Chapter 293 Sword Forging
Sword Tomb forbidden area.

The door that had been sealed for a long time was slowly opened by the sword slave of Sword Worship Villa.

Yan Bugui, Leng Yan, and Aotian each held torches and led people down the steps to the deep bottom of the tomb.

Under the light of the fire, one could see that the ground was filled with countless prototypes of peerless swords.

Only in the center of the sword tomb was there not a single sword.

"This is it, dig it for me." Aotian gave an order, and several sword slaves carried shovels down to the empty space and lifted up the stone slabs on the ground.

After digging for more than ten feet, a coffin made of bronze appeared in the pit, which was also covered with dense chains.

Suddenly, the temperature inside the sword tomb dropped sharply.

The discarded sword embryos around them suddenly trembled and rattled continuously, as if they were afraid of something.

"That's right, it must be here." Aotian rushed down excitedly: "Come here, cut off the chain quickly."

"I'll do it." Yan Bugui came slowly, raised the sword finger of his right hand and used the three-foot sword light, and the sword tomb suddenly exploded with green light.

Holy Spirit Sword Technique "Kenpachi" Takes Action

Eight-character sword marks crisscrossed in the void and struck the copper coffin. With a "crash", the broken iron chains scattered.

Then, with a sharp and harsh sound of metal friction, Yan Bugui Yungong pushed open the coffin lid.

Suddenly, a torrential cold air surged out of the coffin. The expressions on the faces of the sword slaves next to them suddenly changed drastically. They felt chilled to the bone and almost froze to death on the spot.

Aotian and Leng Yan each used their skills to resist, but they were still shivering from the cold.

Only Yan Bugui has profound skills and is not affected at all.

Lying quietly in the coffin was a long sword nearly four feet long, with a red hilt and a golden blade. The blade of the sword is dull and dull, with no sharp edge. Near the hilt, there is an inscription that looks like the word "Gong Yi".

"It is indeed the sword of defeat!" Aotian said: "It is recorded in the family tree that these two characters are a Buddhist tantric mantra, which means killing death and destruction."

"So the name is very important. If I had changed my name to one with a better meaning, maybe this sword would be the one." Yan Bugui said as he reached into the coffin and picked up the Sword of Defeat.

As soon as Jianfu took hold of it, a fierce light shone out.

Aotian and Leng Yan were the first to bear the brunt. The blood in their bodies seemed to have condensed, and their bodies seemed to be possessed and unable to move.

Yan Bugui also felt a bone-chilling chill coming from the hilt of the sword into his palm, and he hurriedly circulated Yang Zhenqi to resist it.

"As expected of Thousand Years of Cold Iron, it is indeed powerful!"

Seeing Aotian and Leng Yan's horrified expressions, Yan Bugui immediately sent Qi to them again.

After a while, the two gradually relaxed.

The Sword of Defeat also seemed to have vented its resentment that had not seen the light of day for thousands of years and had restrained its fierce glare.

After leaving the Sword Tomb, the three returned to the garden pavilion again.

Leng Yan said with lingering fear: "It is so terrifying without the soul of the sword. This sword is indeed a dangerous weapon in the world!"

Looking at the gap at the end of the hilt of the sword of defeat, Yan Bugui said: "It seems that the technology of forging a peerless sword is more advanced. At least you don't have to worry about losing the sword soul."

Aotian said: "Maybe the whereabouts of the sword soul will be found in the family tree. I'll go back and check again."

"This is enough." Yan Bugui said: "The sword is in hand, now it's time for me to fulfill my promise. Whatever the owner wants to learn, just speak up."

Aotian muttered: "Internal strength is the foundation of martial arts. I want to learn internal strength."

"Yes." Yan Bugui quickly went through the internal skills he knew in his mind, and finally decided to be more generous: "Then I will teach you a set of immortal seals."

After speaking, he explained the essence of the Immortal Seal in detail.

Aotian's eyes kept shining as he heard this, the mystery of the Immortal Seal was beyond his imagination.

Yan Bugui said: "This martial arts is very powerful, but it is indeed difficult to master. While Leng Yan is helping me forge the sword, the owner of the village can come to me at any time if you have any questions."

into the night.

Yan Bugui sat cross-legged on the bed, and his consciousness entered the interior scene.

The mantra of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect is suspended in the void, shining with golden light. He had previously spent all his energy on the top ten martial arts, but now he finally had time to study this supreme sword.

To practice Ten Thousand Swords and Return to the Sect, one needs to abolish martial arts first, but Yan Bugui is reluctant to part with the longevity secret that he has worked so hard to practice.

Fortunately, he has already been able to transform the true energy into sword energy, so there is no difference between learning and not learning the mental method of "All Qi Generates Himself".

The other set of Kung Fu "Sword Rushing into Waste Points" is, to put it bluntly, a method of absorbing kung fu. He has the mentality of "plundering the world", and it has the same purpose but the same purpose.

For him, what is really useful is the method of using sword energy.

Nothing happened all night.

The next day, morning light shone into the house through the window.

Yan Bugui slowly opened his eyes. The surging sword energy flowing through the hundreds of veins in his body instantly transformed into true energy and returned to his dantian. It naturally gathered into a vortex and slowly circulated.

After the Immortality Technique merged with Wanjian Guizong, his true energy and sword energy became more flexible during the transformation.

After breakfast, Yan Bugui followed Leng Yan to Jianchi.

The huge square with a radius of thousands of feet is filled with peerless swords.

Leng Yan said: "These are the sword bodies that were originally built to carry the true essence of the peerless sword."

In the fire pool in the center of the square, flames soared into the sky, constantly emitting billowing heat waves. The black sword stone that was once used to breed true energy could be faintly seen inside.

When he came to the sword-making furnace next to the fire pool, Leng Yan said: "Using the century-old earth core fire in the pool, I will definitely make my elder brother's sword completely new and even better than before."

Yan Bugui took off the sharp-hiding box, took out the broken sword of virtue and ruthlessness, and suddenly asked: "Can you let me do it myself?"

Leng Yan asked in surprise: "Why? Is the eldest brother also interested in sword making?"

"Do you still remember when we met the man who carved the ice knife on the way to Jianzong?"


"He said that what he carved was actually not the ice blade, but his knife intention."

"Brother, do you want to practice your sword skills by forging swords?"

"I don't know if it will work, so let's give it a try."

"In this case, I will do my best to help." After Leng Yan finished speaking, he asked Yan Bugui to throw the broken sword into the sword furnace.

This hundred years of Earth Core Fire is indeed extraordinary.

It took a whole day to melt the two giant axes in Longquan Sword Forging Valley. It has only been two hours now, and the broken sword has begun to turn red all over, showing signs of softening.

The process was extremely boring, and Yan Bugui took out the Sword of Defeat again.

Leng Yan said with regret: "The body of this sword actually needs to be perfected. Unfortunately, I don't have the superb skills of Master Zhongmei now, otherwise I can make it look more perfect."

"It's okay, I have my own way." Yan Bugui thought of two people who might be able to give the Sword of Defeat a new lease of life.

Time flies by like a flash, and ten days pass in a blink of an eye.

There is a long sword inserted in the hundred-refining furnace of the sword pool. Under the reflection of the fire, the sword's body, as bright as a mirror, glows faintly with red light.

After Leng Yan continued to eliminate the waste and retain the essence by forging a peerless sword, the weight of kindness and ruthlessness was greatly reduced, and in the end only the materials for a sword were left.

Then under the guidance of Leng Yan, Yan Bugui went through thousands of efforts to create this brand new sword according to the appearance of the Boqing Sword.

Leng Yan reminded: "Brother, since ancient times, the sword has to be sacrificed with blood, but now it is the last step."

"Yes." Yan Bugui nodded, pulled out the Sword of Defeat and struck it hard against the palm of his hand, cutting a small opening, and then used his skills to force a blood line from it to shoot straight into the sword body.

If it weren't for the Sword of Defeat, with his Hunyuan Vajra Body at the eleventh level, it would be difficult to draw blood.


The blood touched the sword body and was quickly absorbed, and then the sword trembled violently as if it came alive.

With a melodious sword chant, the long sword shot out from the furnace and was thrust straight in front of Yan Bugui.

(End of this chapter)

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