Chapter 44
  Chu Liuxiang was exposed to Xingzang, but she didn't panic. She just smiled and casually revealed the other party's identity.

"I didn't expect that the famous Mrs. Shi Guanyin Shi is actually the princess of Qiuci Kingdom. If this matter is revealed, everyone will be shocked."

There are not many women with such high martial arts skills in the world, let alone in the desert.

When Shi Guanyin heard this, his face showed pride, and then he told the truth in an understatement.

"This will not only scare everyone's teeth, but even scare some people to death, such as King Kucha, or the Princess Kucha who has been flirting with you."

Chu Liuxiang's face was stunned, and she looked Shi Guanyin up and down, her mind changed rapidly, and she started to ask questions.

"Aren't you Princess Kucha?"


A silver bell sound of laughter sounded, and the thin yellow human skin mask on Shi Guanyin's face was peeled off. Shi Guanyin finally revealed his true appearance. Chu Liuxiang just took a look and could no longer turn his eyes.

Beauty, beauty that cannot be described in words.

"Star eyes" cannot match the brightness in her eyes, and "spring mountain" cannot describe the gracefulness between her beautiful brows.

Chu Liuxiang wanted to smile, but he always felt that smiling at this time seemed a bit offensive to the woman in front of him, so he just looked at Shi Guanyin's face infatuatedly.

Finally all the emotions came together and he let out a deep sigh.

Shi Guanyin enjoyed Chu Liuxiang's dreamy eyes. When she heard his sigh, she held up her face, moved her face closer, and asked softly.

"You saw my face, are you disappointed?"

Chu Liuxiang sighed: "If I knew what the face behind the mask looked like, I would never have left this bed even if I died at the hands of my wife just now."

Shi Guanyin didn't explicitly reject Chu Liuxiang just now. Even when Chu Liuxiang went to bed half-way, she just smiled at the corners of her eyes, as if she didn't mind the spring breeze at all.

However, Chu Liuxiang had no intention of having a romantic encounter, and planned to leave after confirming the location of the Bliss Star, which ultimately angered Shi Guanyin.

Even though she looked like Princess Qiuci at that time, Chu Liuxiang saw her unique figure.

Feeling the humiliation, Shi Guanyin took action directly, leaving Chu Liuxiang here, and finally revealed his true appearance.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang said a wisecrack again. Shi Guanyin still accepted it, but he didn't believe it completely.

After all, as the Princess of Qiuci just now, she also listened to a lot of witty words from Chu Liuxiang's mouth.

Women, if you only hear the love words a man says to you, you will definitely feel that he only has eyes for you.

But if she hears the same man making love to another woman, she will think about whether she is more beautiful and better in this man's eyes than the other woman.

It is difficult for a thinking woman to immerse herself in a man's love words.

However, Chu Liuxiang is no ordinary gangster. He is a good gangster who can say countless adjectives to countless women that completely match their adjectives without repeating them.

A sentence that even the bragging in the world couldn't make people believe, immediately made Shi Guanyin smile happily.

As Shi Guanyin was amused by Chu Liuxiang, she also began to think about how to proceed.

Wuhua asked her to arrange for someone to attract Chu Liuxiang. What she needed was for Chu Liuxiang to crack the secret of the Star of Bliss.

And this secret is only in the heart of King Qiuci now, so Wuhua's plan is to let Chu Liuxiang and others gain the trust of King Qiuci first.

Then King Kucha worked hard to obtain the Star of Bliss, and then asked Chu Liuxiang and three others to dig out King Kucha's ancestral treasure with the Star of Bliss.

King Qiuci is only one person, so he can't dig out treasures by himself.

There was a rebellion in the Kingdom of Kucha, and King Kucha had long been infiltrated by her so that no one could be used. As long as she could arrange for someone to expose the identities of Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua, and then give King Kucha a pillow breeze, the Star of Bliss would be there. The secret is naturally within reach.

But now... something unexpected happened.

Perfect plans always have surprises.

Chu Liuxiang knew her identity in advance, and also knew that she could take away the Star of Bliss whenever she wanted.

Wuhua also reminded Shi Guanyin that Chu Liuxiang never acted according to plan.

Just well.
  Shi Guanyin smiled and looked at Chu Liuxiang, who had been admiring her perfect appearance, and her tone gradually became calmer.

"If you were asked to choose, would you like me or Su Rongrong?"

Chu Liuxiang's face darkened, but then she shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"Madam really gave me a difficult choice, because as a man, of course I want them all."

"Then you are really greedy."

Shi Guanyin laughed proudly, making Chu Liuxiang dazzled, and then Shi Guanyin continued to ask. “In this case, do you still want the Star of Bliss?”

Faced with this choice, Chu Liuxiang did not hesitate at all.

"The Star of Bliss is certainly not as important as the Lady."


Shi Guanyin smiled, and then she began to look at Chu Liuxiang's face. Her soft fingers gently traced Chu Liuxiang's chest, and she spoke softly.

"But I want the Star of Bliss. I not only want the Star of Bliss, I also want the secret inside the Star of Bliss. Can you help me get it?"

"The rumored bandit commander Chu Liuxiang."

Shi Guanyin's soft and sweet voice rang in Chu Liuxiang's ears, and for the first time, Chu Liuxiang felt that the title of Bandit Commander was so harsh. It was not that the title was not powerful enough, but that it was too powerful.

He was so powerful that a woman who was ten or twenty times stronger than him captured his confidante, and then forced himself to steal something that someone else had put in his mind.

Chu Liuxiang looked troubled: "Madam is now the Princess of Qiuci. How can I know the secret that even you don't know."

Shi Guanyin chuckled: "That's already your problem, not mine, right?"

Black Pearl took away Chu Liuxiang's three maids, and many people in the desert knew about this.

But Chu Liuxiang was blocked from information at this time. She didn't even need to lie to make Chu Liuxiang misunderstand that she had captured his three maids.

Chu Liuxiang's face became increasingly distressed, but Shi Guanyin just raised his eyes and looked at Chu Liuxiang, then took out the Star of Bliss from under the bed, played with it casually in his hand, and mentioned it seemingly unintentionally.

"By the way, I seem to have forgotten to ask, who is that hidden brat next to you?"

Li Chaofeng has a great reputation, but no matter how great he is, he is only ranked tenth in the "Weapons Manual". He is essentially a small person who is not worthy of Shi Guanyin's attention.

But Li Chaofeng's attitude in giving himself a pseudonym was so casual that everyone could tell it was fake, so Shi Guanyin was very curious.

Even Huangfu Gao, who went by the pseudonym "Shi Tuo", was known to Shi Guanyin. After all, he escaped from her.

But she didn't know about Li Chaofeng. She only knew that the other person's surname was Li, who was the "Li Shaoxia" in Ji Bingyan's mouth and the "little brat" in Hu Tiehua's mouth.

The question is, why does a little kid named Li hide his head and show his tail?

Even if he hides his head and shows his tail, he still hides it so confidently that he is not even willing to give him a name that sounds reasonable.

Shi Guanyin actually didn't care who Li Chaofeng was, but when he landed on her chessboard, she always had to know whether it was a "pawn" or a "rook."

Chu Liuxiang was silent. Li Chaofeng's strength was not important, nor was his identity. The only thing that mattered to him was the demon sword and dragon tooth.

Bai Xiaosheng has been promoting it in the "Weapons Manual" for three years. It is a magical weapon that can allow a second- or third-rate master to be promoted to the tenth position in the "Weapons Manual".

As for "Weapons Spectrum", you can think of it as a job offer for the Money Gang.

As long as Li Chaofeng can safely enter the Money Gang with Demon Sword Long Ya, Shangguan Jinhong will definitely accept him into the gang happily, and then happily arrange a position with absolute respect for him.

Otherwise, no one would really care about "Weapons Spectrum".

It’s no good, you’re still being picked on every day, and you can’t get through life?
  Of course Shi Guanyin would not snatch the person Shangguan Jinhong was interested in, but she might be curious about what the demon sword and dragon tooth on Li Chaofeng looked like.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Liuxiang thought about it and finally gave the answer.

"He is No. [-] in the Weaponry Book, Demon Dragon Li Chaofeng."

Chu Liuxiang really wanted to find an identity for Li Chaofeng that could avoid Shi Guanyin's curiosity.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that instead of letting Shi Guanyin continue to wonder about Li Chaofeng's identity, it would be better to let Shi Guanyin wonder about Demon Saber Longya.

After all, Shi Guanyin, who is curious about Demon Saber Dragon Tooth, might first control Li Chaofeng and then ask where Demon Saber Dragon Tooth is hidden by him.

When Shi Guanyin heard this answer, he was stunned for a moment. Then he remembered who Li Chaofeng was, and then he laughed dumbly.

"The tenth one in the weapon spectrum, is he the unlucky guy who was favored by Shangguan Jinhong? Hahaha."

Not even a pawn.

Hearing the title "unlucky guy", Chu Liuxiang was also a little helpless, because Li Chaofeng was the tenth in the weapon spectrum. According to rumors in the world, in addition to being lucky enough to be favored by Shangguan Jinhong, there was another one who was an "unlucky guy".

But Chu Liuxiang knew that Li Chaofeng, who had reappeared in the world, had martial arts worthy of being ranked tenth on the weapon spectrum.

But he won't remind Shi Guanyin, because even if Li Chaofeng becomes the number one in the weapons spectrum, he probably won't make Shi Guanyin care more.

The first in weapons spectrum is not the best in the world.

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  (End of this chapter)

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