The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 14 One thought of life and death

14 - One thought of life and death

Li Chaofeng and Jiang Biehe glanced at Hu Tiehua, causing Hu Tiehua to notice the strange atmosphere in the field. After a brief thought, she immediately understood the whole story.

He was regarded as the final savior by Jiang Qin.

Of course he was reluctant to save Jiang Qin, but that was the magical power of marriage.

As long as the person standing next to you is an old bug or a dead rooster, you can definitely deceive him.

It's a pity that the little chef God only met him once, and he didn't even tell her his name, so there was no trust between the two parties.

He sighed and was about to shake his head in refusal when Jiang Biehe hurriedly interrupted.

"I can write you the magical skill of wedding clothes first, and my only request is that you can let me return to my hometown. As long as you can let me return home alive, I will also have a huge benefit to give you. This benefit Definitely not under the magic power of wedding clothes."

Hu Tiehua suddenly became curious when she heard that there were actually better benefits than the magical power of wedding clothes in the world. She looked at Li Chaofeng's wary face, but did not remain silent.

Hu Tiehua was curious: "Oh, I haven't heard of the benefits that can't even be compared to the magical power of wedding clothes. Lao Hu, let me tell you about it."

"Cough, cough."

Jiang Biehe coughed twice at this time. He suddenly felt that the knife on his forehead had become loose. For a moment, he was too frightened to move anymore.

Li Chaofeng was naturally considering whether he should take back the Five-Insect Sword now and let Jiang Biehe die here.

He knows people but not their hearts. Although this rude man came here to save himself, who knows if he has other thoughts in his heart.


He had heard of a hero named Hu in the Gu Long World, and he had some traits that matched the characteristics of the reckless man in front of him.

But, is he really Hu Tiehua?
  As the coughing ended, Jiang Biehe looked at Li Chaofeng in front of him and smiled proudly, and finally spoke.

"Of course it's on the tiger's head. Cough. Hmm."

When Jiang Biehe finished speaking, he paused quickly.

This time he clearly felt that the dagger on his forehead was vibrating slowly, still moving towards Li Chaofeng's body.

Although he couldn't tell it from the outside, after he felt it carefully, he was sure that the knife was moving in the direction of Li Chaofeng.

If it weren't for the short knife being held down by him, he would have died.

Swallowing his saliva, Jiang Biehe turned his head slightly and looked at the tiger corpse beneath him.

A huge hole appeared on the tiger's head, but a dagger exactly like the one on his head should have been inserted in that position.

Not two daggers, but one dagger?
  So, Li Chaofeng's dagger can be controlled remotely?
  Therefore, the reason why the short knife was inserted into the tiger's head in the first place was to tell himself that he had no weapons.

But now, Li Chaofeng only needs a thought to want him to die.

Seeing the subtle smile on Li Chaofeng's lips, Jiang Biehe knew that he had guessed correctly.

The short knife on his head was more magical than he expected.

Li Chaofeng has always been in control of his life and death!
  What a magical knife.

Jiang Biehe knew that his life and death now depended on the other person's thoughts, so he was no longer anxious. He just looked at Li Chaofeng, waiting for what the other party wanted to do.

His original plan was to write the "Revised Edition of the Magical Art of Wedding Clothes" first, and then tell the man how sharp Li Chaofeng's dagger was. If he wanted to get the dagger, the man might kill Li Chaofeng and get the sword.

Even if he is going to die, he still wants revenge.

As for whether he will really die in the end, it depends on how obsessed the man is with the magic of wedding clothes.

Jiang Biehe was not in the habit of carrying genuine martial arts secrets with him.

But when Jiang Biehe came up with this plan, he thought that Li Chaofeng had two knives. The knife on the tiger's head was enough to make the man happy for a while.

But now Jiang Biehe needs to think of a way to tell the man that the short knife on his head is a sacred weapon.

He wants Li Chaofeng dead! ! ! And the result was indeed what he expected. Not only the mangy man was very curious about the magical power of wedding clothes, but Li Chaofeng was also curious.

Li Chaofeng smiled at the man and said, "Since he wants to write the magical skill of wedding clothes first, should Hu Daxia first check whether it is true or not, and then decide whether to fight with me?"

When Hu Tiehua heard this, she felt anxious. He was yearning for the magical power of wedding clothes. It would be great if he could see a corner of the half-scale.

But he was a little unwilling to make the young man in front of him feel bad about him for a martial arts secret book that he might not be able to use.

This young man didn't intend to use the magical power of marriage from the beginning. He just wanted to kill Jiang Qin, and then he didn't want to bear the reputation of killing Jiang Qin.

A good reputation in the world is actually of little use if it cannot be exchanged for money.

"never mind."

Just when Hu Tiehua was about to refuse, Jiang Biehe had already looked around.

"Brother Li should have brought pen and paper, right?"

Li Chaofeng smiled. Jiang Biehe was indeed very smart and nodded in confirmation.

"Of course, after all, I've always wanted you to write something."

Jiang Biehe no longer had the desire to live in his heart at this time, because if he said the wrong thing now, he would die, but he was a lot more open-minded and laughed at himself.

"Oh, what are you writing, a confession?"

Li Chaofeng was stunned for a moment when he heard the three words of the confession. He had never expected Jiang Biehe to admit his guilt, but after a change of heart, he narrowed his eyes and asked uncertainly.

"Can you write?"

Jiang Biehe smiled. The destined death made him choose to forget the fear of death.

Because he remembered Li Chaofeng's attitude towards him all the time, he never believed in himself.

"Brother Li wants me to write it. I can write a whole book, but I'm afraid this Hero Hu can't wait any longer."

Li Chaofeng's eyes turned to Hu Tiehua, because in his heart, Jiang Biehe's confession was much more valuable than the magical power of marriage.

No, to be precise, anything written by Jiang Biehe is worthless. The only benefit it can get is to exchange it from Yan Nantian for the real magic power of wedding clothes.

Everyone in the world thought that Yan Nantian had died in the Valley of the Wicked, but Li Chaofeng knew that Yan Nantian was not dead, he just hadn't come back to life yet.

Since he is not dead, he has a "Magic for Wedding Clothes" that can prove that Jiang Qin died in his own hands. Can Li Chaofeng get the real "Magic for Wedding Clothes" from Yan Nantian?

Yan Nantian didn't think much about the secrets of magic skills. He passed the magic sword skills to Lu Zhongyuan and the wedding dress magic skills to Yulang Jiang Feng. He really didn't care much about whether the magic skills secrets were unique to him.

This is also the reason why Jiang Biehe has not been killed by Li Chaofeng until now.

But the reckless man in front of him disrupted Li Chaofeng's plan. Just when he was still trying to persuade him, Hu Tiehua answered Jiang Qin's question with a smile.

"Of course I can wait!"

"Jiang Qin's confession is enough to console Yan Daxia's soul in heaven. Not to mention the magical power of marriage, even all the magical powers in the world are in his mind. I can afford it."

Hu Tiehua's resolute tone made Jiang Biehe, who lived by deceit, feel dizzy.

Li Chaofeng stared at this bold and brave man for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing, his tone staccato.

"Are you sure that this guy is already dying? He may not be able to survive until he can finish writing his confession. By then... the magic power of wedding clothes will be completely gone."

Hu Tiehua also laughed heartily: "If it's gone, it's gone. I'm just curious about how magical the wedding dress magic skill known as the Zen Martial Arts is, but I don't have to see it!"

"But Jiang Qin's confession must be read. If you don't read it, you won't feel the anger in Ping's heart!"

After saying this, Hu Tiehua looked at Jiang Biehe who fell to the ground with wide eyes and a proud face.

"Hurry up and write it. I may not be able to tell the truth from the false marriage magic, but I can tell the truth from your confession!"

(End of this chapter)

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