want to see Yang Gong's treasure house and the Evil Emperor's relics?"

"Thank you, Brother Yan." Ba Fenghan accepted it happily.

They were going to go to Korea by water.

Kou Zhong exclaimed, "Two copies?! Brother Yan, you must be a little biased." He rubbed his hands and said, "Do you still have any stock? Share it with me, and you can consider it as a share for me, brother. When the world is conquered, it will also Count you in."

The next day, morning light began to rise.

Ba Fenghan shook his head: "That's your thing and has nothing to do with me."

Yan Bugui took off the Tibetan box and took out two blue booklets from the drawer: "Brother Ba, this is for you."

"Don't worry about me." Yan Bugui said: "I also know a little bit about the art of disguise. And I suggest you not to use Lu Miaozi's mask.

He is a master of his generation, and the mask he makes is definitely not an ordinary person. If he meets someone he knows, he will be in trouble. "

"It makes sense."

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling deeply agreed.

Immediately, under Yan Bugui's skillful hands, Shuanglong was disguised in the appearance of Hua Wuque and Duan Yu. He himself pretended to be Lin Pingzhi.

Kou Zhong took a photo by the water and said in astonishment: "Brother Yan, are we too eye-catching like this?" Yan Bugui said leisurely: "Those who are chasing us must also think so."

Kou Zhong clapped his hands and praised: "So you did the opposite, how wonderful!"

"It's best to hide the true energy as well." Yan Bugui said: "When I fought with Shi Fei Xuan, I found that her Cihang Sword Code was very evil and could sense people's true energy.

If we meet Fan Qinghui, with her higher cultivation level than Shi Feixuan, she might find us. "

Shuanglong saw that he had thought so carefully, and naturally he had nothing to say.

a few days later.

The three people who were fully prepared successfully entered Chang'an City.

After finding a random inn to stay, the three of them got together.

Kou Zhong asked: "At this time, you should stop hiding the location of the treasure house."

Yan Bugui said: "I only know that one of the entrances to the treasure house is in the West Garden of Dugu Valve. But before that, we need to activate the mechanism under the Prancing Horse Bridge."

Xu Ziling was stunned: "The Leaping Horse Bridge that my mother mentioned before she died?"

Yan Bugui looked at the setting sun outside the window: "Have a good rest. We will take action when it gets dark."

into the night.

The three of them came to the Yuanma Bridge, and Yan Bugui found the mechanism under the bridge by relying on the memory that was revealed after He Shibi's physical transformation.

Then Kou Zhong relied on the mechanism technique he learned from Lu Miaozi and used his own unique technique to turn the dragon head carved on the bridge, successfully activating the mechanism of the treasure house.

The most critical thing about entering the treasure house is this mechanism technique. If you don't understand the secret, it will be useless even if you know where the entrance is.

The whole bridge suddenly began to tremble slightly, and it took a long time to stop.

If the three of them had not paid full attention, even with their keen five senses, they might have ignored the past.

Kou Zhong looked under the bridge: "The vibration should be coming from under the river bed."

Before he finished speaking, strange ripples appeared on the river surface under the bridge, indicating that the river bed had undergone strange changes, and there were bubbles emerging and making noises.

Yan Bugui said: "There are countless mechanisms in the treasure house that need power to drive them. This river is the source of power. Let's go to Xiji Garden."

An hour later.

Relying on Yan Bugui's guidance and Shuanglong's skills learned from Lu Miaozi, the three of them have successfully arrived at the central control room of the treasure house.

"Come on, Mr. Zhong, this is the last procedure." Yan Bugui patted the monolithic table in the room.

"Hey, just watch." Kou Zhong grabbed the edge of the table with both hands and pulled it up. There was a soft click and the table rose two inches.

He paused and muttered an inexplicable formula. After thinking for a moment, he gently turned the stone table to the left.

There was a sound of axles grinding under the round table, turning to the left.

The floor next to the table sank, revealing a narrow space inside.

Xu Ziling walked to the small square hole, looked down, and said, "There is a small copper jar with a lid."

"The evil emperor's relics are inside." Yan Bugui couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and then used the Nine Turns Absorbing Star to suck the copper bottle out of the hole.

Kou Zhong turned the stone table back to its original position: "Why don't you open it and confirm?"

"It can't be opened." Yan Bugui pointed to the top of his head: "There is a Wulu Temple up there to ventilate the treasure house, and the Evil King Shi Zhixuan is hiding inside.

At such a close distance, once he opened the jar, he would immediately sense the Evil Emperor's relic. It will be difficult for us to escape by then. "

(End of this chapter)

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