Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 256 Fierce Battle with Fan Qinghui

Chapter 256 Fierce Battle with Fan Qinghui

Fan Qinghui was startled when he heard this and frowned slightly.

She knew clearly that Yan Bugui would have ulterior motives if he suddenly spoke at this time, but she still couldn't help but feel curious.

Indeed, as Yan Bugui said, no one has ever reached the Broken Void, which symbolizes the highest realm of cultivators, except Dini, the founder of the Cihang Jingzhai sect.

Even the last level of the Sword Code, 'Sword Heart Transparency', has been practiced by no one for a long time.

In recent years, the two most promising people are Bi Xiuxin and Shi Feixuan, but unfortunately they both died early.

Thinking of Master Feixuan's death, Fan Qinghui's state of mind, which had been as calm as water after practicing for many years, couldn't help but become turbulent again.

Yan Bugui continued: "This must start with Dini, the first generation founder of your sect. It is said that a long time ago, Dini accidentally met Xie Bo, the first evil emperor of the Demon Sect, at White Horse Temple. The two of them met We saw each other right and fell in love with each other."

Fan Qinghui was stunned.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Yes, your ancestor and your current rival's ancestor are a couple.

The two stabbed each other's sword points.

Yan Bugui said: "So Cihang Jingzhai, who is known as the leader of the righteous path in the martial arts world, is actually a large branch of the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect should have two sects and seven ways, or three sects and six ways.

"Demon species..." Fan Qinghui knew that Yan Bugui was deliberately disturbing her mind, but she still couldn't help but be attracted to her attention.

There is no sword gleam on the Bo Qing sword, but it is infused with the spiral true energy condensed by the lifelong skills of He Yan Bugui, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

The name of "Cihang Sword Code" is well known all over the world, while "The Sword Art of the Other Shore" is gradually forgotten by people.

In this way, it is not surprising that Bi Xiuxin fell in love with Shi Zhixuan. This is the so-called inheritance. "

He smiled: "As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. No wonder the demon sect has been rampant in these years. It turns out that it is you guys who talk about killing demons and demons, secretly caring about the friendship with the same sect.

Fan Qinghui's expression was slightly condensed. Originally, she was still half-convinced, but after hearing the name of "The Sword Art of the Other Shore", she immediately believed it.

Therefore, Di Ni had the opportunity to read the secret book of magic in Xie Bo's hands. Finally, he was inspired by "The Great Method of Planting Demons in the Heart of the Dao" and created the Bi'an Sword Art, the predecessor of Cihang Sword Code. That's the name, am I remembering it correctly? "

"Hey! It's now." Yan Bugui finally waited until Fan Qinghui was distracted and broke away from the perfect state.

The other party's words were like Zhu Yuyan's demonic voice, directly touching the soul.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Don't you really want to know the method of breaking the void?" Before Fan Qinghui could speak, he said to himself: "Actually, it is very simple. The Cihang Sword Code is derived from the Dao Heart Demon Cultivation Technique. You As long as you find a person who practices this skill and practice it together, get his demon seed, and merge it with the immortal fetus of the Sword Code, you can complete the skill."

Otherwise, why do you think you would be sensitive to the Demonic Treasure, the Evil Emperor's Relic? "

Fan Qinghui said calmly: "At any time, Cihang Jingzhai and the Demon Sect are at odds with each other. Young master, stop using your words. If your plan stops here, why don't you just abandon your sword and admit defeat."

The cold light flashed with the "Breaking Qi Style" and he struck out brazenly, instantly tearing Fan Qinghui's sword open like a piece of paper.

In a flash of lightning, Fan Qinghui suddenly came back to her senses. The ancient long sword hung on her back was unsheathed, and it automatically flew into her palm as if it came alive, and stabbed out like lightning.

After Cihang Jingzhai was established, Bi'an Sword Jue was improved and refined by successive generations of disciples, and finally became one of the four most famous martial arts books in the world.

Fan Qinghui hurriedly faced the attack, but could not use his full strength. The long sword suddenly shook violently, the tiger's mouth became numb, and the sword hilt almost fell out of his hands.

The rapidly rotating spiral energy immediately poured into the meridians. She pressed seven strands of true energy to eliminate the extremely violent spiral energy, but this also caused the meridians to tremble and the energy and blood to churn.

Fan Qinghui snorted and took half a step back.

She was about to use her energy to calm down her energy and blood, when she suddenly felt a cold and biting palm wind blowing towards her face. Yan Bugui's left palm was already less than a foot away from her face. Fan Qinghui, whose vitality and blood had not yet recovered, knew that he would suffer losses if he fought hard, so he immediately stepped back, but was shocked to hear the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the wind behind him.

Xu Ziling borrowed the Houde Sword with ease, and when Fan Qinghui drew the sword, he and Kou Zhong quietly went around behind her, and slashed out with their swords, reaching for the back of her neck with the intention of decapitating her.

Attacked from the front and back, Fan Qinghui was unable to dodge. He paused and put his long sword on his back with his right hand. While blocking the combined attack of the two dragons, he used his left palm to use his strength to resist Yan Bugui.

Houde Sword and Jing Zhongyue struck Fan Qinghui's sword, but it was bounced back by her tyrannical internal force.

Two palms as white as jade clashed, and Fan Qinghui was struck by the strange force of eight strands of yin and cold into the meridians of his left arm. The plain white sleeves immediately condensed into a layer of white frost, covering the entire arm.

Yan Bugui was knocked away by her strong palm strength. His own skill alone was not enough to resist Fan Qinghui.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fan Qinghui's innate Qi quickly circulated through all the meridians throughout his body, calming the Qi and blood in his chest, easing the injuries on the meridians of his right arm, and dissolving the ice on his left arm.

Uh-huh! Whoosh! laugh!
Green light, golden light, and yellow light complement each other, forming a triangular formation that encompasses Fan Qinghui.

Yan Bugui took the lead by relying on the astonishing speed of 'Shen Feng Xing', while 'Songshan Shi', an iron horse with a strong sword, swallowed thousands of miles and went straight to Fan Qinghui's heart.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling used their sword skills to block Fan Qinghui's arms.

When there was no time to escape, Fan Qinghui spun up, and the true energy coming out of his body rolled up a violent whirlwind-like airflow.

The three of them couldn't help but attack, and the swords in their hands seemed to have pierced a strong and tough air wall.

Fan Qinghui took the opportunity to escape, and suddenly drew his sword one foot in the air. Thousands of sword shadows were released and enveloped the three of them at the same time. They were as fast as the wind and lightning, and they were overwhelming.

Yan Bugui did not dodge or evade, and the "Huashan Shi" came out with shaking hands, and the flying sword light came from bottom to top, like a hanging waterfall rushing into the sky.


The two swords clashed, erupting into a harsh and harsh sound like rain hitting banana trees.

Fan Qinghui's sword moves were fierce and contained deep inner strength, causing the Bo Qing sword to tremble, and the force loosened accordingly.

Yan Bugui immediately used the "Unloading Technique" to direct the huge force from the sword into the ground, and the pressure on his right arm suddenly decreased.

The sword energy flew out in all directions, and the two dragons were almost in danger of being harmed by the fish in the pond. They hurriedly flew out to both sides, followed by the force flowing through the spring, and jumped up.

Golden sword light and yellow sword light shot straight through the air at Fan Qinghui.

The thousands of sword shadows in Fan Qinghui's hands were reunited. He turned his hand to pick away the Boqing sword and no longer faced the enemy head-on. His body suddenly sank, hoping to avoid the double dragon attack.

Call ~
Yan Bugui immediately pushed up with his left hand the palm of 'Kanglong Yougui'. The overwhelming palm wind covered a three-foot radius, not to defeat the enemy, but to prevent Fan Qinghui from landing.

The sword came to kill, Fan Qinghui used the wind in his palm to reach into the air, swept the sword in his right hand against the moon in the well, and drew a mysterious trajectory with the sword in his left palm, cutting diagonally on the spine of the Houde sword.

clang! boom!
The three of them were shocked at the same time.

Fan Qinghui was in mid-air and had nowhere to rely on, so he was knocked down from the air with a full blow from the two men.

Landing with a bang, Fan Qinghui found that there was no trace of Yan Bugui in front of him. But before they could find it in time, Ssangyong's offensive was closing in again.

Between the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, Fan Qinghui unfolded his wonderful body skills. His steps were like a god, and he nimbly shuttled between the two dragons.

It was two against one, but it made Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling feel like they were facing Fan Qinghui alone.

(End of this chapter)

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