Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 264 Slaughtering chickens and dogs

Chapter 264 Slaughtering chickens and dogs

Yan Bugui walked through the Xiang family mansion like a ghost in the dark night, searching for the person he was looking for.

When I arrived at the back house, I heard a cough from the second floor of a small building.

Yan Bugui thought that the person he was looking for should be seriously ill at this moment, and he was probably here.

Under the cold moonlight, Yan Bugui jumped up, reached the second floor, opened the window, entered the room, and closed the window, all in one go at lightning speed.

The candles in the house were not lit.

Since Yan Bugui absorbed the Heshi Bi, he has reached the state of "generating electricity in a virtual room and being able to see at night".

Although it was pitch black at the moment, it did not affect his vision at all.

Looking around, Yan Bugui's eyes fell on the bed. He saw a pretty young woman in her twenties, with delicate features but a haggard appearance, leaning over the bed and coughing violently.

Yan Bugui walked over and deliberately made footsteps.

The young woman was startled and forced herself to sit up: "Yes, ahem, who is it?"

Yan Bugui came to the bedside and said, "I am a friend of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Are you Miss Fang Susu?"

"Friends of Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling?" Upon hearing the names of the two younger brothers, Fang Susu's dim eyes suddenly lit up: "How do you want to prove it?
Ahem... There are many people in this world who want to harm them. Ahem, please forgive me for not trusting you easily. "

"It's too dangerous." Fang Susu said: "In order to deal with Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling, Xiangyu Mountain has laid a dragnet. I, a dying person, will only drag down the young master.

Yan Bugui asked in surprise: "Why?"

"Yan never only saves half of people when he saves people." Yan Bugui said: "Besides, you are now the bait of Xiangyu Mountain. I think you don't want to see the two of them make any mistakes in trying to save you, right?"

Fang Susu said: "The two of them regard the Secret of Immortality as a treasure, but they can give it to you, which shows that you must have a close friendship." She asked: "Are Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling okay?"

Fang Susu's face showed a look of reminiscence, and she couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Ling once sent me Qi, and your Qi felt exactly the same as what he gave me. You also practiced the Secret of Immortality, right?"

"Very good." Yan Bugui said: "In today's world, no matter who hears the name of Yangzhou Shuanglong, they will be wary. You can ask yourself about the specific situation after you see them."

"It's not that they came to find you, but that I want to take you away now."

"No." Fang Susu said solemnly, "Young Master, please tell them not to come to me. Xiangyushan is not a good person. He wants to harm them, so they must be careful."

Yan Bugui suddenly smiled: "Girl Bingxue is smart and her guess is absolutely correct."

Fang Susu's situation was extremely pessimistic. Her stagnation caused her depression and illness, and she did not receive timely treatment, which caused her vitality to be severely damaged. If it had been a few months later, even if Bian Que was reborn from this disease, Hua Huatuo would not be able to be saved again.

"It's downstairs." Fang Susu pointed to a small copper bell on the coffee table next to the bed and said, "Knock it for me."

"Now I believe it." Fang Susu received the help of Changqi, some color returned to her face, and her coughing stopped.

Fang Susu fell into silence. After struggling for a moment, she bit her red lips and nodded: "Young Master's words make sense, but if something cannot be done, please don't force yourself."

"To be honest, I really don't have any evidence. I came here just because I was on my way. You don't look good." Yan Bugui raised his head and held her shoulders as he spoke, injecting vitality into her. At the same time, he took the opportunity to diagnose her condition.

Soon, Yan Bugui understood it.

"Since Yan dares to come, he will naturally take me out. Don't worry, girl." Yan Bugui smiled and asked, "Where is your son?"

I have a son. If possible, please ask the young master to hand over this child to them for me, so that I can feel at ease even if I die. "

Susu was very satisfied to know the news about my two good brothers before she died.

Yan Bugui flicked his finger, and a "dang" sound rang in the air.

Immediately there was the sound of footsteps going up the stairs outside.

The door opens.

A maidservant came in holding an infant baby. When she saw Yan Bugui, she was shocked and stopped at the door, not daring to come forward.

Yan Bugui grabbed the baby from the maid's arms with his left hand, and then pointed out to her with his right hand.

The maid fell to the ground unconscious.

Yan Bugui handed the baby to Fang Susu: "You clean up, I will take you away."

After a while, the two came downstairs.

Relying on the innate Qi given by Yan Bugui just now, Fang Susu temporarily recovered her physical strength.

Suddenly, a fire lit up outside, and hurried and noisy footsteps quickly approached.

Fang Susu's expression changed: "No! I've been discovered."

"You sit here for a while and I'll deal with them." Yan Bugui pulled a chair over and walked straight out the door. Bang~
The door flew out suddenly, as if it had suffered a strong impact.

Yan Bugui walked out slowly and saw a huge courtyard lined with torches, bright as day.

Dozens of strong men with weapons surrounded the entrance on the first floor.

There were five people led by them, forming a row and blocking the door impartially.

The one in the middle is as strong as an iron tower, and the two on the left are holding double hammers and saws. The two people on the right used swords and eyebrow-level sticks.

"Huh?" Ye Yingqi said in surprise: "It seems that these people are not Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling?"

"No matter who he is." The strong man in the middle said fiercely: "If you dare to come here, you are seeking death. Kill!"

With an order, the people behind him immediately swarmed towards Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui picked up the door panel on the ground with his toes and flew it to his chest, using both palms to push out forcefully.

The door panel exploded with a sound, turning into countless small hidden weapons that shot towards the surroundings.

chi chi chi...

The sounds of flesh and blood being penetrated were heard one after another, and those at the front fell to the ground, wailing.

With a sonorous sound, the Boqing sword hanging sideways on Yan Bugui's back flew out of the scabbard due to internal force. After falling into his hand, a dazzling green sword light burst out.

For the convenience of this trip, he only brought the Boqing Sword.

'Huashan Shi' shook his hand and came out, the sword edge rolled up and the sword shadow filled the sky.

The five people felt a flash of cold light in front of their eyes, and all the men they had brought with them had been wiped out, and their bodies were lying on the ground.

Yan Bugui still stood on the same spot and never moved even half a step.

Yongjian's pupils shrank and he stammered: "He, he, he, he is the sword demon Yan Bugui."

The other four people were shocked when they heard this.

Before he had time to react, Yan Bugui had already arrived.

The strong man standing in the middle was the first to bear the brunt. His nickname was 'Hercules' and his name was Bao Rang.

This person is extremely talented, relying on the low-level martial arts of "Iron Cloth Shirt", which is a bad street, to find a unique way to develop a superior internal Qi.

Once his "Heng Lian Gang" is used, it becomes invulnerable, which is a legend in martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River.

Relying on his magical power to protect his body, he faced Yan Bugui's approaching long sword. He did not retreat but advanced, and punched out with his right fist, which was as powerful as a vajra hammer.

Green light shot out like lightning from bottom to top, and Bao Rang's body suddenly split into two, spreading to the left and right sides.

When the four people saw this, they suddenly felt even more horrified.

Bao Rang's martial arts was the best among the five of them, and he couldn't even catch a single move.

Yan Bugui's offensive did not stop at all, and the Boqing sword was tilted and attacked the man with the double hammer.

This person is known as "Evil Dog" Qu Wuwei. He was originally a horse thief from eastern Guangdong. Because he offended the Song family of Lingnan Tiandao, he was hunted all the way to the south of the Yangtze River and was given to Xiao Mian to serve as his subordinate to protect Xiangyu Mountain.

The name of the hammer was 'Xuan Lei Bang', which was as big as two heads. One of them hit the Boqing Sword fiercely, and the other hit Yan Bugui's head.

But before he was done with it, the Boqing Sword passed through the gap between the two hammers and stabbed into his throat.

At this moment, serrated knives and long swords attacked Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui did not dodge, and the Boqing sword "ding-ding" struck twice, hitting the back of the sword like lightning.

In the next moment, guided by an irresistible force, the swords stabbed each other into the sword master's body.

"Ah!" Fang Susu suddenly exclaimed, but it was the one with the eyebrow-level stick who took the opportunity to break into the small building and wanted to take the hostages.

Call ~
Yan Bugui turned around and aimed at the man, and launched the Nine-turn Suction Star Peiran. The majestic suction force brought about the sound of fierce airflow.

The man was less than a foot away from Fang Susu, and his body suddenly flew backwards. To his shock, the man fell into Yan Bugui's hands, and the spiral energy immediately penetrated into his body from the back of his heart.

"Puff——" A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and another body appeared on the ground.

"Girl, you can go." Yan Bugui silently used his mysterious skills and used his five psychic senses to check the surroundings, but unfortunately he found no trace of anyone else.

He estimated that Xiangyushan had been scared away by him.

(End of this chapter)

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