Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 262 Stepping on the God’s Leg

Chapter 262 Stepping on the God’s Leg
Before Zhou Laotan and Ding Jiuzhong could kill each other, they hurriedly moved their hands and scissors away, narrowly missing each other.

Both of them are highly skilled in martial arts and can freely release their internal energy, so they will not be injured due to this. But after seeing Yan Bugui's strange methods, he became extremely vigilant.

Today is a life and death situation!

Yan Bugui hooked his right foot on the one-legged bronze figure, and his left foot went directly to You Niao Juan's chest.

His legs were so strong that if he was kicked, his internal organs would be damaged. You Niao Juan couldn't defend himself in time, so he immediately let go of his left hand and used his whole body to fight the attack.

After the hand and leg exchange, You Niaojuan's sore and numb left arm almost lost all feeling, and his body suddenly slipped out, heading straight for the cliff several feet behind.

In the critical moment, he turned his hand and inserted the bronze figure into the ground, and then stopped his retreat. His feet were only half a foot away from the edge of the cliff.

With a muffled groan, You Niao Juan's blood surged in his chest, and he hurriedly exercised his energy and adjusted his breathing.

Yan Bugui turned over and landed on the ground, and suddenly heard wind blowing behind his ears. Zhou Laotan's hot and fishy wind hit him again.

Ding Jiuzhong opened the iron scissors, trying to cut off the swallow's head.

Just at this time, You Niaojuan also came over, and the one-legged bronze man struck Yan Bugui back in the heart like a wind.

The wind howled with such force that it was like a cannonball being discharged.

Yan Bugui turned around and struck out the Yangge Tianjun from the air. With such force, the bluestone burst into pieces.

Yan Bugui's stature was shorter, and his right leg swept across the lower body of the two people.

Hearing this, You Niaojuan, Zhou Laotan, Jin Huanzhen and even Shi Qingxuan who were not far away were shocked.

Yan Bugui took advantage of the situation and wanted to pursue him, but suddenly he felt a fishy wind and heat wave coming from above his head. Zhou Laotan covered his heavenly spirit with heavy palms on his head and feet.

Yan Bugui did not dodge or dodge. He raised his right hand to hit Zhou Laotan's bare-handed magic skill, and his left hand simultaneously blocked the one-legged bronze man.

Yan Bugui turned around with his left leg and swept across, blocking the iron scissors vigorously. The moment his left foot landed, his right foot quickly flew up and kicked him in the abdomen.

The second palm of the hand, "Awesome Dragon Has Regret", was pushed horizontally from his left hand. The wind surged in the palm, and the gravel in the sky suddenly shot towards Youniaojuan with the sound of breaking wind.

Zhou Laotan jumped up and Ding Jiuzhong's iron scissors quickly retracted and retreated.

The condescending palm was as powerful as Mount Tai. But Yan Bugui's legs are not bent, her body is not bent, and she is as steady as a pillar holding up the sky.

This is Shi Zhixuan's unique skill. As far as Shi Qingxuan knows, even his two direct disciples, Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan, have had the opportunity to learn it.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Youniao was exhausted and unable to retreat. The two feet in front of him were covered with rubble and there was no way to hide. Although he was frightened, a strong wind suddenly rose in front of him.

Zhou Laotan also encountered the same situation. He was launched high into the air and landed several feet away: "I was just going to ask you. He clearly used your internal energy!!"

When Ding Jiuzhong heard what the two said, he had a flash of inspiration and couldn't help but feel horrified: "Returning strength with strength, the seal of immortality?"

You Niao Juan's one-legged bronze man was shaken away by a familiar inner energy. After he stood still, he exclaimed: "Zhou Laotan, how could he know your bare-handed magic skills?!"

Ding Jiuzhong struck down with his left palm to intercept, and a huge force that he could resist came from him. His arm suddenly felt like it was about to break, and his face changed involuntarily, and he decisively stepped back.

The one-legged bronze man spun rapidly in his hands like a windmill. The gravel shot was blocked by the wind, and the attack slowed down, and they were all bounced away by the rotating bronze man.

You Niaojuan, who was on the edge of the cliff, suppressed his surging energy and blood. When he saw the big bluestone that Yan Bugui had been sitting on before, he picked up the one-legged bronze man and smashed the bluestone toward his back with a "thud".

Ding Jiuzhong took the opportunity to strike from behind, opened his iron scissors and struck at Yan Bugui's waist, intending to cut him in two.


Yan Bugui can actually do it!

You Niao Juan looked suspicious and shouted: "Are you also a member of the Demon Sect?"

Zhou, Ding and Jin all had expressions of surprise on their faces when they heard this.

If everyone were on the right path, they would definitely not and would not dare to offend Cihang Jingzhai. As for Yan Bugui killing people from the Yingui sect, that's nothing.

It is completely normal for people in the Demon Sect to kill each other. It is not surprising at all. "Go and ask King Yama." Yan Bugui rushed towards You Niaojuan who was closest to him, stepped on the god's legs again, brought up several afterimages in the air, and surrounded him from all directions.

The one-legged bronze man moved around his body with You Niao Juan's hands, dancing faster and faster. The howling wind rolled up a golden light curtain, protecting three feet of his body.

But he is fast, Yan Bugui is faster than him.

It's just because in this way of 'Stepping on the Legs of the God of Heaven', in addition to the energy-propelling methods of Dragon Subduing Palm and Tianshan Liuyang Palm, the core mental method is derived from the "Wind God's Wrath" formula derived from Nie Feng, the God of Wind.

Dang Dang Dang...

The one-legged bronze man was constantly bombarded by Yan Bugui's heavy legs. His majestic and domineering kicks were mixed with the true strength of the spiral, forcing You Niiaojuan to use all his strength to resist.

Just dissolving the spiral true energy has already consumed a lot of his true energy.

Seeing that he was retreating steadily, Yan Bugui and his movements were as fast as the wind, not giving outsiders a chance to intervene, Ding Jiuzhong and Zhou Laotan quickly rushed out from the place.

It's just that the former is rushing down the mountain. Ding Jiuzhong knows that Yan Bugui's origin is unknown and his martial arts skills are higher than everyone else here. If he doesn't go, there will be only death.

Zhou Laotan rushed towards Jin Huanzhen who was fighting with Shi Qingxuan.

The magic power of his bare hands gathered his real power and struck Shi Qingxuan from behind.

Shi Qingxuan's delicate body turned sharply, and a fierce sword energy came out of the bamboo flute in her hand, tearing open the fishy wind and heat wave from bottom to top.

"Let's go!" Zhou Laotan took the opportunity to dodge to Jin Huanzhen's side, pulling her straight towards the stone steps down the mountain.

Shi Qingxuan jumped in pursuit and suddenly an afterimage flashed before her eyes, and she vaguely saw that it was Yan Bugui.

In a flash of lightning, he came to the stone steps and flashed forward with his quick legs.

Ding Jiuzhong, who took the first step, was the first to bear the brunt. Zhou Laotan and Jin Huanzhen were stunned.

Bang bang bang!
The three of them each blocked Yan Bugui's move, and were forced back to the entrance of the Evil Emperor Temple at the same time, landing next to You Niaojuan, their hands trembling.

You Niaojuan's condition was not much better than theirs. His face was as pale as a corpse that had been dead for two days.

"Want to leave?" Yan Bugui floated down like a leaf blown by the wind.

"That's too much!" You Niao Juan's sallow face looked gloomy.

"Entrusted by others, it is a matter of loyalty. Today, the four of you will die. There is no other choice." Before Yan Bugui could finish his words, his body spun up from where he was, and a surging wave of air swept out like an overwhelming mountain.

The four people suddenly felt that their chests were depressed, their breathing was stagnant, their inner breath was not flowing smoothly, and their hair and robes were sticking to their bodies and flying back.

Yan Bugui's first target is still You Niaojuan. He is in mid-air, his legs are connected in a chain, his energy is divided into yin and yang, and is released alternately.

In an instant, You Niaojuan connected his three legs. The two spiral true energies of Yin and Yang hit him, and he was immediately overwhelmed. The third spiral true energy invaded his body, pressing towards his heart like a torrent.

The yin and cold true energy then spread throughout the body, making You Niao Juan's body stiff and sluggish, as if frozen.

With a bang, Yan Bugui took advantage of the opportunity and kicked him in the chest with his right foot.

"Poof!" You Niaojuan looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body hit the door frame of the Evil Emperor Temple hard. With a clang, the one-legged bronze man fell to the ground and died on the spot.

Ding Jiu folded his iron scissors and stabbed Yan Bugui in the lower abdomen like a knife or a sword while he was on the ground.

The true strength of the spiral flowed through the spring, and Yan Bugui suddenly pulled up a foot out of thin air, then flipped upside down in the air, his legs came out together, and hit Ding Jiuzhong's chest.

Ding Jiuzhong pushed the iron scissors with his palm and blocked it with his chest.

The iron scissors made an overwhelming sound, bent in half instantly, and hit his chest hard.

There was a "click".

Ding Jiuzhong's sternum and internal organs were all shattered by the shock, and he flew backwards towards the Evil Emperor Temple. Blood spurted out from his mouth, and he died before he hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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