Chapter 79 is up
  Fei Bin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a cold face: "Brother Yue, is it possible that your Huashan faction is also planning to defect to the imperial court?"

Yue Buqun shook his head and said: "Senior Brother Fei misunderstood, there is no such thing."

Fei Bin gritted his teeth and said: "Then why does Junior Brother Yan have such disregard for the reputation of our Five Mountains Sword Sect? Isn't this dog official insulting the Songshan Sect also insulting the Huashan Sect? The Five Mountains Sword Sect is a branch of the same spirit, sharing prosperity and disgrace. Isn't it just talk? Of?"

"I'll tell you why." Yan Bugui let go of Zhong Zhen's sword and explained: "Since Cheng Qianhu is my best friend, I naturally have no reason to sit back and do nothing.

Secondly, I am doing this for the sake of Senior Brother Zhong, for the good of Songshan Mountain and the Five Mountains Sword Sect. It is really a kind intention. "

"That's nonsense!" Zhong Zhen said: "Tell me how you did it for us?"

Yan Bugui said leisurely: "I wonder if Senior Brother Zhong has ever thought about it. Since ancient times, killing officials is like rebellion. Deputy Cheng Qianhu is also a fifth-rank official. What will be the consequences if you hurt her?"
  Once the imperial army pressed into Songshan Mountain, how many people could Senior Brother Zuo be able to kill, even if he was extremely skilled in martial arts? How many red cannons can he be able to block?

Senior Brother Fei also said just now that our Five Mountains Sword Sect is in the same spirit. By then, not only will the Songshan Sect be in danger, but our other four sects may also suffer.

So you think I should stop you, Senior Brother Zhong? And Senior Brother Fei, what do you think? "

Both of them looked stiff.

Yan Bugui coughed lightly, turned to face Cheng Jingjing and said, "Cheng Qianhu, I, Senior Brother Zhong, was disrespectful to you because of his impatience. If he didn't mean to harm others, please have a lot of it and don't argue with him."

Cheng Jingjing remained silent, with a look of embarrassment on her face, and then sighed: "That's fine! As long as he can sincerely admit his mistake, I will pretend that what just happened never happened, how about that?"

Yan Bugui said helplessly: "Senior Brother Zhong, I have tried my best. The matter has come to this, look at this..."

Zhong Zhen looked at the two people singing and singing, his chest rising and falling, and his teeth were about to break with hatred. He cursed in his heart: 'These two bitches are obviously playing tricks on me! ’

However, the power is stronger than the people, and what Yan Bugui said is not completely unreasonable. The person here now is the Jin Yiwei, not the stupid official named Zhang before.

As the saying goes, Taoists do not fight with officials. Zhong Zhen looked at the five eunuchs who were giving him crazy winks and gesturing for him to apologize, and his heart almost exploded with frustration.

But after all, he did not dare to be the eternal sinner who destroyed the family and the sect, so he immediately changed his mind, knelt down on one knee, bowed and saluted with fists in his hands.

"Zhong Zhen was confused for a moment and offended Mr. Qianhu. Please forgive me."

"Forget it." Cheng Jingjing reluctantly said, "You are lucky to have Master Yan interceding for you today. For his sake, I won't do it next time."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Yan." Zhong Zhen was so ashamed and angry that his right hand, which he cupped his fist in salute with hatred in his heart, directly dug into the palm of his hand.

Yan Bugui reached out and helped him up: "My brother, you're welcome. Please get up quickly."

"Hero Ding of the Songshan sect." Cheng Jingjing put her hands behind her back and turned her eyes to Ding Mian: "Looking at the flag in your hand, you should be the leader this time. Do you have anything else to say about General Liu?"

"Since there are thousands of adults as guarantees, the Songshan sect has nothing to say." Ding Mian said expressionlessly: "I only hope that General Liu can treat the people well in the future and benefit the whole country. Otherwise, we, the Songshan sect, will do our best to exterminate all the families in order to serve the people." Get rid of harm.”

After he finished speaking, he turned to Yue Buqun, clasped his fists and said, "Please also ask the beloved disciples of Senior Brother Yue to raise their noble hands and let my Songshan disciple go."

"It's easy to say." Yue Buqun nodded and said to Danian: "I'll ask my nephew to pass on my disciples on my behalf, so that they can send out all the brothers from the Songshan Sect."

"Disciple, I obey." When Xiang Danian saw that his mentor's life was finally saved, his face beamed with joy and he ran to the back hall with great joy.


The Songshan disciples who had their acupoints tapped in the backyard walked out of the back hall holding dozens of "blood gourds" in different costumes.

The Huashan disciples followed closely behind, but they were all healthy and unscathed.

The martial arts heroes couldn't help but stare.

Unexpectedly, the martial arts of the juniors of the Huashan Sect were so good. Only a few people defeated dozens of disciples of the Songshan Sect.

When the dust settled, the Songshan Sect left in disgrace, completely losing the arrogance they had when they came.

The heroes secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that what they saw and heard in the Liu Mansion today was full of twists and turns, and it was simply more exciting than singing an opera. Liu Zhengfeng came to Cheng Jingjing, bowed and said: "Master Qianhu, thank you for saving me. If you have time, please stay for a glass of water and wine so that Liu can express his gratitude."

"No need." Cheng Jingjing shook her head: "If I can't stay for a long time due to official duties, I won't disturb General Liu."

Yan Bugui said: "Third brother, please continue to entertain everyone, I will escort Jingjing out of the house for you."

When Liu Zhengfeng heard him calling the other party by her first name, he knew that the two of them had a close relationship, so he no longer forced him to stay. He nodded and said, "Then there is brother Lao Xian."

The two walked side by side.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "The official fortune is prosperous, and there are thousands of households in Chengdu."

The ice and snow on Cheng Jingjing's face melted, and she rolled her eyes at him: "That's an honor. I can't compare with you, Hero Yan. Even if I become the commander of the Imperial Guard, I still can't compare to your little finger."

"when are you leaving?"

"In a while, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the capital."

"It's so urgent, can we do it later?"

"Do you have anything else?"

"I asked you to come all the way from the capital to help. You should let me buy you a drink and thank you properly. If you don't drink other people's wine, why don't you drink mine?"

"Okay! That little girl would rather be respectful than obey."

"I'll go find you after I finish handling the affairs of the Liu Mansion. See you there or not."

"See you soon."

The guests of Liu Mansion left one after another.

Since Liu Zhengfeng admitted that he knew Qu Yang, no one could drink the wine no matter what.

When Yan Bugui returned, Yue Buqun, Taoist Master Tianmen and Master Dingyi were also bidding farewell to Liu Zhengfeng.

If it hadn't been for Qu Yang, we would have been good friends even if we were from the same school. But now, even if we meet again in the future, we will only see each other as strangers.

After Yan Bugui entered the house, he explained to Yue Buqun and asked them to return to Huashan first, and then pursue them after he went to the appointment.

After the members of the Huashan, Taishan, and Beiyue Hengshan sects left, Liu Zhengfeng asked his disciples to go to the study and take out a brocade box and hand it to Yan Bugui.

"Brother Xian, you came back just in time. The song "Swordsman" in it was created by me and my brother Qu Yang, who have spent our entire lives together.

Brother Yu, I wish you can find a close friend soon and play this song with you. "

"Thank you, third brother." Yan Bugui accepted the brocade box and asked, "How do you plan to deal with the matter with Qu Yang?"

Liu Zhengfeng paused and said sadly: "I have decided that after today, I will never see Brother Qu Yang again.

You and your brother-in-law want to protect my wife, children, and children today even if you offend the Songshan sect. Liu is not a ruthless person, how can you waste all your efforts in vain. "

Yan Bugui nodded: "That's good, so that the Songshan Sect will not take the opportunity to cause trouble in the future."

increasingly westward.

Liu Zhengfeng sent Yan Bugui out of the house and watched him ride away until he completely disappeared from sight.

"My dear brother, I cherish you. Today we say goodbye. From now on, he will be born in a dream and look up to the end of the world to share the moonlight."

(End of this chapter)

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