Chapter 82 Rumors

Junji Zen Temple.

  A fine tea bowl was thrown to the ground, and the tea leaves and tea were shattered and scattered in all directions.

Zuo Lengchan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he shouted: "What the hell is going on?!"

Ding Mian looked sad: "We waited a long time for Junior Brother Zhong and the three of them not to come back. By the time we found them, they were already dead."

Zuo Lengchan said bitterly: "Did Yan Bugui do it? No one in Hengshan City has this ability except him."

"We thought so at the beginning, but..." Lu Bai hesitated: "After we checked the bodies of the three junior brothers, we found that they died under Songshan's sword technique."

"What did you say?" Zuo Lengchan stood up suddenly, shocked and angry.

Fei Bin said: "Junior Brother Zhong died in the 'Eternal Dragon', Junior Brother Teng died in the 'Open the Door', and Junior Brother Gao died in the 'Wanyue Chaozong'. It is indeed our swordsmanship."

Ding Mian said: "Furthermore, judging from the position and angle of the middle sword, the murderer's swordsmanship is extremely pure and sophisticated. Without more than ten years of hard work, he will definitely not be able to reach this level."

"Did we guess wrong?" Zuo Lengchan frowned: "No, this person is skilled in swordsmanship and it is not difficult to achieve this. Is there any other clue besides Yan Bugui?"

Lu Baidao: "According to the investigation by my disciples, Lin Pingzhi, the young dart boy of Fuwei Escort Company, left Hengshan City around the time when his junior brothers were killed.

But with Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, there was no way he could be a match for Junior Brother Zhong and the others, and he would never be able to master Songshan's swordsmanship. "

Zuo Lengchan asked: "Where is Lin Pingzhi now?"

Ding Mian said: "He and Yan Bugui are at the home of his grandfather Wang Yuanba in Luoyang. It is said that Lin Pingzhi has worshiped Yan Bugui as his disciple."

Zuo Lengchan took a deep breath and suppressed his anger: "This matter must have something to do with them. Remember this account first, and then settle it later."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a gloomy face: "Spread the news and say that Yan Bugui accepted Lin Pingzhi as his disciple in order to obtain the Lin family's evil sword manual."

Ding Mian and three others bowed to accept the order.


Half a month later, at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

Yan Bugui fostered Heifeng and Lin Pingzhi's white horse in the farmer's home.

It’s not considered a farmhouse anymore.

Yan Bugui used someone else's house as a stable, so he had to pay rent. He spent a lot of money and accumulated money over the years, making the family very wealthy.

Walking slowly up the mountain, Lin Pingzhi had a trace of melancholy on his brows.

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "What's the matter, are you still thinking about Feifei?"

"No, no." Lin Pingzhijun's face turned red, obviously he was told something that was on his mind.

"Look at your insincere words." Yan Bugui rolled his eyes at him: "That girl is indeed good-looking and smart. If you like her, you will like her. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Lin Pingzhi said in shock: "She is so much younger than me."

"There is always time to grow up." Yan Bugui said indifferently: "When the Beixia couple Guo Jing and Huang Rong first met hundreds of years ago, they were about the same age as you two are now."

"It's a pity that she is from the Demon Cult. Although I don't care about this, after all, there is a difference between good and evil." Lin Pingzhi said with emotion: "That day when Mr. Liu Sanye washed his hands in the golden basin, if it hadn't been for you and the head master's generous help, I'm afraid that Everyone has been wiped out.

I can't harm my family for my own selfish reasons, let alone insult Huashan and Master's family tradition. "

"It's good that you have such self-consciousness." Yan Bugui smiled with satisfaction: "But these are all false. Liu Sanye almost suffered a disaster not because he met Qu Yang, but because he was not strong enough."

He straightened his back and said with great pride: "If it were your master and me, if the leader of the Demon Cult was a woman, even if I married her, no one would dare to say anything."

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded when he heard this. It was agreed that good and evil are not mutually exclusive.

"So, work hard, young man." Yan Bugui patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: "Fists are the last word. Go back and practice hard, and you will be able to marry Fei Fei home openly in the future.

Or when we finish the Songshan Sect, Master can accept another disciple for you. "

Lin Pingzhi suddenly came to his senses and nodded subconsciously: "Thank you, Master."

The mountain road gradually became steeper, and the master and the apprentice each used their light skills to reach the top of Jade Girl Peak.

Lin Ping's movement is as fast as the wind, and he is agile and elegant in his rise and fall.

Yan Bugui clasped his hands behind his back and didn't see any movement. His feet were walking along the road as if on flat ground. No matter how fast Lin Pingzhi used his power, he was always one step behind him. But he said that after he killed the three great eunuchs of Songshan that day, Qu Yang was already dying.

The two swords of Zhong Zhen and Gao Kexin severely damaged his internal organs, and he bled so much that the medicine was ineffective.

Before his death, Qu Yang begged Lin Pingzhi to help him deliver Qu Feiyan to Green Bamboo Lane in Luoyang City.

Lin Pingzhi thought about the life-saving grace of returning to Yan Downstairs, and his grandfather's house happened to be in Luoyang, so he could visit his parents on the way, so he agreed.

Since Yan Bugui saved Qu Feiyan, he agreed to it.

In order to deceive others, he asked Qu Feiyan to dress up as a man on the way. Although they were walking on the same road, they never exchanged a word with each other, and the distance was always kept five feet away. Finally, they arrived in Luoyang City smoothly.

No one else knew who the people in Green Bamboo Lane were, but he knew it clearly.

Ren Yingying, the holy aunt of the demon sect, had extraordinary piano skills, which she probably learned from Qu Yang. With this relationship, Qu Feiyan would be safe from then on.

Speaking of which, Ren Yingying was supposed to be Linghu Chong's daughter-in-law, but now it's going to be ruined, and the two will even become sworn enemies in the future.

Therefore, Yan Bugui and Lin Pingzhi only sent Qu Feiyan to the entrance of the alley and did not go to see Ren Yingying.

If you become friends with her, you will be in trouble if you are reluctant to kill her in the future.


When Yan Bugui returned to the mountain, Yue Buqun, his wife, Linghu Chong and other direct disciples gathered here.

Ning Zhong asked with a smile: "You took so long to come back this time. What treasures did you collect again?"

"Na!" Yan Bugui pointed at Lin Pingzhi: "My dear, I have brought you a nephew. Come, Pingzhi pays homage to your aunt."

Lin Pingzhi came to the hall, knelt down and kowtowed respectfully: "Disciple Lin Pingzhi, please see my aunt."

"Good boy, get up quickly. When you arrive at Huashan, you will feel like home." Ning Zhong stepped forward to help him up and nodded with satisfaction: "He is indeed a talented person. He looks like your master's apprentice. He looks so good." So handsome."

Linghu Chong smiled and said, "Junior brother Lin is not only handsome, but he is also very handsome in martial arts."

"I've also heard about Mu Gaofeng." Ning Zhong looked at Yan Bugui and complained, "You hid it from us so hard, yet you managed to train such a good disciple without saying a word."

"It's just a coincidence." Yan Bugui shrugged: "When I came back from the Sword Forging Valley... Mr. Lin, the bodyguard, was probably focused on running the business of the bodyguard bureau, or he no longer knew that martial arts in the world were constantly changing, and that various schools had different levels of cultivation. Something good.

Pingzhi is a good material, so I couldn't help but teach him some internal skills and light skills. What he has achieved today is all the result of his own efforts and has little to do with your junior brother and me. "

He said it tactfully, but everyone present understood it after hearing it.

Lin Zhennan was ignorant, and if Yan did not return, Lin Pingzhi's pearl would be covered in dust, so he kindly intervened and taught on his behalf.

Lin Pingzhi also smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"Ahem!" Yue Buqun cleared his throat and asked, "Have you heard the news on the road?"

"What's the news?" Yan Bugui asked confused: "My horse is very fast, and I rarely stop on the road. What happened?"

Yue Buqun said: "There are rumors in the world now that you accepted Ping Zhi as a disciple in order to obtain the Lin family's evil sword manual."

"This is unreasonable!" Lin Pingzhi was furious: "My family's evil-fighting swordsmanship does have a secret, but it's all thanks to the skills taught to me by my master. Who can be so shameless and spit blood here?"

As soon as he said this, Linghu Chong and others suddenly laughed.

Lin Pingzhi said blankly: "What's wrong? Brothers and sisters, did I say something wrong?"

"Junior brother, there is no need to be angry." Yue Lingshan laughed: "Big Brother said that this news must have come from the Songshan Sect, but they were busy in vain."

Lin Pingzhi asked in surprise: "Why?"

Yue Lingshan came to Yan Bugui's side and raised her head proudly: "Because everyone said that Master's martial arts is the best in the world, so there is no need to steal your family's sword manual. Although there are rumors, no one believes it. "

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Well said!"

He suddenly understood what his master said at the foot of the mountain.

After everyone talked and laughed, Yan Bugui led Lin Pingzhi to the ancestral hall, where he was admitted.

After all, Lin Pingzhi was the eldest disciple of the Yan Clan. However, he did not have the apprenticeship ceremony back then, and now he could only settle down as the second child under Yue Lingshan.

(End of this chapter)

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