The Heroes of Gulong: Great Chefs from Past to Present

Chapter 98 There is no right or wrong in good people and good thoughts

Chapter 98 There is no right or wrong in good people and good thoughts

Li Xunhuan's martial arts skills are very high. Even if he can't throw a flying knife, his boxing and kicking skills alone are top-notch.

The lightness kung fu is at an extremely high level.

As soon as Li Chaofeng made a move, there was a loud sound of wind behind Li Chaofeng, and it came straight towards the "Shinto point" on Li Chaofeng's Du Vein.

However, as if Li Chaofeng didn't hear Li Xunhuan's reminder, he still struck out with his palm, and then was hit in the back with a finger, and his body was frozen in place.

Bai Xiaosheng's body flew out, he just moved his acupoints while killing people, but the strength was not enough.

Bai Xiaosheng's body hit a pillar and then fell to the ground. He spit out a mouthful of blood and was completely dizzy. He was seriously injured.

Li Xunhuan's attack could be considered a sneak attack, but it was not a sneak attack.

Because he could have made a sneak attack silently, but instead he made a huge noise and even took the initiative to warn.

After stopping Li Chaofeng, Li Xunhuan walked to Bai Xiaosheng in just a few steps.

With a palm of his true energy flowing out, Li Xunhuan took a deep breath after checking Bai Xiaosheng's injuries.

The injuries were serious, and there were many injuries to his lungs and heart, but he was only bruised, but his life was saved.

Turning to look at Li Chaofeng, Li Xunhuan's expression was full of solemnity. He stared at Li Chaofeng's nonchalant eyes and spoke word by word.

"Young man is so murderous!"

Li Chaofeng's body seemed to be frozen, but there was no fear in his eyes, he just laughed sarcastically.

"Oh, Master Li really likes to meddle in other people's business."

"If I remember correctly, this group of people wanted to kill people just now. It was Daxia Li who stopped them from killing innocent people."

"They can kill people, so I can kill them too. This is fair."

Li Xunhuan shook his head in denial with a firm tone.

"There is no conclusion yet on Tian Qiye's death, Bai Xiao is still alive or dead."


Li Chaofeng smiled and said contemptuously.

"When will I avenge Tian Qi? I decided to kill Bai Xiaosheng a few years ago. Whether Tian Qi dies or not, what does it have to do with me?"

"Master Li, don't you want to take care of all the grievances and feuds in the world? Do you want to take care of things that the six gates don't care about?"

Li Xunhuan stared at Li Chaofeng, but then looked at Long Xiaoyun, struggled with his eyes, and finally hesitated to explain.

"Master Tian Qi's death has nothing to do with you, but Li can't watch you kill someone and silence him with his own eyes."

"Li Xunhuan, you are saying that Tian Qi was not killed by Bai Xiaosheng in a sneak attack, but by the demon sword!"

Zhao Zhengyi's voice was trembling and his eyes were terrifying.

Li Chaofeng's words were right. His hand was held by Long Xiaoyun, and it was impossible to control Long Ya to kill.

But if it was really the person he killed, then Long Ya was indeed a demon sword.

Li Chaofeng's murder of Tian Qi was just a matter of information gap. As long as Bai Tianyu or Chu Liuxiang are willing to testify, the truth about Tian Qi's death will naturally come out.

So he didn't care about Li Xunhuan revealing the truth, he just smiled.

"If I killed Tian Qi and everyone saw it, it was Tian Qi who made the first move, but I was the stronger one before I killed him."

"If Tian Qi was killed by Bai Xiaosheng, I will avenge Tian Qi by killing Bai Xiaosheng now."

"In either case, I did nothing wrong."

"So Mr. Li, do you know what kind of business you are meddling in?"

Having said this, Li Chaofeng glanced at the faces of everyone in the hall and said sarcastically.

"Is it possible that Mr. Li suspects that there is a third murderer in this house?"

Li Xunhuan was silent. He saved people just because he felt that life was very important and he shouldn't die so easily.

So he saved people.

At this time, being pushed away by Li Chaofeng, he could only persuade him gently.

"If you have to be merciful, please be merciful. This young man is so murderous. I'm afraid he won't be able to move even an inch in the future."

Li Chaofeng's face was solemn, he just snorted coldly, and then retorted to Li Xunhuan.


"I have never taken the initiative to kill anyone in my career. If Bai Xiaosheng hadn't taken the initiative to brag about Longya to the heavens and the earth, the only lives in my hands were bandits and horse bandits, so how could I kill?"

"Master Li can't ask others to be unable to fight back and kill when they are in danger of life or death, right?"

After speaking, Li Chaofeng looked at Bai Xiaosheng with fierce eyes and a heavy tone.

"I killed Bai Xiaosheng, not only for myself, but also for those who were deceived by Bai Xiaosheng and tried to seize the dragon tooth but were killed by the sword in vain." ˆ ˆ ˆ "Seeking justice!"

Li Xunhuan stopped Li Chaofeng from killing someone, but Li Chaofeng made it clear every word that what he did was within morality.

Long Xiaoyun, who had been listening carefully, felt his hair stand on end.

This guy has such terrible debating skills.

Long Xiaoyun was not good at martial arts and was only second to third rate in martial arts, but he was able to get Lin Shiyin in the end because of his understanding of human nature.

Li Xunhuan is a man with superb martial arts skills, and Little Li is unparalleled in flying swords, but he firmly believes in loyalty and forgiveness.

As long as he can occupy the moral high ground, Li Xunhuan is not invincible.

Li Chaofeng killed someone neatly, but he was able to make amends for himself. Long Xiaoyun never believed that the other party only knew how to kill in reverse.

Bai Xiaosheng had offended Li Chaofeng, but so many masters in the "Weapons Manual" had not offended Li Chaofeng.

Seeing that Li Xunhuan had nothing to say, Long Xiaoyun knew that the demon dragon must not stay. He also saw that Li Chaofeng's body had been restrained by Li Xunhuan and his eyes were looking at Zhao Zhengyi, which was a hint.

Zhao Zhengyi understood and immediately shouted loudly.

"What a nonsense, nonsense!"

Chi Chi Chi~
  Before Zhao Zhengyi finished speaking, the hidden weapon had already been taken.

However, Li Chaofeng just sneered and did not dodge. Instead, a white shadow quickly shuttled back and forth between Li Chaofeng and Zhao Zhengyi.

The white shadow stopped, and Li Xunhuan froze his figure again. In his left hand were seven or eight darts coated with poison.

But everyone didn't care. What frightened them most was Li Xunhuan's right hand.

It was a short knife, eight inches long. It was taken back by Li Chaofeng after killing Tian Qi. Dragon Tooth.

The dragon's tooth was only half an inch away from Zhao Zhengyi's forehead. Li Xunhuan squeezed it tightly, not daring to relax at all, while speaking word by word.

"Does my little brother only know how to settle disputes by killing people?"

Li Chaofeng still stood there, but there was a hole in his nursing uniform, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Master Li really understands justice. He should not only take care of people's legitimate defense, but also take care of their death?"

"Also, if Daxia Li thinks my name is unpleasant, you can call me Shaoxia Li, but I don't dare to call me brother."

Zhao Zhengyi raised his head slightly and saw the short knife in front of his forehead. He shouted "Ah" and fell to the ground for a moment.

Seeing that it was impossible to kill anyone again, the dragon's teeth erupted with a burst of air with a "buzzing" sound, which shook Li Xunhuan's fingers away and flew back into Li Chaofeng's sleeves.

"It was indeed you who killed Tian Qi!"

Long Xiaoyun became frightened. He had also been a little suspicious of Bai Xiaosheng just now. After all, neither of them was that clean. Who knew there had been some filth between Tian Qi and Bai Xiaosheng, which led to Bai Xiaosheng killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Trust between villains is so fragile.

Now that Li Chaofeng's dragon teeth were able to break free from Li Xunhuan's control, killing Tian Qi was a piece of cake.

But he didn't dare to move. Although Li Chaofeng didn't seem to have unlocked the acupuncture points yet, Long Ya could actually take the initiative, so he naturally didn't dare to mess around again.

Now there are only three people left around him. Gongsun Moyun and Zhang Xiaoyi are frightened, and Zhao Zhengyi is even more heartbroken and pale.

After revealing that Li Chaofeng was the murderer of Tian Qi, Long Xiaoyun also shouted loudly.

"Xun Huan, this kid's murderous nature is unparalleled. If you don't use your flying knife, I'm afraid the entire order of the world will be turned upside down by this villain."

Li Chaofeng looked at Long Xiaoyun blankly, speechless for a moment.

No, he had been brainwashing Li Xunhuan for a long time, and his mind was spinning, and he still felt guilty.

All you need to do is give a loud shout and Li Xunhuan will turn into a dog?
  "shut up!"

Li Xunhuan saw the sarcasm on Li Chaofeng's lips and interrupted Long Xiaoyun's sophistry with a loud shout.

But after Long Xiaoyun stopped drinking, Li Xunhuan closed his eyes in pain, a flying knife appeared between his fingers, and he said to Li Chaofeng.

"No, little brother, Li Shaoxia, although this is inappropriate, for the sake of big brother, Li can only ask you to leave here."

Long Xiaoyun was startled and quickly stopped him: "Looking for fun, don't let the tiger go back to the mountain!"


Li Chaofeng covered his face with his hands, and walked slowly two steps in the room, looking like he was crying but not laughing, and looked over Li Xunhuan's body towards Long Xiaoyun's face.

"Okay, okay, this is your home after all, and I can be considered a guest. I can't be too rude. It's just that your sworn brother doesn't seem to want me to leave."

"How about we discuss together, should this place be Li Garden or Xingyun Village?"


  (End of this chapter)

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