Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 37 Miss Ling, you don’t want your father to be bullied in the underworld, do you?

Chapter 37 Miss Ling, you don’t want your father to be bullied in the underworld, do you?

Ding Dian is not Di Yun, so he is not that easy to fool.

If you make your words clear in advance, even if he doesn't want to, he can still make a deal without being benevolent and righteous.

If you hide it, I'm afraid it will make him disgusted.

"Ah!" Ling Shuanghua's heart tightened again.

Although she doesn't understand martial arts, she also knows that the Shenzhao Jing is a magical book worth as much as the treasure of Liancheng Jue.

Seeing her nervous look, Yan Bugui laughed dumbly and continued to get close to her: "Don't worry, sister, I will personally explain this to Ding Dian and will never force you to do anything, not even a word."

Ling Shuanghua solemnly said: "If you force me, I will commit suicide."

"Just watch." Yan Bugui secretly laughed in his heart. As a weak woman who can't hold a chicken with her hands, if I don't allow it, it will be difficult for you to commit suicide even if you want to.

Ling Shuanghua nodded silently, with deep sadness between her brows.

Yan Bugui said: "I saw my sister want to disfigure herself just now. She must have encountered something extremely difficult. If you don't mind, you can tell me.

I think I'm quite capable. As long as it's not about going to heaven and earth, catching stars and moons, I should be able to help. "

Seeing his sincere expression and sincere words, Ling Shuanghua unconsciously believed him.

"Oh~ Young Master, please take a seat." Ling Shuanghua sat back down in front of the dressing table and sighed: "Young Master shouldn't have saved me. Even if it doesn't work today, I will still destroy my face tomorrow."

"It must be related to Ding Dian, right?"

"Well, you already know the secret of the treasure, so I don't have to hide it from you. More than five years ago, in order to get this secret from Brother Dian, my father designed to poison and imprison him.

I begged my father to let Brother Dian go. My father said it was not difficult to save his life, as long as I swore never to see him again.

Although I was reluctant to give up, I finally agreed.

My father also made me make a vow that if I see Brother Dian again, my deceased mother will be bullied by evil spirits every day in the underworld. "

After Ling Shuanghua finished speaking, she suddenly heard a "click, click, click" sound coming from Yan Bugui.

She looked carefully and saw that Yan Bugui had cut off a corner of the table made of solid wood and crushed it into sawdust.

Ling Shuanghua suddenly believed what Yan Bugui said before. This young man might really be a very capable person.

"Sorry, I lost my temper." Yan Bugui had long known what Ling Tuisi was like, but after hearing it with his own ears, he still couldn't help but feel angry.

Especially when she thought that Ling Shuanghua was put into the coffin alive by her biological father in the end, Yan Bugui wanted to pull out the Boqing Sword immediately and cut Ling Tuisi into pieces.

It's hard to imagine that if having such a wicked and smoking father in the stall was Ling Shuanghua's retribution, what on earth did she do in her previous life that was so outrageous?

Destroy the earth? Or destroy the universe?
  "Today my father came to force me again, saying that he wanted to marry me. Brother Dian and I have promised each other for life. Even if we never see each other again in this life, I will never marry anyone else.

My father also knew this, but he was angry that I wouldn't help him find out Brother Dian's secret, so he thought of this method to force me to submit.

It was hard to disobey my father's orders, so I had no choice but to ruin my face. After all, who would want to marry an ugly guy? "

"Fortunately, I came in time. It would be a pity to ruin such a gorgeous face like my sister's." Yan Bugui was speechless after hearing this.

Appearance is the pride of a woman, especially a beautiful woman.

And Ling Shuanghua is a leader in beautiful women, but she is willing to destroy her pride with her own hands for a man.

I really don’t know how her weak body gave birth to such a huge courage?
  Is this the power of love?

Yan Bugui couldn't understand.

Ling Shuanghua frowned and shook her head sadly: "It's useless. If I don't disfigure myself, I will never be able to get rid of my father's persecution. I wasted all the good intentions of the young master. Shuanghua deeply apologizes."

"Be more open-minded." Yan Bugui advised: "You see, I happened to meet you when you were disfigured. Maybe this is God's will, and I was specially asked to help you."

"But I have no choice."

"How about I help you rescue Ding Dian and let him elope with you?"

"Elope? No, I've sworn not to see him again. If the young master is really capable, please ask Brother Dian to rescue him. I won't bother you here." "According to my sister, the love between you two is as deep as the ocean. If you don't leave, how can he be willing to leave? If he doesn't leave, he will definitely die in three months at most."


"Your father didn't kill Ding Dian because of the Liancheng Jue, not because you begged for mercy. I will take away the treasure within three months. Once your father finds out that what he has been pursuing all his life is gone, what do you think he will do?"

"He will kill Brother Dian to vent his anger."

"So, if you don't want Ding Dian to die, the best way is to elope with him. Anyway, your inhumane father is nothing worth caring about.

If you leave, at most you will be separated from his father and daughter. If you don't leave, then you will be separated from Ding Dian. "

"What you said makes sense." Ling Shuanghua suddenly raised his right hand, separated his index and middle fingers and thrust them into his eyes.

"I'll go!" Yan Bugui was shocked and hurriedly moved over to block her eyes and fingers: "Sister, are you crazy?"

Ling Shuanghua's face was full of determination: "I have sworn not to see him again no matter what, and now if I want to be with him, this is the only way. As long as I can't see him, it doesn't count as a violation of my oath.

I cannot cause my mother to suffer in the afterlife because of me, an unfilial daughter, after she dies. "

She lost her mother when she was young, and she has always respected her mother very much, otherwise Ling Tuisi would not have used this to make her swear.

Yan Bugui couldn't help but be moved by it, and sincerely praised: "Sister, I have never admired anyone since I came to this world, and you are the first one."

Ling Shuanghua sighed helplessly: "Thank you."

"Hey, actually, you don't need to be so serious, that's all..." Yan Bugui swallowed back his words mid-sentence.

He wanted to say that evil ghosts in the underworld and so on were all feudal superstitions, but then he thought about it and thought that he had traveled through time. Maybe he really had a god with his head raised, so it was better to be cautious about what he said and what he didn't say.

But the most important thing right now is to persuade Ling Shuanghua.

Suddenly, Yan Bugui raised his brows, and his plan came to his mind.

Since you can't persuade her, it's better to follow her advice.

"Sister, did your Majesty ever do any evil during your lifetime?"

"No." Ling Shuanghua shook her head in astonishment: "My mother was gentle and always kind to others. She would not even step on an ant to death during her lifetime."

"Then it's okay. You have to know that people have to be reincarnated after they go to hell. Only the most evil people will stay in hell and suffer in order to pay for their sins in life.

Since your father had no evil deeds during his lifetime, he might have been reincarnated as a human being now. "

"Are you serious?" Ling Shuanghua felt that this sounded somewhat reasonable.

"Let's take a step back and say, even if your father doesn't reincarnate, then who is King Yama in the underworld?"

"It's Mr. Bao Qingtian."

"Yes, Mr. Bao has always been impartial and impartial. How could he let good people go? No, it's good people who are being bullied.

What you should really worry about is your father. Everything a person does in the earthly world is remembered one by one in the underworld. When he dies, he will figure it out one by one. "

"..." Ling Shuanghua remained silent, but she knew she was shaken.

When Yan Bugui saw this, he immediately started to strike while the iron was hot: "Besides, besides your father, which parent doesn't want their children to be happy?"

He paused, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Sister Ling, you don't want your lord to worry about you even though you are under Jiuquan, right?"

"Good brother, stop talking. I'll just listen to you." The melancholy on Ling Shuanghua's face disappeared, replaced by incomparable determination: "Father, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial."

Yan Bugui stood up to leave, but suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand: "Give me a token, otherwise Ding Dian will definitely think that I lied to him."

Ling Shuanghua thought for a moment and took out a jade pendant from her arms and handed it to him: "This is the token of love that Brother Dian gave me back then. You will know when you show it to him."

"That's enough." Yan Bugui snapped his fingers: "Just pack your bags and wait for my good news."

(End of this chapter)

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