Chapter 58 The Second Princess
  Outside the tent, footsteps sounded, and the voice of "Princess Kucha" was also heard.

Ji Bingyan narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Chaofeng, but Li Chaofeng just shook his head slightly.

Of course his nose can tell whether this "Princess of Kucha" is Shi Guanyin!
  When "Princess Qiuci" was helped into the door by the maid, Shi Guanyin's subordinate first received a blessing, then looked at King Qiuci with a weak look on his face, and asked in Chinese with resentment from his boudoir.

"Your Majesty is so anxious to see me, but is there something important?"

King Qiuci felt a little distressed when he saw Princess Qiuci's weak appearance, but as a king, he still knew his priorities. He just turned to look at Ji Bingyan and the other two, with a hint of anger on his face.

"What else do you two have to say now?"

Li Chaofeng sneered: "The king doesn't think that we can't even see through a human skin mask, right?"

As soon as the words "human skin mask" came out, King Qiuci was stunned, and Shi Guanyin's disciples were even more shocked, not knowing that something had happened.

Ji Bingyan was reminded by Li Chaofeng and flew up directly. In just a moment, her palms covered the face of Princess Qiuci.

As a substitute for Shi Guanyin, "Princess Qiuci" was not a disciple like Qu Wurong who had been raised since childhood, nor was she a person without any force. At this time, the conspiracy was exposed and she could no longer pretend to be weak.

He stretched out his palm to separate the front of Ji Bingyan's palm, and then he rose up and slashed with his back palm, all using a sword technique.

The maid next to her also used her eagle claws to attack Ji Bingyan's front door.

"Good come!"

Ji Bingyan had been feeling uncomfortable in his heart for a long time. Shi Guanyin's commanding voice made him breathless, while the "Princess Qiuci" on the opposite side...
  Just after the confrontation, he knew that the strength of the two women was nothing more than this.

With a stroke of his hands on his waist, the two judge pens were immediately held in his hands. With the judge pens connecting points, they stabbed directly into the key points in the palms of the two people.

Seeing the speed of Judge Ji Bingyan's pen, the "Princess of Qiuci" knew at just one glance that she was defeated and wanted to exit the tent.

The princess's maid has been entangled by Ji Bingyan and cannot escape.

But just turning around, she saw that the tent entrance was blocked by a tall figure, but it was the demon dragon Li Chaofeng who Shi Guanyin asked her to keep a close eye on.

Li Chaofeng's "identity" is very noble, but once exposed, it means nothing.

Before Shi Guanyin needed her back, King Qiuci still believed that Li Chaofeng was the "son of the dragon and grandson of the dragon".

But Li Chaofeng moved very quickly. As soon as Shi Guanyin left, and before the new "Princess of Kucha" arranged for someone to monitor Li Chaofeng's whereabouts, he jumped directly in front of King Kucha and exposed himself.

And now, he stopped in front of her, with a faint smile on his face and a soft greeting.

"Where is 'Princess' planning to go?"

Li Chaofeng's smile remained unchanged, and at the same time he opened his big hand and used a simple and unsophisticated "grabbing palm" move.

"Princess Qiuci" saw the fierceness of the opponent's palms and was about to block her, but found that the opponent's palms suddenly became erratic. They were both as fierce as Shaolin's grasps and as unpredictable as Wudang's grasps.

The Five Absolute Magic Techniques are a fusion of techniques from various sects and sects, but it is not a copy of a cat or a tiger. Instead, it is a new move formed after the Five Absolutes of Heaven and Earth discuss each other and integrate them.

As for Li Chaofeng, who has practiced the Five Ultimate Skills, he doesn't know which moves are from the famous sects and which moves are from the wild world. Anyway, it's fine if he can use them.

Knowing that the demon dragon's martial arts was not as weak as the rumors in the world, "Princess Qiuci" quickly retreated, but was suddenly hit in the waist and could no longer move an inch.

It turned out that the maid who was entangled by Ji Bingyan only managed to parry a few moves, and then the judge's pen hit her acupuncture point, rendering her unable to move.

At this time, Li Chaofeng had a human skin mask as thin as cicada wings lying on his palm. He raised his head and showed it to King Qiuci, and asked with a half-smile.

"King, do you have anything else you can say now?"

King Qiuci was shocked as soon as "Princess Qiuci" took action. At this time, he saw Li Chaofeng actually peeling off a human skin mask from the face of "Princess Qiuci", and his whole face looked bloodless.

He rolled and crawled up to "Princess Qiuci". With just one glance, he was stunned because he didn't know this woman at all.

"Who are you? Where is my princess?"

At this moment, Li Chaofeng suddenly passed over King Kuci, grasped the "Princess of Kuci"'s chin with his big hands, and pulled and pulled, causing the opponent's jaw to dislocate immediately.

Then he thrust his fingers directly into the other person's mouth, and with just a simple stir, a black poison pill the size of a molar was pinched out by Li Chaofeng.

The moment Ji Bingyan saw the black molars, he turned around and tapped the maid beside him a few times with the judge's pen. Then he opened the other person's lips, searched twice, and took out a poison pill.

At this time, Li Chaofeng had already spoken coldly.

"If you want to commit suicide, you have to speak clearly before you can do it."

"Don't think about biting your tongue and committing suicide. I am very fast, at least I will die faster than you!" With a big hand, "Princess Qiuci"'s chin was placed again, and she could only look at Li Chaofeng fiercely. , then closed his eyes, unwilling to answer any questions.

King Qiuci swallowed his saliva when he saw the actions of Li Chaofeng and Ji Bingyan, and understood that Shi Guanyin was indeed cruel and ruthless.

The first thing a subordinate does when he is captured is to commit suicide. Such a person is certainly ruthless.

At the same time, he also understood why the Star of Bliss was lost for no apparent reason. A living person like Princess Qiuci could lose it, and a single gem would be nothing.

But now in the eyes of Ji Bingyan and Li Chaofeng, he seems to be Shi Guanyin's accomplice?

With an embarrassed smile, King Qiuci rubbed his hands nervously, not knowing how to explain the misunderstanding.


Ji Bingyan held the judge's pen in her hand. She no longer wanted to hear any more nonsense and just snorted coldly.

"At this moment, does the king still want to act in front of us?"

King Qiuci was startled and waved his hands quickly. He was about to open his mouth to tell the difference, but he was worried about alerting the soldiers outside and whispered quickly.

"Don't dare, don't dare, how dare Xiao Wang!"

"It's just that Xiao Wang really didn't know anything about Shi Guanyin pretending to be a princess. He even said that Chu Liuxiang... Liuxiang Liu Xiang!"

King Qiuci suddenly realized.

"It turns out that Mr. Liu who came on the same day as you is Chu Liuxiang!"

After saying this, King Qiuci looked pityful.

"After that beautiful man left without saying goodbye, Xiao Wang's princess was very sad for a long time. Unexpectedly."

It's a pity that Ji Bingyan and Li Chaofeng didn't respond to his words at all.

The problem now is that King Qiuci is not acting, but Ji Bingyan thinks he is.

King Qiuci raised his eyes to look at the two people's eyes, sighed, and sat back down. After looking at the two people back and forth, he said with some reluctance.

"It seems that unless Xiao Wang tells something, the two knights will never believe that Xiao Wang and Shi Guanyin are not in cahoots?"

Ji Bingyan lowered her head and thought for a while, and finally looked at King Qiuci and asked with steady eyes.

"Then please ask the king to explain why Shi Guanyin concealed the identity of Young Snake Hero from you, right?"


King Qiuci frowned. The reason why he treated Li Chaofeng like this these days was just to make the people around him feel that he needed to grab a life-saving straw. It seemed that Shi Guanyin was also deceived by him.

But if explained, King Qiuci looked at the four people in the tent, pointed at "Princess Qiuci" with clenched teeth and closed eyes, and nodded.

Ji Bingyan looked at the two subordinates of Shi Guanyin. The judge's pen directly touched the two women's sleeping points, and they fell to the ground immediately.

When the two fell to the ground, Li Chaofeng and Ji Bingyan held their arms, waiting for King Qiuci's answer.

King Qiuci was not in a hurry. He just closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes and said calmly to the two of them.

"You two must not know how to find Hero Hu in the desert. In that case, why not follow me to a place first?"

Of course Hu Tiehua can be found, but Ji Bingyan doesn't want to tell others that they can find it yet. She looks at Li Chaofeng silently, and Li Chaofeng just touches his nose and continues to ask.

"So King, why do you, the son of a dragon, let you be so humble?"

"After all, the dragon son and grandson are just the dragon son and grandson, not the emperor, nor the general who leads the army. I'm afraid I can't help you restore your country, right?"

Upon hearing this question, King Qiuci was stunned for a moment, but then he burst out laughing.


Then he returned to his imperial demeanor, sitting upright on the throne with a majestic face.

"My king's means of restoring the kingdom are on the way. Do you want to go and have a look, Young Master Snake?"

 Ask for a collection, ask for a ticket
  (End of this chapter)

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