Chapter 20 A Day of Killing

In the forest, about fifty second- and third-rate masters glanced around nervously. They divided into several waves and shuttled back and forth in the forest. They kept holding their weapons to chop down the dead branches and thorns in front of them, and forcefully drove out. There are five or six passages that can carry two or three people.

The originally dense thorn bushes were opened up into a clearing by their persistent chopping, and above the clearing, Hua Ruyu and Xing Xuan held up their respective weapons and scanned the whole place.

They did not hold knives to clear the way, but were just waiting for a possible fight.

As the road was completely opened, the congregation also found the bodies of the ten people just now. Hua Ruyu picked up an iron whip broken into two sections on the ground and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Li Chaofeng's knife is not only hard, but also very sharp.

As the leader of the Qinglong Club, Hua Ruyu is very smart, so he knows that the assassin's strongest attack is always his first attack. As long as he blocks it, the assassin will become very weak.

And the fact was exactly what he thought. Facing a turtle formation, Li Chaofeng, lying with his head up in a thorn bush, felt very uncomfortable.

Only two of the ten people just now were first-class, and the others were only second- or third-class. Although Li Chaofeng's internal strength was not strong, he was still capable of close combat. He killed the most powerful person in the crowd with just one blow.

Then, relying on his strong perception, he walked back and forth to avoid the siege of three or two people, and disappeared into the jungle.

Appeared, disappeared, appeared again, disappeared again, and finally won.

But he really didn't expect that this group of people could be so stubborn. Fifty or sixty people directly chopped down the dense jungle like a broad road. Now that he took action, he was immediately besieged by everyone.

He had encountered enemies on at most three sides just now, and with Li Chaofeng's perception, he could avoid them in the fourth direction.

And fifty or sixty. So he started pumping his lungs out and taunting as loud as he could.

"Are you helping the Qinglong Society to open a Xuanwu branch?"

The sound was so loud that it kept echoing in the forest. No matter how clear their ears and eyes were, they could not detect where Li Chaofeng was.

When Hua Ruyu heard this, she was also stunned. After scanning around, she also laughed loudly.

"Your Majesty is so secretive. I don't want any of my subordinates to die in front of someone who must die."

Hua Ruyu said it openly, and the surrounding Qinglong Club members took it as a matter of course.

Members of the Qinglong Club have never been good-looking people. They just need the majesty of the Qinglong Club to avoid more trouble or use less strength when doing work.

Rather than worrying about losing face, Hua Ruyu was more worried that the headquarters would punish him for causing losses due to his unauthorized actions.

Li Chaofeng's voice sounded again in the forest.

"Facing a large formation of fifty or sixty people, if I showed up directly, I would be called a fool instead of a dead person."

"So, goodbye in the world!"

There was a distant sound of a horse neighing on the official road in the distance, Hua Ruyu's face darkened, and she growled with gritted teeth.

"That kid wants to run, chase him."

Everyone began to rush towards the outside of the forest, and the formation began to be dispersed. When the group of people with the best light skills ran to the official road, they saw that the horse tied to the tree by Li Chaofeng was still tied in place.

Hua Ruyu and Xing Xuan quickly turned to look behind them, only to find that five or six of their subordinates were missing.

Although they were not good players, how could Li Chaofeng kill them silently when there were so many people there.

A cold sweat broke out behind Hua Ruyu. He regretted that he shouldn't have fought an assassin in the woods. He should have been in the city or an inn.

Although some people would die, in the end, he would be able to see the other person's figure.

And now, he can't even find anyone.

How did this kid disappear?

Li Chaofeng did not disappear. He had strong senses and was covered in green moss. From a distance, he looked almost the same color as the surrounding trees and grass.

Aside from being a bit unpleasant, this stuff makes great camouflage.

It's just camouflage, but it's not free and easy enough.

Now he is more like a green beast hiding in the dense forest than a hero with true energy.

Staring at the crowd not far away, he was waiting for Hua Ruyu's decision.

Either continue or leave.

However, Hua Ruyu disappointed him, and Hua Ruyu shouted to a subordinate behind him.

"Kill the horse!"

After killing the horse, Li Chaofeng could only stay here and fight with them unless he wanted to cross the mountains with his legs.

The extra horses were killed, and the remaining members of the congregation led their own horses into the forest. For a while, the neighing of horses echoed in the forest.

The forest was very dense, but the hilltop was not too big. Forty or fifty people kept vigilant and walked back, searching again. Following a few shouts, Hua Ruyu also walked to a corner.

It was one of his men who had just died. This subordinate's weapons were intact, but a small hole was stabbed directly in his neck with a knife.

This is a close-up assassination.

But why, these people are moving forward, even if this subordinate is a little behind in Qinggong, it is impossible not to hear the pursuit behind him, why not turn around and fight back.

Checking again, Hua Ruyu's eyes narrowed. This injury was from a frontal assassination.

Pulling a subordinate over, Hua Ruyu simply made a few gestures, causing Xing Xuan and the subordinates around him to break into a cold sweat.

If someone could suddenly appear in front of you on the left side and slap your neck, everyone would be scared.

What kind of martial arts is this? Hua Ruyu frowned, and then heard a slight muffled sound in her ears.


Xing Xuan, who had keen eyes and ears, had already looked over, but only saw a green figure jumping among the mountains and forests.

Three steps and one foot, the trajectory is like a snake swimming in the water. It just twists and turns in the forest before disappearing without a trace.

And in front of them, someone they knew died again.

For this operation, they dispatched a total of sixty-four people, including an altar master, a deputy altar master, and two executioners, and the remaining sixty were ordinary members of the congregation.

And now, nearly twenty people have died before and after them, and the two executioners died in an unknown manner.

The iron whip was broken, and the tip of the other executioner's long knife was also cut off.

For such a big loss, not to mention the altar leader Hua Ruyu, even the leader of the helmsman hall has to give an explanation to the boss of the Qinglong Society.

"Fish intestines" are inevitable.


Hua Ruyu no longer thinks about reducing losses. He only wants to do one thing now, kill this little chef, and then deliver the "fish intestines" to the boss of the Qinglong Club.

Only in this way can he atone for his sins.

The turtle formation was untied, and then its branches and leaves spread out.

At this time, Li Chaofeng, who was hiding in the tree, finally showed a smile, because he was more like a ferocious beast than a hero with outstanding martial arts skills.

His sense of smell is acute, his hearing is acute, and his vision is acute.

Don't hide and seek with a wild beast in the forest, because it will always find you first.

Compared with beasts, Li Chaofeng has human wisdom.

Looking at a Qinglong congregation who was about to pass under the tree, Li Chaofeng smiled slightly, clenched the Five Insect Knife, and galloped out like a poisonous snake.

There was a sound of wind above his head. Even a third-rate martial artist would feel it. As soon as he raised his head, he felt a chill on his head and completely lost consciousness.

The surrounding shouts of harmony appeared again, but Li Chaofeng just smiled at Hua Ruyu who rushed over, turned around, and disappeared into the forest.

Appear, disappear, disappear, appear.

Li Chaofeng appeared several times, and several people died. No matter how many people were around him, once he wanted to disappear, he could disappear quickly.

The closest Xing Xuan was to him was a tree, and the short knife in Li Chaofeng's hand had already been inserted into someone else's neck.

But Xing Xuan stabbed out with his sword, and the short sword that should have been in his left hand suddenly appeared in his right hand. After just a few collisions, he cut off the sword he was proud of.

Seeing the crowd gathering, the opponent did not hesitate to fight, and went straight to the treetops like a snake. When Xing Xuan used Qinggong to catch up, he saw the dense green forest cover in front of him.

Not even a human figure could be seen.

Hua Ruyu, on the other hand, just stood on a boulder, holding a long knife and scanning all the members of the congregation.

There are thirty left.

Fear already appeared on the faces of the congregation, and everyone intentionally or unintentionally avoided the dense thorn bushes, because someone was too close to the thorns and was pierced through the head by a short knife that suddenly appeared.

Some people remembered Li Chaofeng's warning before entering the forest.

When you leave the forest, you become a human being, and when you enter the forest, you become an animal.

They want to get out.

The little chef is just a cook, he only kills animals.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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