Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 277 The destruction of Yingui

Chapter 277 The destruction of Yingui
The evil light in Zhu Yuyan's eyes turned from blue to purple.

The magic field is compressed to the extreme.

Zhu Yuyan's delicate body turned into a sky full of blood and shattered into pieces. With her as the center, it spread out in all directions like a turbulent wave.

Yan Bugui was the closest and bore the brunt of the attack. Before he could break free, he hurriedly pushed the Hunyuan Diamond Body to its peak.

The essence and blood rushed towards Wuyou with his real power, like a heavy hammer hitting him.

With a muffled groan, Yan Bugui was blown away from the palace to the entrance of the palace, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The internal organs also suffered a slight shock. Facing the masters of this world, the ninth level Hunyuan Vajra Body is somewhat insufficient.

The longevity energy quickly started to circulate in the body, and within a breath, the internal injuries had basically recovered.

Click! Crackling~

A hole about ten feet in diameter was blown out of the roof of the palace, and broken tiles and broken beams fell down with dust all over the sky.

Looking around, there was no trace of Zhu Yuyan in the Qianyang Palace.

She was completely wiped out like a miracle!
Suddenly, a white shadow flew into the dust and smoke, flying towards the hole.

Yan Bugui gathered his eyes and saw clearly that the man in white clothes and bare feet was exactly Huanwan.

The explosion just now had a wide impact, and the battle situation between Gao Zhong and Xu Ziling was also affected.

Relying on the magic field of heaven, Huanwan barely blocked the impact of "Burn Together". Seeing that everyone had not recovered yet, she decisively tried to escape.

Just when Huanwan was less than three feet away from the hole, Yan Bugui suddenly flew after her, blocking her way.

Huanwan's heart tightened, she was shocked and angry.

This man's Qinggong is already incredible!
"Go back!" Yan Bugui looked down from a high position, raised his right leg high, and struck down on the top of Wuhou's head.

The legs of the gods are as fast as wind and thunder, and their power is as heavy as mountains.

Huanwan was in mid-air, with no roots under her feet and could not exert her full strength. The demon's double slashes crisscrossed like scissors and came forward.

The strength of the legs and the energy of the sword collided with each other, and Huanwan felt as if she had been struck by lightning. The double slashes of the demon were released simultaneously and flew out towards both sides of her.

With a "snatch" sound, the left blade was nailed to the pillar of the hall.

The right blade happened to land on Wang Shichong's dragon chair. With a "crash", the dragon chair was shattered into pieces all over the ground by the force of the demon blade.

Huanwan was also forced back to Qianyang Palace again, her face was extremely solemn, and she looked at Yan Bugui who was floating down with hatred.

"Witch, you can't escape with your wings today!" After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he felt inexplicably like a bad person who was bullying a good woman.

"Brother Yan, are you okay?" Kou Zhong came over and looked at Yan Bugui with concern on his face.

He was on the edge of the explosion, and his mind was dizzy from the shock.

As Zhu Yuyan's main target, I'm afraid it will be more serious.

"It doesn't matter, the energy and blood are shaking, just adjust your breath and it will be fine." Yan Bugui said: "You go help Young Master Ling, I will deal with the demon girl.

You guys must be careful not to kill that evil spirit, I will keep it for use."

"Just watch." While Kou Zhong was speaking, he had already finished exercising his energy and regulating his breath. The moon in the well shook, his sword turned into a rainbow, and he rushed towards Bichen through the air.

"Hmm~" Hanhan suddenly licked her lips and screamed, making a devilish sound like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, and rushed towards Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui felt as if his eyes were blurred, and he saw countless evil ghosts coming to demand his life.

Yan Bugui couldn't hold the root seal with his hands and shouted: "Lin!"

As the mantra was spoken, the illusion in front of him disappeared instantly.

Huanwan was already approaching, with a faint purple light in his eyes, which was a sign that the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu had reached its peak.

With a scent of fragrant wind coming to her nostrils, Hanhan launched a crazy offensive against Yan Bugui.

The wind in the sleeves stirred, and the figure soared. Huanwan's bare feet were walking in strange steps, and they were swimming around Yan Bugui at high speed.

Quickly punch the face, chop the neck with the hand knife, chop the back of the heart with the palm, kick the crotch with the foot, hit the abdomen with the knee... There is no part of Huanwan's body that cannot be used for a power attack.

bang bang bang...

Yan Bugui blocked the left and right, and there was a continuous sound of fists and palms clashing.

After all, Huanwan was still young and lacked the foundation of internal strength. All the moves she performed were blocked by Yan Bugui with every movement of her hands and feet. She even stood in place without even moving.

Every blow of Huanwan was clearly under his control.

Huanwan struck a palm to the chest and was blocked. As he retreated, he turned around and shook his head, using his hair whip to hit Yan Bugui's neck. The hair is infused with the evil spirit of the devil. If it is hit, half of the skin will be lost even if it is not dead.

Yan Bugui didn't dodge, but he grabbed the shiny black hair in his palm like a bag.

Hanhan suddenly felt her scalp tightening, and then she was pulled towards Yan Bugui.

All the energy in the hair was completely eliminated.

Huanwan immediately raised her heart, turned her left hand into a knife, and cut off the end of the caught hair, but she was a step too slow.

Yan Bugui came forward, the sword finger of her right hand was flying, and she sealed Hanhan's acupuncture points with lightning speed, preventing her from using her true energy.

"You won't kill me?" Huanwan was shocked.

Yan Bugui let go of her hair: "It's not yet time. Once I ask you about the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, you will die."

Huanwan was startled: "Don't even think about it."

Yan Bugui said calmly: "Before you, An Long, Shadow Assassin, Passionate Young Master, and Tianjun Xi Ying all said similar things. It's a pity that they couldn't stop my soul-moving technique."

Huanwan's beautiful face turned pale, and she completely lost her former heavy calmness.

The Heavenly Demon Skill is related to the inheritance of Yin Gui, and there must be no loss.

Thinking of this, Huanwan suddenly showed a cruel look on her face and was about to bite off her tongue.

Yan Bugui, with quick eyesight and quick hands, sealed her mute point with another finger, making it difficult for her to speak: "Hou Xibai has also used this trick of yours, don't waste your efforts,"

Huanwan glared at Yan Bugui with hatred, wanting to tear him apart and cut him into pieces.

"Ah!" Bichen's scream suddenly sounded.

Huanwen followed the sound and saw that the sandalwood sword in his hand had been cut off by Kou Zhong's Jing Zhongyue.

Xu Ziling withdrew the right palm imprinted on Bichen's chest.

"Ahem..." Bichen vomited blood and lay on the ground, filled with regret.

You shouldn't come today.

Xu Ziling asked: "Brother Yan, what are you going to do with him?"

"I want him to help me practice." Yan Bugui took Bichen's pulse and breathed it into his body to check.

"What pure Taoist innate energy!" Yan Bugui nodded with satisfaction.

In terms of skill, Bichen is much higher than Wuyazi.

After saying this, Yan Bugui pressed his palm on Bichen's Qihai and launched "Looting the World".

The world can be robbed, let alone humans.

In an instant, Bichen's innate true energy quickly poured into Yan Bugui's body like a reservoir opening its gates to release floods.

The Hunyuan Vajra Body then started to rotate.

Bichen is also one of the few masters in the Demon Sect, with extremely profound cultivation.

After receiving his lifelong energy, the Hunyuan Vajra Body began to advance rapidly again, rushing towards the tenth level.

A warm hot spring-like feeling spread inside Yan Bugui's body.

When all the dust-proofing skills were absorbed, Yan Bugui's whole body shook with a loud bang, and a layer of radiant luster visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on the skin exposed outside his clothes.

The tenth level of the Hunyuan Diamond Body is done!
"Uh~" Bichen fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The childish face with crane hair has turned into chicken skin with crane hair, and there is no trace of fairy spirit anymore, showing an old look.

Yan Bugui breathed his last breath to him. This person was also one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect, which meant that he also controlled the inheritance of a sect.

More than an hour later.

There are two more secret books in Yan Bugui's hands, one belonging to the Laojun Temple to which Bichen belongs.

The martial arts of this school are very special and contain a lot of content about men and women.

The other one is the Heavenly Demon Skill of the Yingui Sect.

Both Huanwan and Pichen have been given and accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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