Chapter 308: Sword Intent
Ghost Festival Greedy Demon Hall.

The World-killing Moro sat on the throne and looked at the man in the net meaningfully.

"Yesterday's battle, although the Shengxie shield was broken, the Evil God General and all its members escaped. Apart from eradicating the opponent's base, nothing was achieved. Do you know why, Demon God General?"

The person on the net shook his head and said: "I don't know."

"Because someone allowed Mr. Black and White to come and disrupt the situation."

"Mr. Black and White? As expected, he actually had a fight with the three of you. Ha~ I didn't expect that Mr. Black and White turned out to be an untrustworthy person who went back on his word."

"Shhh! Keep your voice down. The three famous figures are unable to kill a black and white man. If this spreads out, the Shura Empire will be completely disgraced."

"Mr. Black and White is dead, the Emperor doesn't need to worry too much."

"Oh~~~Where is the body?"

"Emperor never said he wanted me to bring the body back."

Before he could walk out of the hall, he suddenly saw Chi Yantian and Dan Shen Mie walking towards him. The former was holding the soul-enchanting double rings, and the latter was holding Man Xieyin across his arms.

Shasheng Guiyan couldn't help but be stunned. When did the relationship between the three deities become so close?

Chi Yantian also knelt down and said: "I beg the Emperor for your permission. If these dangerous people are not removed as soon as possible, they will become a serious trouble in the future."

"I obey," Shasheng Guiyan bowed, turned and left.

"I assume you can speak." After finishing speaking, Killing Moro looked at Killing Ghost Yan aside and ordered: "Master Tianbing, take someone to find the corpse."

However, neither of them paid any attention to him and went straight into the palace.

"Tapo respects her, her, she..."

"Do you still need to say it? This is the lowest level of proof, right?"

"This man's martial arts skills are extraordinary." Danshen Mie said: "Facing him, Man Xieyin was killed after only three moves including Soul-taking Xieyin. This is what Lian Hongmei saw with her own eyes.

Mo Luo looked at Man Xieyin's body carefully: "Look at how limp she is, all the bones are shattered, what a strong palm force! Is it Mr. Black and White?"

"How could it be possible!!!" Moro Moro suddenly stood up from the throne.

World-killing Moro said: "No matter who it is, the people of our Shura Empire, um, no, they should be demons. Of course they can't be killed just like that, don't you think so?"

Dan Shen Mie suppressed the sadness and anger in his voice and said: "The Emperor Qi, the Venerable Thava...unfortunately died."

"What happened?" People on the Internet were also shocked.

"The world is really full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons!" Mo Luo looked at the man in the net and asked, "General Demon God, aren't you going to help? This man's martial arts is as strong as the second Black and White Man. Aren't you interested?"

Killing Moro asked: "Is there any other news?"

"If every time we go into battle, we have to bring the corpses of the enemy back to restore life, then the Ghost Sacrifice Greedy Demon Palace can be renamed the Mass Grave."

His martial arts skills may not be inferior to those of Black and White Langjun. "

"That's right." Danshen Mie knelt down on one knee: "Please give me the emperor's permission to give the order, and my subordinates are going to avenge Man Xieyin!"

Before he finished his thoughts, he suddenly saw Man Xieyin's mouth full of blood, her chest deeply collapsed, and she looked motionless and in danger.

"No." Chi Yantian shook his head: "According to what Lian Hongmei, the proprietress of Meixiangwu, said, the other party is a strange swordsman whose name is Taiyue Rong Xiuyan. In addition, Huo Qiongqi and Yan Yaozhu were also Died at the hands of this man.”

The person on the net said: "The outcome of the killing is something that only reckless men like the Black and White Man care about. The demon god will only do things that are good for the Shura Empire."

Killing the World Moro said: "In this case, let's bring the Demon General Lao Yao to go with us. We must eradicate this person."

The man in the net leaned forward and said, "Yes."

Chi Yan Tian and Dang Shen Mie said in unison: "Thank you, Emperor."

Soon, Yan Bugui's portrait appeared on the wanted notice of the demon world, and countless demon soldiers launched a massive search for him.

at the same time.

Yan Bugui and others came to a hidden cave.

Emperor Liang Wuji took care of his own business and healed his injuries.

Yan Bugui said: "Lianxing, the situation has changed now. For safety reasons, you should go back first."

Lian Xing curled up his lips: "It's like this again, every time you are alone in danger."

"Be good." Yan Bugui gently stroked Lian Xing's cheek with his right hand: "You still don't know what I am capable of. This is not a danger to me. Of course I want to fight side by side with you, but we don't have to To take such unnecessary risks.”

Yaoyue said calmly: "Who said you could protect us before?"

"Today is different from the past." Yan Bugui said: "I didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome thing. Humans and demons are incompatible. Even if we don't take the initiative to provoke the demon world, as human beings, they will not let us go. of.

It's profitable for me to stay here, but I can't let you take risks with me for my own benefit. "

Yaoyue hummed and said, "You still have some conscience."

After all, Lian Xing was no longer a little girl. She understood that Yan Bugui's worries were not unreasonable, so she stopped forcing her and just warned her softly: "Then remember to go back early."

"Of course, you can just sit back and wait to be my bride." Yan Bugui said and waved his right hand, using his power to open the space-time tunnel.

With his current skill, the time and space tunnel consumes only a drop in the bucket, and he can go back and forth in just a moment.

"How is your injury?" Yan Bugui looked at Liang Huang Wuji in surprise, who had woken up from trance.

Liang Huang Wuji said: "I just over-exhausted my skills and the injury is not serious. I can adjust my breathing a few times and it will be fine."

"That way I can leave with peace of mind."

"May I ask where the hero wants to go?"

"No Regret Peak."

"There is still some distance to go before we reach No Regret Peak. The friendship between the three deities of the Demon World is deep. If you kill Man Xieyin, Chi Yan Tian and Dang Shen Mie will definitely not give up. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for my body to recover and follow. You go together to make sure everything is safe."

"Thank you for your kindness. You have the heavy responsibility of resisting demons. I won't bother you with Yan's personal matters."

"Then I wish you a safe journey."

It was already dusk.

Yan Bugui took advantage of the night to travel, riding the black wind all the way, choosing the sparsely populated wilderness areas, and finally successfully arrived at Buhui Peak two days later.

Mountain breeze hunting.

Yan Bugui stepped onto the top of the peak, and all he could see were criss-crossing sword marks, deeply imprinted on the rocks and cliffs.

Just from these sword marks, you can see how fierce the duel between Ren Piaomiao and Miyamoto Souji was that day.

It was here that the two of them realized the moves one after another. One realized the "Sword Eleven", which is a misty sword, and the other realized the "One Sword without Regrets", which is the infinite sword technique.

Yan Bugui could vaguely feel two completely different sword intentions from these sword marks.

Following the intention of the sword, he came to the foot of the main peak rising into the sky. He saw a giant sword mark sunken like a spider web carved on the stone wall a hundred feet high.

Yan Bugui jumped up, flew up to the stone pillar next to the sword mark and sat down cross-legged, watching the sword mark intently.

For other people who have not learned Wuji Sword Technique, it would be extremely difficult to understand something from this sword mark.

Fortunately, Yan Bugui didn't know anything about Wuji swordsmanship.

The characteristics of this sword technique are impermanence and uncertainty, speed and movement are unpredictable, and the emphasis is on swiftness and sharpness.

One sword is Wuji: The origin of all things is called Wuji.

One sword is endless: Wu Zhi's fighting is endless.

A sword is silent: the same wind thousands of miles away is silent.

And a sword without regrets means that one has no worries and moves forward indomitably.

According to this idea, Yan Bugui penetrated all his mind into the sword marks on the cliff and integrated his own sword intention into it.

Since practicing the Changsheng Jue, Yan Bugui's need for food has become smaller and smaller as his ability to grow vitality improves.

He sat there for several days without feeling hungry at all.

at the same time.

A brand-new sword intent emerged in Yan Bugui, centering on him and spreading out in all directions around Buhui Peak like water ripples.

With so many years of foundation in swordsmanship, he has reached the threshold of one sword without regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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