Chapter 71

the next day.

Lin Pingzhi led the white horse into Hengshan City, and saw people carrying knives and swords everywhere in the streets.

And he, a young and handsome young man in rich clothes, is particularly eye-catching when walking on the street. No matter men, women, old or young, they can't help but look at him more.

Lin Pingzhi found three inns in a row, but they were all full of guests because Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin.

Fortunately, money can make all the difference, and he still found a place to live near Huiyan Tower with a lot of money.

There were still three days before Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands, so Lin Pingzhi wandered around the city in his spare time, fearing that the Qingcheng faction would not find him.

Unexpectedly, no one from the Qingcheng faction came, but the eldest girl and the younger daughter-in-law received a lot of flirtatious looks.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

At noon, Lin Pingzhi climbed to the second floor of Huiyan Tower.

This is the most famous restaurant in Hengyang City. He is rich, so he will not treat himself badly.

As soon as he went upstairs, he immediately attracted the attention of many diners. He had become accustomed to it in the past few days and didn't care about it.

Only the pair of grandparents and grandchildren sitting in the corner made him take a second look.

The old man's beard and hair were half gray and half white. He looked ordinary but had a detached air about him, which gave Lin Pingzhi the inexplicable feeling that this man might be a hidden master.

Next to him sat a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. She was dressed in emerald green clothes and her skin was as white as snow. Her pretty face and eyebrows were picturesque, she was very delicate and cute.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi looking at her, the girl smiled sweetly at him.

Lin Pingzhi smiled back, and immediately found an empty table to sit down, and asked the waiter to order some local specialties.

He didn't know how to drink, but he wanted to try it but was afraid that the Qingcheng faction would get him drunk and cause trouble.

Halfway through the meal, the stairs suddenly creaked, and more than twenty Qingcheng disciples in green clothes and hemp shoes, with white cloths on their heads, filed in. Among them was the Ji Rentong from Changsha Branch of Fuwei Escort.

The three leading men have similar looks, and their brows also bear a resemblance to Yu Renyan. They are Yu Canghai's three sons, Yu Renyong, Yu Renxiao, and Yu Renyi.

"You are finally here." Lin Pingzhi put the chopsticks on his hands and reached out to hold the hilt of the sword.

"You little bastard named Lin, give back my father's life!" Yu Renyong, who was in his early twenties, pulled out his long sword and glared at Lin Pingzhi.

If looks could kill, then Lin Pingzhi must be dead now.

Lin Pingzhi said in surprise: "It turns out that Yu Chaozi still has a son! I thought that once Yu Renyan died, he would be extinct."

He looked at the person who came and suddenly said in a loud voice: "Looking at your height of seven feet and your extraordinary appearance, are you really the biological child of that old ghost Yu Canghai?"

"Looking for death." Yu Renyong stepped forward and swung his sword to strike.

Lin Pingzhi shouted: "Wait!"

Yu Renyong paused with his sword and said with a ferocious smile: "I want to beg for mercy, but it's too late!"

"Go out and fight, or I'll have to pay for anything you break." After Lin Pingzhi said that, he jumped directly from the second-floor window down the street.

"Chase!" Yu Renyong shouted and followed along with his two younger brothers.

The disciples of the Qingcheng Sect who were traveling with him also followed closely and went out through the window.

There was an uproar in the restaurant immediately.

Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin, and guests and friends from all over the world came to congratulate him.

At this time, most of the people sitting on the second floor of Yanlou were people from the martial arts world. They couldn't help but be shocked when they heard the news of Yu Canghai's death.

The leader of the Qingcheng Sect is dead!
  And it seemed that he died at the hands of a young man who didn't look like a weakling.

Everyone was surprised and dubious at the same time. They all got up and went downstairs, intending to take a look at the skill of the young man named Lin.

Only the grandfather and grandson were left sitting in their original positions without moving.

The girl tilted her head and asked, "Grandpa, is that Yu Canghai's martial arts very powerful?"

The old man said: "Yu Canghai is a master among the decent sect, and his martial arts skills should not be inferior to those of the masters of the Five Mountains Sword Sect."

"Isn't that young man taller just now? He's not much older than me, but he's so powerful?" The girl became curious and immediately pulled the old man to the window.

Pedestrians on the long street and vendors on both sides saw someone pointing swords at each other and immediately retreated. Only the martial arts people who had returned to Yanlou were left to watch nearby. "You little bastard, take your orders!" The rest of the men bravely raised their swords and pointed at Lin Pingzhi from a distance.

Yu Renxiao and Yu Renyi each led ten people, divided into two columns and charged forward.

  With a melodious sword chant, Lin Pingzhi suddenly disappeared on the spot. When onlookers saw him again, he was already in front of the Qingcheng disciples.

'Purple Qi Dong Lai' Pei Ran took action, and like lightning, he pierced Yu Renyi, who was at the front on the right, and Ji Rentong, who was behind him, into a string.

Then the sword of 'Sweeping the Demons' moved around, and the whole person rolled into the middle of two rows of enemies like a top.

Led by Yu Renxiao, four or five more people were immediately killed on the spot with their limbs flying. When the Qingcheng disciples behind saw this, they retreated decisively and dispersed.

Upstairs window.

The girl asked: "Grandpa, what kind of swordsmanship is this? It's so fast!"

The old man said in surprise: "It seems to be the evil-fighting sword technique of Fuwei Escort. Lin Yuantu was famous in the world with this sword technique in the past, but his reputation has been lost to Lin Zhennan's generation since his skills were passed down.

Unexpectedly, the Lin family has another wonderful talent!
  At his current age, he can be regarded as a rare young talent with such swordsmanship. "

In the time that the grandfather and grandson were saying these two words, Lin Pingzhi was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, killing the disciples of the Qingcheng Sect.

I saw his figure with an afterimage walking along with the sword, closely chasing a sword light and quickly wandering among the enemies. It seemed to be the "group evil and warding off Yi" in the sword technique of warding off evil.

chi chi chi...

Every time Lin Pingzhi passed someone, one of them would be hit by the sword and fall to the ground. In an instant, there were only six people left in the Qingcheng faction.

"Brother, what should I do?"

The disciples bravely defended the remaining people who were full of grief and anger in the middle, guarding the front, rear, left, and right, with fear on their faces, and the hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Pingzhi came at him again and used the "Flower to Bloom to See the Buddha" to circle around them. Then he saw the four outermost disciples falling to the ground one after another, their necks vaguely visible. A thin red trace of blood.

The onlookers couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They really didn't know how to resist such lightning-fast sword skills.

"You're the only one left." Lin Pingzhi's long sword pointed diagonally at the ground. The sword's blade was as bright as a puddle of autumn water, without a drop of blood staining it.

"Spare your life." Yu Renyong had lost the ferocious arrogance he had when he came, and fell to his knees with a thud. He kept kowtowing to Lin Pingzhi with a bang, and his head was red, swollen, and dripping with blood after hitting him three or two times.

When Lin Pingzhi saw this, he felt proud and proud from the bottom of his heart. At this point, he was finally worthy of the escorts in the escort agency who died in vain.

  Suddenly there was a strange noise behind Yu Renyong.

The girl who returned to the second floor of Yanlou shouted: "Be careful."

While Lin Pingzhi was in shock, a short arrow shot out from the collar of Yu Renyong, who was bending and kowtowing, and went straight to his throat.

This happened suddenly. Lin Pingzhi was so close to him that he was caught off guard. At the last moment, a copper coin dart was shot from a high place and hit the crossbow arrow with a "ding" sound.

It's just that the person who fired the dart was not very skilled and couldn't knock down the crossbow arrow completely. Then another copper coin came and knocked the crossbow arrow away completely.

"Despicable!" Lin Pingzhi was shocked and angry. When he saw Yu Renyong getting up and trying to escape, he slashed his neck with a backhand sword.

"Uh!" Yu Renyong covered his neck with unwillingness and fell to the ground dead.

Lin Pingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt a chill coming from his back. It turned out that he had been startled and broke into a cold sweat without realizing it.

He turned his head to look in the direction where the copper coins came from, and vaguely saw an emerald green figure turning away.

"My benefactor, please stay." Lin Pingzhi hurriedly flew upstairs, but in the blink of an eye, there was no one on the second floor. Recalling the pair of grandparents, he murmured: "They are indeed not ordinary people."

He had been taught by the court since he was a child that he must repay kindness, so he felt a little regretful that he could not express his gratitude in person.

Arriving on the first floor, Lin Pingzhi saw the shopkeeper frowning at the account book. After asking, he found out that it was because of what happened just now that many Jianghu people came downstairs to see the excitement and walked away without paying.

Lin Pingzhi realized that the incident was caused by him, felt deeply sorry, and immediately took out the money to settle the bill.

After leaving and going back to Yanlou, Lin Pingzhi paid someone to clean up the bodies of the Qingcheng Sect disciples. When he was wondering whether to go shopping again, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

Seeing that it was going to rain, Lin Pingzhi stopped thinking about it and turned around and walked towards his residence.

"Master Lin, please stay." Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Lin Pingzhi turned around and saw two tall young men coming side by side from the street. He thought they were from the Qingcheng Sect again, so he subconsciously raised his sword to protect his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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