Chapter 65 The thief appears
  After bidding farewell to the Valley Master and leaving the Sword Forging Valley, Linghu Chong couldn't put down the newly acquired sword along the way.

"Heifeng, didn't your master and my uncle always say that the world is dangerous? But why didn't we meet a single thief along the way? I didn't even get a chance to test the sword, and there is no place for a hero."

Hei Feng snorted and suddenly accelerated and ran as if he was too lazy to listen to his complaints.

It's noon this day.

When Linghu Chong passed by a village halfway through his journey, he suddenly saw people crowding under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and a woman's heartbreaking wails could be heard from inside.

"My daughter, why are you so hard to think about? What will my mother do if you leave..."

Linghu Chong felt sad when he heard this, and immediately pulled the reins to let Hei Feng walk towards the entrance of the village.

After arriving under the tree, he saw a woman in her forties holding a pretty girl on the ground and crying bitterly.

The girl's body had strangulation marks on her neck. Looking up, she saw a noose hanging on the branch.

Linghu Chong found an old man outside the crowd and asked, "Old man, why did this girl commit suicide?"

The old man was just an ordinary farmer. Seeing him holding a long sword, he couldn't help but panic. He immediately stopped trying to hide it, shook his head and sighed: "This matter should not be spread to outsiders.

It's only God's fault that this child has a bad life. A few days ago, a flower picker came from nowhere and ruined the child while the fourth aunt was not at home. "

"I understand." Linghu Chong looked solemn and asked, "Do you know what the flower picker looks like?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I only heard that he was a man in his thirties who came and went without a trace. I heard that there were girls from several families in other nearby villages who were raped by the thief who was killed today."

He sighed sadly and said with a sad expression, "I don't know what evil we have done to provoke such an evil star."

"Don't worry, old man, I will definitely catch this flower-picking thief and vent this bad breath on your behalf." Linghu Chong clenched the long sword in his left hand, with raging anger igniting in his chest.

Seeing that he was young, the old man didn't take it to heart when he heard this.

After Linghu Chong found out the location of the accident, he turned around and rode away. He visited several villages in succession, but the clues he got were all the same as those given by the old man.

"Alas~" Linghu Chong slumped while sitting on the horse. He thought of the great fame and great achievements of his three elders in the family, but when they arrived at his place, they couldn't even find a flower picker, and he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

But he was unwilling to give up. If the thief was not captured for a day, more girls would suffer.

Girls who lose their virginity will not only find it difficult to marry, but they will also be criticized for the rest of their lives, even if it is not their fault at all.

Thinking of those girls who were so disheartened and like zombies after being humiliated, Linghu Chong couldn't help but get angry again and rekindled his fighting spirit.

Perhaps only by catching the lewd thief can their wounded hearts be somewhat comforted.

After searching to no avail, Linghu Chong came to a big city along the road.

The city was prosperous, and when he passed the government office, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind.

"How did I forget this?"

Linghu Chong thought of the close friendship between his uncle and Jin Yiwei, especially Miss Cheng, whom his wife often talked about before.

I still remember that not long ago, my uncle mentioned that she had been promoted to hundreds of households last year, and she was very prestigious.

Finally, Linghu Chong was lucky. There happened to be a [-]-household office set up by Jin Yiwei in the city.

Although Cheng Jingjing was not the one who lived here, he immediately agreed to help after hearing that Linghu Chong reported that his family was from the Huashan sect.

This made him couldn't help but sigh again at the great reputation of his uncle.

As an intelligence agency, Jinyiwei found someone as easy as looking back at someone, and they quickly got the news.

"This man's name is Tian Boguang. He is about thirty-four or five years old. He is known as a lone traveler and is good at Qinggong and sharp swords.

In the first year, some martial arts people hunted him, but he escaped with his superb qinggong and is currently in another city a hundred miles away.

Judging from the intelligence, he did not deliberately hide his whereabouts. He frequently visited restaurants and brothels. He was obviously very confident in his abilities. The young hero must be careful. "

"Without further delay, I'll set off right now." Linghu Chong put away Tian Boguang's portrait and said with his hands, "Thank you for your help, sir. I can't thank you enough for those girls who are suffering."

"You're welcome, young hero. If necessary, you can always ask the local Jin Yiwei for assistance."

"Farewell!" Linghu Chong did not dare to delay, and immediately rode Black Wind to his destination as quickly as possible.


Tian Boguang worked hard all night in the most famous local brothel, and the Wu Zang Temple felt empty, so he went to the most famous local restaurant to drink.

He spent generously and went up to the second floor to get a seat by the window. Halfway through the meal, I suddenly heard the clatter of horse hooves on the street. I looked up and saw a tall, shiny black horse parked at the door of the restaurant.

"Good horse!"

Tian Boguang couldn't help but praise him, and then he saw a tall young man with sharp eyebrows and straight eyebrows dismounting and went straight into the restaurant.

He thought to himself that he had some knowledge, and realized that this horse was a rare and rare horse, and suddenly his heart tightened.

He is a young swordsman with an extraordinary appearance and rides a dark horse. These characteristics remind Tian Boguang of the legendary hero in the world.

Rumor has it that that man hates evil and is coming to settle a score with me.

beep, beep...

There were rapid footsteps on the stairs, and Tian Boguang saw that the young man was walking straight towards him.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I have to settle some accounts with that person. It will hurt innocent people, so please go downstairs. I'll treat you to this meal." Linghu Chong locked eyes with Tian Boguang, reached out and took out a gold leaf from his arms and shot it out. , and nailed it to the pillar of the restaurant with a 'snatch' sound.

My uncle taught me to try not to cause trouble to others when we go out.

Seeing this, the waiter who was about to come up to entertain the guests was so frightened that his legs weakened, and the surrounding guests all got up and went downstairs.

Only Tian Boguang and the other two tables were left motionless.

Linghu Chong saw the weapons on their table and knew they were from the Jianghu, so he stopped talking. He then took out the portrait given by Jin Yiwei and compared it with Tian Boguang. After confirming that it was correct, he came to the opposite side of him.

Tian Boguang felt that his Qinggong was extraordinary, and he smiled calmly and said: "Brother, are you from the Huashan sect?"

"I don't dare to call you a slut and brother, Huashan Linghu Chong. I'm here today to seek justice for the women you have defiled."

"As expected, he is a high disciple of the Huashan Sect." Tian Boguang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "You disciples from famous families are not very capable, but your tone is not small."

"You are wrong." Linghu Chong said calmly: "I just look down on you.

Even if I'm not from the Huashan sect, even if I'm just a nobody, I still look down on you, the shameless thief who bullies the weak. "

Tian Boguang said disdainfully: "If you, the elder of the Huashan Sect, were here, I would still be concerned, but it's a pity that it's up to you, haha."

  A cold light suddenly flashed in front of Tian Boguang's eyes. Linghu Chong unsheathed his sword and struck it down on top of his head with lightning speed.

With a "click", the dining table split into two halves, but Tian Boguang had already slipped three feet away with the stool, and his reaction was not unpleasant.

"My master is such a master, and my uncle is such a hero. You don't deserve to die by their swords." Linghu Chong stabbed his throat with his sword, and started with the killing move "You Feng Lai Yi".

Tian Boguang's right hand flicked and he had grasped the steel sword and raised it up. The sword flew away with a "clang". Just when he was about to take advantage of the momentum to pursue him, Linghu Chong drew an arc in the air with his sword, and then used the "White Clouds Out" sword move. Like electricity, it stabbed into his chest.

So fast!

Tian Boguang was surprised and stopped his contempt, slashed his sword to intercept, then the shadow of the sword flew, and he struck out with the strong wind sword technique.

Linghu Chong showed no fear, swung his sword and raced with speed.

His swordsmanship was honed by Yan Bugui using the Hunyuan Diamond Body.

Facing an opponent who could neither be hurt nor defeated all year round, Linghu Chong's will was extremely firm.

Although this was the first time he faced an enemy, he didn't feel timid at all.

Regardless of speed or strength, Tian Boguang is far behind his uncle.

Linghu Chong kept in mind the swordsmanship tips of "anywhere you go, move the clouds and flowing water" passed down by Yan Bugui. Xiyi swordsmanship was a mixture of Yangwu swordsmanship and basic swordsmanship. The swordsmanship was like the dangerous peaks of Huashan Mountain, rugged and steep and endless at the same time.

ding ding dong...

The sound of swords clashing echoed in the restaurant.

The guests at the two tables watching the battle were holding their breath and watching Tian Boguang being forced to retreat steadily by Linghu Chong's unpredictable swordsmanship. They couldn't help but sigh.

Tian Boguang's sword skills were already fast enough that they could hardly tell the difference, but they didn't expect that a mere disciple of the Huashan sect could surpass him in terms of speed.

They thought that if it were them, they would be defeated by Tian Boguang's sharp sword in just a few moves.

Huashan's swordsmanship is indeed well-deserved!
   Yan Jiangchi, who worked continuously for 72 hours, died suddenly and was rescued, received the social animal system, and decided to become a crazy person.

  Does the leader belittle and humiliate you in public? Just do it, people don’t have to talk nonsense with dogs. The company is laying off employees, but they don’t want to compensate them and they still want to beat them? One-stop reporting on taxation and social security.

  The landlord is looking for trouble and won't refund the deposit? The house will be demolished for you. Want to start a business! Want to make money! I must overthrow the capital that once oppressed me, and the social beasts will never be slaves!
  (End of this chapter)

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