Chapter 38 Chicken, Snake and Insect
  King Qiuci looked at the letter in the box. He didn't understand why Shi Guanyin wanted to trouble him. His fingers holding the letter paused, but he quickly realized that he was a little too calm.

"Shi Guanyin, it's Shi Guanyin!"

Just in an instant, King Qiuci's eyes began to widen, his voice began to tremble, and even Li Chaofeng could hear the coldness in his heart.

He is worthy of being an Oscar-winning actor who can deceive his pillow partner and his own daughter!
  But is Shi Guanyin too anxious to steal the Star of Bliss now?
  is it necessary? Stealing it in the middle of the night is not the same. You have to put it in the treasure house and take it away immediately.

Li Chaofeng, who was tracking the Star of Bliss with his nose, had a hard time understanding the operation of such a simple show of technique.

Turning around and thinking about it, if Wu Qingtian hadn't been so talkative, King Qiuci would have had to find out about the disappearance of the Bliss Star at night.

The current plot has already begun to go awry. Li Chaofeng knew Shi Guanyin’s purpose, but after Chu Liuxiang rescued the fourth son of the Peng family, half of the plot went awry, and the other half was because Li Chaofeng used his nose to save the members of the camel team. Clear water.

Li Chaofeng told Peng Yihu that he had never thought about saving anyone, which was of course true.

After entering the desert, he only thought that he was an investigative tool and that the rescue was done by Chu Liuxiang or Hu Tiehua.

Seeing King Qiuci performing in panic, Li Chaofeng calmly stretched out his chopsticks and quickly decomposed the roasted lamb chops on the plate, then tasted them bit by bit, and then took a sip of fresh goat milk.

Well, King Kucha invited him to drink, but he refused directly because of his young age.

This was the first time King Qiuci had met a non-drinking Jianghu man, and he only treated him as a little brother Peng Yihu brought out to meet the world, so he didn't bother with him.

Seeing King Qiuci's acting skills that impressed Xiaoxianrou countless times, Li Chaofeng felt very regretful that he didn't have Coke and popcorn on his hands, which is called enjoyment.

However, as soon as King Qiuci said his next words, Li Chaofeng's eyes began to change.

It turned out that King Qiuci began to feel that his behavior just now was a bit embarrassing, so he turned around and shouted.

"I'll arrest anyone who touched the box just now!"

The personal maid who delivered the treasure box to the warehouse was quickly escorted forward, and she knelt down tremblingly to beg for mercy.

"Your Majesty, I have never left this box out of my sight. I locked it very carefully after putting it in the treasure house. I really don't know what happened."

King Qiuci, however, had a face full of hatred and roared through gritted teeth.

"I don't know! You can fool me by not knowing. You were the only one who touched the box along the way. Is there a ghost in my camp?"

"Give me. Cut off her hands for me. I want to see how she can steal things without her hands!"

Seeing King Qiuci's voice being harsh, his face was full of stern and inward shrinking.

It was clear that the person who stole the treasure was Shi Guanyin, but he only dared to vent his anger on the personal maid.

When everyone saw this scene, there was a hint of contempt in their eyes, but they did not make a sound to stop him.

Because it is so normal to deal with domestic slaves in a moment of anger.

Du Huan's face was filled with pity. After all, he preferred killing people to chopping off his hands.

Hu Tiehua wanted to stop her, but was secretly restrained by Ji Bingyan, who shook her head slightly to stop him.

They followed Peng Yihu to Qiuci, just to see what Shi Guanyin's conspiracy was, but they couldn't meddle in other people's business.

Just when the guard suppressed the maid and planned to destroy the flower, Li Chaofeng took a deep breath and looked at King Qiuci with increasingly unfriendly eyes.

With just a snap of his fingers, the chopsticks in his hand immediately penetrated the guard's wrist, and naturally the knife was unable to cut.


Peng Yihu was so shocked that he almost jumped up. Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan also looked at Li Chaofeng, a little puzzled by his sudden move.

At this time, Li Chaofeng looked at King Qiuci with contempt on his face, and his voice was full of provoked anger.

"Is the king planning to test whether I am fainting from blood? If so, then I can make everyone here see blood."

"It's just that the hands and feet were cut off, but not much blood was shed. The decapitation looks better." Li Chaofeng suddenly took action, and King Qiuci was shocked. After listening to his words again, he suddenly realized that he had overacted. This young man from the Peng family who had just entered the world felt that his dignity had been insulted.

The Han people are quite concerned about seeing blood in person. It seems to be called... Yes, a gentleman stays away from the kitchen.

King Qiuci just looked incompetent, but in fact he was also a scheming person. After remembering the habits of the Han people, King Qiuci adjusted his appearance slightly and opened his mouth to apologize solemnly.

"But Xiao Wang was impatient for a moment and forgot that you come from a land of etiquette. This is offensive."

Then King Qiuci also gave a stern order to the guard who was covering his wrist.

"Bring it down quickly, don't disturb the interest of all the knights."

The guards naturally did not dare to disobey the king's order and took the maid away when they mentioned it. At this time, Li Chaofeng just squinted at King Qiuci, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

There is absolutely no such thing as a kind-hearted knight leaving a maid behind or taking the initiative to intercede for the maid.

It seemed that he really just felt offended, but Hu Tiehua had already opened her mouth.

"The girl's hands look nice. If the king doesn't mind, how about you stay and give me a squeeze on your back?"

Hearing this, Li Chaofeng rolled his eyes at Hu Tiehua. He took action just because of the disgust in his heart, but Hu Tiehua really wanted to save people.

King Qiuci didn't care that the maid's hand was chopped off. When he saw the guard asking him with his eyes, he silently nodded in agreement.

Then King Qiuci's expression changed, and he began to sigh, his face full of sorrow.

Looking up, he found that not only did the knights he recruited turn a blind eye to him, but the "Seventh Son" of the Peng family whom he had just met also ignored him for a long time.

Knowing that there were some mistakes in today's matter, King Qiuci smiled and began to ask Li Chaofeng's name.

"I wonder which member of the Peng family this little brother Peng is?"

King Qiuci wanted to ask Li Chaofeng's name, but the one he looked at was Peng Yihu, making Peng Yihu neither superior nor inferior.

Because he didn't know Li Chaofeng's name, the pseudonym Snake Little Ghost couldn't be spoken at this time. King Qiuci was not only the king, but also the financial backer of the Peng family.

Li Chaofeng had already calmly said: "Peng Xiaoshe."

Wu Qingtian blurted out: "Shouldn't it be Peng Qihu?"

King Qiuci was also stunned, because he knew that the Pengmen Seven Tigers, exactly seven people at this time, should be tigers, not snakes.

"of course not."

Hu Tiehua also started to interrupt at this time.

"My brother's name is Peng Xiaoshe, my name is Peng Wuhua, and his name is Peng Liuji. It's just that our eldest brother is called Peng Yihu, and there are seven of us, so we are called Pengmen Qihu."

After saying that, Hu Tiehua confirmed Peng Yihu with a happy look on her face.

"Right, brother."

The savior was messing around, what else could Peng Yihu do, of course he nodded in agreement.

Little Snake is fine, but Five Flowers and Six Chickens are such ridiculous names!

Were you born in a casino?

After Hu Tiehua's name was said, King Qiuci felt for a moment that he had gone too far in pretending to be stupid and was being treated as a fool.

But before King Qiuci expressed his opinion, Du Huan, who had been ignored by the Peng family, couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

"Hide your head and show your tail!"

 Ask for a collection, ask for a ticket
  (End of this chapter)

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