Chapter 84 Desert World
  Ji Bingyan repeated it again. This time not only Li Chaofeng, but also Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua were surprised, but when they turned around and thought about it, they could only lower their heads and sigh.

Ji Bingyan is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. If he thinks there is something worth doing, he will definitely want to do it.

However, after receiving the confirmation, Li Chaofeng narrowed his eyes, blew out a breath of alcohol from his mouth, waggled his fingers, and his voice was extremely clear and translucent.

"Master Ji, do you understand what the difficulty is in what you want to do?"

Ji Bingyan looked at the more than ten acres of grass grid and asked back with a satisfied expression.

"Snake boy, do you mean time and patience?"

Then ask and answer yourself: "I have time, and I also have patience."

Ji Bingyan is not a person without a plan. Whatever he wants to do, he has already thought of how to do it.

Li Chaofeng waved his hand and shook his head, with a very serious tone: "No, I'm talking about the enemy!"

Ji Bingyan was stunned and looked at Li Chaofeng with doubts in his eyes, because he didn't know what enemies would appear in sand control.

Is it some damn god of the desert?
  So he asked: "Where is the enemy in heaven?"

Li Chaofeng shook hands. He was still conscious and did not want to answer this question.

But looking at Ji Bingyan's comfortable and determined eyes, he didn't want to just watch a good man die in confusion, so he continued to ask.

"Master Ji, do you know that a bag of water in the desert can be exchanged for a priceless gem?"

Ji Bingyan was stunned, then nodded silently.

Although it is accidental, a bag of water in the desert can indeed be exchanged for a gem. In many cases, let alone a piece, even a bag of gems can be exchanged.

Li Chaofeng nodded, then looked at the desert in the distance and explained in a low voice,

"If you want to solve the desert problem, those who want to exchange water for gems will naturally be your first enemy."

Ji Bingyan was stunned, but when she thought about it, she was dissatisfied.

"But the desert also caused them to lose many relatives. They don't like the desert at all."

Li Chaofeng laughed loudly: "No, they like the desert."

"Because they have lived in the desert since they were young, and the desert is the land they rely on for survival. As for their lost relatives."

Li Chaofeng said a line that has been passed down through the ages.

"Dead people can't speak."

He stared at Ji Bingyan tightly and continued to say bluntly: "If you die, you will die."

"As long as the living can continue to live, who cares how many innocent souls are buried under the sand dunes?"

Seeing Ji Bingyan's silence, Li Chaofeng smiled and said nothing more.

If what people want to change is a troubled world, at least they can see some direction.

But it is extremely difficult to change a place where order has been stabilized, even if it is just an uninhabited desert.

Chu Liuxiang became curious and asked.

"You said that the sand bandits will be the first enemy to control the desert. Then who will be the second enemy?"

Li Chaofeng put away his smile, turned to look at Chu Liuxiang, closed his mouth tightly, and shook his head slowly.

"Xiang Shuai is also a little drunk."

Hu Tiehua also put down the wine bag and said with disgust.

"You kid, you are secretive even after drinking. If you act like this, you won't be able to make friends in the future."

Li Chaofeng clenched his fists. He wanted to answer that he didn't need friends.

But looking at Hu Tiehua, she didn't say anything after all. She just took a big gulp of strong wine and then said the second answer.

"The second enemy is those who are too poor to build a house."

Hu Tiehua was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Li Chaofeng spoke indifferently: "The desert was not a desert in the beginning. It also had trees. It was just that the poor needed wood to build houses, so there are no trees on the earth anymore, only endless sand."

"Once the grass grids are laid out, the next step is to spread the seeds and even plant trees to solidify the soil. By then, how many people will Daxia Ji have to prevent others from turning the saplings he planted into money?"

When Hu Tiehua heard this, he could only drink again, because he could not refute this question.

Hu Tiehua was speechless, but Ji Bingyan retorted: "I can ask the court to make laws."

Li Chaofeng was silent for a long time. Looking at Ji Bingyan's serious eyes, he could only give the third answer sadly.

"Wrong, the court will be your third enemy."

Hu Tiehua was shocked: "!!! Snake kid, don't talk nonsense after drinking. I admit that sand thieves harm people. It is understandable for poor people to survive, but how can the court prevent people from controlling sand?"

Li Chaofeng looked up at the sky and didn't answer. He just drank the remaining wine in his bag, then stood up and reminded him lightly.

"That's all, Sir Ji, let's do it." Hu Tiehua saw Li Chaofeng getting up, but she also got up and blocked the other side's way, saying unconvinced.

"Snake brat, you have to explain this third enemy to me clearly, otherwise we will cut off our relationship!"

"Flower madman, stop fooling around!"

Chu Liuxiang had also stood up and was a little dissatisfied with Hu Tiehua's statement.

Li Chaofeng raised his hand to stop Chu Liuxiang, looked at Hu Tiehua's serious eyes, and reminded him with a smile: "Hu Tiehua, you are also drunk. I never said that the imperial court is the enemy of Daxia Ji."


Seeing that Li Chaofeng was a little relieved, Hu Tiehua quickly asked: "Just what?"

Li Chaofeng sighed: "Hu Tiehua, have you ever heard that the laws of our ancestors are immutable?"

Stepping lightly on the ground, he once again told a cruel reality.

"The place where we stand was also land with title deeds when our country was founded, and it might even be prime farmland."

"So, what Master Ji wants to control is not the desert, but fertile farmland. It would be okay if you don't plant anything. If you dare to plant something, you will have to sacrifice your life and fortune just to pay the old taxes."

Hearing this, Hu Tiehua's whole body trembled, and then she looked at Li Chaofeng's extremely joking eyes, but she could only get out of the way.

Li Chaofeng sighed and nodded, turning to look at Ji Bingyan, also giving a gentle reminder.

"Master Ji, I think it's better for you to be a Lanzhou official. If Shuiyunjian wants to buy spices from Qiuci in the future, he will have to rely on you to take care of him."

After saying that, he nodded slightly to Chu Liuxiang: "I am not familiar with Yongcui Villa. If Xiangshuai has any flaws, just tell Mr. Li Yuhan the detoxification method on the way."

Li Chaofeng rode on the big black horse. Hu Tiehua was just angry that Li Chaofeng actually regarded the court as a villain. It could be seen that the other party wanted to leave, so he also asked to stay.

"Snake brat, you really don't want to join us in the world?"

"No, I have something that I have been putting off for a long time, and it's time to do it."

Hu Tiehua was stunned and quickly shouted: "What's going on? Do you want help?"

"Go and enjoy your revenge!"

Li Chaofeng's voice was so loud that Hu Tiehua was surprised and confused, but Li Chaofeng had already walked away and he could not ask further questions.

Li Chaofeng's black horse was already running. Li Chaofeng on the horse looked at the sparse mountains and forests in the distance. The wind blew on his face, drunkenness welled up in his face, and he suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

"What a scenery! What a scenery!"

After roaring for a long time, he began to stop and sing loudly. The singing spread throughout the sand dunes and mountains and forests, and finally dispersed in the sky and the earth.

"Deforestation is all about selling water."

"Digging a dike is like a ferryman."

"The whole city is full of hungry people, showing off their noble families."

"General Banshan Bones."

"Ah, there is suffering in the human heart, but there is no suffering. The mirror in the high hall is clear."

"Hey, things are so difficult in the world, but the hardest thing is to be one person above the rest!"

"Above one person! Ha! Haha! Hahaha!"

Listening to the laughter coming from afar, Chu Liuxiang turned to look at Hu Tiehua, her brows furrowed.

"Crazy flower, where did you pick up this demonic dragon?"

Hu Tiehua had already clasped his hands. After listening to Li Chaofeng's lyrics, he felt goosebumps all over his body, and he made an unequivocal assertion.

"What kind of demonic dragon is this? This is an evil obstacle!"

"A villain who has no idea what retribution is! He curses everyone in the world with just one word, how dare he is!"

Hearing the name of evil, Ji Bingyan drank the rest of the drink and said calmly.

"Maybe this is the reason why he doesn't drink. We never seem to have thought about one thing. With such a keen sense of smell, how much truth does he have in his heart that we don't even dare to see or hear?"

Chu Liuxiang pursed her lips tightly, and finally turned into a bitter smile.

"So...we were deceived all the way?"


Hu Tiehua's face became solemn, and after thinking for a while, he firmly denied it.

"No, this kid behaves more kindly than me, a guy who believes in retribution. I was not deceived."

Hearing this, Ji Bingyan stood up and walked towards his horse with a straight face.

"In this case, I should listen to him and continue to be my Lanzhou official."

(End of this chapter)

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