Chapter 27 Truth or Lies
  After roughly understanding Li Chaofeng's abilities, Ji Bingyan looked at Hu Tiehua who was eating and drinking, feeling a little uncomfortable with the other person's big heart.

If Chu Liuxiang has a bullish temperament and likes to ask for trouble, then Hu Tiehua is a thorn in the side who is habitually nosy.

Ji Bingyan really doesn't want to worry about these two crappy things.

Ji Bingyan also reminded Chu Liuxiang when she turned around and was shaking her fan.

"When we arrive at Laolong Bay tomorrow, you can store the horse. I have a man there, so you can rest assured."

Chu Liuxiang couldn't help but said: "I will definitely take this horse with me."

Ji Bingyan: "No!"

Chu Liuxiang: "Why?"

"This horse is too ostentatious, too eye-catching, and it belongs to the other party. If we take this horse away, it is just like taking this sign with us. We must not take this risk."

Chu Liuxiang was silent, and Ji Bingyan continued to say a lot of things that Chu Liuxiang should have calculated long ago.


Listening to Ji Bingyan lecturing Chu Liuxiang with a hateful tone, Li Chaofeng blinked and closed his eyes to rest.

Ji Bingyan asked Chu Liuxiang to let Black Pearl go for a simple purpose: to turn light into darkness.

Black Pearl's mount, Black Pearl, is so rare and conspicuous that countless people can recognize it as long as they enter the desert.

Therefore, this horse cannot be brought into the desert and can only be stored.

But this is a case of cleverness being misled by cleverness.

Because Black Pearl just made a joke with Chu Liuxiang, if Chu Liuxiang had not met Hu Tiehua, the joke would even be considered harmless.

Black Pearl, the son of Jamukha, the king of the desert, is a girl. She fell in love with Chu Liuxiang, and Chu Liuxiang's three maids actually followed Black Pearl away on their own initiative in order to make Chu Liuxiang, a scumbag, worried.

If Ji Bingyan hadn't been so clever, they wouldn't have encountered the Kucha rebellion, nor would they have encountered Shi Guanyin.

Chu Liuxiang would not have been forced to almost die in "Yongcui Villa" by Li Yuhan and Liu Wumei.

If Li Guanyu hadn't gotten up in anger at the last moment, Chu Liuxiang would really be dead.

But Li Chaofeng didn't remind him because he wanted to experience some battles between masters.

With masters like Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua protecting him, even if he loses, he won't die in an ugly way.

And if he ends up dying in the hands of Shi Guanyin because of his cleverness, Li Chaofeng can only say that there are not many safe places in the Gu Long martial arts world.

As the boss of Shuiyunjian, he has encountered many people who are looking for trouble. Ji Bingyan is the gentlest one. Of course, he is also the strongest one.

The carriage moved along the Yellow River towards Yinchuan, and within five or six days, it arrived at Laolong Bay. Ji Bingyan was right, he had his own farm here.

Chu Liuxiang said goodbye to her horse with nostalgia, but Li Chaofeng just glanced at it, turned his head with an indifferent expression, and then deposited the big black horse that he rode from Haicheng to Lanzhou.

He no longer has any empathy for livestock because he feels that he is not worthy.

He has even actively closed off his empathy for people, let alone livestock.

Ji Bingyan had been observing Li Chaofeng and saw the instant indifference on his face.

Although Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua trusted this demon dragon, he still didn't trust Li Chaofeng a little.

At this time, Li Chaofeng's extremely obvious indifference made him a little confused, so he stepped forward to talk.

"Young Master Li thinks Chu Liuxiang is too pretentious, but you should also know that horses are the most important thing when traveling in the world, so people in the world always like horses."

Li Chaofeng knew that his reaction was a little too big, so his expression became calm and he responded to Ji Bingyan's question, but his words were not gentle enough.

"I know horses are important, but I am a cook. If I start to have inexplicable feelings for livestock such as horses or cows, then I will lose a lot of delicious food."

Having said this, Li Chaofeng smiled at Ji Bingyan.

"Horse meat is also delicious."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Chu Liuxiang looked at Li Chaofeng speechlessly.

He was still hurting the farewell, but the people behind him actually discussed whether the person he was hurting was delicious or not.

This is a hell of a farewell. Chu Liuxiang sighed: "Can't you two go further when talking about this?"

Li Chaofeng smiled: "Although Laolong Bay is very big, this courtyard is very small. With the commander's hearing, it won't make much difference even if we are far enough away from you."

Chu Liuxiang lamented: "You could have stopped saying these words?"

Li Chaofeng smiled: "As for lying, it's better not to do it unless necessary."

Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan were stunned, because Li Chaofeng's words were very strange. It was strange that such well-informed people as Ji Bingyan and Chu Liuxiang had never heard of such a statement.

Most people will not classify lying as necessary or unnecessary.

Although many friends have been together for a long time and understand each other's habits better, they also know whether the other person is lying.

But they never say that their lying is a necessary self-choice.

In fact, most lies between friends are forced under certain circumstances. Just like Li Chaofeng should have been "forced" to tell Chu Liuxiang at this time that he actually didn't like cooking with horse meat. Play with him.

There are many similar "forces" in life, and lies will always accompany everyone's life.

But Chu Liuxiang and the two necessary lies found it difficult to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Are there lies that must exist in this world?
  Hu Tiehua had already jumped out, grabbed Li Chaofeng's shoulders hard, and interrupted the conversation with a look of discomfort on her face.

"It's been several years, you little brat, why are you still so big and bratty? You can't tolerate sand in your eyes. Do you want us to die in the desert!"

Although Hu Tiehua only got along with Li Chaofeng for less than three months, he also saw that Li Chaofeng looked free and easy when walking, sitting and lying down, but in fact he was very serious when cooking and doing things.

Be more serious when you speak.

Li Chaofeng is a kid who doesn't like to talk nonsense. In fact, every word he says is spoken after careful consideration.

When such people lie or do not lie, they are already prepared to take responsibility and accept the consequences.

Just as there are literati who choose not to lie for the rest of their lives, they are also prepared to die for telling the truth.

The difference between Li Chaofeng and those literati is that he can lie, but he will even tell others that he is lying, but he will never tell you the truth.

Li Chaofeng does not pursue the truth of the world, so he lies.

However, he is like those literati who are not afraid of death and are willing to bear any consequences.

Truth or lies, for Li Chaofeng, is just his own choice, not a "last resort" out of fear of certain consequences.

During the Battle of the Tiger's Lair, Hu Tiehua was a little more selfish, and Li Chaofeng was the victim of his lies.

Because he didn't poison him in advance.

This habit was very unlike that of a teenager, but Li Chaofeng's face was still young at that time, so Hu Tiehua could only regard him as a confident and arrogant little kid.

If it wasn't logically unreasonable, Hu Tiehua would have turned Li Chaofeng's character [-] degrees.

Hu Tiehua was really curious about where this little kid came from. He was young and spoke so many truths.

But in the end, Hu Tiehua still recognized Li Chaofeng as a friend, because a lot of what he said made sense.

Hu Tiehua knew Li Chaofeng so well, but Li Chaofeng did what he did not because of his character.

As a time traveler who knows the plot, as long as you are not invincible, it is best not to talk nonsense.

After all, many times, knowing the plot is the time traveler's greatest advantage.

Li Chaofeng has no urge to change the plot unless the characters in the plot have threatened him.

For example, Jiang Biehe.

Li Chaofeng really had no intention of changing the plot, but Jiang Biehe was so bad. Being seen from behind by such a person made Li Chaofeng's spine shiver.

For your own safety, you must kill him!

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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