Chapter 61 Battle in the Secret Room
  Li Chaofeng led Ji Bingyan along the city wall three times and twice, and soon entered a room built with stones, and then quickly found the entrance to a secret passage behind a hidden wall.

Looking at the stone staircase that went deep into the ground, Li Chaofeng stopped and hit the wall with a stone. He listened for a while before nodding and explaining to Ji Bingyan.

"This tunnel has only one exit. You stay here while I go in and take a look."

Ji Bingyan shook his head: "No, it's too dangerous. If you can't come back, Hu Tiehua won't let me go!"

Li Chaofeng pointed to his nose and ears: "Don't worry, I'm much better than you in this dark tunnel."

Li Chaofeng's five senses made him feel the same in the dark as in the daytime. Ji Bingyan understood this very well.

Through the tent, I could see a little red in the Central Plains ten feet away. In such a dark tunnel, I was not afraid of any sneak attacks.

It's a good thing he doesn't attack others.

After thinking carefully, Ji Bingyan shook his head.

"But the gate of the city is empty"

Li Chaofeng pointed to his nose and explained with a smile.

"I told you, it's okay."

Ji Bingyan saw that Li Chaofeng had made up his mind and could only give a reminder.

"If you lose, quit immediately."

Li Chaofeng nodded: "Okay, but be careful when you block the exit. I will never walk out of it holding a torch. If you see the fire, then..."

Li Chaofeng made a gesture of cutting his throat. Ji Bingyan frowned at first and looked at Li Chaofeng with uncertain eyes.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he nodded in agreement, indicating that he would take action.

After the plan was decided, Ji Bingyan watched Li Chaofeng's back disappear into the darkness bit by bit. She turned to look at the royal city outside the house, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she carefully calculated why Li Chaofeng suddenly changed his plan.

Han people do not kill Han people. What on earth does Demon Dragon Li Chaofeng want to remind him?
  It was not part of their plan to allow King Qiuci to be captured by a Han.

Moreover, Li Chaofeng felt something was wrong since he saw Qiuci City.

He was thinking, but no matter how much he thought, he couldn't figure it out.

Just because in Ji Bingyan's heart, Qiuci has never been an enemy country.

A vassal state is certainly not an enemy state.

Entering the dark secret passage, Li Chaofeng's face calmed down, because he knew that what he was going to do this time might be different from what Ji Bingyan planned.

With superhuman five senses, he had actually discovered that there was an ambush at the city gate, but he didn't know that the person was Wuhua.

But he didn't warn him, and even allowed Wuhua to kidnap King Kucha.

And the reason is naturally not for the plot to develop according to the original work.

The current plot is completely different from the original work.

While thinking, he walked along the secret passage with countless forks, and soon came to a corner, where he heard the conversation between Wuhua and King Qiuci.

"The king is really thoughtful. Wu really didn't expect that the countries in the Western Regions would be willing to send troops to help even if they didn't get the money. Aren't they afraid that they won't get the money in the end?"

King Qiuci was already tied up and fell to the ground. Listening to Wu Juxuan's words, he knew that the other party was still thinking about the Bliss Star, so he also gave a serious warning.

"Everyone can find rebellious ministers and traitors and punish them. If there is rebellion in our country, the neighboring countries will both prosper and suffer. Naturally, the kings of other countries will quell the rebellion on my behalf."

"And I will pay you a reward. As long as I return to the throne, I will naturally get the Star of Bliss. When the time comes, I will open the treasure house and get the treasure. How can my friends and neighbors not want to help?"

Wuhua smiled: "Ha, if you say this, will the king believe it?"

"Besides, when they find out that you are missing, they will naturally withdraw their troops. Kucha Kingdom is still ours, isn't it?"

King Qiuci's face tightened, and he looked at Wu Juxuan with sharp eyes, angrily, and gritted his teeth.

"Do you think that we, the Western Regions, are just as dishonest as the Han people? If I hadn't mistakenly believed in the Han slave Ande Mountain, how could I have been in today's disaster!"

Wuhua smiled conspiratorially: "But Andeshan is still sitting on his throne, and you can only wait here for the matter to end and be killed by our group of rebellious officials and traitors."

King Qiuci smiled proudly: "Really? Then why were the reinforcements from the four countries able to break into the royal city?"

When Wuhua heard this, he snorted angrily and did not answer King Qiuci's question.

The reason is simple. In order to scare King Kucha and plunge him into complete despair, most of the forbidden army was taken to the oasis by General Min.

If he hadn't seen the camp empty half a day ago, Wuhua wouldn't have been able to come back in time to capture King Kucha.

The two sides exchanged bases this day.    But so what?
  As long as the King of Kucha is still in his hands, the Kingdom of Kucha is still in their possession.

When the person in the palace starts to take action, he can take advantage of the chaos to escape from Kucha City with King Kucha and join General Min.

At that time, he supported Min Hongkui to become the king of Kucha. With the merit of following the dragon, his official position would be larger and it would be easier to seize power.

Wuhua became silent, and Li Chaofeng, who was hiding in the tunnel, also let out a long sigh.


Wuhua was shocked because this secret room was very secret. It was a secret room that Shi Guanyin found out with great difficulty. Even Andeshan didn't know about this place.

As the young man in green fur slowly walked out of the secret passage, Li Chaofeng looked up and down at the former "Seven Wonderful Monks" and now the ugly man Wu Juxuan by the candlelight in the secret room.

The Seven Wonders of the Monk Wu Hua, Gu Long only mentioned the Four Wonders, playing chess, playing the piano, poetry and painting, and cooking, can all be called the best in the world.

In addition, Master Balsam Pear is also one of the few vegetarian masters in the world. Li Chaofeng had to wonder if there was something in the kitchen of Shaolin Temple.

Thinking about these, Li Chaofeng nodded to Wuhua as a greeting, then looked down at King Qiuci on the ground, looked up at Wuhua, and asked in a calm voice.

"I thought you captured him to do something bad to him, or to use him as a hostage."

"Now that I think about it, you don't seem to be planning to do anything to him, nor do you have any intention of treating him as a hostage?"

After King Qiuci heard Li Chaofeng's voice, he swallowed nervously. What he should have asked the other party for help was blocked by the other party's indifferent attitude.

There was something wrong with the words of this Snake Young Hero who was supposed to be trustworthy.

Wuhua was sizing up Li Chaofeng before he walked into the candlelight. After seeing Li Chaofeng's clothes and appearance clearly, he was also thinking about why the demon dragon Li Chaofeng found this place.

But when Wuhua heard Li Chaofeng's question, he also looked contemptuous.

"How does a person who is only tenth in the weapons spectrum deserve to know what I am going to do?"

Li Chaofeng smiled, because he didn't want to kill Wuhua when he came here this time, so he had to hide something.

Now Wuhua took the initiative to show that he knew Li Chaofeng's identity for a long time, which would save him half the puzzle.

Nodding, Li Chaofeng also responded.

"It seems that you have something to do with Shi Guanyin. This news is good."

Wuhua wore an ugly human skin mask and wondered: "Where is the best place?"

Li Chaofeng smirked: "Of course I can rely on you to find Shi Guanyin."

Wuhua's eyes sharpened, he glanced behind Li Chaofeng, a ball of anger burst out of his nose, and he said fiercely.

"You seem to have come in alone?"

Li Chaofeng: "Of course, after all, you are only one person."

Wuhua Zhangyan: "You are very brave!"

Li Chaofeng shook his head: "You are too timid."

Wuhua moved, but only his fingers. That was Shaolin's "finger snapping magical power".

Li Chaofeng smiled, with different fingering techniques and the same "magic power of snapping fingers".

The two finger winds hit each other's acupuncture points. Wuhua ducked sideways and looked at Li Chaofeng with a hint of confusion.


He turned and shook his head: "No, it doesn't look like that."

Li Chaofeng smiled and moved his palms in front of him. His feet were like dragons and snakes, heading straight towards Wuhua.

Wu Huaqi smiled back. He didn't expect that as the former top talent in Shaolin, he would be looked down upon so much.

Li Chaofeng's palms were about to face each other. Wuhua could see clearly that they were the "Kunlun Divine Palms" of the Kunlun Sect, but it was still specious.

"Good come!"

Wuhua let out a loud shout and punched out with both fists, unparalleled in strength.

Shaolin Magic Fist!

 Ask for a collection, ask for a ticket
  (End of this chapter)

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