Chapter 7 A fierce light appears
  In the dark night, the forest was dense, and two horses were tied to the trunk of a tree not far from the official road. At this time, they were pulling at the bark of the tree, trying to lower their heads to eat the grass near their mouths.

In the woods, a bonfire gradually extinguished, leaving the surrounding trees shrouded in moonlight.

When the remaining heat of the bonfire completely dissipated, Jiang Biehe, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes and looked at the young man across the bonfire. Listening to the young man's deep breathing, there was a faint fierce light in his eyes.

This young man was terrifying to Jiang Biehe.

At this time, the two of them were alone together, and the other party seemed to be unprepared. It was indeed a good time to kill him.

As for the people in Sihai Town who already knew who killed the Five Tigers of Tianmen, Jiang Biehe didn't care.

As long as they can make up a past reason, no one in this world will care about the reason why a person they don't know died.

Yulang Jiangfeng is kind-hearted, benevolent and courageous. He is philanthropic and can help others to the best of his ability.

After his whole family was killed because of his request for glory as a bookboy buyer, not only Jiang Feng's sworn brother, but also the world's greatest hero Yan Nantian was after him.

There are no consequences for killing people.

This is Jianghu, benevolence, justice and integrity are all useless things.

Jiang Biehe never considered whether he could take action, he only considered whether he could kill the opponent.

As the true energy in his body began to circulate, Jiang Biehe was about to take action when he saw the young man suddenly reaching out and grabbing his body.

There was only a "squeaking" sound, but it was a wild fox trying to steal the meat in the young man's bag.

Li Chaofeng caught the fox and stood up with a yawn, but his tone was a little pity.

"Fox? It seems that Jiang Daxia is out of luck."

After letting the wild fox go, Li Chaofeng asked again with surprise on his face.

"By the way, do you want to stay up late, Master Jiang? But you don't dare to go because you're afraid of ghosts, so you need my little brother to accompany you."

Li Chaofeng's perception is very strong, which is the ability given by the Five Insect Sword. He can not only sense wind, rain and moisture, but also the murderous intention around him.

This is an innate instinct of animals.

Jiang Biehe pretended to be asleep and opened his eyes, everything was within Li Chaofeng's perception.

After being pointed out by Li Chaofeng, Jiang Biehe did not continue to get up. He lay down on the hay again, closed his eyes, and warned in a gentle tone.

"You need to be more vigilant when you go out, but Jiang doesn't dare to sleep to death, but is it disturbing my little brother's dream?"

Jiang Biehe's words were very reasonable. Li Chaofeng did not continue to say anything else and just yawned.

"Ha~ So that's it. I thought you were afraid of ghosts. Since it's okay, I'll continue to sleep."

As Li Chaofeng fell into a deep sleep again, there was no sound in the trees, leaving only the cold wind blowing like a ghost crying.
  In Wanfu Longevity Garden, Fourth Master Jin looked at the heads in front of him with satisfaction. After the butler nodded to confirm, he also thanked the two people in front of him.

"Thank you to the two young heroes for your help. After the Tianmen Five Tigers entered Jiangnan, they killed people and set fires all the way. They did many evil things and made the people of Jiangnan panic. Now everyone can finally have a good sleep."

Li Chaofeng stared at Fourth Master Jin's face closely at this time, and finally sighed in his heart.

It doesn't matter that Jiang Biehe is not familiar with him. His age is completely wrong. Jiang Biehe's appearance has changed a lot. This was confirmed by Yan Nantian.

But this Fourth Master Jin also compared it one by one with various memories in his mind.

He could only say that he didn't recognize Fourth Master Jin, but he looked familiar.

But there were too many cases of familiarity. Not to mention familiarity, he had seen people who looked exactly like the actors before time travel.

Hearing Fourth Master Jin's thanks at this time, Li Chaofeng and Jiang Biehe returned the gift together, and Jiang Biehe looked even more humble.

"How dare I take the credit? Most of the Five Tigers of Tianmen were killed by Brother Li. I just happened to meet them."

Hearing Jiang Biehe's humility, Fourth Master Jin did not acknowledge it and just waved his hands repeatedly.

"Young Master Jiang is being too modest. I already know the process of the death of the Five Tigers of Tianmen. If Young Master Jiang hadn't killed the Gate-breaking Tiger first, leaving one missing among the Five Tigers, and then chased the four of them for half a month, preventing the evil thieves from resting, Young Master Li would How can one fight against four and annihilate them in one fell swoop?”

"Although Li Shaoxia took the lead in killing the thief this time, Jiang Shaoxia also contributed indispensably." Hearing this, Li Chaofeng just smiled and said nothing. Jiang Biehe still wanted to give in, but Jin Siye didn't say much anymore. Just say hello outside.

"Come on."

As the two slaves each held out a box, Fourth Master Jin also explained to the two people in front of him.

"This time the five tigers are killed, both young heroes have contributed. Jin once told the world that if someone kills the five tigers, he will be given a good gift. Today is the time to fulfill his promise."

As the servant opened the box, there was no gold, silver or jewelry inside, just two stacks of thousand taels of silver notes stacked thickly together. After just a glance, it was probably as many as tens of thousands taels.

Although these banknotes are not shocking enough, for ordinary people, they are enough to last a lifetime.

The landlady only stuffed a hundred taels of silver into her baggage, and the rest was just some scattered silver.

Sure enough, people in Jianghu are very generous, especially rich people like Mr. Jin Si who come from Jianghu are even more generous.

When he saw that he had money to take, Li Chaofeng was not polite and grabbed a pile of banknotes and stuffed them directly into his chest. Jiang Biehe only raised his head and refused after seeing Li Chaofeng take the bonus.

"Although Jiang does not come from a wealthy family, he does have a small fortune. This round of hunting down the murderer is just to eliminate a few evils in the world and maintain the righteousness of the world. However, after chasing him all the way, he only killed one tiger. I really deserve it. Please also ask Fourth Master Jin to take back the generous gift."

When Fourth Master Jin heard this, he looked slightly angry and his eyes widened.

"Young Master Jiang thinks the money given by Jin is too little?"

When Jiang Biehe heard this, he quickly shook his head in denial. Seeing that Fourth Master Jin still didn't want to let go, he also wanted to use the slope to get off the donkey.

Jiang Biehe: "Of course this is a lot of silver, but it's just that I won't be rewarded for no merit. Biehe really doesn't dare to accept it. If Mr. Jin has to fulfill his promise, why not give it to those poor people who have been harmed by the Five Tigers on Jiang's behalf?" .”

After saying this in a sincere tone, Jiang Biehe's face was filled with sadness.

Li Chaofeng on the side tightened his chest after hearing this, as if he was worried that Jiang Biehe would give away his bonus as well.

Fourth Master Jin looked at the two Jianghu people in front of him. The young-looking Jiang Biehe had a righteous look, while the young-looking Li Chaofeng looked like a vigilant villain.

For a moment, both of them were confused about their demands.

But from the information he secretly received, the Four Tianmen Tigers were indeed killed on the spot by Li Chaofeng with one person. For this reason, he also used his body to withstand Chaotian Tiger's sword slashing into the sky.

As for Jiang Biehe, despite his righteousness, Fourth Master Jin is not a young man in the world. Although he was hunting for Ban Yue, Jiang Biehe was not affected at all.

Chasing at sunrise and resting at sunset, Duanmenhu died in an unknown manner. He was just a person seeking fame and reputation.

At this time, the two people have different attitudes. The one who is brave enough to do what is right is jealous of money, and the one who is just trying to gain fame and reputation does not take any money.

Just thinking about it in his mind, Fourth Master Jin knew that the two of them looked very similar, but he did not reject Jiang Biehe's desire to become famous.

As a local snake in the south of the Yangtze River, if there are more heroes, the people will feel more at ease. When the people feel at ease, the Jin family's industry will be more stable.

Then Sitting on the chair, Fourth Master Jin cupped his hands and smiled at Jiang Biehe.

"Since Hero Jiang is so kind and righteous, then Jin also thanked those suffering people."

Nodding to the servant and putting away the box, Fourth Master Jin smiled and suggested to Li Chaofeng.

"It's better to meet by chance than to invite me. In half a month, my ancestor's birthday will be here. How about you two staying here for a few days and communicating with your peers in the world?"

Hearing this invitation, Li Chaofeng suddenly felt itchy. The Jin family's grandmother was having a banquet, and that was where the bandit commander Chu Liuxiang would show up.

Of course you can’t miss this!

Li Chaofeng smiled broadly and nodded in agreement.

Jiang Biehe's expression was even more joyful, and he had already lowered his head and handed over his hand.

"Bie He, it is better to obey than to be respectful."

(End of this chapter)

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