Chapter 25
  "Crazy flower, can't such a good dish stop you from talking?"

Chu Liuxiang also loves good food, and now he also feels that Li Chaofeng's title of Little Chef God is well-deserved, and Fourth Master Jin is the one who has a discerning eye.

Bai Xiaosheng actually erased Li Chaofeng's title of Little Chef God. He was really blind and unworthy of a man.

As for how Buddha jumped over the wall, Li Chaofeng didn't tell him, and Chu Liuxiang naturally didn't ask.

Food comes first, but there is no time for small talk. Even Hu Tiehua almost burst her belly in front of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

"No wonder you named it Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. Sure enough, Buddha can also jump over the wall."

The dish "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" was only available in the Qing Dynasty, but at this time it was Li Chaofeng's only recipe, and he did not change the name, still calling it "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall".

After the dishes were put on the plate, Li Chaofeng also served tea to the two of them, and the three of them also took a rest and chatted.

Chu Liuxiang reminisced about the delicious food and realized that although Li Chaofeng was very heroic, he had always had a bad face since he appeared, and this attitude was just for Hu Tiehua.

Because when Li Chaofeng spoke to Chu Liuxiang, he would still try to smile.

Hu Tiehua looked indifferent, but Chu Liuxiang intervened.

"Crazy Hua does things out of tune. Brother Li has such an attitude, but have you ever been teased by him?"

When Li Chaofeng heard this, he turned to look at Chu Liuxiang. First he took a big breath, then held his breath again to recuperate, and then explained to Chu Liuxiang.

"If you had a nose like mine that can smell everything, you would be so disgusted with this guy that you would want to strangle him to death."

Hearing this, Hu Tiehua laughed and didn't take it seriously. After spending two months with Li Chaofeng, he already knew why Li Chaofeng disliked him, and this did not affect the relationship between the two.

But Chu Liuxiang was stunned for a moment, then opened the folding fan, fanned herself, and then laughed.

"I didn't expect that my nose, which has always had a poor sense of smell, would sometimes be envied by others."

But his weak nose doesn't mean he has no sense of smell, and he and Li Chaofeng also disliked it.

"Hu Tiehua, is it time for you to take a bath?"

Hu Tiehua also stared: "Why?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, rolled his eyes, looked at Li Chaofeng and said with a sly expression.

"It's easy for me to take a bath. You go to a place with me, and I promise to go to the bathhouse and wash myself clean immediately."

Hearing this, Chu Liuxiang was slightly stunned.

It wasn't that Madman Hua suddenly changed his temper that surprised him, it was just that he heard that Hu Tiehua was hiring someone for him.

But this matter was extremely dangerous. He could owe Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan any favor, but he was unwilling to let Hu Tiehua owe Li Chaofeng a big favor.

Favors are sometimes easy to repay, as Hu Tiehua took the initiative to teach Li Chaofeng a light skill to help him escape, which indirectly saved his life.

For this reason, no matter how much Li Chaofeng hated the smell of Hu Tiehua, he still had to hold his nose and invite him to dinner and cook the food himself.

This method of repaying a favor was easy, because no matter how many times Li Chaofeng invited Hu Tiehua to dinner, it was just a waste of money.

What is really difficult is asking someone to fight for you, because he has fought for you, and you need to fight for him in the future.

Chu Liuxiang didn't know Li Chaofeng well, but had only heard of the name of the demon dragon, so he didn't want Hu Tiehua to owe someone else her life.

Li Chaofeng just blinked, smiled, nodded and said.

"As long as it's not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, that's fine."

Hu Tiehua was blunt.

"It's the dragon's pond and the tiger's den."

Li Chaofeng shook his head, glanced at Chu Liuxiang, ran through the possible things in his mind, and nodded again.

"As long as you can come back alive, it's not a dragon's pool or a tiger's den."

One thing, no matter how dangerous it is, as long as you don't actively seek death, there is definitely a possibility of coming back alive.

Li Chaofeng agreed, and Hu Tiehua smiled, feeling proud.

As for dying in Longtan Tiger's Den, there is naturally no follow-up. Hu Tiehua asked Li Chaofeng to help Chu Liuxiang, but Chu Liuxiang was unwilling.

"Crazy Flower, this matter is extremely dangerous, why should one more person take the risk?"

Hu Tiehua said proudly: "That's because you don't know what this guy is capable of."

Hu Tiehua took Li Chaofeng to the desert, naturally not to ask Li Chaofeng to help fight.

In Hu Tiehua's heart, Li Chaofeng's martial arts was not very good, so he began to ask questions to Chu Liuxiang.

"After I jumped into the yard just now, I asked you to come in. At that time, the table had been set up in the yard, the cold vegetables and vegetables were served, and the waiters were already bringing the wine."

"Old bug, guess what's the reason for this?"

Chu Liuxiang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Li Chaofeng who smiled at him but said nothing, then shook his fan and started to guess.

"Maybe he knew we were coming."

Hu Tiehua shook his head: "Since we already knew this, why didn't we arrange the food and wine in advance and wait until I entered the yard?"

Seeing that Chu Liuxiang didn't understand, Hu Tiehua didn't do any riddles. She looked at Li Chaofeng and asked with a proud expression.

"When did you know I was coming?"

Li Chaofeng looked at Hu Tiehua with an increasingly disgusted expression, but he still began to explain Chu Liuxiang's doubts.

"This guy stinks so bad that he hasn't taken a shower in three years, so the smell of a dish I made three years ago still remains on him."

"And I confirmed it was him when you were one mile away from the restaurant. A mile away, I couldn't tell whether he was a beggar covered in stench or Hu Tiehua who hadn't bathed in three years."

At this point, Li Chaofeng's face turned slightly livid and he said in an unhappy tone.

"As for the food on the table, I started preparing it after I smelled this guy rushing towards my direction."

"Hey! Can't you say it nicer!"

Hu Tiehua was dissatisfied. He came for the wine, but when he got nearby, he smelled the seasoning that seemed to be made by Li Chaofeng. Then he rushed into the backyard to confirm whether it was Li Chaofeng.

Li Chaofeng was lucky. He didn't decide to cook for himself until he came towards him.

Judging from his attitude, if he hadn't found this place, he would never have shown up to meet his old friend.

This kid is still so unsmart!
  Hearing this explanation, Chu Liuxiang clenched the folding fan, her eyes lit up, and she nodded in her heart.

Seeing the happy face of the old bed bug, Hu Tiehua didn't care whether Li Chaofeng wanted to see her or not, her face was filled with pride.

Dog Nose is also a dog that can talk, so it is naturally the best helper for finding people.

The reason why Li Chaofeng agreed to Hu Tiehua's suggestion was because he wanted to see the battle between the top players in the world.

He has studied the "Five Ultimate Magic Skills" for three years, but he is not sure how strong he is, and he has no experience in fighting between masters.

So he wanted to know how much better a martial arts master like Chu Liuxiang was compared to himself now.

If possible, he would also like to see how strong Shi Guanyin is, who almost crushes Chu Liuxiang in terms of strength.

This will be of great benefit to him in future battles.

The biggest advantage is that when entering the desert this time, he is just a tool to lead the way. Although it is a bit dangerous, with Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, and Ji Bingyan by his side, his safety is fully guaranteed.

The advantages outweighed the disadvantages, and Li Chaofeng had no reason to object.

Li Chaofeng, who had no sect and only a Five-Insect Sword, could only rely on himself to improve his strength bit by bit. It was not that he could not think of how to join a sect or find a master for himself.

But just like he would never learn his martial arts from Hu Tiehua.

If you learn other people's martial arts, you owe them a favor.

Favors need to be returned.

And there are some people whose favors you can never repay, and you can't afford them.

(End of this chapter)

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