Chapter 43
  "So fast!" Gu Ping'an looked at the sun that had just risen and exclaimed: "I thought you would not be able to get back until noon no matter how fast you were."

"I don't dare to delay matters where human life is at stake." Yan Bugui took off the medicine basket with cypress leaves and handed it to her, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Ding Dian asked with concern: "Did my brother's trip go smoothly?"

"Meeting a few foreign thieves is not worth mentioning." Yan Bugui got off his horse and asked, "Where is the senior pharmacist?"

Ding Dian said: "As soon as he arrived here, he took two children to treat the patients."

Yan Bugui showed a look of reverence on his face: "The old man is still working so hard despite his age. He is indeed a doctor with a benevolent heart!"

Ding Dian sighed: "The old man said that he was a bad teacher and taught a traitor. He wanted to atone for the sins of the disciple named Jiao."

"It is indeed unfortunate for the master to have such a disciple." Yan Bugui nodded and turned to look at Wang Zhaoxing, who was pale, with blood on his right chest and black spots on his hands.

Apparently he too had contracted the city's disease.

"Old Wang, have you been hit by an arrow again?" Yan Bugui took out Tianxiang Intermittent Glue from the Hidden Front Box and threw it to him.

"Don't mention it." Wang Zhaoxing skillfully removed the bandage and applied the medicine again: "Also, I'm only a few years older than you, so there's no need to call me so old, right?"

"You old man, why do you care so much about your age?" Yan Bugui looked at him indifferently: "Look at your clothes, have you changed your profession to be a bodyguard?"

"Oh~ it's a long story." Wang Zhaoxing curled his lips.

After the Crouching Tiger Stronghold was destroyed last time, their senior brothers and sisters were promoted to Feiyu Captain of the Jinyi Guards because of Yan's failure to return.

But Wang Zhaoxing did not expect that Liu Zhendong and Cheng Jingjing could return to the camp to serve, but he was placed in the Security Guard Bureau.

The above means that he is smart, shrewd and capable, and has the identity of a bodyguard hidden in the dark to facilitate the execution of some confidential tasks.

Yan Bugui knew it well and smiled deliberately: "Then you can keep the story short."

Wang Zhaoxing said angrily: "Yes."

"What are you right about?"

"I changed my career. Didn't you ask me to keep the story short?"

"Sure! I'm still in the mood to amuse Menzi. It seems I don't have to worry about you anymore."

"Thanks to you, by the way, we have sent your boxes of red goods to Huashan, and we have also met Master Yue and Mrs. Yue."

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "As a friendly reminder, next time you see my senior sister, please call her Ning Nuxia. She likes to hear this."

"Definitely next time." Wang Zhaoxing nodded and said, "They said if we meet you again, let us send you a message.

Leader Yue said that the Huashan Sect is proud of you and asked you to pay attention to safety when you go out.

Madam Yue, no, it’s Ning Nuxia who has also warned you not to take any more risks, and told you to go back as soon as you’re done having fun. "

"Thank you." Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "I have received your message, and we will discuss the rest later."

The treasure of Lianchengjue is still waiting for him in Tianning Temple. Even if he wants to go back, he has to wait until he takes out the treasure.

Not only did he not go back, he also had to call Yue Buqun out.

"You've been running around all night. Let's go to the general's mansion to have a rest first." Wang Zhaoxing took Yan Bugui to the mansion of General Yang, the guard of Youyuguan.

The sun is near zenith.

Gu Ping'an had learned medical skills. With the joint efforts of her and Tianhua pharmacist, medicine to treat the epidemic was prepared and distributed to the soldiers and civilians in the city by the soldiers who had not been sick.

After Wang Zhaoxing drank the medicine, his complexion quickly softened and his color gradually turned red.

The cheers of the people also came from the streets and alleys in the city.

At this moment, a dull and thick hum suddenly sounded outside the city.

"What's wrong!" Wang Zhaoxing was shocked: "It's the enemy's trumpet."

"It's not good, the Tatar army is coming to attack the city." A young general in white robes and silver armor with a long sword hanging on his waist rushed into the house.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they were shocked and angry.

Niu Kaishan cursed loudly: "These damned thieves took advantage of people's danger!"

Yan Bugui felt solemn in his heart, secretly thinking that this was normal.

Although the tactic of massacre of the city by the epidemic failed, the vitality of the city's defenders was still damaged in the end.

As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you.

Now is the best time to attack the city. How can Ming give up easily just because he has obtained a prescription to cure the epidemic.

"Sima Ren, call all the troops immediately and follow me out of the city to meet the enemy." Old General Yang, who had gray hair, walked out of the bedroom holding on to the door frame.

"But General, your body? Shopkeeper Gu said that it will take at least three or four hours to recover after taking the medicine." Sima Ren is the white-robed general and the deputy general in the army.

Wang Zhaoxing said worriedly: "General Yang was ill yesterday. In order to stabilize the people's morale, he went out to patrol the city, which caused the injury to worsen. Now even if he takes medicine, he may not be able to recover in a short time."

Yan Bugui remained silent, clenching his fists tightly, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

When something like this happened, he knew he couldn't just sit back and watch.

But today is different from the past. What he will face is a large army of Fanbang cavalry. The level of danger is far beyond that of Japanese pirates and green forest bandits. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. If you really risk your life here, is it worth it?

"It is not a pity for me to die." General Yang said solemnly: "Today, I have to defend Youyuguan even if my body is broken into pieces, otherwise the people in the city will be slaughtered, and the Ming Dynasty will be in danger. Sima Ren, come and help me put on my armor."

Yan Bugui took a deep breath and asked, "General Sima, how many soldiers and horses are there in the camp?"

"The disease is coming like a mountain." Sima Ren said with a solemn face: "Fortunately, Shopkeeper Gu discovered it in time and took precautions in advance. Now we barely have about [-]% of the troops that can be dispatched."

Yan Bugui immediately entered the room, took off his robe, and picked up General Yang's armor: "Can any of you do me a favor? I have never worn this thing."

Old General Yang was stunned and confused: "Young hero, what do you mean?"

"The general is the anchor of this city. If he falls like this, there will be no hope for Youyuguan." Yan Bugui said: "I will charge for you in this battle. I can't arrange troops, but Ask yourself how good you are at killing people."

"How can this happen!" General Yang shook his head repeatedly: "The battlefield is dangerous and unpredictable, and it cannot be compared to fighting in the rivers and lakes. It must not be done, it must not be done."

Yan Bugui said solemnly: "In the late Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing, one of the top five masters in the world, guarded Xiangyang City for decades in order to prevent the invasion of Mongolian cavalry.

Guo Daxia once said that a great chivalrous man serves the country and the people, and those below him are not talented. Today, he is willing to follow the example of his ancestors and do his best for the people in this city. "

"What a great chivalrous man, serving the country and the people." General Yang looked solemn, and immediately bowed down: "Young chivalrous man is brave and righteous. On behalf of the soldiers and people in the city, I deeply feel the young chivalrous kindness. Sima Ren, go get another one. armor."

"Yes." Sima Ren hurried away and came back with new armor.

General Yang said: "Put some armor on the young hero."

"General, take your orders." Sima Ren looked at Yan Bugui with admiration in his eyes and helped him adjust his armor with his own hands.

General Yang forced himself to walk towards his armor and said to Wang Zhaoxing: "Wang Biaotou, come and help me."

Yan Bugui advised: "General, why do you have to force yourself?"

"I don't understand the affairs of the Jianghu, and I don't understand the matters of the imperial court." General Yang said: "I am the guard of Youyuguan. If you don't go to battle today, you will be running away from the battle, which is a serious crime."

"I understand." Yan Bugui nodded suddenly: "Sister Shuanghua, the general is seriously ill and has not recovered. I want Lao Ding to protect him personally."

"Shuanghua?" Ding Dian looked at his lover beside him.

"Go, Brother Dian." Ling Shuanghua said politely: "As a man, it is your duty to protect your family and country, and to protect the land and the people.

It's a pity that I don't know martial arts. I wish I could fight with you. I will wait in this city. You will live and I will live, and you will die and I will die. "

Ding Dian tightened her hand, and then said firmly to Yan Bugui: "Don't worry, dear brother, as long as I, Ding Dian, am here today, no one can harm the general."

"And I, Daniel." "I'll go too."

Niu Kaishan and Ma Chaofan heard this with excitement and stepped forward one after another.

"And me." Wang Zhaoxing pulled out his life-threatening soul-chasing gun.

Yan Bugui said: "You are still injured, so you can protect the general with Old Ding."

The trumpet sounds are getting closer.

General Yang ordered people to fetch four more sets of armor and gave them to Ding Dian, Wang Zhaoxing, Niu Kaishan and Ma Chaofan.

Later, he took Ding Dian and Wang Zhaoxing to the tower of Youyuguan.

When the soldiers and civilians in the city saw General Yang appearing to supervise the battle, their morale and morale immediately rose.

The foreign army has already arrived at the city, with thundering drums and loud roars.

I saw a large nine-pin banner erected high behind the enemy formation. It was actually the Tatar Khan who was driving the army to boost the morale of the army and vowed to take Youyuguan in one fell swoop today.

Boom boom boom...

The huge burning fireball shot through the sky like a meteor, and was constantly thrown against the city wall by the enemy's trebuchets.

Suddenly the city gate of Youyuguan opened wide.

Yan Bugui took the lead, holding the Houde Sword tightly in his right hand and pulling out the Boqing Sword in his left hand at the same time. The sword body and the scabbard rubbed violently due to the infusion of internal energy, and a loud clang sound resounded through the city gate.


Yan Bugui's inner strength was fully stimulated, his roar was like thunder, and the art of man-horse integration was fully deployed, and he rushed straight to the rear of the enemy's formation.

The horse he was riding was still the strong horse gifted by Liu Zhengfeng. Blessed by Yan Bugui's true energy, the horse neighed and the wind started blowing from its iron hooves, and it broke into the enemy's gun formation.

The spears and halberds of the Fan soldiers came from all directions.

Yan Bugui held both swords in his hands and swung them left and right, breaking the sword and breaking the halberd wherever he passed.

Virtue kills all things and is invincible.

Once ruthlessness comes out, the sword will not tolerate mercy.

These two unique swords seemed to be born just for this moment!

Fan Bing's armor was as brittle as paper under the sweep of the sword, and it was about to break when touched. As the fast horses galloped, the heads of people killed by Yan Bugui rolled in. The enemy army was like a wave, and he had rushed several miles away in the blink of an eye. remote.

Yan Bugui ran rampantly on the battlefield with one man and one horse, tearing open the enemy troops all over the mountains and plains like a sharp blade.

Anyone who blocks it will be killed immediately!
  (End of this chapter)

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