Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 268 Fierce Battle with the Evil King

Chapter 268 Fierce Battle with the Evil King

Call ~
A strong wind rose.

Shi Zhixuan folded his hands, and Wu Qiu's true energy came out of his body, setting off a torrential wave of air, causing the vegetation within a three-foot radius to sway crazily and rustle.

Immediately, he pushed horizontally with both hands, gathering the energy emanating from his body together to form an invisible but qualitative wall of energy, which hit Yan Bugui head-on, causing rocks to fly and smoke to rise everywhere he passed.

Yan Bugui swung his right arm with the idea of ​​"Breaking Qi" flowing in his mind, and the green light of the sword suddenly surged between his fingers, and with his raised right hand, it struck down like a bolt of blue lightning.

Silently, the air wall was split in half by a sword and dissipated like light smoke.

Shi Zhixuan had already rushed out, using the Phantom Demon Body Technique to transform into countless clones, surrounding Yan Bugui from all directions.

Yan Bugui suddenly felt wind behind his ears, and a sharp finger suddenly shot towards the back of his heart at an extremely fast speed.

At the critical moment, Yan Bugui suddenly swayed and disappeared on the spot like a broken bubble.

His ice heart is as cold as a mirror, and he has five psychic senses created by the longevity formula. In addition, he has dug out the 'Illusion Demon Body Technique' from Yang Xuyan's mouth.

Shi Zhixuan struck out with a palm from afar. The palm force was as strong as the breaking waves, shattering the sword energy into pieces.

Yan Bugui was unwilling to show weakness and used Shen Feng Xing with all his strength. He also created thousands of afterimages to confront Shi Zhixuan tit for tat.

Amidst the roaring sound, Shi Zhixuan's fists, palms, and fingers changed one after another, and he quickly moved around and struck in the dense attack of the two swords like a butterfly through a flower.

Looking at the slowly falling hair, Shi Zhixuan looked at Yan Bugui's left hand and suddenly realized: "Invisible sword energy!"

Shi Zhixuan didn't expect Yan Bugui to be able to distinguish between reality and reality so quickly. He couldn't help but be shocked, and he moved forward with almost instinctive movements in his hands.

chi chi chi...

The sword light flashed, pointed directly at Shi Zhixuan's true body, and slashed his neck diagonally.

Bang bang bang!
Stand up your palms to form a knife, condensing your powerful inner strength and making the edge of your palm as sharp as a knife. In the blink of an eye, he fought with the sword light three times, so fast that the sound of rapid impact could hardly be heard.

However, as a generation of evil kings, he was not comparable to ordinary people. Although he was surprised, he did not feel panic at all.

But just halfway through the move, his heart suddenly tightened, and he saw Yan Bugui's left hand move up quickly.

Shi Zhixuan's left hand turned into a sword, and he used the strange move of the Immortal Seal. He slashed it at an incredible and wonderful angle, restraining the sword light of Yan Bugui's right hand. At the same time, his right hand turned into a palm and stabbed directly into the heart.

Without thinking, he immediately withdrew his right hand and stepped back violently. A sharp wind swept past him, scratching away a few strands of his long hair.

The sound of sword energy breaking through the wind was endless, and two completely opposite sword techniques, one fast and one slow, were imminent. Shi Zhixuan suddenly felt that he was facing two Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui crossed his hands, drew a cross sword energy and shot out.


Yan Bugui followed closely and started fighting with his left and right hands. The Tai Chi sword in his left hand made continuous circular motions, trapping Shi Zhixuan in large and small circles. The right hand's "Huashan Shi" moves the sword like flying, interweaving a fine sword net to cover it.

For a master of Shi Zhixuan's level, once the mind is on guard, it is difficult for the invisible sword energy to have any effect. The tangible sword energy is even sharper.

The internal force of the backlash caused the two of them to freeze, and the surrounding phantoms dissipated.

Although Shi Zhixuan had superhuman speed and his movements were weird and unpredictable, he still escaped his detection.

"You can run fast." As Yan Bugui spoke, he urged Changqi to penetrate the meridians of his left arm. Immediately afterwards, he saw the green light flashing on his fingertips, extending a sword energy visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the second round of offensive started again.

Under the constant vibration of the strange inner energy of the Immortal Seal, Yan Bugui's sword power gradually showed some sluggishness.

Shi Zhixuan looked at the right moment, and suddenly a strong suction force came out of his hands to wrap up the two sword beams, causing Yan Bugui's offensive to stop abruptly, and then he slashed out with his right palm, heading straight for the middle door.

Yan Bugui made a quick decision, dispersed the light of his sword, turned his hand and struck towards his chest with a palm. boom! boom!
In the flash of lightning, the two of them were hit by each other's palms at the same time, and each spun back.

Yan Bugui quickly used the "Na Zi Jue" to use Shi Zhixuan Zhiyang Zhigang's fiery palm power for his own use in an instant, turning around and striking out again.

Thanks to the various methods of 'borrowing energy to transform energy' in the Immortal Seal, he has now become more comfortable when performing the 'Na Zi Jue' and 'Unloading Zi Jue'.

Shi Zhixuan used the Immortal Seal to neutralize Yan Bugui's palm power, and then turned around to attack with a palm attack.

The two palms really collided together.

At the moment of handover, Yan Bugui suddenly felt that Shi Zhixuan's palm power changed from yang to strong to yin to cold, intending to catch him off guard.

He remained unchanged in response to all changes, integrating his own fierce Yang Qi into the borrowed palm power to overwhelm Shi Zhixuan's Yin-Cold Qi.

Yin and yang faced each other, causing extreme impact, and the two of them entered the most dangerous internal struggle.

Shi Zhixuan's method of urging immortality is to use the principle that the extremes of matter must reverse, Taiyin generates Shaoyang, and the Sun generates Shaoyin, so that the true energy can be quickly transformed and life will never end.

The opponent's martial arts and internal strength are comparable to his. If he wants to defeat him, he can only take risks and kill him.

Unexpectedly, when the two palms were connected, he used his true energy to probe into Yan Bugui's body, and surprisingly found that the other party's internal energy would actually increase instead of decreasing when exercising.

This situation is similar to his 'Immortal Seal'.

Seeing that he stopped making moves, Yan Bugui immediately understood what he was thinking and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

After the Immortality Art absorbed the Little Immortality Art, it was contaminated with the characteristics of the ninth level of Mingyu's magical power. If he wants to use his inner strength, Yan Bugui will definitely be willing to accompany him to the end.

Seeing his smile, Shi Zhixuan's face became serious. He knew that this move was ineffective and immediately changed his move.

Suddenly, Yan Bugui noticed that Shi Zhixuan's palm suddenly became empty, absorbing his internal energy like a bottomless pit. But he already knows the essence of the Immortal Seal, so naturally he won't be frightened by it.

Shi Zhixuan channeled all the borrowed internal energy into his right leg and kicked Yan Bugui's abdomen like lightning.

But he didn't expect that Yan Bugui seemed to have expected it, and kicked him quickly with a 'tickling kick'. At the same time, he also found that he could no longer borrow internal power from Yan Bugui's palm.

The two people's legs struck each other and the fierce force of the gods' legs made Shi Zhixuan's body tremble slightly, trying to use the force to escape. Unexpectedly, as soon as he retreated a few feet, his body was suddenly pulled by a suction force and he rushed towards Yan Bugui.

He immediately realized that this was a kind of "controlling a crane and capturing a dragon" skills, and he decisively took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the situation.

The strong wind roared, and the inner energy of the Immortal Seal was suddenly strong, sometimes soft, sometimes cold, sometimes scorching, rushing out in layers like waves.

Yan Bugui accurately sensed the change in his palm strength, and boldly used the 'Shipotian Jing Hunyuan Palm' to meet him.

Eight completely different internal energies surged into Shi Zhixuan's meridians, causing his right arm to swell and burst, and his expression changed.

These explosive internal forces cannot be dispelled even by his 'Immortal Seal' for a short period of time, and it is even more difficult to use them to return.

Seeing that Yan Bugui was in a strong position and was not showing mercy, he leaned forward and was about to use his second palm. He hurriedly used his power and flew back while furiously urging the Immortal Seal.

Yan Bugui's strength surged through Yongquan, and he rushed into the air. He gathered momentum with his right leg in the air and kicked directly towards Shi Zhixuan.

When there was no time to chance, Shi Zhixuan spun around nine times in a row, and finally managed to control the inner strength of the 'Shi Potian Shocking Hunyuan Palm'. At the same time, he increased his own skill and pushed the palm towards the thunderous strike that struck in the air.

The palms and legs clashed, the real power exploded, and the loud noise was like a thunderbolt exploding in the valley.

Yan Bugui's figure was shaken, and he somersaulted and flew out. Only when he was ten feet away did he lose all his remaining energy and spin to the ground.

He felt his own inner energy from Shi Zhixuan's palm power. He had just endured a combined blow from himself and Shi Zhixuan with this move.

Vaguely, Yan Bugui heard a muffled groan on the ground, and Shi Zhixuan felt uncomfortable too. But after he landed, there was no trace of Shi Zhixuan in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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