Chapter 66 The Ultimate No Move

Ji Bingyan finally entered the tunnel, because all he could do was hold Bai Tianyu back and let Li Chaofeng leave alone.

He had no weapons and was injured. If Li Chaofeng didn't want to leave and wanted to deal with Bai Tianyu alone, he would really be in the way.

Tian Tianyu didn't stop him because Li Chaofeng's whole body was relaxing.

Only by relaxing can you take better action.

"Boy, although I am very optimistic about you, I still remind you that the sword has no eyes, and it will not heal if you are injured."

"I can pick it up and raise it if it's half-dead, but I don't need trash that's worse than dead."

Faced with Li Chaofeng's full fighting spirit, Bai Tianyu still looked calm. After all, the strength of the two sides was not equal from the beginning.

He Bai Tianyu can force "Magic Sword" Guo Wei to change his title, which is naturally not something that ordinary people can compare with.

The young man in front of him looked like he was only in his early twenties, so how could he be his opponent?

Infuriating energy is very useful, but it still needs to be accumulated little by little. Even for the magical power of wedding, the training time is calculated on a yearly basis.

Li Chaofeng's golden whip was already wrapped around his waist, and his Chiliu dagger was lying in front of him. He had an indifferent expression on his face. He didn't want to answer Bai Tianyu's question, so he just said.


" are so stubborn!"

Bai Tianyu's knife is very ordinary, but no matter how ordinary the knife is, it is no longer an ordinary knife in the hands of an extraordinary person.

Facing Li Chaofeng's invitation to fight, he didn't even pull out his knife.

He wanted to fight Ji Bingyan quickly, so he drew the knife. Only by drawing the knife could he ignore the restrictions of the stone house.

But now he wants to recruit a subordinate who is not afraid of death, so he wants to beat him to convince him.

But even if the knife is not unsheathed, he can still use it.

The stone house is not big, only five meters long and four meters wide. Bai Tianyu just straightened the knife and it already occupied less than half of the width. Such a narrow place is not a good place to perform sword skills at all.

But he still used it. Countless knife shadows appeared in front of him, and each knife was heavier than Mount Tai.

He wanted to convince this arrogant young man and let him know why he was called...

"The magic sword is invincible".

Only when he actually faced Bai Tianyu's sword did Li Chaofeng finally understand why Bai Tianyu was "invincible with the magic sword".

There is no reply to the mad sword, but he has a reply. Not only does he have a reply, he can also quickly make up for it.

There is no skill in wielding a sword. He is very clever, so skillfully that every sword attack hits the flaw in Li Chaofeng's moves.

The Demon Sword has no regrets. He doesn't have to regret it, because he has never attacked Li Chaofeng's weak point and is not worried about killing Li Chaofeng at all.

The heavenly sword has no self, and the human sword is one. Bai Tianyu wields the sword as a human being, and his sword is not a human being, but a part of his body.

This is...the invincible magic sword!

Li Chaofeng had a short sword in his hand, which was very suitable for fighting in such a narrow place.

He knows "Five Ultimate Magic Skills", which is a problem-solving encyclopedia and can solve almost all moves in the world.

Going up to the sky and into the earth, striking left and right, Li Chaofeng can switch back and forth between various moves to achieve his goals.

But the opponent's sword technique has no moves at all, or in other words, he just picks up moves at random.

There are various moves that can be used in the Five Ultimate Skills, but as long as Li Chaofeng uses one move, Tian Tianyu can immediately parry with his sword, and then turn around and strike again.

Is this Fu Hongxue's invincible "Magic Sword Art"?
  No, "Sword Art" was written by Bai Tianyu!
  Fu Hongxue can only use a knife with his hands. He can not only use his hands, but also his feet, shoulders, arms, and thighs.

The stone house restricted long knives, so he made the knives shorter!

Li Chaofeng used his move to let Bai Tianyu's knife attack him. He rolled out the knife with his neck and blocked Li Chaofeng's "Three-Point Divine Sword" with his backhand.

He rolled his neck with the back of the knife, so he didn't take advantage of Li Chaofeng.

Tian Tianyu didn't even use his true energy to bully Li Chaofeng. He only used his sword skills to keep Li Chaofeng from getting even closer to his body.

And Li Chaofeng not only used sword techniques, but also palm techniques, boxing techniques, and finger techniques.

But whether it was long-range infuriating energy or close-range entanglement, the first thing he had to face was Bai Tianyu's knife.

Or scabbard.

The handle of the knife touched Li Chaofeng's heart, making him take half a step back. Tian Tianyu stopped fighting a little bored and asked curiously.

"You just blocked my attacks thirteen times with your body. If I pulled out the knife, you would have died thirteen times. Do we still want to continue our relationship?"

Li Chaofeng gasped, and after the pressure in his chest had eased, he argued.

"Although you didn't draw your sword, I thought your sword had an edge."

"And your thirteen attacks didn't mean to let me go, but they just didn't hurt me, right?"

Li Chaofeng's body is very strong, and coupled with the body protection of Zhenqi, he can use his body to resist the opponent's blunt attack.

Tian Tianyu nodded. His thirteen attacks were able to hit Li Chaofeng only because Li Chaofeng didn't dodge.

And among these thirteen times, nine times it was the back of the knife, four times it was the handle, and none was the blade.

He hit the opponent's body without hitting any key points, but he had to dodge the opponent's counterattacks one after another.    Exchanging injury for injury does not count as crushing.

Thinking of this, Bai Tianyu shook his head and marveled.

"I really didn't expect that after learning so many moves, you could actually do something as stupid as Iron Cloth Shirt?"

"But if the fight continues, I don't have much patience anymore. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Li Chaofeng chuckled: "Patience? Isn't it time? After all, there should be many people outside who want to kill you, right?"

The two fought fiercely, but they were not competing in the ring, but in Kucha City where the soldiers from the Western Regions were everywhere.

Fortunately, Li Chaofeng was not an enemy at least, but Tian Tianyu was a real member of the rebels.

Li Chaofeng looked at Bai Tianyu, he didn't like fighting with him.

It's not that he is destined to lose, but even if he wins, he will be in trouble.

But he didn't want to admit defeat, and he didn't want to listen to Bai Tianyu's nonsense.

Tian Tianyu chuckled, his expression a little arrogant.

No, it is extremely arrogant.

"Oh...if you're talking about the group of people from the Western Regions outside, then there's no need to worry, because they've almost dispersed."

Bai Tianyu could really be arrogant. He dared to have a fierce fight with Li Chaofeng here without worrying about being surrounded, just because he had already killed everyone once in the palace.

Andeshan was dead, and those generals from the Western Regions were not left alone either.

In other words, the sand pirate Qingbeard had already heard about Bai Tianyu's strength, so he snatched Andeshan's head and ran away, but his life was spared.


Bai Tianyu pulled out the sword, and the blade was finally revealed in full.

The long and narrow blade is slightly curved, the blade is sharp, and the blood groove is not too deep. Except for the dark handle, this knife is no different from the Yanling Knife.

His face gradually became serious, he was playing with the knife casually, and his tone was slightly threatening.

"People, you have to accept reality and don't be shameless."

"Remember one thing, face is earned by oneself and given by others!"

When he heard that the people from the Western Regions had dispersed, Li Chaofeng's expression changed, and then he seemed dumbfounded, laughing that his cleverness could not be put on the stage, so he started to complain.

"I actually don't want to fight you, because there is no benefit in losing, and there is no benefit in winning."

Bai Tianyu sneered.

"Boy, I have always thought that I am already shameless, but you are even more shameless than me. Now that we are fighting, you actually think you can win?"

Li Chaofeng looked up at the sky with a smile on his face, almost to tears. Finally he looked at Bai Tianyu and said openly.

"Why not?"

The shakuliu dagger fell from his hand and fell to the ground. Li Chaofeng even untied the Jiuxian Shenlong and threw it to the ground together.

He loosened his belt, took off his wrist guards, and then took off his shoulder guards.

He tilted his neck, shrugged his shoulders, kicked his legs and opened his arms.

The green fur on his body gradually became fluffy, making him look bigger.

If just now he was a cheetah as fast as the wind, now he is like a giant cyan bear standing upright.

It looks quite cute, but also quite ridiculous.

Tian Tianyu was stunned by Li Chaofeng's operation, because the most important thing in a battle between rivers and lakes is precision.

Because precision is required, it is best to tie the sleeves to prevent clothing from catching on the hilt.

Make a shoulder protector in advance to prevent the opponent from cutting off the shoulder meat when he sees that the neck cannot be cut.

With Li Chaofeng's posture, do you want to wrestle with him, the invincible swordsman?

Shaking his head helplessly, Tian Tianyu reminded.

"You are worse than before, do you want to surrender secretly?"

"If that's the case, I advise you to surrender directly, because I prefer subordinates who are more direct in what they do and say."

Li Chaofeng smiled and introduced himself.

"My name is Li Chaofeng. I am ranked tenth in the weapons spectrum. I am known as the Demon Dragon in the world."

Tian Tian Yuqi smiled, what the hell is a weapon chart? Li Xunhuan, the third in the weapon chart, was not as arrogant as Li Chaofeng in front of him.

"Oh, what's your weapon on the weapon list?"

Li Chaofeng gave the answer word for word. "I also use a sword, the name of the sword is Dragon Fang."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up reading.

  (End of this chapter)

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