Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 88 This Binbin is so mean

Chapter 88 This Binbin is so mean

As the saying goes, "Once a teacher, always a father." For a long time, the relationship between master and disciple has been the same as that between father and son.

Yan Bugui's answer exceeded everyone's expectations and could be said to completely violate the rules of etiquette.

Everyone present was shocked when they heard this.

Their mood at this moment was probably similar to that of the martial arts heroes who heard that Yang Guo wanted to marry Xiao Longnu at the Dashengguan Heroes Conference hundreds of years ago.

People from Songshan Mountain, Taishan Mountain, Nanyue Hengshan Mountain and Jianzong cast undisguised looks of disdain on Yan Bugui.

"Junior brother." Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong looked moved, feeling touched and worried at the same time.

Once Yan Bugui said these words, he was afraid that his reputation in the martial arts world would be ruined in the future.

"You, you, you..." Feng Buping was furious, pointing at Yan Bugui with trembling fingers and a trembling voice: "How dare you say such rebellious and ungrateful words?"

Yan Bugui's expression remained as usual, not caring about the looks of everyone: "Jian Zong only took me in for three days, but Qi Zong raised me for twenty-five years. My abilities are also from Qi Zong.

I don’t think Jian Zong is ungrateful. If I listen to you and abandon Qi Zong, wouldn’t it be ungrateful? "

He chuckled: "The results are the same on both sides, so why should I choose you instead of them? Senior Brother Feng, are we familiar?"

Feng Buping said angrily: "You, you are using strong words to make excuses."

Yan Bugui said calmly: "It's just that you forgot me in Huashan back then. Isn't it too late to say this now?"

"That's right!" Ning Zhongze stepped to his side and glared at the three Jianzong people with a frosty face: "Since you knew that my junior brother was on the mountain, why didn't you come back to pick him up?"

Cheng Buyou's short body suddenly jumped out: "You Qi Sect people are insidious and vicious. How can my little junior brother survive if he is left alone on the mountain? We only know that he has been killed by you a long time ago."

"I think you are the one using strong words." Ning Zhongze said righteously: "Did you only know today that our junior brother is in Huashan? He became famous when he defeated Dongfang Sheng when he was sixteen years old. Why didn't you come to him?

When he was eighteen years old, he wiped out countless Japanese pirates along the coast and shocked the martial arts world. Why don't you come to see him? Later, he killed Fanbang Khan at the border and became famous all over the world. Why don't you come to him? "

"I..." Cheng Buyou was speechless and annoyed by her four questions.

Cong Buqi snorted coldly: "Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. He has followed your Qi Sect for more than ten years, and I am afraid that he has already entered the devil's path.

It turned out to be true when I saw him today. It must have been his greed for life and fear of death that made him switch to your Qi Sect. If you don't recognize him, then you won't recognize him. He is not worthy of being a disciple of the Sword Sect, and I am ashamed to be associated with such a person. "

Yue Buqun walked out slowly and said sternly: "Brother Cong, I dare to ask Yue, if you didn't have the support of all the Jianghu comrades here today, would you dare to go to Huashan?"

In order to protect the people at the border, my junior brother sacrificed his life on the battlefield and then achieved the unparalleled feat of capturing the king in front of the battle line. These four words, greed for life and fear of death, I will return them intact on his behalf. "

"I don't want to have any more verbal disputes with you." Feng Buping said confidently: "Gong is merit, fault is fault, and the future will be decided by the world."

He looked at Yan Bugui and asked solemnly: "Junior brother, are you really so heartless that you don't care about our friendship?"

Yan Bugui said: "Don't miss it."

Lu Lianrong suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha! You are such a ruthless and shameless villain who has betrayed his ancestors. I wonder how you can have the dignity to call yourself a hero in the future."

"Shut up!" Niu Kaishan yelled with an angry face: "You yellow-eyed toad, I have tolerated you for a long time."

Lu Lianrong was born with a pair of yellow eyes, which looked like he had jaundice, so he got the nickname "Golden Eyed Eagle"

But everyone has also seen that he is a foul-mouthed person who has never been liked by his colleagues, so behind his back everyone calls him the "Golden-Eyed Crow".

As time went by, this nickname came to his ears, but there was nothing he could do if people didn't call him that in person.

Niu Kaishan's "yellow-eyed toad" was like a red-hot iron rod, stabbing hard at his long-healed wound.

"You are looking for death!" Lu Lianrong became angry with shame, angrily drew his sword and stabbed Niu Kaishan's heart.


The sword light flashed as fast as lightning.

Ding Mian and others nodded secretly and said to themselves: "Although Lu Lianrong's character is not good, his swordsmanship is not bad. The Niu man didn't react at all, and he was afraid that his life would be in danger." ’


The tip of the sword fell on Niu Kaishan's chest and stopped abruptly, making a sound of metal collision.

Lu Lianrong planned to make a transparent hole in him with this sword, but unexpectedly the opponent's body was as hard as iron stone. Instead, the shock made his jaw go numb and he almost lost his sword.

"Golden Bell?!" Lu Lianrong was shocked and angry. Knowing that he had been careless and underestimated the enemy, he decisively used one of the three unique skills of the Nanyue Hengshan School, the 'Thirteen Styles of Thousand Changes of Clouds and Mist'.

He unfolded his footwork, and with a tremble of his hands, the long sword surrounded Niu Kaishan, creating countless intertwined sword shadows, covering the opponent's large acupoints with the intention of breaking through his shield. In an instant, he had stabbed more than twenty swords in a row.

But how could he know that Niu Kaishan's gate was on the Juquan Point.

This acupoint is located at the base of the tongue. As long as Niu Kaishan doesn't open his mouth to speak, even if he finds it, he won't be able to start.


The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed in the Zhengqi Hall. Niu Kaishan was as steady as a mountain. Ignoring the dreamlike sword moves in front of him, the machete struck out brazenly and struck Lu Lianrong head-on with the sound of a tiger and a tiger.

After more than ten years of hard training, he has successfully mastered the Golden Bell Mask to the sixth level.

Relying on the healing techniques that Yan Bugui passed down to him, his skills are even better than those of Yan Baihu, the former head of Wohu Village, and he is now the well-deserved number one master of the Ping An Escort Agency. ˆˆ˜dang~

Lu Lianrong parried with his sword, and the swords clashed. He was suddenly shaken by a strong and vigorous internal energy and staggered backwards.

Niu Kaishan advanced forward, slashing and slashing left and right one after another. The simple and unsophisticated sword technique was powerful and heavy.


After three consecutive strikes, the long sword in Lu Lianrong's hand broke suddenly, and the flaw between his chest and abdomen was exposed in shock.

Niu Kaishan flew up and kicked his right foot violently. With a "bang", Lu Lianrong screamed and flew backwards out of the Zhengqi Hall.

"Master!" Hengshan disciples hurried away.

When they came outside the hall, they saw Lu Lianrong lying on the ground, vomiting blood continuously in his mouth. Upon examination, it was found that his ribs were almost completely broken.

He is old, and even if he has improved his health, he will not be as good as before. It can be said that most of his martial arts skills are useless.

"Master, just wait, we will avenge you right away." The disciples of Hengshan were filled with indignation.

"Ahem, don't, don't go, let's go!" Lu Lianrong knew that he was defeated so easily by a stinky escort, and the people inside must be laughing at him openly or secretly.

He is very narrow-minded, but also has a strong self-esteem. He can't stand being looked down upon by others, so he simply stays out of sight and out of mind.

"Disciple, obey."

The disciples of Hengshan did not dare to disobey the master's orders, so they immediately carried Lu Lianrong down the mountain in a dejected manner, which was extremely embarrassing.

Everyone in the Zhengqi Hall was surprised.

I didn’t expect that a mere escort leader could be so skilled in martial arts!

"That's unreasonable!" Taishan Sect Yu Jizi slapped the table: "Master Yue, this person openly insulted my fellow Five Mountains disciples in Huashan, don't you care?"

Yue Buqun cupped his hands and said, "Although Brother Niu was a bit harsh, there was a reason for everything, so I can't blame him entirely. Speaking of blatant bullying, Taoist priest is serious."

Ning Zhong snorted coldly: "Who told him to speak uncontrollably and speak rudely? He can't blame others for being beaten."

Yujizi's face darkened: "Mrs. Yue is so majestic!"

Ning Zhong had already seen that they were the same, and he had no respect in his heart. He raised the lady's sword in his left hand and said, "Ning Zhong has always been like this. If one thing is right, say one thing, and if there is another thing, say two things. If the Taoist Master is not convinced, he can give you some advice."

"Okay! The old Taoist is here to learn from Madam Yue's clever tricks." Seeing how disrespectful she was, Yu Jizi couldn't help but draw his sword and rush out from his seat.

The swords commonly used by the Taishan Sect are shorter, with a wider blade, much thicker than ordinary swords, and are powerful and heavy when struck.


The lady's sword was not half unsheathed and she parried horizontally. Ning Zhong blocked Yu Jizi's heavy blow with only one hand.

She has practiced Changchun Gong diligently for fourteen years, and in recent years she has also practiced the Yi Jin and Bone Forging chapter. Her internal energy is extremely pure and strong.

Yujizi was shocked, and was immediately deflected by Ning Zhongze's circle sword, causing the middle door to open wide.

Ning Zhong activated his right hand with real power, and the lady sword shot out from the sheath, slamming the hilt into the opponent's chest.

While Yu Jizi retreated, he turned around and stabbed Ning Zhongze's left shoulder with the "Blue Sky and Dark Clouds" move. However, Ning Zhongze suppressed his sword and slashed towards his neck.

He hurriedly made an iron bridge and leaned back to avoid it, then kicked off his right foot and retreated violently behind him.

Ning Zhong chased after him, while Yu Jizi stood firm and stabbed out with "High Mountain Crossing the Sky". This move was extremely fast, but Ning Zhongze was faster than him. He was struck by the scabbard of the Lady Sword in the spine of the sword after only half a move.


The long sword shook violently, and Yu Jizi could hardly hold it, and a turmoil arose in her heart.

Ning Zhongze has been away from the world in recent years, but he never expected to develop such superb internal skills and swordsmanship.

‘Looks like I can’t do it without a trick. ’

Swish swish swish!

Yu Jizi took a deep breath and stabbed five swords in succession in an instant, seizing Ning Zhongze's eyes, throat and arms. Every sword strike was deliberate. It was the Taishan School's unique skill "Five Master Swords".

This swordsmanship is simple and clumsy, with hidden wonders in its changes. It is an extremely superior martial art.

But Ning Zhong had already seen the sword moves of various sects in the Five Mountains in Siguoya Secret Cave, and he knew both the flaws of the sword moves and the methods to break them.

The lady's sword was still not out of its scabbard. She just casually made a gesture of "You Feng Lai Yi". With five crisp sounds of "ding ding ding ding ding", she had completely broken through the five swords of the masters, and the tyrannical inner strength on the sheath was even more obvious. Yujizi's right arm.

With a "clang" sound, Yujizi's long sword fell to the ground, and his face turned blue and white, looking extremely ugly.

Ning Zhong stood erect and slowly sheathed his sword: "I accept it, Taoist Priest."

"Huh!" Yu Jizi couldn't say anything, turned around and sat back angrily.

 After changing Fei Bin's role, we can't change the title, so we have to do this.



(End of this chapter)

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