Chapter 9

Two people competed for one hoof, and the table was the Eight Immortals table. Because Jiang Biehe liked to make friends, they were all occupied.

The other six people at the table were all full of contempt for the two people's fighting actions, but they had long been used to it.

They came to the Jin family birthday banquet not just to eat, but to make friends in the world.

The two people in front of them had been eating seriously from the beginning.

Li Chaofeng was not a competitive person, but he didn't want to give in to the reckless man in front of him.

At first he hated this guy, a superman with a keen sense of smell, and of course he hated this guy who smelled so bad.

Now, he always felt that this rude man looked like an actor at first glance, but upon closer inspection, he had no impression of him at all.

But first... let's get to know each other.

Squinting his eyes, Li Chaofeng looked at the man with eyes as sharp as needles.

Li Chaofeng didn't want to make the matter bigger and disturb other people's birthday banquets, and the reckless man didn't want to make the matter bigger and show up in front of others.

Although the two were confronting each other, they didn't make any sound. They just used their fingers hard, like a bullfight, not giving in to each other.

Li Chaofeng didn't want to give in, and the arrogant man never gave up. He saw the arrogant man pinch the big bone, stretched his body forward, and whispered a warning.

"Boy, I've been chased by a bitch for more than a year. I've been living in the open and sleeping in the open air. It's hard for me to have a good meal. You have good food and drink at Jin's house, but you're still missing a leg?"

Li Chaofeng saw that the other party was leaning over and quickly moved back, but his fingers still pinched the hoof bone and he retorted in a low voice.

"As the old saying goes, if you are a young man, you will be poor. Not to mention one hoof, even ten. I can eat them all."

Looking down at the leftovers on the table, Li Chaofeng raised his eyebrows as a reminder.

"Since just now, you have eaten half the table of food and wine by yourself. No matter how you ate and slept in the open, you should have eaten enough!"

The reckless man roared menacingly after hearing this.

"I ate half the table, didn't you guys eat half the table too?"

After saying this, the strong man was also upset and said angrily.

"Not only that, you ate all the pastries and preserved fruits on the plate before I served them! But I didn't eat them at all. You ate more than me."

When Li Chaofeng heard this, he raised his eyebrows, raised his head and lowered his eyes, but his eyes were full of pride.

"It's your bad luck that you can't serve on the table. It's none of my business."

Seeing that Li Chaofeng was not willing to back down at all, the reckless man began to look fiercely and speak threateningly.

"Really not?"

Li Chaofeng could still be frightened by an unknown person, and he also growled.

"I won't give it to you even if it's a dog!"

At this moment, the rude man suddenly raised his eyebrows and motioned Li Chaofeng to look behind him.

"There's someone behind you!"

"This kind of."

Li Chaofeng originally wanted to say that this kind of strategy could only deceive children, but as his perception unfolded, he had no choice but to let go and looked at the people behind him with a proud look on his face.

The protagonists of the birthday banquet are Mrs. Jin, Fourth Master Jin, and of course, there are several servants waiting on them.

At this time, Fourth Master Jin held the Jin family's grandmother's hand and extended his hand to introduce her.

"Grandma, this is the little chef who has been cooking for you these days."

The banquet was large, but not that big.

Although Li Chaofeng's table was in the corner and would not have been noticed by anyone, the way he and the man were competing for the hoof made Fourth Master Jin catch him with the corner of his eye.

He found that the little chef god he liked was actually sitting in the corner and had an argument with someone. Fourth Master Jin couldn't be rude. After thinking about what the little chef chef had done in the past half month, he also brought his grandmother to meet this person together. Little chef.

At this time, Li Chaofeng also knew who the meal that Fourth Master Jin asked him to cook was for. Seeing that his hands were greasy, he grabbed the corner of Jiang Biehe's clothes and wiped them, and handed over to Old Mrs. Jin with a happy face. congratulate.

"Xiao Ke Li Chaofeng, I have met Grandma Jin. I wish you good fortune like the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains."

"Good, good, good."

Although Old Mrs. Jin can still move, she is still very old, and she is even more tired at this time. But since Mr. Jin asked her to come, she naturally had to take a look.

After all, she was the host of this birthday banquet, so it was only right for her to come forward and talk to the guests. Finding that his grandmother was indeed a little tired, Fourth Master Jin asked his servants to let the Jin family's grandmother return to her seat. He glanced at the people around him, but did not say hello.

Just looking at the rough man who was fighting for the hoof with Li Chaofeng just now, there was a trace of confusion on his face, and he asked Li Chaofeng softly.

"Is this good man a friend of the little chef?"

Although Fourth Master Jin's voice was soft, his tone was as serious as Mount Tai.

He turned his gaze to the man, but the man did not raise his head. He was just eating and drinking, as if he didn't know that Fourth Master Jin was asking him.

Although Li Chaofeng hated the smell of the other party, he didn't want Fourth Master Jin to drive him away. After all, this was definitely a plot character. He sighed in his heart, but he was just fooling around with a smile.

"It's considered acquaintance."

Fourth Master Jin felt that Li Chaofeng meant not to pursue the matter, so he glanced around majestically, then smiled and ignored the man, and just looked at the crowd with a majestic tone.

"I see. I just saw two people arguing from a distance, and I thought someone was going to hit the little chef. If that's the case, it's the Jin family who are being rude."

After being polite, Mr. Jin didn't care about the rude man, and his tone became kind.

"Little Chef God, what I said before"

Before Fourth Master Jin could say anything, Li Chaofeng knew what the other party wanted to say. His face tightened, his smile disappeared, he sat down and flatly refused.

"No, young master, I want to make my way in the world."

When Fourth Master Jin saw Li Chaofeng being polite to him one second, and then turning his back on him the next, he also let out a long sigh, his face full of pity.

"That's the biggest restaurant in Hangzhou. Many people can't even get in. Now if I give it to you directly, won't you be able to keep a little chef like you?"

Hearing this, except for the unmoved man who lowered his head to eat and drink, the other heroes and young heroes were all shocked. They thought, fortunately, they didn't offend the little chef just now. They didn't expect that Fourth Master Jin valued this person so much.

And Jiang Biehe lowered his head, not daring to raise his head at all, because at this time, his eyes were filled with jealousy.

Fourth Master Jin had almost ignored him for the past half month, but he favored a cook who in his eyes might not even know martial arts.

This is the fourth master of the Jin family who owns half of the south of the Yangtze River.

When Li Chaofeng heard Fourth Master Jin talking like this, he immediately rolled his eyes and looked up at Fourth Master Jin with a smile on his face.

"Give it to me? Can I sell it?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing this kind of joke, Fourth Master Jin also laughed. He would indeed give Li Chaofeng the largest restaurant in Hangzhou, but if he took the restaurant that Fourth Master Jin gave away, Li Chaofeng would have to work as a chef there.

The so-called title deed of the No. [-] restaurant in Hangzhou is not a rare thing for Mr. Jin who owns half of the south of the Yangtze River.

It is rare that Li Chaofeng's cooking skills and the fame that such cooking skills bring are what Jin Siye prefers.

How can the number one restaurant in Hangzhou be compared to the saying, the number one restaurant in the world is in Jiangnan!

Although Li Chaofeng was a bit ignorant of praise, Fourth Master Jin did not dislike him. He had also experienced the youthful spirit.

And Li Chaofeng was not blinded by his benefits.

He understood and refused.

If such a smart young man is not an enemy, then Fourth Master Jin doesn't mind if the other person is groveling to him.

Fourth Master Jin is also a man of the world.

Seeing that his laughter attracted the attention of the people around him, Fourth Master Jin nodded, no longer persuading, and just whispered instructions to the servants around him.

"Whatever this table wants, give it to you."

Fourth Master Jin just didn't want Li Chaofeng to feel that he was being ignored, but as soon as he said the polite words, the rude man who was still eating fiercely raised his hands.

"The little chef wants to eat ten hooves!"

Polite words are just polite words. Although Li Chaofeng is not humble to Fourth Master Jin, he still knows etiquette. Otherwise, he would not have congratulated Mrs. Jin just now. His tone and demeanor when polite were full of sincerity.


Fourth Master Jin's face was full of doubts, but Li Chaofeng looked at the man with fierce eyes, then gritted his teeth and growled at Fourth Master Jin.

"I don't know this person at all! It's better for Fourth Master to drive him away directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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