Chapter 77 Bluestone Guanyin
  When Li Chaofeng sensed Chu Liuxiang, he had just walked out of the Guanyin Demon Cave and had not yet talked to Shi Tuo and the others.

At that time, Li Chaofeng and the others were still some distance away from Chu Liuxiang.

After hearing the news, Hu Tiehua and Zhongyuan Yidianhong naturally did not rest, and ran straight for more than a mile using Qinggong. Zhongyuan Yidianhong almost suspected that Li Chaofeng was fooling him, but soon Li Chaofeng stretched out his hand to signal the three of them to be quiet.

Hiding under a sand dune far away, Hu Tiehua and Zhongyuan Yidianhong, under the guidance of Li Chaofeng, saw Shi Guanyin who was also hiding under the sand dune, and heard Chu Liuxiang loudly preaching the theory of "corrupting heart poison".

Seeing that the situation on the field was indeed as Li Chaofeng said, Zhongyuan blushed and was shocked. What kind of investigative power is this?

A mile away.

Hu Tiehua was not that surprised, she just lowered her voice and asked with a treacherous look.

"It seems that Shi Guanyin is going to ambush the old bug. Should we also make a back-up ambush?"

Li Chaofeng glanced at Hu Tiehua, then frowned.

Although he defeated Bai Tianyu, he never felt complacent.

Not to mention the terrain advantage in the stone house, Bai Tianyu and Wu Chong Dao were able to dodge in time for the first time. Even after he went all out, the opponent was still able to do it with ease. Li Chaofeng knew that his strength was only that much.

It is easy to kill others under the guise, but difficult to win head-on.

And this Shi Guanyin was a ruthless person. Chu Liuxiang was able to restrain the other party only when the other party was in a daze because of the broken mirror. In the end, he committed suicide.

Li Chaofeng is not in the habit of carrying a mirror.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong was a little speechless, Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, and Li Chaofeng, the guy who had just defeated Bai Tianyu, and he was also a capable killer.

With this strength, a sneak attack?
  Just as he was about to stand up and fight head-on, Li Chaofeng reached out and held him down, praising him in a low voice.

"I think Lao Hu's plan today is very reasonable."

Hu Tiehua was stunned: "What is my plan?"

Li Chaofeng reminded in a low voice: "Sneak attack plan!"

Zhongyuan gave the two of them a red and white look, but also lowered his head and warned them.

"I would like to ask you two, with a clear view of the desert, how do you plan to sneak attack a master who is stronger than Chu Liuxiang?"

Hu Tiehua was stunned. Indeed, they were separated by a sand dune from Shi Guanyin. Once they climbed over, Shi Guanyin would be able to hear the slightest sound of footsteps.

Li Chaofeng looked down at the Qiuci clothes he was wearing.

It was a sheepskin product, almost the same color as the desert. He brought a sheepskin felt hat with him. After closing his eyes and thinking about it, Li Chaofeng made a decision.

"I'll go alone."


Hu Tiehua reflexively refused, but soon remembered that the other person was no longer a young man who needed to be protected by him, so after thinking about it carefully, he asked seriously.

"Is your qinggong faster than mine?"

Li Chaofeng shook his head: "My fastest Qing Kung Fu is Wandering Dragon Step, which is of course not as fast as yours."

Wandering Dragon Step comes from Wandering Dragon Jingmeng. Although it is not integrated into the Five Ultimate Magic Skills, it is also the fastest light skill of Li Chaofeng.

Hu Tiehua stared: "Then you are still going?"

Li Chaofeng smiled, and then crawled around in the sand dunes. After a while, he picked up a pile of dry grass and dead branches in the desert. Hu Tiehua and the two of them kneaded it little by little to soften it. After a while, they had a pile of grass that could be hung on the body. rope.

He inserted some hay into the straw rope and put on a felt hat, and he looked like a pile of grass.

At this time, Shi Guanyin had already started talking to Chu Liuxiang. Li Chaofeng did not explain, but just said.

"I'll go over slowly first. Once Shi Guanyin notices anything unusual, you two will rush over directly."

When Hu Tiehua heard this, she didn't object. After all, it was him who suggested the sneak attack, and he seemed to have no way to sneak attack the other party.

Zhongyuan Dianhong watched Li Chaofeng lying on the ground, his black hair and face buried in the sand, and then his limbs slowly climbed forward like a gecko.

During the whole process, Li Chaofeng did not raise his head once, and he stopped and walked, as if there were some signals.

There was indeed a signal. Li Chaofeng's senses were amazing. He knew better than Shi Guanyin what she would hear in her ears.

When Chu Liuxiang spoke, he began to move. When the wind blew, he also moved.

All his limbs were covered with true energy, the sand was very soft, and the wind in the desert was noisy. After a while, he was close to Shi Guanyin. During the whole process, except for Chu Liuxiang who accidentally discovered that the weeds on the sand dunes were moving, Shi Guanyin didn't notice at all.

Chu Liuxiang was indeed shocked because he didn't understand that weeds could actually move on the sand, but he quickly realized it.

Someone wants to attack Shi Guanyin.

So he used laughter to attract Shi Guanyin's attention, and then after seeing the pile of weeds approaching Shi Guanyin, he rushed towards Shi Guanyin.

Shi Guanyin's attention was attracted by Chu Liuxiang, and he didn't even notice that the weeds under her body had risen, revealing a young face covered with sand.

Li Chaofeng stretched out the Five Insect Knife little by little, and even his breathing stopped. However, if he wanted to kill someone, he still had to speed up.

The wind blew, and Guanyin looked back.

At this time, the Five Insect Sword was only half an inch away from Shi Guanyin's face. Even if Shi Guanyin was a god descending to earth, he could only use one move.

Either protect yourself or kill the other person.

There was a "zizzling" sound in the air, and the five-insect knife was tightly grasped by a delicate hand that was as jade-like as stone. The five-insect knife passed across the palm of Shi Guanyin's hand, making a sharpening sound.

Yes, the sound of sharpening the knife was exactly the same as when Li Chaofeng put the Five Insect Knife on the whetstone and polished it.

Li Chaofeng had no time to be surprised. Li Chaofeng stabbed Shi Guanyin's half-petrified face with the tip of the Five Insects knife, leaving a shallow cut on his face.

Li Chaofeng's eyes widened because the breeze tore off the veil, and he also saw Shi Guanyin's face.

The stone Guanyin's face is like bluestone, just like the Guanyin in the Buddhist temple, except that a crack was opened by myself with a knife.

A huge force came from Li Chaofeng's chest and abdomen, such a hard hand.

No, those are stone-like hands.

The moment Li Chaofeng flew out with the fossil magic skill, this was the only skill that came to his mind.

Doesn’t it take a virgin Xuanyin body to practice? ? ?

Shi Guanyin has two sons, how can he practice? ! !
  Shi Guanyin held the dagger in her right hand and struck Li Chaofeng away with one palm. Several gusts of wind came from the back of her head. It was Chu Liuxiang who was attacking.

Chu Liuxiang's attack was quick, but at this time Shi Guanyin had completely petrified his body, and the skin all over his body was fossilized, and nothing was injured.

How can the mere power of fingertips break through the stone skin strengthened by true energy.

Shi Guanyin ignored Chu Liuxiang's attack. She just covered her face and was in a daze because she seemed to hear the sound of her skin falling off.

Caressing the face carefully, it seems that a piece is really missing. This is unforgivable!


A sharp female voice sounded on the sand dunes, and Hu Tiehua and Zhongyuan Dianhong, who rushed over, could see Shi Guanyin's face clearly.

At this time, Shi Guanyin's whole body was like a stone sculpture, and his face was like bluestone. He immediately understood why Shi Guanyin was called Shi Guanyin.

But at this moment, Guanyin's face seemed to have a crack, which was stabbed out by Li Chaofeng with the Five Insect Knife.

Hu Tiehua's fist hit Qingshi's body hard, but even though Shi Guanyin was unconscious, her skills were still there.

With one hand stretched out, a blue stone arm quickly made a move. With only three mistakes, it pressed on Hu Tiehua's chest and another person flew away.


Zhongyuan's red sword arrived and stabbed Shi Guanyin's shoulder point, then stopped on the opponent's body.

He is an assassin, but his Qi cannot penetrate the stone armor transformed from fossil Qi.

Shi Guanyin's bluestone palm was like a sharp blade cutting into Zhongyuan's red neck. A white shadow flashed past, but Chu Liuxiang saved him at the last moment.

Turning to look at Shi Guanyin.

Now Shi Guanyin is like a Buddhist Guanyin, but there are cracks on the face. Unless you look closely, you can't tell that it is a person at all.

No wonder. Men can’t see her.

No normal man would like a bluestone Buddha statue.

If you see it, you will die!
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  (End of this chapter)

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